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Latest revision as of 02:26, 12 June 2020

Who Ya Gonna Call
Date of Scene: 11 June 2020
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: Plans are made, pizza is ordered!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Satana Hellstrom

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake comes out of his bathroom wearing sweats, a toothbrush in his mouth, a murderous knife in one hand. The three jagged scars on his chest show livid. He stops... ponders the intruder, then goes back in the bathroom.

He can. be heard from the bathroom, "Hello Ghostbusters? Do you handle demons> I have a demon problem. Describe her... Well she's a gorgeous ginger with more curves than a bunch of snakes making out. Long eyelashes. Demonic hairstyle that is somehow still cute? Not being helpful? She likes necking and getting her shoulder bitten and getting her rear end grabbed. She smells like cinnamon and blazing sin. No? She likes cuddling... what? No I'm sure this isn't my demon. My demon shouldn't be wearing clothes and... hello? Hello!? F--- you too." He comes back out, without the toothbrush, tucking the knife into the small of his back and springs onto the kingsize bed.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana remains in Thomas' bed, face down and hugging a pillow with the bedding pulled up to her waist. Long, red hair spills down over her bare back, and she doesn't stir until Thomas springs onto the bed. "You realize that -technically- I'm not a ghost, right?" she offers, not looking back at him. "An exorcist won't do you any good, either. And I'm actually pretty fond of garlic."

Only then does she roll onto her back. Slowly. Oh! Hello and hello! Yep, naked demoness in the bed, alright. "That your idea of foreplay, Thomas, calling the extra-planar cops? And here I thought we were getting along so well." Reaching up, she absently fits three fingers against the jagged scars on his chest.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs. "I was making a rare joke. tell you what, shine a Batsignal on a wall somewhere and see how I react. And it was Ghostbusters but they dealt with extraplanar entities. So... how did it go with your gargoyle thing in the surgery? Like I said I have a showing in the morning." He looks down seeming to notice Satana's hand on his scars for the first time. "Oh those. They hurt like Hell at the time. You should see the other guy. So tell me... how much weight can you teleport to say... the Marianas Trench? Asking for a friend." He starts playing with the horns of her hair do. Isn't surprised when they snap right back.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana props herself up onto one elbow, still very distractingly. And she smiles wryly when he starts playing with her hair. "I hosed everything down after I finished, so it should be all good." she replies casually. "Still not sure what to make of the little guy's last words, so I'd like to consult a few people about it."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake regards Satana thoughtfully. "I don't know what help I can be with what you're doing, but I will help you." He rubs foreheads with her gently. "But for now... I'm ordering a meat lover's pizza, sausage, meatballs and pepperoni, and garlic knots. Hungry?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Crimson brows lift at the question. "Order extra sauce for the garlic knots and you've got yourself a deal." Satana replies. The redhead rolls smoothly out of bed and begins pulling on leather pants. "Got any ice cream in this place, by the way?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake hates to see her go but enjoys watching her walk away. "Extra sauce... but only if you take the delivery at the door. I have ice cream indeed. You haven't answered my question though? How far could you teleport... say a ton? Hulk sized roughly?" He rolls out of bed with a snap of his legs. "Actually if you wear say one of my t-shirts and plead hardship we could eat for free in all likelihood, unless it's a delivery girl. In that case I'll wear the shirt. Though I think you have good odds with a sizable number of women."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana hunts around the bedroom a bit. "Well if we're taking delivery at the door, then I'd best find my top." she offers casually. "And it all depends, really, on the teleportation question. I can teleport myself around pretty freely. Anything or anyone else, and it's easiest to do through a ritual. Or if I've got, say, a surplus of energy." And she's somewhat vague on the source.

Cocking her hip, Satana bends over to pick up her top when she finds it. "So as he died, the little Quoggoth-Spawn kept screaming the same thing, over and over again. *KULAN GATH RISES! HIS DOMINION WILL HERALD THE ARRIVAL OF SHUMA-GORATH! YOU AND ALL OTHERS WILL COWER AND GIVE UP YOUR PALTRY EXISTENCE AS HE REMAKES THE WORLD!* Whatever the hell that means. I need to research who this Shuma-Gorath is."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake grabs couple shirts and finds one that passes the sniff test. He shrugs it on. "Sounds like Ghostbusters stuff to me: Gozer the Destroyer. Can't help you there unless you need me to steal a spellbook. Wait... you know who Kulan Gath is? Izzat like a high priest or lawyer or something equally hellish?" He pulls a phone out of his pocket and dials Angelo's on a food app and places the order, typing it in. Yes, even the mighty Catman, dreads phoning an order. Those pizza guys are grouchy.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana adjusts the, er, position and fit of the leather halter while they talk. "All depends on what you believe and whose mythos you're playing in, really. According to at least one account, Shuma-Gorath was one of the Great Old Ones. At one point they created Quoggoth as a servant. About a million years ago, Shuma-Gorath came to the Earth-Realm with a bunch of other Old Ones, mostly to rule the place and enjoy the ape-man buffet. Sometime later, Quoggoth got delusions of grandeur and rebelled. Shuma-Gorath couldn't destroy him, but he COULD imprison him."

The redhead looks thoughtful, then. "So apparently Shuma-Gorath is coming back for another party."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake adjusts the knife on his back. "Well he's in for a few surprises. Especially if he starts the meal with Superman, say. the Bat will give him heartburn for sure, and I'm pretty sure the Olympians and Thor's crowd will have some pointed arguments. Hey, is beer okay or should I open a bottle of wine? I think Darkseid might even object. he has his own plans..." He pads after the demoness in an eery silence and catches her around the shoulders when he's caught up.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana makes a negligent hand-wave motion. "Beer is just fine for a simple girl like me." she replies. The redhead is looking around the room for signs of her boots when he sneaks up and wraps his arms around her shoulders. "Hey there! Pizza guy's coming soon, remember?" she offers, in mock protest. "But yeah, when ol' Shuma gets back he's gonna find that things have changed a little bit while he was away."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake waggles his phone. "I ordered with an app. It's mortal magic. Wooooo. Sheesh you're short in bare feet. I had no idea I was seeing a munchkin. Better find them boots... there's one under the bed." He hunts around for the other one sniffing slightly... yes, there's that leathery smell. He grabs the other behind a chair. "World's best tracker, baby? Impressed?" He holds his prey up, boots in either hand. "Do I want to know what kind of leather these are made from?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana reaches around and smacks him on the flank before he twists away to help look for her boots. "Yeah? You should see me in my demonform. Hooves, horns, wings. Even a spade-tipped tail and a forked tongue." She pauses to flash a smile. "You'd probably like it. Talons, too." She reaches for the boot, then, and winks. "No, you probably don't wanna know."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is saved as his phone rings, "We will have to finish this one upping another time. I have to take this. It's my realtor. --Hello Charles... yes the stairways are all reinforced. Chairs are steel frame... no I'm not negotiating the rent. Take it or leave it. Hang on." He goes over to Satana, nuzzles her neck briefly and gives her a fifty from his pocket. "Here take it and pay for the food. You deserve a night off too."