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Latest revision as of 20:18, 11 June 2020

Forget Me Not
Date of Scene: 11 June 2020
Location: Stephanie Brown's Townhouse
Synopsis: Memories taken by Sinister's cronies, Roberto visits Stephanie in Gotham to try to recover them
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Stephanie Brown

Roberto da Costa has posed:
So this was Gotham, Sam had said it was a pretty rough town, and it fit, taking a cab from the Hyperloop he'd a mugging and at least a half-dozen people shooting up on the street. Roberto might have been worried if not for the fact he had begun to regain some control of his powers and knew now he could be stronger and more durable than even the most desperate mugger. Indeed he was much more worried about meeting the short cute blonde he'd apparently been dating than he was about big bad Gotham city.

When his cab creeks to a stop outside Widowstone Creek Apartments, Roberto pays the driver and gets out, he had to borrow the money from Sam, his wallet, credit cards and ID had all been lost when he was captured and he hadn't made the visit to his mom's yet either. This was his first Gotham stop.

Getting out of the cab in Xavier's Institute hoodie and some sweats and a random pair of 'Air Jordan's' he found in his room, (he wasn't sure why he owned so many pairs of shoes, or why they were named after what he assumed was an airline) he made his way to Steph's door and knocked. Hoping she was...

...He wasn't sure what he was hoping at this point he just knew he should be here.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It takes a few seconds for their to be a response. The first thing is the sound of feet descending wooden stairs rapidly. They must be near to the door. Then the light and shadows in the peephole darken more as someone looks out of it to see who is there.

But after that, things happen rapidly. The sound of chain and deadbolt locks being hastily undone is heard and then the door is thrown open. The girl from the pictures is there. She's got on a headband holding back the spill of golden blond hair, wearing a t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts and barefoot. Around her neck is a gold necklace with a compass ornament hanging from it. That was in some of the pictures that had her in them.

Stephanie's bright blue eyes are wide and lively as she sees Roberto there. "Roberto," she says in an anxious voice, and a hopeful look fills her face. "I didn't think you'd be up and around so quickly," she says. She starts to step forward, ready to throw her arms around him and hugs him, when she has a thought and pauses. "You... do you remember me then?" she asks before going to him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Standing on the doorstep and listening to sounds within was harrowing. All sorts of thoughts surface in Roberto's mind, doubts, fear, curiosity? until it no longer matters and the door is thrown open, shoving him across this personal Rubicon whether he was ready or not.

"Hey," he greets recognizing the girl in front of him from the pictures Sam had shown him and with her standing in front of him he feels an urge to hug her tight, even if the feeling is orphaned of any memories to explain why. His hands lift then quickly fall to his side only for one to be raised again this time in a wave, "Hi," he says. He looked different, not injured, but his posture and attitude was all wrong. "I don't but I wanted to come see you anyhow, I was hoping it might help us both. I mean, if that's okay."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Some of the excitement gives way at finding out his memories are not returned. But it's replace with empathy. Caring. The blond teen gives a small, quick nod of her head. "Yes, it's ok," she tells him. And even if those brief hopes were dimmed, it doesn't show in the soft warmth of the smile that Stephanie Brown gives to the Brazilian teen.

"So... I'm Stephanie. Stephanie Brown," she tells Roberto, offering him her hand to shake, though she gets a bit of a goofy look at resorting to that for the greeting. "And you... oh, would you like to come inside? The place is a bit of a mess, getting ready for my graduation party. Which, you should come to. If you're feeling up to it. If not, I'd understand," she says. "Pig roast, and volleyball and swimming," she says.

Stephanie moves to the side so Roberto can come in. The modest little townhouse does have a bunch of party-related clutter laying about. Plus some not party related.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Hey," Roberto says, before adding. "It's okay if you want to hug me, I wanted to hug you too," he says, besides it might feel good.

"And sorry about the memories, I mean you seem like you're a memorable girl, and from what Sam tells me we had a lot of good times."

Hugged or not he enters the townhouse, looking around as if surveying an alien world, all he'd seen in the way of 'homes' was Sinister's lab and the Mansion, a proper middle-class home was something entirely new. "It looks nice, thanks for letting me in," he says, before he considers the party, "I'll try, technically I'm not even supposed to be here right now, but I was tired of laying around," he says. "Sounds good though," he says of the party.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Oh is Roberto hugged. Stephanie does manage to not making it a tackle, but she moves in close there in the doorway and wraps her arms around him. "You haven't done anything that needs apologizing for," Stephanie tells him. The hug is more than just a greeting for someone that she knows. One can sense the emotion for Roberto that is tied up within the girl, even if she tries to show restraint.

Restraint. If Stephanie has a middle name, it definitely isn't that.

"God I missed you," she whispers to him before letting him go. She gets a cute, bashful embarrassed look at having given the big hug.

Stephanie closes the door after Roberto is inside, her attention fully on him rather than the door. She moves to follow him inside. "Want to sit down?" she asks, motioning to the couch. "You've only been inside once or twice. You opened up my acceptance letter from Gotham U because I was too chicken to look at it," she says. Stephanie's eyes give a little playful roll upwards. "And you pretended it was bad news to get me all scared before showing me what it really said," Stephanie adds, though her smile is wide across her face as she shares the endearing prank.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto returns the hug and there is no hiding the feeling in it. Whatever might have happened to his memories some part of him remembered him and drove him to hold Stephanie close and drink in every last second of that hug before he lets go.

"I think I missed you too," Roberto admits. "It's weird, I don't remember things, but I feel them, like when I saw you in person I wanted to hug you, and when you mentioned a pig roast, I knew I liked roast pig even if I can't remember where I had it or really what it is."

He gives her a final squeeze before moving inside the townhouse with her and taking that offered seat.

"Sounds like something I'd do," Roberto smiles at Steph as she tells that story. "Sam's been filling me in on some of my past exploits," he explains how he knows that.

"I also know we met at Gotham U, Sam showed me all the pictures you sent, thanks for that, it helps to have something in my head other than the last couple of weeks."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown waits until Roberto is seated, and then moves to sit close at his side, facing him. The instinct to give him space gives way to his comment he feels things. And if she so wants to be close to him right now.

If he lets her, Stephanie reaches over and takes his hand in both of hers. "Yes... I was wandering around campus trying to decide if I should apply. I wasn't exactly the best student, so... I wasn't quite sure if I'd make it in if I did," she tells him. "And you showed me around. And we stopped at the coffee house I sent the picture of. There were a man and woman singing and playing guitar," she recounts.

The girl reaches up to brush back some hair from her face. "I can't even imagine what it's like for you to go through. Anything I can do to help," she tells him and gives his hand a squeeze. "I am.. kind of sweet on you as you probably have heard," she says, looking away to give an embarrassed smile before turning the brilliantly warm smile back on Roberto. "I'd only recently met Sam. He came by to tell me. Was really nice of him."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto lets Stephanie take his hand and he gives hers a squeeze. "And I was there because of my mom right? She teaches there?" he asks, before nodding about the coffee house. "Yeah, saw the picture, what were they playing? You remember? I'm pretty sure I won't know the song but I dunno, I feel like I want all the details of well everything," he explains.

"I've noticed," he smiles about Stephanie being sweet on him. "I think I was sweet on you too, with what I'm feeling right now." he admits plainly with a bit of colour coming to his cheeks.

"As for what it's like, it's hard to explain, but it's like someone wiped away all the structure of my memories but left the foundation, things, I dunno, ping as familiar," he turns Stephanie's way and squeezes her hand. "Like you, I don't remember anything but the feeling is there, you feel familiar and safe," he explains. "Which yeah, not the most romantic thing in the world to hear from your guy, but you have no idea how much that means to me right now," he says.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The girl's soft smile grows as he mentions having been sweet on her too. "You definitely made me feel that way," she tells him. "Yes, your mother is a professor of Archeology," she says. Stephanie lets go of Roberto's hand with one hand to be able to pull out her phone and manipulate it while they talk.

"We had an interesting start. You got set up with a girl at my school, after we'd met, and on your birthday," Stephanie tells Roberto. "We saw each other at a party at the university then. The girl, Tinsley... ah how to say this delicately? You had truthful insights into her character. And, texted me to come outside the party and meet you," Stephanie says, smiling softly at the memory.

She finishes fiddling with her phone. "They were playing this, not quite the same arrangement, but close," Stephanie says, the phone starting to play a duo doing Mack the Knife.


Stephanie watches Roberto as the music plays. She pulls her necklace out from beneath her shirt. "And you gave me this," she says of the compass necklace. "Because I didn't know what I wanted to be, what major to pursue. Something to help me find my way," she says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto smiles as well, an expression born of feelings devoid of memories but no less sincere for that lack. He squeezes her hand and shifts a little bit closer, "Yeah, Sam told me about her too, she recently divorced my dad, who is a bit of a jerk, and moved up here to teach because he wouldn't let her."

As Steph goes into their start. "Heh, Sam didn't tell me that part, so, this Tinsley? How angry is she with me?" he asks, seeming more amused than worried.

When Steph finds the song, he pauses to listen, it doesn't take long before he's snapping along to the music, "It doesn't ring a bell but I like it," he tells her before his attention shifts to the necklace. "It's pretty," he says, lifting his hand, "May I touch it?" he asks her. And if she gives him the okay, he runs his fingers over it and smiles. "Definitely gives me a feeling," he tells her. "Should get myself one, I am feeling pretty lost myself right now," he says with wry humour, before he says, "Sam brought me back a necklace too, the chain broke when I w-" a pause. "When I had my accident, but felt something there too. He said you got it for me."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's nod invites Roberto to touch the necklace as it hangs there about her neck. "It really meant a lot when you gave it to me. We were at a boutique in New York. Getting a dress for a fancy gala at a club your family are members at," Stephanie tells him as he examines the gold compass with diamonds on the cardinal points.

Her voice softens further. "Yes, that first time we'd met on campus, you'd mentioned how you needed to follow in your father's footsteps in the company business. And mentioned if not for that, you didn't know what you'd be. Maybe a fireman, you said it had appeal to you," Stephanie says.

The girl slides over a little closer, her leg against Roberto's, and if he lets her, she reaches over to softly brush her fingertips along the edge of his face. "Tinsley... she's moved on. More mad at me than you. But, well, we'd had plans that fell through. And, I'd bought you the necklace, a saint's medal from the patron saint of firemen. To remind you to not give up on things you want, even when life takes you different directions. And, when I gave it to you, you were really surprised I'd gotten it, that I'd thought about your birthday. I think maybe you kind of felt you saw me, who I am, that night," she tells him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Accepting that invitation Roberto lets his fingers brush over the surface of the necklace as if he were blind, trying to gain some connection to the memories it should hold by touch and force of will. Eventually he lifts his hand and settles back giving her a smile, "It's very nice," he says. "I must have good taste," he teases lightly to cover the disappointment that it didn't conjure more than a feeling.

He lets her move close and when she does instinctively he put his arm over her shoulder if she lets him.

There's a bit of a smile at the mention of being a fireman, he can guess there might have been a bit of a joke in that choice knowing what his powers can do, still, the rest hits home, "Sounds like I did, and that you actually cared." A smile then, "Sorry about Tinsley though, jerk move leaving you to deal with her."

Then he reorients back on the moment. "Mind if I kiss you?" he asks her suddenly, it just felt like the right thing to say.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The girl moves in closer, leaning gently against Roberto's torso when his arm goes about her. "Not a lot you could do, she and I are on the gymnastics team together. Or, were. Graduated now. She's going to Florida for school, so probably won't be seeing too much of her after this," she says.

Stephanie's tongue touches her lips and she says, "You've not been a jerk with me. Well. Not calling that first bit, but you made up for it adequately. We had multiple stabs at a first date but things kept getting in the way." Her eyes study his face. "But it's been worth it." She falls silent and looks back into his eyes as he asks if he can kiss her.

Stephanie's response is to lean in towards him, an arm slipping across his chest to rest her hand on his far shoulder near where it meets his neck. She brings her lips near to his, eyelids starting to slip partway closed, but letting Roberto move that final bit to meet her.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Going to guess that's far away, and good, I don't think either of us will miss her," he says of Tinsley's departure to the mystical land of Florida.

"Still, sorry you got stuck with the fallout, even if you say I'm not a jerk," he says, though Sam's stories definitely suggested some jerk like tendencies, even if they were well-meant.

Then it's all about the kiss. Roberto lets instinct guide the way as he closes his eyes and puts his lips to Steph's in gentle kiss.

Or at least it had been meant to be gentle. At that touch it's like a lightning bolt had seared through his brain and suddenly Steph's townhouse dropped away and he was standing in his mother's penthouse at night, the lights of Gotham all around kissing Stephanie as he had that first night. It had been the first memory Meredith had torn from him, but now in this moment it was back.

Roberto drops to his knees, a trickle of blood coming from his nostril and he wipes it away messily with the back of his hand as he looks up. "Wow. I think I remembered something, we were somewhere else, at night, with a great view, and we were kissing, does that ring a bell?" he asks, as he stands unsteadily, and holds his head. It was ringing like a bell.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The touch of the Brazilian teen's lips to hers transports Stephanie as well, if to realms that she remembers. Each beautiful new moment of shared intimacy with Roberto something special and beautiful. And the kiss quells some of the fears of his injury. That he might not remember her, never find again the connection they had.

Though as he breaks the kiss and slips forward off the couch to his knees, she breaks from her surprise. Moving with him, off the couch and crouched down on a one knee beside him. The concern she's showing slowly gives way to other, warmer emotions as he tells her what he's recalling. "Yes. That was the night of the party you too Tinsley too, but that we left together after," she says. "Your mother's penthouse. She was out of town. And you showed me the view," she says.

She reaches up, softly caressing Roberto's face. "And it was the first place you kissed me. And, well I suppose I kissed you a bit too," she says, giving a bit of a giggling laugh.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto staggers his way to the couch to sit again, making sure to hold the hand that wiped the blood from his nose away from the upholstery. "So that was our first kiss?" he asks her, still pained, but excited about the discovery.

He sighs, and smiles at her giggling. "Yeah, seemed like I wasn't the only one kissing either time there," he teases despite still holding his head. Then more seriously he offers, "Thank you," not just for the kiss but for all of it.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown rises from where she's crouched, moving to brush a kiss to Roberto's cheek, before turning to head through the open doorway into the kitchen. There's a sound of water running and then she comes back after a second with a damp rag and some paper towel for Roberto clean up with. She'll dispose of them when he's done, before settling back into the couch beside him.

"Well, it's good to know those memories are in there," she says, reaching up to gently touch the side of Roberto's head. "That, and I'm totally going to claim that my kisses have the power of healing," she says, breaking out in her laugh complete with goofy grin. That expression was in the photos she sent, not having spared her expressiveness in the photos she selected, hoping to jog his memory.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Thanks," Roberto says when Steph returns with the cloth and paper towel to clean himself up with. Which he sets into right away, wiping his hand as Steph settles beside him.

"Definitely," he agrees of the memories being in there. "I was beginning to have doubts," he says, letting out a long breath. "But maybe with the help of some of the specialists at the school I can get them all back."

A beat.

"Just hope it's not as painful, or messy," he says finishing up with his hand then dabbing around his nose with the cloth. He laughs though, before he says, "You absolutely should tell people that, I will 100% back your claim," he laughs, pausing to look at that now familiar smile. "I am sorry you have to go through all this with me, but I'm really glad you're here. I can see what I saw in you," he says, offering that last with a wink.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie smiles at that, and she moves to swing a leg across Roberto's lap, sitting astride and facing him, though she just relaxes there, hands moving to rest on his chest. "As far as I'm concerned, we're in this together," she tells Roberto, eyes searching his face. "I've not had someone in my life quite like this before, Roberto. We were a little different there. You are pretty popular with the ladies," she says, her eyes giving a little playful dart about.

She softly brushes a hand across his chest. "You have given me plenty of time to be comfortable with things. Been really wonderful to me. The time we've had together have been some of the best days of my life, really. I'm here for you. As long as it takes. As long as you want me here," she tells him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto leans back as Stephanie sits astride his lap. He looks up at her as she speaks, not commenting, though there is a little smile when she mentions him being popular with the ladies.

When Steph's done, he reaches up to brush his hand against her face, "In it together, I like that," he says. "And I'm not going anywhere he promises," leaning up to kiss her again.