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(Mike practices safe climbing. Greer does not.)
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Latest revision as of 02:42, 17 June 2020

Hang In There
Date of Scene: 16 June 2020
Location: Rock Wallz Gym
Synopsis: Mike practices safe climbing. Greer does not.
Cast of Characters: Greer Grant, Michael Hannigan

Greer Grant has posed:
    "No, I don't need the harness." Tigra says as she stops in front of the rock wall and puts her hands on her hips, ignoring the protests from the employee stationed. The Avenger takes a breath and sizes up the wall, and releases her breath, waiting to step up and master the wall.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Greer argues with the employee stationed at the rock wall, Mike walks up. Dressed do in some neutral toned, second-hand exercise pants and a tank top, and wearing the required safety gear for using the wall. He too wishes to take part in the rock wall and looks over to the attendant having to reason with the Avenger.

"You might not need it. But they do." The scruffy musician points out, a bit of amusement to his tone as he recognizes the Game show host/Avenger C-C-Combo "It's a liability issue."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Liability schmiability. I'm not gonna get hurt on your silly little wall. I could jump to the top from here. I mean..." Tigra says with a soft growl in the back of her throat as she looks to the man's nametag before her and repeats. "Sam. I'm gonna climb up there, stop me if you must, but also, if you can." She says with a devious smirk before she turns to the wall and pounces at the flat surface and uses her fingers to hold onto he first handhold she can grab and she smacks against the wall with her furry body but her grip is true.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"OH CO-" Mike pauses as Greer is already on the wall. He looks over to the troubled looking employee. "If it helps, I'll back up your story."

Apology out of the way and after getting properly hooked in, he makes his way over to the middle of the existing wall to grab upon a level 4 - green grip route.

"You could get him in trouble doing that, you know." Mike says over to Tigra.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "If he gets in trouble for what I'm doing, he needs a new job anyways." Tigra says with a childish gesture with her tongue towards Mike as she lifts her whole self up with one arm, curling at the elbow and shoulder before she even includes her other arm in the climb. "Oh, this is fun." She says to herself and pantomimes a yawn before she reaches up to the next grip, not bothering with her feet in the climb. "Sam, you gonna find a new job if I get ya fired?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Spoken like someone with a backup job," Mike mutters, shaking his head as he starts to pull himself up. Unlike Greer he doesn't try to do curls and instead focuses more on his grip and balance.

Sam, who is still seeming a bit upset looks up when he's addressed. "I hope I don't need to."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer's tail is lashing about as she squints at Mike and then at Sam, turning her wrist, elbow and shoulder so she's facing outwards, still held tight and sure of her own grip and strength. "You two need to worry less." The avenger woman says with a smirk before twisting back to face the wall and then pulls herself up to the next grasp point on the wall. "I mean, look at me. I'm not a novice climber and if I fall... guess what boys! Cats land on their feet." She says with a roll of her green eyes obscured with her facing the wall.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I doubt the concern is centered around your ability to climb." Mike continues to pull himself up, glancing over towards Greer. He looks back to the wall, assessing the next grouping. Oh yes... this. He sighs, making sure to grab the narrow grips securely before he starts the next round.

Feet leaving the wall, he traverses the next few sets of grips hand over hand.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Then he shouldn't be concerned. SAM!" Tigra shouts, her voice booming, sudden and sharp, "Don't be concerned. It makes you fat and your hair grey prematurely." Tigra says before she tightens up and coils all her muscles and vaults herself up several feet before grabbing onto a rung and dangling a moment, her tail countering her swaying hold casually before she reaches up to go another climb higher.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Greer launches herself forward while Mike continues through the arms only section, his eyes narrow. Hidden from the view of Sam, the scar on his right forearm fades slightly, seemingly starting to appear on his left.

Nick takes a deep breath, shaking his head as the scar switches back to the right side.

He moves up further, reaching the point where his feet are allowed to rejoin the wall.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer pauses and turns, looks at MIke and squints her eyes becoming VERY thin slits as she peers at the man. "What did you do?" She asks, and squints, tail puffed full and straight, nearly six feet of extended spine above her bottom. "You did something... did you cheat?" She snarls, showing off her very sharp canines.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Greer's demeanor changes, Mike's brows rise as he looks to the unhappy Avenger staring back at him. "What? No I didn't." He seems puzzled. Looking to the Fe-



"...Super senses?"

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer lets go with one hand and taps her nose while still staring at Mike. "You've got some 'splainin' t'do Lucy." The redhead in the bikini climbing a wall says towards the ghost-capable musicion. "Sam! Scram!" Tigra says with a wink down towards the poor dude that can't seem to catch a break today.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Seeing the nose being tapped, Mike closes his eyes, giving a slow nod. Yep. Ok. Yeah. REAL stupid, Mike. "Ok. Fine. But. Lets finish the climb first. No need giving Sam a heart attack or more potential reasons to get fired."

Generally assuming that to be the game plan, he continues up the wall, slowing down slightly at the next string of hand over hand arrangements. "And if I cheated I'd be done already." He replies, voice low to keep Sam from hearing but enough to be audible to the near Greer.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer squints even tighter with her eyelids before releasing the breath she didn't know she was holding before launching herself fully to the top of the wall with a single pull of her arms. Landing on all four, her tail swishing behind her softly and no longer puffed up in fear, she looks down at Mike with her hands on her hips. "It's not cheating if you can do it. It just might be against the spirit of the sport."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike watches as Greer launches herself up and shakes his head, continuing to take the trip up the slow way. "That and there are potential consequences."

As he reaches near the top to get to the teaser portion for the Level 5 course, a portion of wall that juts out from the rest of the wall. he takes a breath, making sure his hands have a firm grip before his feet leave the wall once more. Feet dangling mid air as he pulls himself over to the top of the landing.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Like what kind of consequences, because all I see is that I got less of a work out and Sam is sweating profusely for a man standing next to a rock wall." Tigra teases as she offers to help Mike up onto the wall "You... you stopped smelling for a while... I'm certain that's cheating."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike takes the offered hand at the end of the climb, glancing down after his body is firmly located at the top of the wall. Ah Good ol' Sam keeping to his post. Great.

"That is a consequence if your things are relative to your strength levels."

He shifts away from the wall edge, also obscuring him from view of the windows separating the rock climbing room from the rest of the gym. "Plus there's the fatigue and..." He pauses, "Well, I don't exactly go out of my way to advertise what I can or can't do."

Mike pauses, considering the location and glancing back to the other side of the room. Maybe it's- "Maybe we should find some place quieter to talk."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Not a bad idea Nick, though, you don't seem to be my type." Greer says with a devious grin across her features before she steps past the edge of the wall and plumets back down to the matts below. She lands heavily on the ground near Sam with the grace of a great cat, and with the poise of one as well. She's not bothered that she just feel dozens of feet and landed on her four extremeties "Heya Sam." She smirks and looks back up to Mike. "That wasn't advertising."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike grins and shifts over the side, rappelling down afterwards. "That's perfectly fine. You're not mine either." He replies, unhooking the safety gear upon reaching the bottom. "Place in mind?"