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Latest revision as of 00:09, 16 June 2020

The Power of Chocolate
Date of Scene: 15 June 2020
Location: Food Court: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy and Fitz go their separate ways.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Leopold Fitz

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The lunch hour is one of those sacred things for Daisy and which she takes advantage to the fullest. So it's pretty much where she can be found when at the triskelion and it's lunch hour. And today she has set her eyes, as an after-lunch indulgence, on a kit-kat she had been eyeballing since morning inside one of the vending machines.

So after lunch was done it was time for it! She is just standing in front of it now, both hands on the glass and looking hungrily at the alluring chocolate. She thumbs in a couple of coins and then steps back, waiting, arms folded, eyes not leaving her prize as it sloooowly starts to rotate forward.

She can already feel it in her tongue!

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Perhaps serving as the mirror image to Daisy's lunchtime diligence is on Leo Fitz. Not that he has anything against food of course. Or even the mealtime bonding ritual of gathering with friends and collegues to consume said food. He is a little less wild about the Triskelion's food court mind you, finding it a little disappointing compared to some takeout options. And of course certain sandwiches. But it has it's place. He doesn't particularly avoid. He just sometimes... forgets about mealtime. Judging by the look of them he's been forgetting a little more often as of late.

Today Fitz is looking just a triffle... ghoulish. Someone most definitely has to get out of the lab in the near future -- for longer then the lunch hour -- and indeed it is possible, even likely that he has been ejected from there, explaining his appearance here today. Those eyes have some deep shadows around them, suggesting a lack of sleep, at least more then then the occasional catnap and his somewhat pasty features can't just be explained away by his proud British complexion.

Shambling into the food court he is hardly even looking where he is going, barely edging aside from a group headed the other direction. Which, of course, makes his shoulder catch the side of the vending machine juuuuuust about to give up it's chocolate treasure to Daisy. That little nudge is just enough to catch the wrapper of the Kit-Kat bar on that pointing end of that twirling tong. Reaching up to rub his shoulder, he notices Daisy finally. And notes the chocolate bar that dangles so precariously there. So close, but refusing to drop. "Sorry Daisy..."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Soooo cloooseeee!

But Daisy's eyes go wide as her treasure doesn't fall. Captured by the evil machine! And with an accomplice apparently! She turns with a grumble towards the source then lifts her brows. "Oh hey, Fitz." she looks surprised. She doesn't normally see him too much out of the lab afterall!

"You have no idea how much of a bittersweet feeling it is to see you out here but at the same time...." she nods towards the machine, letting out a small sigh.

Not that she gives up, instead getting down on a knee and sticking one hand through the hole where it should had dropped towards, attempting to reach up to it. "So...," she says with some effort on her voice. ".. How have you been? And where's Jems? Thought she had lunch with you most of the time!" not that she is implying anything with those words. Nope.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Even when he is not trying to be, it seems like Fitz might be a natural born killjoy. Or at least he is on this particular occasion, brow furrowing a little at her greeting before his gaze drops back towards the vending machine once more, some of that distraction fading from his expression as he gives a little wince. "Sorry. Did I do that?" he asks, his brief and unfriendly encounter with the solid machine already forgotten it would appear. He may be a genius, but apparently he saves his brain power for those things he decides matter.

"Couldn't you just... you know..." he says, holding out his hands and giving them a little shake in a fairly horrible effort to cvharades his way through demonstrating her powers. Because that is surely then best way to retrieve a chocolate bar from a machine unwilling to give up the goods. "Or I think I have a couple of dollars here..." he adds, rifling through his pockets. Again, he mostly lives in a post-cash world -- progress! -- but he kinda does owe her.

"Hmmmmm?" he asks, brow furrowing again. That seems to be happening a lot today. "Oh, I think she was tied up with something. But after I snapped at Perkins for the third time I was told to get something to eat and maybe grab a few hours of sleep," he says, mouth twisting downard in a frown. "I think everyone was overreacting. I mean, clearly he was in the need of a good lecture," he says, just a hint of peevishness entering his tone. That's right. This is all Perkins fault! He should be coughing up the dolla bills here.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh, don't worry about that.." Daisy waves it off with a wave of her free hand, grinning up a little at her friend while she continues her futile attempt at reaching for it. So close again! Her fingertips nearly brushing up with it. At the suggestion she should use her powers she mutters. "I don't want to be dependent on those." she tells him. Matter of pride maybe!

Yet after a good while that she stays there with her arm sticking up on the machine she lets her shoulders drop. Defeat. And not really wanting for Fitz to be spending his money on her chocolate she 'nudges' it briefly with her vibrations.

There is a subtle vibration on the machine and then finally the kitkat falls in her hand. "There we go!" she gets back up to her feet. "So the trick is to snap at people and they send you to get food, mmm.." she nods her approval. "Smart, Fitz."

Starting to unwrap the kitkat she breaks one of the sticks. "There." she offering it over. "You should come out to the field one of these days. You have been keeping your ICER scores up I hope?"

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Of course he has never really considered things in that particular light before. Being dependent on powers. Perhaps that is because he doesn't have any. Then again, it might just be his own perspective on things. His big advantage is his intellect. He can't imagine ignoring it, or not making use of it because it would give him some sort of advantange. But then his intellect can't shake a building a part -- at least not directly -- so it is all a matter of perspective sometimes admittedly.

While Fitz does not begrudge the dollar or two it would take to unstick her chocolatey prize, all things considered he is always glad of the opportunity to see her abilities in use. A little grin slips over his features and for a moment he looks like an entirely different person almost -- that seriousness and peevishness disappearing at once. "So cool," he murmurs before giving his head a little shake. A small display, a big impresison.

But the confusion is quickly back, squinting ever so slightly in Daisy's direction. "Hmmm? Oh, no... I didn't snap at Perkins to get out of the lab. I did it because he didn't bother to recalibrate the gyroscope after... wait... nevermind. You were joking right?" he says ruefully. "And I would like to get out in the field," he says... though there is just enough of a note in his voice to suggest that he might have mixed feelings on that. "My ICER scores are still pretty high. High enough to qualify for the field at least," he says with just a small hint of pride. Just don't ask where his hand to hand marks are.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Joking? Me?" Daisy waggles her brows up at Fitz then shakes her head a bit at him. "As if I would ever do that..." with the kitkat stick offered over to Fitz she then focuses on eating her own stick, chewing on it slowly, savoring every little moment of it. She mmmms, smiling softly to herself. "Just fantastic. You know, this makes it really worth it." she waving the remaining kitkat up a little.

"And that's good to know. Jems is still pretty much an ace where it comes to those too." She speaking almost as if she had been with her recently on a field mission! But then she adds, "We should hit the gym too sometime, see how your physicals are holding up. Hand to hand. If you stay in the lab all the time you know what will happen..." it's almost as if she was a mind reader! Hand to hand!

A shoulder rests against the front of the machine now, smile on her face while she regards Fitz.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Yeah, Fitz might occasionally miss particular clues but he's almost certain she was joking now. Like, ninety-nine percent. Maybe ninety. Look, he's not at his absolute best right now.

The kitkat stick is eyed, analyzed and apparently found acceptable as he reaches out, taking it with a little nod for Daisy. "Thanks," he says. Nice of you to share. "What does? The chocolate?" he asks curiously. Maybe she really, really likes chocolate? Maybe they should be keeping some chocolate around the lab for when she drops by? That would be the polite, friendly thing to do, right? Assuming Perkins doesn't find the stash and eat all. Damn Perkins! "Or something else?"

Yeah, Fitz doesn't exactly have what is known as a 'poker face' and he instantly looks guilty when she mentions those hand to hand scores. His gaze drops, his brow furrows and his lips twitch as if considering how to frame his response. All he needs is a hand full of cards in front of him for him to be silently screaming 'I got nuthin. "How did you know that I was struggling with hand to hand?" he asks, a little sheepishly, raising a hand and rubbing it along the back of his neck. "I guess you might have the point. If you've got the time later in the week maybe," he says, mumbling just a little.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Waking up in the wee hours of the morning to come to the triskelion." Daisy promptly explains, taking another bite. And speaking while chewing too. Such a nasty habit! "But my mind is already set on the lunch break." she tapping the side of her head with a finger. "Not that I can have it all the time. You know, straight to the hips and all that." she muttering quietly. Maybe she has exaggerated on it in the past.

The guilty face does make her grin though and she leans in to whisper in a low tone. "Well, Fitz. I have access to your scores. These questions weren't exactly innocent." and whatever other secrets she must have access to considering her hand on the security systems of the Triskelion!

"And yes, you are on. Lets get physical later on during the week. I will show you the Daisy special." a wink and then she dislodges herself from the vending machine.

Right then her phone vibrates though, she looking down at it with a sigh. "Time for me to go though. Work calls. I will drop by later in the week and drag you out of the lab." she says in way of promise.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Lunch break huh? In the middle of the night. He considers that for a moment before giving a small shrug and nodding his head. "I think I understand," he agrees. He keeps a little notebook beside his bed, to jot down anything that might have come to him while sleeping, any ideas, and SCIENCE that he will be compelled to look into at the lab the next day. He's woken up to some pretty confusing and downright cryptic musings in there. But occasionally there is a nuget of pure gold there. Best of all, none of it does anywhere near his hips.

"Oh, yeah. I guess you would," he replies at once. It's hard to tell if he is relieved or perhaps a little disappointed that she has not somehow spawned new and amazing mind-reading abilities. Given that it is Fitz, disappointment might win out on this particular score. It would have meant more opportunity for research afterall.

"Understood," he says with a quiet sigh. It's probably good that there is someone who won't accept his excuses, won't overly care about any claims of majorly pressing and revolutionary science work being done. While Fitz may want to show himself capable in the field, that siren's call of the lab clearly still holds a lot of sway on him. "Of course. Thanks again for the chocolate. I'll talk to you later," he says at once, dipping his head in thanks before turning back towards the food court. Food. Sleep. And then back to the lab. Mmmm, maybe he better make some time for the gym in there too so he doesn't embarass himself. Already he is submerging himself back into his own little world as he turns away.