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Latest revision as of 16:09, 10 June 2020

Binding Wounds
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Xaviers, Alex's Guest Room
Synopsis: After the rescue, Emma just wants to forget, but Alex wants her to work things out right.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alex Summers

Emma Frost has posed:
With antibiotics in her system, her fever down to something manageable, and being more hydrated and slightly more functional than she was upon arriving with the other hostages to Xavier's Emma had been cleared to leave the Medical Bays. But not to go too far, unfortunately, especially because there was a mildly overprotective significant other who wasn't sure how safe she'd be at the Hellfire Club. (Fairly. But that's another story.)

Emma is dressed, for values of dressed, in a lightweight pair of loose-fitting pajama bottoms and a matching, though button-up-the-front short sleeved pajama top. The easier to not aggravate her injuries or pull at her bandages. She's helped upstairs to Alex's rarely-used guest room (she insisted on that and it's not like Alex would argue that point) and promptly into the bed, because just that much movement was the limits of what energy she had.

So she's awake, and sulking somewhat. And waiting on a new LexPhone since hers had been broken-- she has people she needs to contact after all.

Alex Summers has posed:
    The door open as Alex returns, a bit hesistantly as he checks to see if Emma is asleep, not wanting to make too much noise. Seeing her up and sulking, he steps inside, clothing teh door behind him as he kicks off his shoes. "Hey...someone order a Lexphone?" he says, holding up a bag with a familiar logo, before walking over to the bed to set it down. In his other hand is a roller suitcase. "I brought you a change of clothes too..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma seems to perk up a bit. "Mm, I hope the backups load fast enough," she mutters, looking at the shiny white-and-silver box the current model comes in before picking it up and popping it open, pulling a couple of tabs and starting the bootup and cloud download process. "Thank you, hon. You shouldn't be doing too much yourself," she chides him gently. "Broken ribs can end in punctured lungs."

She does at least shift some so she's a little more sitting up, however. And isn't entirely glued to the phone yet. It'll take a bit to load.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Yeah, well...I got lucky there. As it was they're sort of a jigsaw puzzle at the moment,if Hank hadn't had something to fuse the bits back together." He sits down carefully on the bed, then leans back against the headboard, then reaches over and snags the phone from Emma, setting it on the side table. "Not yet. You can worry about it once it finsihes backing up and you're not recovering." he points out, chiding slightly. He frowns. "And what am I tellign Shaw and the others, for that matter?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma pouts a bit at Alex as he swipes her new phone away. "Mm. The truth I suppose. I was kidnapped by a psychotic doctor who..." she trails off. "Mm. Tortured me and others for science, I guess." There's an uncomfortable look on her face. "I don't even know how else to explain it."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex frowns. "Me neither. I mean...I would expect they have run into people in business kidnapped for ransom or such before. So...I guess it comes down to how much is comfortable. You could leave it simply as you were kidnapped, they sold one of your organs, you were rescued...though sinc ethe cops weren't involved, you might want to claim the ransom was paid." He sighs a bit. "I would let Alexis go through your mail and such firs ttoo...decide what actually needs yoru attention and what is just people wanting to be important enough for you to answer them."

Emma Frost has posed:
She flinches harshly as he mentions the missing organ, though not by name. Maybe he isn't aware which one? Emma only is because of the frame of mockery Sinister made before and after; and some of the snide comments her other tormentors added in later days. But that only makes her recall exactly the level of pain that was and a mixture of nausea and terror rises inside her for a moment, pulsing across the mental link. She swallows. "Mm. Yes. Alexis and mail."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex hasn't been told specifics...it's mostly what he knows from what little he was told before Emma was rushed off to some surgery to repair what damage could be done. As he feels the nausea and terror he stops talking immediately, squeezing Emma's hand. "Sorry. I...I don't...mean to bring things up. Sorry." he repeats. "I'm just...I don't know what to do, exactly. Other than be here for you." he admits.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma squeezes back, shivering a little. "You came for me," she murmurs. "That... helps. I thought I was going to die there. Others did." She glances away from him. "I'm not even completely sure this isn't so sort of fever dream right before I do die."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well, it's nice to know I'd feature in your about to die fever dreams, but no, you're really here. And it's really over." Alex gently rubs her hand quietly. "But I know it will be rough. To...to deal with things. We should probably look for a good therapist for you. Someone who's going to keep quiet about the weirdness of it. You need to talk to someone, and why I'm good with listening, I'm not a professional."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives him a playful smile, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "You can be in any of my dreams you want," she murmurs. But somehow the flirtatious teasing falls flat. She grimaces a bit.

"He knew we were together. Somehow. Maybe he pulled it from my mind, I don't know." She looks discomfited. "He had some opinions about that."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex sighs. "He was an evil freak. I'm not suprised he knew, if he's been monitoring me, or you, before this. It's not like we've been hiding we're together publicly.' he points out. He mms. "Also, fuck his opinions."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma almost chuckles at that. "He actually said he approved." There was something amusing to her in that. Darkly amusing. Gallows humor. "He wanted us to..." she wrinkles her nose. "Mmph. It's why he left me one," she says finally, not clarifying exactly what shes saying. But there is a wash of emotions through the link, anger, disgust, fear, amusement, cynicism...

Alex Summers has posed:
    "...left you one...?" Alex says slowly after a moment. He's not a dumb bunny; you can' get a master's without putting information together.

    Which is why a moment later there's a sudden surge of, well...rage that's stomped down a second or so later, only betrayed by a brief squeeze of Emma's hand. Followed by, well...let's just say Alex really, really wants Sinister dead.

Emma Frost has posed:
"'Good raw material'..." Emma murmurs distantly, obviously repeating what was said. "He ripped out... my implant. First. Then he... mmph." She is shaking a little. "The only thought I'd put into any of that before... was making sure to avoid..." she drags in a deep breath. "But now. I have to think about it. All the implications. If we do... is he some monster who would take them away? Or if we don't.... if we break up, or are carefully like we have been... will he do something to force it anyway? Is he why there are so many... he had clones of Jean and your brother. What if all these... future children of theirs are because of him?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex shifts over, sliding his arm around Emma as he carefully hugs her closer. "Shhh. He's not a god, hon. He's powerful, and he's insane. But he's not a god. He isn't responsible for everything; he doesn't know everything, and he can't control everything."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma leans against him, closing her eyes. "I never want to feel that helpless again," she murmurs. But she goes silent at that, snuggling against him as best she can without pulling her bandages. Just being with him helps.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex reaches up to gently brush his fingers through her hair. "We can look into way to fix that, yeah. When you've recovered. You've been through hell, and you need the time. And medical treatement, and someone to talk to, like I said. No shame in it; it's just what's needed."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma nods slightly, keeping close to him. "Mmm. Will need to find someone that is for sure."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mmms, then leans down to gently plant a kiss on Emma's forehead. "Well...before that. I have something for you." He carefully disengages himself from Emma for a moment, getting up off the bed with a little grunt as he heads back to the door. "Be right back."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma tilts her head, watching Alex pulls away and heads towards the door, snuggling back into the bed and waits patiently. <<All right, hon,>> she sends to him.

Alex Summers has posed:
    A moment later he returns...carrying a beach umbrella under his arm, lugging a picnic basket, and carefully balancing a folding tray with a pair of what look like pina coladas on it, that he carefully sets down by the bed. Then opens the umbrella to set it on Emma's side of the bed so it's tilted over her (it has a stand at the base to keep it secure), sets down the basket, before retreating to bring another folding table and an ice bucket with some bottles in it. One looks like mojoito mix.

    "The doc said as long as you don't overindulge you'll probably be fine, so...." he says with a smile. "I mean, I know it's not Aruba, but..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma lets out a happy laugh, then winces and holds her abdomen. Mm laughing hurts. "...you shouldn't have. You're hurt too..." but she's smiling at him, her eyes glistening a little bit with tears. Their planned trip seems like months ago after her captivity.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Eh, little rum in my drink won't hurt me much. Might actually feel better." he admits amusedly, snagging one of the drinks and handing the other to Emma. "There. Oh! Wait..." He rummages in his pocket carefully, pulling out his phone and scrolls through it a bit, then starts up what sounds like Jamaican themed music, setting it on the side table where he can rest it with his drink. "There..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sips at her drink and shakes her head a little bit. "...mm. This means the work on the apartment is probably done," she murmurs, realizing that suddenly. "All that's left is for you to move your stuff in. I hope." She looks towards the phone on the side table. She will need to text Shaw later maybe. But still. She takes another sip and grins at Alex.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Mm, well, there is that. I'm probably gonna have to hire someone to move stuff though, I dont' think I'm going to be up for anything more than light lifting fo ra while." Alex says thoughfully, sipping from his own drink.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma puts her drink aside for a few moments. "True," she notes. She shifts a little bit, looking up at the umbrella and grinning a bit. <<No one has ever done something this silly for me,>> she thinks at him, a bit of surprise in her thought.

Alex Summers has posed:
    <<You don't seem like you get enough silly in your life, if you ask me.>> Alex returns, sliding his free arm around Emma as he cuddles her comfortably as they relax.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mm." She leans against him, closing her eyes. "Love you," she murmurs. She idly traces along the mental link she hasnt dropped from him since she had seen him at Sinisters lab, skimming his mind comfortably. Just having him there was like curling up in a warm blanket.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Love you too..." He mmmms and runs his fingers idly along her arm. "I would have brought the giant beach ball, but I don't think I'm up to blowing it up. Or hittin git around yet."

Emma Frost has posed:
She laughs. A little. Not wanting to feel the sharp stabby bits again. "I think we are fine without the ball," she agrees. "Next time we plan a vacation I'm bringing security," she mutters

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mss, frowning faintly. "You could use a bodyguard." he admits quietly. "Someone who's well trained. Maybe powered. I'm going to see if I can train more seriously here, as it is. I don't wanna fight, but it looks like I don't get a choice in it. And if that's so, I'm going to make damned sure I can actually protect you if I need to."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is quiet for a moment. "I know I've given you grief about... training here. But I'm glad you did, at least." She sighs softly. "And believe me, I'm sure the rest of the ci-- board will have some thoughts about my protection going forward. I can't imagine Shaw or Lex were happy."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "No, I'm sure they weren't. Hard to plan for some crazed nutcase though." Alex says with a scowl. "I don't know that standard security would have stopped him, is my thinking."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Hellfire ss...security are rarely standard.". Emma looks somewhat amused. She takes another sip of her drink.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well, yeah, it's not like you don't have the funds to get the best." Alex admits.

Emma Frost has posed:
"True." Emma snuggles a bit closer. "Though I doubt I'm let out of the building for a few weeks, anyway." She frowns. "I don't understand how he knew about me, though. That makes me very... worried."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex hesistates, and there's a definitely sense of guilt. "...probably me, hon. If he's been monitoring me and Scott, I mean...we haven't really been hiding that we were dating publicly."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma frowns a bit. "He doesn't seem like he'd be advertising, in any event." She reaches up to her throat. "God only knows what he did with my choker. Lex will be pissed if that bastard somehow reverse engineers it." She scowls a little.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Oh, wait, forgot..." Alex opens up the picnic basket and rummages around, before he pulls out said choker. "We found in the cab after you were taken. I've been holding onto it."

Emma Frost has posed:
There is palpable relief written on Emma's face as she takes it from Alex, slipping it back on her neck, fumbling a bit with the clasp. "Mm. The tracker. He must have been able to tell there was one in it, then. Among other things. Probably didn't want to bring it with me is my guess." She smiles a bit. "Well, that's one thing, at least."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Probably. They left all your stuff in the cab. It's got a tracker in it?" Alex says curiously.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma flushes a bit. "Mm. Mostly it prevents scanners, like certain businesses and companies use-- not always openly-- to detect mutants, from working. I show up as a regular human. Lex says it should even work if something like a Sentinel showed up, though I sincerely doubt that would be something I'd need to worry about. But, yes. There's also a tracker in it. I suppose I should feel special, I'm too valuable to lose." She has a lightly joking tone at that last bit, but there's also a slight tightness to her voice.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well...long as it keeps you safer. Sinister's a step above all of that, I guess." Alex rumbles, his brow furrowing. "I'm glad Luthor care about your wellbeing though."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I wouldn't be able to do much, business-wise, otherwise." Emma frowns. "People are touchy about telepaths even more than normal mutants, and they don't generally like the rest of them." She sighs and shrugs. "Since the scanning tech has come available... well, it's not exactly hard to get if you know who to pay. It might be black or grey market, but." She shakes her head. "But that's work. And I think I am probably on sick leave for a few more days at least." Though she's a week overdue to the office, and part of her is antsy to get back to it. Normal. Normal might be nice now.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex says firmly. "Few more weeks, you mean. You need time. You can have Alexis handle some things that absolutely mean you have to look at them to pass on to you, but I'm seriously hon. You need physican and mental time. to recover."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I'm not staying here for weeks," Emma argues. "There's a ball coming up, the new club being built-- and that's just at the Club. We're still working on the pharmaceutical takeover and trying to acquire a small engineering firm in Jersey." She lets out a sigh. "I don't want to lay in bed for weeks, just //thinking// about it. I want to forget it happened and get back to normal-- work, the club, you."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "You don't have to stay here. But you do need to rest. You can't throw yourself back into things and try to forget this, you need to rest and deal with it. Otherwise it's still going to be there, just building up until you've got real issues." Alex says steadily, then sighs, reaching over to pat Emma's thigh lightly. "...hon. I....I don't know everything that was done to you, but Julian told us a lot. Anyone would be dealing with shit from that. I believe you're going to face it head on. But you're not going to be ready to jump in like you usually do for a bit yet...." He frowns a bit. "Maybe just...cut back on things. The ball, sure. Your business stuff, I'm guessing you've got people who can step in there. You don't have to be there personally for all of it."

Emma Frost has posed:
When he mentions Julian, Emma flinches, and across their mental link a first-person vision of a blood-splattered Julian, screaming in agony and waving a stump while Emma feels a hand rooting around inside her stomach is shared-- not intentionally, which should be some indication of how damaged she is from the experience. She swallows, unaware she's shared that couple of seconds with Alex, shaking her head, and downing the rest of her drink in a single long draw.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex jerks. "Ah, fuck!" He nearly bobbles his drink before he recovers. He takes a deep breath. "....and there's that, yeah." he says, making no attempt to hide what he just saw. "That. That's the part you need someone to talk to, because anyone is going to be fucked up by something like that. I don't know who you'll feel you can talk to about it, but we need to find you someone."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mm, because there's a number of psychiatrists who specialize in mutant torture recovery," Emma snaps. She lets out a long breath. "And then they'd know who I am. What I am. I'd rather not take the risk." She muses. "Maybe... Jean can do to me what her... twin did to Roberto."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "...I was going to suggest Xavier, actually." Alex says after a pause at the surge of temper.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma blinks. "Mm. I... I don't know." She looks away. "Why would he bother?" She puts down her empty cup.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well.' Alex sighs. "Because I get the feeling he's dealt with people with powers who needed to deal with trauma. He already knows you're a mutant and what you can do. He was willing to help me even when I didn't particularly want to join his merry little band, too, so I think he might be willign to be altrustic here. And just.." He trails off, then shrugs. "...he seems like an empathetic guy, you know?"