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Latest revision as of 15:24, 16 June 2020

The Asgardian Angel and the Blazing Phoenix
Date of Scene: 15 June 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Julie makes a new friend, and they go off flying...also dancing.
Cast of Characters: Julie Yan, Aldrif Odinsdottir

Julie Yan has posed:
    It's a beautiful day out in Chinatown, and Julie's taken an early lunch with noodles and a porkbun with soda. Of course, she's not street level. Having nimbly made her way to the rooftops, she's having herself a little picnic up where nobody can disturb her, and admire the city skyline while she's at it. Having her phone set to radio, giving her some tunes as she chills out.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela is exploring Chinatown again, having discovered (to her delight) a market where bartering is commonplace. She's not trying to be discreet, openly wearing her golden armor and carrying her blades. Long, prehensile ribbons waggle about, not quite touching things that are set out on display but coming close... like curious children. The tall redhead gives pause, then, tilting her head when she hears music from the rooftop. Stepping up lightly, the angel -ascends- slowly to hover near Julie.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie's shaken out of her funk by the shine of an angelic figure coming her way. Mid-bite, she gawks at Angela as she slowly slurps up noodle and swallows. "Let me guess, you're Sera's friend." She assumes. The Angel had met her the night before, and they chatted a bit at the Embassy. "She missed you at the Embassy party." The martial artist assumes.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela just regards Julie for a moment, descending lightly to the roof. "That was last night." she declares, pursing her lips. Not happy with herself. Taking a smart phone from the top of a boot, she declares "I have not figured out what means this calendar-thing. And yes, I am Angela."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Didn't the vikings -invent- the days of the week? I imagine the Asgardians had a similar idea." Julie says with a chuckle, before she bobs her head. "I'm Julie Yan. Sera and I fought a weird sorcerer baby just before the party, and some dude turned into a chicken. So another average Sunday for us, I guess." She grabs some more chopsticks and offers them to Angela. "Hungry? I got enough for two, so dig in if you want."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela tilts her head at the offer, but shakes her head slowly. "I will barter for my own. Be right back." Stepping back off the roof, the redhead descends rather than simply falling. A few minutes later she ascends once more with a paper bag and a bottle of soda. "I have learned about these things called egg rolls. Remarkable, how they can put so many different flavors and textures together. And it comes with these little sauce packets as well." She moves to sit, cross-legged, beside Julie.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie tilts her head, before Angela returns with her own food. "Fair enough, I guess." She and Angela sit, and dine. "So uh...this place, huh? So much to see, so much to do...it's overwhelming, isn't it?" She says, taking a bit of bao and munching it hungrily.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Sitting on her waist-cape, Angela unwraps an egg roll and carefully uses the wrapper as a tray to squirt some sauces out into neat piles. "I must admit that Earth is much more pleasant than I first believed it would be. And its people are more diverse as well." She looks Julie over, then. "If you are used to fighting weird things, then you must be one of the vigilantes here?"

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Yep." Julie nods. "I was based in Hong Kong a few years ago. I went stateside just last year, started in LA and moved across the country here to study at the university." She explains. "it's...pretty crazy seeing all the superheroes in person, I even got selfies with Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl." Her smile does fade a little. "Much as I wanna go all fangirl, it's...still tricky, back home I didn't know who to trust, and here, well...there's so many superheroes around it's hard to know if you're stepping on toes. For all I know, there's some kind of official territory agreement I didn't hear about."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "Hong Kong... Stateside... Ell-Aay..." Angela echoes. "These are all different places." Yep, the redhead is a quick study alright. "As for superheroes and territory, I know of no such arrangement. I have been told that killing is not permitted here on Earth, even though I do have a permit to Hunt from the Queen of Angels. But I was also told that the Government hires spies and assassins and agents. So things are apparently quite complex indeed." She regards Julie more closely, then. "How do you people keep track?

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Nobody told me about that part. But then, I think burning folks' faces off being frowned upon should go without saying." Julie shrugs a shoulder. "I dunno, it's...just the way things are."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela carefully dips the egg roll into one of the sauces, sniffing it before taking a bite. Crunch, then chew and swallow. "This one is sweet." she declares, conversationally. "So that is what you do, then? Burning people's faces off? I do know that not many people here carry weapons. At least not openly. And my sword makes people uncomfortable."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Well, not all of that." Julie chuckles a little, before she snaps her fingers, flame spouting from them like a zippo. "I have pyrokinesis, combined with martial arts and chi magic, I guess I can say I'm pretty powerful." She adds, snuffing the flame before going back to her food. "Closest I have to any weapons would be my scarf, it does pretty well."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela takes another bite of the egg roll, after dipping it into a different sauce. "This one is spicy." she declares. "Very spicy." And yet her expression remains mostly impassive. While she eats and they talk, her ribbons slip into the paper bag to pull out another pair of egg rolls. "I am a Hunter, and Assassin, and a Spy." she declares, somewhat casually. "I am the most skilled of all the angels in Heven, if that counts as anything here." And no, she pronounces it differently enough that the 'a' is certainly missing.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie doesn't even question it. It was mentioned enough times that Heven is just a thing now, in her head. "What do you hunt? Demons? Jotun? Or just anybody Odin doesn't like?" She wonders.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela sneers at the mention of Odin, those bright-white eyes narrowing. "I do -not- hunt for the All-Father's pleasure, neither do I seek his permission." she replies, voice almost hissing. Even her ribbons seem agitated, before calming a moment later. "I hunt whatever I am paid to hunt. Mostly demons, especially Spawn. They are quick, and you need to kill with the first strike. But any sort of monster."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Oh." Julie looks nervous for a second. "Sorry. Uh, yeah I'm...kinda still getting used to the whole deal with Asgardians being real, and Amazons. I'm so used to thinking of all that as just distantly happening elsewhere."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela draws a breath, exhaling slowly. "Long ago, there was a war between Asgard and Heven, the Tenth Realm. After the war, the All-Father cast Heven from the other Nine Realms, separating it entirely. Sera and I are the only ones to escape. As far as I know, we can never return."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Blinking, Julie frowns. "I'm...sorry." is all she can manage to say, reaching out to pat your shoulder. "Must be awkward."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela's expression becomes more neutral at that (does she ever smile?), and she relaxes visibly. "Sometimes." she admits. "But I have also met many people here." Angela shrugs a little, armor plate shifting. "Home for a Hunter is a place to hang trophies. I tend to travel a lot anyway." She looks at the dark-haired young woman, then. "You are from Earth, are you not?"

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Yeah. Hong Kong is far away, across the..." Julie begins to point westward, "Pacific Ocean. Waaaaaaaay thattaway. Dunno if you can fly fast enough to get there and back, but there ya go."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela follows the pointing, then she nods. "I have flown over this ocean some." she declares. "It's the big one. Hong Kong is on the other side, you say? I will have to visit sometime." Apparently the distance won't be a problem. "Why did you leave there to come here? Were you banished?"

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Nah. My sifu, teacher and guardian, died and I burned his body. After that, I started journeying to study and finish my training." Julie says. "He took me in when I was just a baby, after my parents died. They named him my godfather, so he's all I had since. He taught me martial arts, chi manipulation, and other stuff...since I got here I've been dabbling in mythology, archaeology, and medicine. Sifu Aaron was a doctor, he used his powers to help treat the sick."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "We do not have many 'sick', where I am from. But I understand that this is a noble profession here." Angela replies. Between her two hands and the ribbons she's got a nice, efficient assembly line going with the egg rolls now. "I met a doctor here, Doctor Jane Foster. But she's not a medical doctor, which is not something I understand completely. Why is she called a doctor, then?"

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Doctorates." Julie shrugs. "It's a license degree that lets you teach, I guess. Honestly, never gave it much thought." Taptap. "I think she's an astrophysicist, or something along those lines. I've read about her in the news, and maybe seen a few of her publications...just idle nerd stuff."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela nods slowly, understanding the term 'license'. "Yes. Astrophysicist. That does sound familiar to me, now. It means that she studies space, where I simply travel through it."

"Licenses and permits and rules. I think that I am coming to understand Earth more and more."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Can't say I have. But man, space travel sounds wild." Julie chuckles. "You'll start to understand more and less as you go, trust me."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela is making a neat stack of empty egg roll wrappers now, and she somehow manages to avoid getting sauce on her armor. Or her ribbons. "It is travel like any other, only with much less to see." she replies. "There are beautiful sights, the stars and planets and nebulae, but a lot of empty space between them. I could take you into space, but you would not survive. And I have no means to protect you."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "I'll figure it out. Maybe steal an Irom Man suit or something." Julie says jokingly. "I'll settle for a flight across the city, I think. Besides, it'd be fun with a sexy angel."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela tilts her head at that, a near-smile touching her lips. "I can fly you to Hong Kong, if you show me the way." she replies. "But you'll need to hold on tightly."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie laughs, finishing her meal. "Well, if that's how it's gonna be...good thing I don't get airsick." She says, "So I guess if you're oferring..."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela starts packing up wrappers using her ribbons, folding them neatly with remarkable dexterity. Wrappers go into the bag, which is then rolled down. The redhead rises smoothly, then. "I will take you for a flight, but not as a favor. That is a custom of ours; Nothing for Nothing. You need to decide what to give me in return."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie blinks, before she stands with you. "Uhh...okay." She chuckles nervously, taking Angela's hand. "I guess we're doing this, then! Whenever you're ready..."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela holds Julie's hand, her grip firm. "You need to speak the words, first. Even if you will simply owe me a favor, you must declare the verbal contract." She pauses a moment, expression quite serious. "And be sure that I will collect on such a favor."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie blinks. 'Uhhh...I'll um...fuck. Uhh, I'll..." She's a little unsure what she could do for such a mighty warrior angel. "Crap. I'm at a loss, here."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela's demeanor is patient, and she nods simply. "There is not much to it, Julie. Just make a simple promise that you will owe me a favor in return for the flight. Choose your own words. And in return, I will fly you to anywhere on Earth that you wish."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "I'll take you dancing!" Julie suddenly says. "I know a club, I just need to get home and change so we I'll look the part...and I dunno if they'd allow swords" She rubs her chin.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela actually smiles at that. Almost. "Very well, then! Flying in exchange for dancing. A good bargain is struck, then." she declares. And with that, she pulls Julie close. "Hold on, and prepare yourself."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie clings to Angela without hesitation, doing her best to hold on for dear life. "Okay...go."