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Latest revision as of 15:24, 16 June 2020

Moving In
Date of Scene: 14 June 2020
Location: Alex and Emma's suite - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Alex officially moves in!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alex Summers

Emma Frost has posed:
The treatment at Xaviers was fine and Emma appreciated much of it, but as soon as she was capable of moving back down to the city from Westchester she had leaped (very figuratively) at the chance. The apartment had been redone in her absence, which was as planned. The new furniture, wallpaper and tile, and bedding throughout the apartment was different but, though Emma hates to admit it, more comfortable and home like than she had previously. Her own books and sundry were already back on the new sets of bookcases, leaving plenty of room for Alex's, which were due to arrive with the movers this afternoon. Along with the remainder of his things he was moving from his apartment. The rest was being donated or disposed of as Alex preferred.

Emma is in bed, wearing pajamas that are suitable to be seen in given that movers will be in and out... long white flannel pajama bottoms with silver stripes, and a button up flannel short sleeved top. The club's doctor on call had just left after checking her stats and her stitches. She has a tablet computer resting on top of her, balancing precariously as she skims a couple of emails.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex comes wandering in from the living room, holding his phone. "They texted that they'll be here soon, I let security know they'd be bringing in the boxes and stuff." he says, walking over to perch on the edge of the bed. "Last chance to go out and get lunch or something if you want?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"I think the doc will kill me, assuming Shaw or Luthor don't, if I go gallivanting all over town," Emma notes. "We can order something if you want though. Maybe the sushi place? I don't know if I could handle sushi but miso and some rice sounds pretty good," she muses. She shifts a little to sit up in the bed. "Do you like everything though?" she asks, a little touch of concern in her tone. "I mean, this is kind of last chance for you to bail out." She tries to make that light but... there is worry.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Mm, probably not raw food quite yet, yeah." Alex admits as he leans back on an arm, giving Emma a peck on the lips. "Yeah...I mean, I'm sure I"ll think of things that we didn't think of yet that I might want to add, but it's...nice. I like it." he says, smiling.

Emma Frost has posed:
There is a spark of happiness in her eyes as Alex steals that brief kiss. "Mm. I'm glad, then, because we are stuck with it for awhile." She frowns. "I hope there is enough room in the shelves for everything." She sighs softly. "Mm. You did remind security that the movers will be here? I can if you didn't." She grimaces. "They are a bit touchier lately." She reaches over and lightly taps his nose. "Also, Shaw has said we are supposed to use the club's cars for transportation until further notice. Your car can stay in parking, but if you're going anywhere call for a driver."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "I just said I did." Alex says amusedly. "With all the new security I figured I better doublecheck, though they'll probably still be sending someone up with them to watch over things. As for shelf space, I figured I can just double up on the shelf for now and get another later if I need a bit more room." he admits. "Ah...there's...club cars? Like limos or something?" He looks a bit unsure about that idea.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mmhmm. SUVs mostly. Bullet resistant glass and sides, runflat tires, advanced GPS and tracking, trained drivers... you know. Secure." Emma shrugs lightly. "I've borrowed one a time or two to drive myself, but the board insists on a driver and a soldier with. No more driving alone." She reaches over and takes a sip from the water on the nightstand. She frowns. "You did? I'm sorry, hon, I'm just out of it." She is on a fair amount of painkillers. Another reason she's on medical leave and largely confined to their apartment.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex frowns. "I dunno, that seems like a lot of work. I mean, I can undersatnd it for you, you're a CEO and actually have money for ransoms and stuff." he notes, wrinkling his nose. "It's fine....I mean, if you wanted to just nap I can try to keep things down when they get here?

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma tsks at him. "Yes, but now the theory is you could also be targeted because of your relationship with me." She scratches at the stitches on her bicep a moment. "So. And it's not too bad. Just call security and let them know you need a car when you do, and they'll have one ready. Take you where ever you need, and bring you back after." She stretches a little, then as a knock comes at the door, she looks startled. "Mph. Must be here." She gives Alex a wry grin. "Don't hurt your ribs trying to lift anything," she chides him.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well what'st he point of me having a car then if I have to do that all the time..." Alex says bemusedly. "Feels weird. I'm used to driving myself." He pats her thigh, getting up with a little grunt as he moves stiffly for a moment. "Don't worry, that's why I hired these guys..." He heads towards the front door to make sure it's the movers and to let them in then.

Emma Frost has posed:
While Alex is handling that, Emma returns her attention to her tablet and the plans for the teen club. It's an interesting project, but the hazy drugged up feeling she has makes it hard to concentrate. Still, she peeks over towards the door, hoping everything is going well.

Along with the movers, a pair of Hellfire soldiers come into the apartment, one taking up a post in the bedroom near Emma, but not saying anything. Simply looming. The other stays in the living area, also looming.#2192ooking.

Alex Summers has posed:
    There's some chatter as Alex starts directing the movers before they start bringing in the first load, setting them in the living room for the moment so things are out of the way. He waits until they've got the basic ideas, then comes back in to check on Emma while they work. "Loks like they brought enough to get this done pretty quick." he assures her.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma grins. "Mm. Then you get to unpack your clothes and steal my closet space," she teases. But she looks pleased, if not a little high.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "So do I get the right or left side, I forget?" he say amusedly. "Because it's only going to be like the first fourth at most...." He perches again, leaning on his hands as they talk. "I mean, your shoes alone..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sticks her tongue out at him. "Left. And the space was already cleared, including for shoes." She huffs, but its playful. "And there's a new electric razor in the bathroom for you too." She leans forward a little and then winces, laying back again.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Oh, thank you, I needed one of those...' he admits, then frowns a bit at the wincing, moving over. "Need some help?" he offers. "It's a pain remembering how now to bend."R

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma shakes her head. "I'll be happy when its healed," she admits. "Moving is just the worst." One of the movers comes into the bedroom with a box labeled "clothes". He stacks it in front of the dresser, then goes back for others.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex moves to help Emma up carefully. "Yeah, I know, I keep forgetting and trying to twist or something." he says with a sigh. "Too bad fast healing isnt' a thing we can do, huh?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma snorts and let's him help her up. "That would be helpful," she admits as the last few boxes are toted in and settled near their respective ultimate locations.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex rubs Emma's back gently as she's upright..and may let it slip down a bit lower for a brief squeeze when the movers aren't looking, just because he can as he grins at her playfully. "Well. Just means we get to take it easy for a while."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma giggles lightly at the squeeze, leaning against Alex. "For awhile." She extricates herself and pops open a box of clothes. "...how upset would you be if once you're healed we completely redo your wardrobe?" she asks, eyeing the pile of tshirts.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "I'm kinda good with my wardrobe..." Alex says doubtfully. "i've got it broken in like I like it." he points out.

Emma Frost has posed:
She eyes him. "Mm, yes, you need to be comfortable to look at rocks." She slides open one of the empty drawers and begins moving his shirts into it... though she is slowly and overly perfectionately super neatly folding each one into an identical neatly folded bundle before she does.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well, comfort is good, but I need more rugged clothes too...." Alex points out, moving to help by handing over clothes as he knees down so Emma doesn't have to bend over.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Rugged?" Emma looks amused. "I suppose," she considers. "For fieldwork," she notes, after lightly skimming his mind. She shakes her head, continuing to put away the Clothing.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "That's what a lot of geophysics is, you know, fieldwork." Alex says amusedly, handing over several shirts at a time. "I mean, what were you thinking of adding to it?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma shrugs. "Some nicer shirts and slacks. Blazers, some coats." She hmms. "Some nicer underwear, maybe." Emma looks entertained. "I don't know. Stuff suitable to wear in society. When you arent stomping in dirt and looking for minerals."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex raises a brow. "What's wrong with my boxer briefs?" he says curiously. "I mean, I guess I should dress to the degree a bit for the others...though I kinda hate khakis. Slacks I can do...." he says thoughfully

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma actually laughs a little, though she catches her side and winces. "Mm. Nothing wrong with them exactly. But higher quality ones could be nice. More comfortable for you. And khakis.... ugh." She rolls her eyes. "But we will see, regardless."