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Guess who came knocking (Again)
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Elektra comes for a visit, meets Karate Bear and they talk about the next steps on their attacks against the Hand.
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Elektra Natchios

Colleen Wing has posed:
Classes had long since ended and dinner had been eaten. Howeverm the day for the Sensei was not over. SHe had been putting off the cleaning of the dojo itself and tonight she finally decided she had to simply just do it. Thus at 10 oclock at night, the young woman found herseld on her hands and knees with a bucket giving the dojo floor a good scrubbing. She always hit it with a mop first, but then went over certain spots again and this was where she was at.

In a pair of shorts and a tank top, the barefoot woman is scrubbing away, a local radio station playing through the dojo through her phone. "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world..." Is she actually singing, it would appear to be the case."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It had been a small while since Elektra had visited. Not since their run up with Bakuto, then the stay at her place. And with Elektra being the type of woman that was always busy one way or another she had been unreachable for a few days. For how long further would she be though? Not long apparently.

She is quiet, making her way through to the entrance of the dojo, eyes squinting at the sound she is hearing from the radio. Really? But it brings an amused little smile to the Hand assassin.

Getting up there she knocks briefly on the wood of the door but doesn't wait for an answer, starting to slide it open. "I imagined a lot of things you could be doing now. But not scrubbing the floor." the rich, accented voice of Elektra heard from the entrance. And casual dressed for a change. Jeans, a tight shirt, a leather jacket. Yay for looking normal.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen turns quickly when she hears the accented voice of Elektra within the dojo, her hand reaching over to turn off the music, and then moving to sit upon the floor, legs outstreched. The assassin is given a smile as a hand is rqaised to brush a sweaty strand of hair back from her forehead. "Oh you caught me at my best. The butler quit today so I have to do this all by myself apparently."

She makes no effort to get up, wiggling her bare toes idly. "it has been a while Elektra. It is good to see you again. I have healed well thank to you and what you taught me. I still do it every morning before my first class." She exhales slowly and tilts her head to the side, watching the woman with a narrowed eye. "You are not here just to check up on me. I can tell." It is only now that she makes an effort to stand, her arms folding behind her. "Please. Come inside. We can talk."

She starts to walk towards the entrance to her living area, looking over her shoulder. "It is good to see you again Elektra. I have missed seeing you."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You really can't find good help anymore as you used to.." Elektra lets out a sigh of resignation. The way she spoke it's almost as if she had into something similar in the recent past! Even if perhaps not exactly a butler.. She steps into the dojo once she gets her boots taken out so she is barefoot. Never step foot into a dojo wearing shoes! Or in Elektra's case, not even inside her home does she do so.

"Glad to have left an impression on you." The amusement plain on her tone now. Her eyes trail here and there over the dojo, perhaps trying to spot any differences from her first visit. "And thank you." this she said about the invitation, offering Colleen a brief bow. Her eyes study Colleen's features, walking along with her to the living area, "Those are words that not many people say to me you know?" she commenting on what Colleen says last. There is a mix of amusement but also a touch of warmness that creeps into the assassin's features.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Well usually when people see you, you are typically the last human they lay eyes on...or not. You are kind of a harbinger of death as it were." The door is slid open and she steps into her living area, waving a hand. "I know it's not much. A whole lot of nothing crammed into a small space. It works. Not like I am hosting any major parties anytime soon." She walks over to the refridgerator and takes out two bottles of water, walking over and offering one to Elektra. "Make yourself at home. Chair, couch..bed. Sit wherever you want." She makes her way over to the couch and tosses a sports bra that had been tossed there onto the floor beside it, the nmoving to plop herself unceremoniously upon the couch.

"So what brings you here at this hour? Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see you, but if there is one thing I have learned about you Elektra is that everything you do has a purpose and a reason. I just have yet to figure out exactly what." The water is opened and she takes a long sip, tilting the bottle to Elektra as she continues. "Something tells me I am about to get myself into a little bit of trouble soon. You have me intrigued." Her hand reaches out and pats the spot beside her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Human?" Elektra is on a roll tonight about the teasing, her eyes twinkling. "Some even say I am not even human anymore. Just a legend.." but nope, fully human this one! For now ... She moves along, padding quietly, barely a sound to her, just the rustling of her jacket then takes upon herself to inspect the living area where Colleen lives. Yes, not a lot indeed. Does seem cozy though. "I have seen worse." honest! And yes, most likely true. She has been around a lot afterall!

She walks over to settle down on that same couch, making sure she isn't sitting anywhere compromised, or with any foreign object on. Once she checks it for safety she then settles in. "Why would you be interested in figuring out my purposes and reasons to do what I do?" she then questions.

Though it's as if Colleen is a mind reader. Elektra grins. "Some trouble indeed. But perhaps one that you want to get involved in." she notes. "It relates to our Hand friends. Jessica and Danny have made some discoveries on where some more of those artifacts will be coming in."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Seen worse? Well I suppose I am supposed ot take that as comforting?" She smiles and softly laughs, shaking her head. "Hey, it suits me just fine. Just trying to find a place to put the hot tub. Still working the details out on that one." Her legs extend once more, barefooted heels resting on the table in front of the couch. "Why wouldn't I be interested? It is more a curiosity. Trying to figure out an enigma, a puzzle that may be missing a few pieces and simply cannot be solved." She smiles again and shrugs. "I consider it a challanege to unwrap the multi-layered onion that is the infamous Elektra Natchios."

Another sip of the water is taken, this one longer, taking a moment to ponder what was said about the Hand. "If it involves the Hand Elektra I certainly wish to be a part of it. I have decided that I can no longer wait for them to come to me, but it is my obligation to bring the fight to them. I do not like the feeling of being the prey. I would mcuh rather be the hunter." She stares out into her kitchen a moment, her gaze slowly turning back to the woman beside her. "Is it safe to assume that something is already in the works to place ourselves at the time and place of the arrival of these artifacts?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You know me. I say things as they are." Elektra's shoulders rising up in a careless shrug. "I could be annoyingly polite and just say how ...." and now she puts on her rich bitch tone, ".., maaaarvellouuuss your place was, darlin'", a light grin framing her expression now. "Instead you get the truth." but then her eyebrow arches at the mention that she'd be an enigma. "From being an enigma to an onion. Careful that I don't make you cry, Colleen."

Though something calls her attention. Is it Karate bear?! She gets up to her feet, striding over to Colleen's bed. "What is this?" she asks of the small furried 'creature', letting out an amused low chuckle. It perhaps a small distraction to what she knows may be a more serious discussion about the Hand.

She nods her agreement about bringing the fight on to them. "Nothing good comes of being passive, Colleen. And we both weren't born to be prey, were we?" she asks, glancing over her shoulder at Colleen. "And yes, we have begun preparations. At least me and Daredevil will be intercepting. We are hoping the rest of the Defenders can do the same too." she letting out a sigh. "Whatever these artifacts are.., they are putting on a lot of effort to make sure they get their hands on them."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I value the truth Elektra. I always have and I always will. For lies are nothing but the turth shrouded in darkness. I want the lights on." There is laugh given at the spoken words and accent used tho,, the young Senseai shaking her head with a smile. "I hardly feel that many get to see this side of you Elektra. I fear if they did your reputation would be forever tarnished and there would not be enough polish in the world to restore it."

When the bear is grabbed off the bed, Coleen laughs once more, actuyally pouncing to be closer to where Elektra sits on her knees. "Hey. That is Mr. Karate Bear. He keeps all the bad dreams away and makes sure nobody sneaks in here and gets me when I am sleeping." Her tones seems completely serious, yet there is an attempt to hide her smile that fails. "I brough him with me when I came to New York. He is a bad ass. Knock the stuffing out of any other stuffed animal that tries to mess with me."

She settles back onto sitting on her heels and becomes a bit more serious. "I am done being passive Elektra. I am done waiting for trouble to find me. I am going to be the trouble this time. I know enough about the Hand to know that waiting for them does not end well. You can count me in. I will be there to offer any assistance that I can. You know I would be. That is why you came, isn't it?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oh, you prefer it with the lights on, is it?" Yes, Colleen seemed to be almost begging for that tease out of Elektra! And she complies, continuing to glance over her shoulder, still lingering near the karate bear. When Colleen explains what the bear does for her she can't help but arch a brow down at the fluffy one. "Sounds like a really good friend to you." she says, again her tone a bit warmer. She sets it back on the bed and turns to face Colleen more fully again.

"It was why I came, yes." She says, tone direct. "It will be dangerous though, and I don't want to see you getting hurt like last time." gasp! Does the assassin have an heart?!

But then her tone gets more solemn. "Have you decided on what you will do if Bakuto appears again?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I do like the lights..." She quickly pauses and sees how she qas baited, waggling a finger at Elektra. "I see what you did there. And yes. Sometimes, when the sewitch is way way over there." She sticks her tongue out and watches as the bear is set down upn the bed once more. "It was a gift from my mother on my 4th birthday, shortly before she passed. So I kind of feel like..." She trails off and shrugs. "I don't want to get hurt again either. I am done being hurt for a little while. Getting hurt...hurts." She seems to not realize the redundancy of her words.

Then the bomb is dropped, the name of Bakuto. It causes her to pause a moment, no attmept to even utter a word. Still perched on her heels, the Sensei reaches out and places a hand on Elektra's shoulder, her eyes meeting those of ther assassin. "I'll kill him. Or at least try. The risk is worth the reward. The constant fear of looking over my shoulder, or my eyes fluttering open and seeing him standing over my bed. I need those gone, and they will not be gone until he is no longer. I have come to terms with this. How does one kill their own Sensei? When the time comes will they be able to do so? I am not going to lie Elektra...my mind may try to guide my hand, but my heart may temper my sword."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A blink. Elektra wasn't expecting it to have been a gift from her mother, another glance given to the karate bear and then her attention returning fully to Colleen. She watches her then with that enigmatic expression of hers, studying the younger one, considering her, lips pressed to a thin line. There is no attempt to avoid the hand on her shoulder. She had grown comfortable with the other woman's touches, dark eyes set on Colleen's, "If you want him gone you will need to kill him, yes." again the truth on her words.

"Have you ever done so though? Killing with intent?" She asks. "Not for self-defense, but with the full intention of killing someone because of who or what they are?" she reaches up with her hand, resting it atop Colleen's hand on her shoulder, squeezing it.

"It will change you when you do it." It had changed her from a rather tender age. Maybe she didn't want to see the same happen to Colleen.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"No. I have not. And if I am to be honest I do not think myself capable of doing so. Its goes against everything I was every taught and every code that I live by. But...I see no other option if I am to be the aggresor. I could wait for him to strike first, thus self defending myself, but I am not sure I can beat him." She has turned much more serious now, smiling softly at the hand squeezing. Her eyes fall completely on Elektra's and she sighs visibly. "I doubt myself to be able to kill him in both the skill to do so and the willingness."

There is a nervous laugh. "We shall see if the oppurtunity ever presents itself won't we? I guess that is the only way to find out truly." She nibbles her lower lip. "So. Intercepting the artifacts. Seems like something we should be able to handle. I mean, what exactly is the plan when we do so...to do with said artifacts? Are we hoping it sheds more light on their larger plans?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes, the objective is that it both sheds more light but also makes it so them being here isn't something they wish to anymore. If the artifacts are lost they'd have little reason to be in this area, and might bring their own shady agenda elsewhere." Not that Elektra doesn't have her own shady agenda too. What exactly that is though..., well.., who knows!? "And yes, we should be able to handle it. Depending on the opposition. Considering the last times we intercepted them they may bring on some reinforcements. But.., we will see."

Then a pause, Elektra regarding Colleen for a time, silent before she finally speaks up. "I can kill him for you." she states, void of emotion when she says those words. "He is not above my skill." she says in that self-assured tone of hers. Does she even consider anyone to be above her skills? Nope, that would be dying.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Elektra's words are met without response or expression. An internal conflict seemingly taking place within her. She once again goes to nibbling her lower lip. "I...I ocould not ask you to do that. Yet, if that was to happen I would most certainly be grateful. It is not a matter of my homor or pride Elektra. It has never been about that. It has always been a matter of not making someone elese problem my own. I know the internal struggles you know, perhaps more than anyone. Perhaps not. And if you were to do so, you would be clearly choosing a side that would leave you no option to be trusted by the Hand ever again. However, I feel like the line you have been walking has become somewhat faded as of late."

Her hand slowly raises from the shoulder and actually moves to cup the side of the face of Elektra, something that would many handless. "Let us see what fate brings us my friend. Let us first be sure that the Hand leaves Chinatown, for that is something with some certainty we can control."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I never walk through clear lines." Elektra comments, the corner of her mouth quirking up in a small smirk. "It's better to keep people guessing. And who says that it is not of my interest that Bakuto is gone?" but yet she seems to understand Colleen's own view on the matter, "We will see when the time comes." she murmurs. "In the end survival is what matters, you'd better remember it if you show Bakuto mercy." she says in warning. Being merciless meant there often wasn't any kind of regrets later on! A good lesson that she learned young.

The hand that moves to cup the side of her face does surprise the assassin though. It's not as if she turns away from that contact. "Fate. If you believe in it. I prefer to carve my own destiny. You should too. Don't let it come to you but seize it." her eyes flashing for a brief moment.

"I see the potential in you, if only you believe more in what you can do and be."

Colleen Wing has posed:
The hand is lowered and Colleen rises from the couch, padding her way to the floor and turning to face Elektra with animated hands. "I must admit, the last few outings as I would call them have made me question my ability. I myself, with no powers to speak of like those I surround myself with...finding myself in situations alongside them. I am nothing special Elektra. This is me." Her arms extend to the side. "A girl who was trained in the mountains of Japan and now runs a dojo for local children who need a place to call home and to learn a skill to help them defend themselves." There is a dismissive laugh. "I can't fly. I am no stronger than a woman my size that goes to the gym daily. WHat you see is what you get."

Her hand slides up to run over the back of her neck. "I will try to make my own fate. I will. I know I must. But, at the end of the day I must believe myself to be more than a Sensei in a rundown dojo."

She reaches out to take her water, taking a long sip. "Yet. You. You see potential in me and you have no diea how far that goes with me to make me believe I can be more. For that I thank you. I know what I must do. I know what I can be. I just need to be told that what I think...can actually be a relaity.'

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Powers." The word makes Elektra roll her eyes hard, then shaking her head, "People spoil themselves thinking powers can solve everything, where it's quite the contrary. It makes them weaker, they do not have the tenacity, nor the danger of death." Clearly she not having the best opinion on powered people. Or maybe she is just jealous. Or both! "I have no powers either, doesn't mean I won't seize what I can, do what I want, be who I want to be. The rest can go fuck itself."

Her tone gaining a somewhat harsh line to it but she gets back up to her feet to reach for her own bottle of water and taking a long drink from it too. "You should be able to tell it to yourself, that you can make it be a reality. It's not as if I will be around forever, mmm?" and then her expression turning to one of amusement when she says the next words, "How ironic it must be to have an assassin like me trying to put you on the right track." a laugh escaping her lips. "Or is it the wrong track..?" she comments. "As I said, I don't like clear lines. Blurred ones are so much better." she then putting the bottle away, stepping closer to Colleen. "Think about what I said though."

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is something about Elektra that Colleen has always repsected and felt close to. So when Elektra speaks, Colleen always listens. When Elektra says she has potential, Colleen believes she has potential. She remains standing in the middle of the small room, obviously conflicted about what path she should take. "I know what you are Elektra. I know what you are capable off. However, I know that you have my best interest at heart and for this I thank you. Sometimes the path is unclear and perhaps I should stop worrying about picking the path that everyone thinks is right and picking the path I know is best for me."

She raises her water bottle in a mock toast to the woman before her with a small smile. "Yeah, fuck powers. Who needs powers anyway? I mean all it gets you is higher expectations and more responsibility. I will think about what you said. If there is one thing I am clear about is that you know what you are talking about and I would be foolish to question it."

A long deep breath is taken followed by an equally long exhale. "Are we to have a meeting of the powers that be to discuss our approach to this interception...or are we going to WING it. Which is usually how I do things..well cuz of the name and..yeah."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I think I have told you before that the interests I keep above all are my own. You will do well to remember it in the future." Elektra says in ways of warning, "But it's true enough that we are very alike in many things." her hand reaching up to brush over Colleen's chin, lifting it up a touch if she so allows. "You just need to keep this chin lifted more often and don't be so humble." though the comment about picking the path she feels is best for her brings a nod of complete agreement from Elektra. That's what she does. Pick her own path, screw the rest. Though it's not as if she is the best of people ...

"You can question me though, perhaps it's part of the process. Question what others tell you and find your path. But I am done with trying to be a sensei for now." a grin coming to her lips. "I don't think I'd make a good one."

The question about meeting up makes her consider. "I do not know. Perhaps. I will speak with Daredevil. Maybe try reaching out to Danny if you can. You are the closest to him out of us afterall." the joke about the name makes her arch a brow though. "Really? Wing it?" amusement oozing out of her voice.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Yeah you know WING it. Do it my way. Which is usually make a plan, go in with said plan and then throw the damn plan into the fire and WING it. That;s how it always goes with me. I find it quite fitting." She laughs and winks, the laughter felt in Elektra's hand as she did allow that chin to be raised. "You are aware that the term WING it came from generations of my ancestors. I take full credit for plans gone to shit and thiking on the fly. It is my superpower."

Steps take her to the fridge and she pulls a plastic container with assorted types of sushi on it, setting it on the small round table with chairs she seldom uses to dine at. "Let nobody say I was not a good host. It is so good help yourself." She reaches for a piece herself, popping it into her moth and starting to talk right before finishing. "I question everyone. Just some I question less because I respect them. And you are right, we have spoken too long about paths and right and wrong and the price of tea in China. I will reach out to Danny, tho I must admit we have not spoken as much as we used to. It would be good to have as many as we can going into this little operation. Never hurts to have numbers."

"So...how have you been? I mean aside from the all the killing and stuff? How has the person behind the sai been?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Numbers would, yes." Elektra admits, making her way closer to that round table, elbows resting on it and she peeking curiously at the sushi. "And here you were saying you had no superpowers. There you go. Winging it." she nods her head, amusement having yet to disappear from her features. "Could use Luke there too. Apparently he is bullet proof." for someone that doesn't like powers much she seems to have no problems USING those with them. But that's Elektra. Though she still has her doubts on what exactly Jessica can do or not.

"Well, this is good." She says, taking a piece into her mouth and making sure to swallow it down before speaking again.

"What makes you think there's much more to me than all the killing?" She retorts, eyeing Colleen briefly before picking on another piece. "But mostly travelling, keeping up with being a former ambassador's daughter. Though I have very little time for leisure." too many plans assuredly, nor maybe not much a life beyond it.

"You have seen part of what my life is already." the large penthouse, mostly empty of real life.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"You know the shroud of mystrery that surrounds your life does not have to cover you from that life. I mean, you speak to me finding my true potential and being al that I can be while all the while it appears you take no time to assess your own life. Perhaps you are now, but perhaps not." Her elnos also go to lean on the table taking another piece of the sushi. You can always count on Colleen to have some sort of East Asian food in her fridge. "Live your life Elektra, don't let your life live you. Find time for things you enjoy. Make time for those things that you only dream about. You live city to city plane ride to plane ride, job to job and only to come home to a beautiful place with an incredible view and surrounded by people who are only there to serve you and for all intents and purposes you are alone."

She takes a sip of the water to rinse the sushi down. "I will make a deal with you my friend. I will go after my own fate, but only if you make time for yourself with yours." She leans back and smiles, "See...just like this. Eating sushi at Wing's Sushi Emporium at our finest table. You were lucky to get a reservation, we are usually booked nightly." She winks and folds her hands on the table. "There is much more to you than all the killing. If there was not you would be an inhuman monster by now. I have witness acts of compassion and caring from you. Don't worry your secret is safe with me. Somewhere beneath all that Greek beauty...there is a woman who wants to cuddle with Karate Bear."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Don't try to turn my words on me, Colleen." Elektra says, also taking a bit of water, "But that's easier said than done. Live my own life." she ponders on it a moment. "My life hasn't exactly been my own for a time." she then admitting after a while. "But we all need to make our own sacrifices for what we want, don't we?" a somewhat sadder smile coming to her lips. She leans herself out of the table though does pick up one last piece of sushi.

"Maybe it was all just a ploy for me to pass as human when deep down there's nothing left but the monster." She says, again that wise-ass small smile turning the corner of her lips up. "Though I must say your Emporium serves quite the good sushi. I could get used to it."

"And are you saying you want to make me re-learn how to enjoy life, is that it?" she asks, brow arching in a curious manner, plopping the piece of sushi down her throat.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"It is a delicate balance Elektra. If we make you too soft you will be little more than an overgrown woman in a costume wandering the streets of the city. Yeah, that is a few steps away from me coming to visit you in a special place where you share a room with a woman who talks to spiders." She smiles ever so sweetly and reachs for another piece of the Sushi. "If there is one thing I can make...it is Sushi. That's all really. But honestly, how can you screw up something you do not actually have to cook?" The sushi is tossed into her mouth and she chews it fully before speaking again.

""Oh there is much more to you than a cold-hearted monster. You show it sometimes, but are quick to hide it again. One has to be super observant." Another wink and the water is grabbed. "What I am saying I think you need to put a little /what Elektra wants/ back into your life. Keep the monster...but learn to cage it sometimes. If I can help you do that, then consider me the monster tamer. Afterall, I am the Chisai Doragon...the little dragon."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra rolls her eyes at Colleen, shaking her head to herself a touch. "Well, color me curious then." she says, finishing the rest of the water. "I will look forward for how exactly you expect to .., tame me." but the mention of those words, Chisai Doragon, bring a more wider smile to her. "And indeed you are. Chisai Doragon." though as the talk is starting to turn perhaps too personal it's also time for her to go. She had to keep her mind in the game. And that meant keep that thin balance between the Hand, her own interests and now of the people she had a care for here in New York.

"Though we are getting to the end of my alloted time for social visiting. And I am sure you must want to wake up early tomorrow to train mmm?" a teasing there to her tone. Yes, she knows Colleen isn't the morning person type!

"You have my number. Call me and we can do something." she suggests, starting to walk to the exit and picking up her boots on the way.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Oh totally early. You know me early bird gets the worm, but worms taste like shit." She takes one more piece of sushi as Elektra makes her aware that it is time for her to depart. "I will call you. And we will do something. And you /will/ enjoy it. If not, we can just go ahead and WING it. It's what I do best anyhow." She stands and moves to follow the woman out, offering a hug if allowed. "Hey. Thanks for coming by. You know what everyone always says about the Chikara dojo; an escape from the real world."