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Latest revision as of 04:49, 19 June 2020

So You Fought Ninjas And Got Burnt
Date of Scene: 19 June 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: An injured Colleen has Kitty stop to check on her, and Bart investigates the dojo.
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Kitty Pryde, Bart Allen

Colleen Wing has posed:
She awoke on her couch, not really knowing how she had gotten there. She was pretty sure that she had not thrown a rager at the dojo the night prior, in fact she remembered much of what happened the night before, a raid on a warehouse in Chinatown in an attempt to intercept some aritifacts from the Hand. It had all been a trap, a well-orchestrated trap to get the Defenders all in one location; and it almost worked. She rememebered regaining consciousness in a van, waking up to a little dragon in her face. She remembered getting outof the van to climb the stairs to the dojo...but after that it was all blank. SHe must have collapsed once again.

The sun shone through the open curtains, causing her to squint her eyes shut ad moan as she rolled over to hde her face in a pillow with a mutter. "I reeally neat to get darker curtains." A deep breath taken, resulting in a small cough, sitting up to look around her small living area. "WHo brought me up here...there is nobody here." She went to stand and winced as she felt pain in her ankle. "Son of a bitch...oh I remember now. " A one legged hop to the kitchen and leaning on the counter. "Tea..." She reached over to fill the kettle with water, setting it on the stove and leaning her back against the counter the bad ankle in the air. "It's going ot be a long day."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Down below the door to the dojo opens and Kitty Pryde comes in. She's wearing jeans and a t-shirt from the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry showing a huge tesla coil. She removes her shoes and heads for the living area, calling out, "I brought food from the deli. You hungry?" to announce herself before she gets to the doorway.

She does reach the doorway then, leaning in against one side as she looks in the room. "Figured you'd still be in bed all sleeping and I could surprise you with brunch," Kitty says. "You have an early class today?" She moves further into the living area and over to great Colleen with a gentle hug if allowed. Gentle for knowing her injuries, but not wanting to let on just yet.

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is a warm smile that cross her face when she hears thr arrival of Kitty from afar, waiting for the young girl to come to her, walking not being something she was going to do a lot of if she could help it. The hug is well-recieved, embracing her dear friend and not letting go for a moment, enjoying the comfort that she needed at that moment. "I am so hungry. I was just making tea and then was going to think of break..wait what time is it? You brought brunch?" Oh it would appear that Colleen was very hungry.

"Class? Ih what day is it? Um...not until later this afternoon. Today is a belt prep day for my young class...so the day is cleared for the most part. At least something is going in my favor." She puts her foot down and slowly starts to hop/walk towards the couch, notices the table there and simply flops herself down on the bed. "Still not sure how I ended up here. I remember getting out of the van and then...well. What did you bring?" She pats the spot beside her. "I think the crate that fell down on my foot may have sprained something a bit...or that's what I hope."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty watches Colleen hop and her face shows suitable alarm. "Van? Crate? Foot?" Kitty asks as she moves over, setting down the food and then crouching before the bed, intending to reach out, gently, and examine Colleen's foot unless she does something to stop the precocious Jewish girl.

"What, I can't be gone for a night without you going and hurting yourself?" Kitty asks. She gently feels the ankle if allowed, asking, "Tell me where it hurts." She's actually done this enough to have an idea what to do. She's far from a doctor. But 5 years as superhero, you get enough exams yourself to get an idea what to check. Kitty checks to see if it seems like it'll be enough to ice it, or whether it needs an X-ray.

Colleen Wing has posed:
She was still the the same outfit she had on the night before, the black hoodie and a pair of athletic pants, but her shoes and socks had been removed somehow and a Hello Kitty headband sat on the coffee table. While Kitty knelt before her, she offered the barefoot, wiggling the toes lightly and keeoing the foot stable for Kitty to investigate. It is quite noticeable that the ankle is bruised or in the start of bruising. "So what do you think Doc? Do we need to amputate?" She smiles down at her dear friend. "I am joking. I would like to keep it."

There is a small wince when she touches it, but the Sensei does her best to not flinch. "Yeah. We raided a warheouse down the street to intercept some valiable artificats from the Hand. It kinds of went sideways. It was a trap. A trap to get us all in one place. The warehouse ended up on fire. A crate fell on my foot and I became trapped. The next thing I knew I woke up in a van...saw a little dragon. Then passed out again and woke up here.I know crazy right. A friggin little dragon? I must have been hallucinating or dreaming while I was out."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty winces a little bit. "Hopefully not broke, but a trip to get an x-ray isn't a bad idea. We should ice it in the meantime," Kitty says, getting up and going over to get some ice from the freezer. "And you smell like smoke," Kitty says, then pauses, turning to listen as Colleen tells Kitty what happened.

Kitty stands there looking at Colleen, thoughts tumbling through her head. Does she reveal herself? It isn't that she doesn't trust Colleen. And she was working with the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, whom she has a good opinion of. Kitty bites her lip and gives a wistful sigh. "It sounds like you... wow, Colleen," Kitty says. Mind still whirring.

She brings the ice pack over, gently wrapping it about Colleen's ankle. "I should get some tape to tape it in place," she says, looking around. It's a dojo, no doubt there's some athletic tape at hand.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is getting to know the city as he maybe going to college or working here. There has been a wind that has went by outside the dujo a few times/ This time he decided he wants to check it out. The young man comes to poke his head inside saying "Hello, is the Dojo open?" He steps on inside looking around the place as he does. His hands are in his pockets, and he looks mostly harmless.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Oh I do smell like smoke don't I?" Her nose goes to her sleeve, not really making not of it before and she inhales. "Wow. SHould probably burn this sweatshirt now." She pulls it over her head and tosses it on the couch beside the bed, a white Chikara Dojo tank top beneath it. "If we can avoid a trip to the hospital I would appreciate that. Perhaps we should start with the ice."

She leans back on her elbow, long black hair falling back ot the bed. "You need tape? There is a medkit in bathroom under the sink. Athletic tape in there and some pre-wrap. If it is not there I left it in the dojo itself."

It is then that Colleen hears Bart calling out from the Dojo, off of her living space, the door left open from when Kitty entered. It was seldom shut except during classes. "Yes....and No. Come over here." She is not going to get up and it would be easy for him to hear where the voice was coming from. "Oh Kitty...I got to speak to Bakuto on the phone..so yeah that happened."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty goes and gets the tape and comes back. She hesitates there in the doorway to the bathroom for a moment. ANd then finally opens her mouth and says, "So Colleen, I-"

And then Bart's voice can be heard calling, and Kitty cuts off what it was she was about to say. Kitty walks over barefoot to the door of the living area, waving over to Bar to show him where to go. "We're in here," she says. "Tending an injury. Come on in."

Kitty returns to Collen, wrapping the ice pack in place. "Alright, but if it discolors much more we're going for an x-ray," she says. "I know someone at a clinic we could go to, if needed." Or she could have him just come and visit. X-ray eyes. That's another story though.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks around taking it all in as he walks to where he was called to "Um.. I hope I am not intruding, I was just walking past and I saw the dojo, and thought oh cool." He does not look much like the fighting type. "I hope everyone is ok, is there something I could do to help?" He asks as he walks over "Oh, I'm Bart, and I maybe looking for a place around here that rents apartments, so I thought I might see what was around." Yea he rambles a bit.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I will tell you what. Give it a day and if it gets worse I will let you take me to get it looked at. Deal?" She extends her hands out to the young woman working on her ankle. "I promise I won't put up a fight." She winks and sends her attention now to the arrival of the other voice, Kitty having called him in. "Oh just fine, you know, silly me getting myself into a bit of something and falling to realize that in a burning building things fall on you."
% She offers that same hand now to Bar and offers a welcoming smile. "Welcome to Chikara Dojo. Well, you walked through it..this is more of my personal living area. Nice to meet you Bar. I am Colleen Wing and this little nurse here is my friend Kitty. She wanders in a lot." She smiles down at her and then turns to look back at Bart. "There are plenty of places here in Chinatown that may have an available place...I mean that is if you want to live in Chinatown. "

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Bart a wave of greeting. "Colleen's great from what I can tell. Great with kids classes too," she says, giving Colleen a warm smile. One that is replaced with a more severe look as she says, "Ok, but don't you go hopping around on it needlessly and injure it worse. Or I /will/ see you in a plaster cast!" Kitty threatens.

She gets up then, getting Colleen's smoky top and taking it over to put it in the laundry. "Or did you want to get rid of this?" she asks. "This is like a Tide commercial whether the smell will get out," she says.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks between the two ladies and nods his head a bit to this and says"I have a friend who lives in an area a lot like this but in Gotham, I like it, all but the place that has the chickens in the small cages, does not seem nice to the chickens." He hmms and says "Are you a fire fighter? I did not see a building that had been on fire recently everyone else ok?" He will hmms and says "How much do you charge for lessons, I have a few friends who know different martial arts might be cool if I could suprise them that I had learned some.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Oh hell no. There is no way I am going in a plaster cast. Can you imagine how much damage it would do to my image and the Wing brand?" She sticks ehr tongue out at Kitty and then adds. "I can try and wash it and see how it is after that. I mean I do like it. Had a lot of underground fights in that one. Kinda means something to me." She points with a had to the Dojo itself. "Hey Kitty...along the back walls is a kid's sized bow staff on the rack. Perfect for now to help me move around a bit."

"SO you are interested in Martial Arts training? Well it just so happens that I own this place and can make that happen for you. Frist lesson is always free. Individual lesson so I can get a sense of where you are in terms of skill. Rates after that are certainly reasnoable and are on the brochures by the door when you came in. My number is no their as well if you need to contact for any reason."

There is a small shake of her head and a little laigh given at his other words. "I am not firefighter. I just rend to find myself inside burning buildings from time to time it would seem. A warehouse a few blocks from here. Just walk around until you see police tape I would think."

She gestures to the fridge as well. "Are you thirsty or hungry? I have some bottled water in there, and I think some Sushi I made the other night. Yeah, about all I can make, cuz it involves no cooking."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sets the top aside for washing, and then heads into the dojo after Colleen asks for the staff. She's only gone for a few seconds, before padding back in on bare feet with the aforementioned bo staff.

Kitty brings it over and gives it to Colleen. "Though, no moving unless you need to. And we should elevate this," Kitty says, gently tapping the foot. Kitty looks about and gets a blanket she folds until it can be used to prop the hurt foot up. "Ok missy, lay back," Kitty says in an authoritative tone. She has a slight grin, as if enjoying bossing the older girl around."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "I have not done much more just punches and kicks when I have to fight. My buddies Rob, and Rose, they are like black belt and have seen them do stuff but though I can remember what they look like in this or that positions." He takes a couple of stance, while his skill does not seem very high the stances he take, speak of skilled friends. " He smiles and says "I am good, probably grab some food here in a bit afterwards thanks." He tells them. He grins a bit and says "Sounds like you have a good friend trying to take care of you."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"No moving unless I need to? I assume that the bathroom constitutes needing to?" She gives the girl a raised brow and a smirling grin." She does lay back as instructed, but makes sure she is in a position to still speak with Bart. "Those stances are a great start. Your friends have shown you well. The first one was more a defensive posture. I actually recommend that. The other was more of an attack stance. My advice, never do the attack stance unless you know you can win. So defend for a bit to see what you are dealing with."

Her eyes drift ove rto Kitty and she gestures to the young girl with her hand. "Oh her? She is like a stray cat, you feed her once and she keeps coming back." Kitty is given a wink. "Honestly, I am not sure what do without her friendship. SHe is really there when I need her." He looks to Bart once again, a strand of hair falling in front of her eye. "So are you new to the area then?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty looks satisfied only once Colleen's foot is propped up. "Yes the bathroom counts. Because I don't do bedpans," Kitty counters to the Japanese girl. The talk of food reminds her and she goes over to get the bag of food she'd brought. "I've got sandwiches, but just two. Can have half of mine though," she offers to Bart.

A grin is flashed Colleen's way. "That's not entirely wrong," she agrees of the description of her being like a stray cat. Kitty motions to Colleen's ankle then. "Apparently not all the time you need me though, or else you wouldn't have had that," she tells her friend." Kitty smiles to Bart, but lets Colleen do the bulk of the talking for now. Prospective student and all.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will take the sandwich and says "Thank you, " He hmms and nods his head to Colleen and says "Thanks, I try not to get into fights I won't win but well I am sure you know how that can be." He munches a bit on the sandwich and after a moment he will ask "Are you two from around here? I am living in Keystone, but am considering school here since a friend goes here. and even had an interview at stark towers today. Ms Potts seems a nice lady."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"You know what tho, I have always wanted a cat. I guess she will do. I mena for the most part she takes care of herself." She adjusts herself on the bed to be able to see both of them now, probbing herslef on an elbow. "Oh I have been in plenty of fight I have not won. I fact there are many...perhaps more then I care to count. However, you learn more from failure than winning." She smiles over to Kitty and asks. "Hey KitKat...can I have a bite of part of one of those?"

The mention of Stark and Pepper does cause room for pause. "I cannot say I have had much interaction with Miss Potts. What exsctly were you interviewing for at Strak towers if I might ask?"

She shifts slightly on the bed to make room for Kitty should she want to sit on the edge to converse.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde passes out sandwiches, but tells Colleen, "Let me go start that top soaking. Somewhere it won't smoke up the apartment. I'll be back in a bit." Kitty takes her half a sandwich with her, telling Bart, "Make sure she doesn't get up and about needlessly." She adds in a stage whisper, "She can be incorrigible!"

She flashes a grin to the Japanese girl then goes to get the top and head out into the dojo looking for a container to soak the garment in.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and makes a salute to Kitty and says "Will do." He looks back over to Colleen "Assistant, basically gopher but I am not sure if I did very good on the interview, I have thought about trying to get a job at the zoo maybe clean up after the animals. I am not sure yet, but will need something to pay my own bills if I move out from with Joan and Jay."

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is a wave given to Kitty as she departs. "You are too good to me. Please try to save it Laundry Doctor Kitty." She gives a smile to her departing friend and looks back to Bart. "It is hard to tell what they are looking for. Job interviews can be difficult. I always just tell everyoneto be themsevles, that way you do not have to fake being someone else at work. If onejob deos not work out, you simply find another. My other advice, is tryo to make money off something you enjoy. I enjoy teaching the kids...and it keeps the lights on..usually. Do you enjoy animals? Do not seel yourself short. What sort of skills do you have?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Video games, but I can't really make money playing them as it would not be fare. I could probably make money on the stock market, but that would not be fair either so am trying to find something that I would not feel like I am cheating to get." He will move a bit closer so she does not have to strain herself to look at him. I really aint had to do much job wise had a paper route, but unless I do like a dozen of them, I would not be able to pay the bills.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"There is no cheating in the stock market...wellI am sure there is, but essentially it is a way to make money, but it helps to have money to get started with. I would wait to see what you hear from Stark Tower, as that would be a great place to be eomployed and I am sure they would have some sort of benefits for you and insurance." She takes another bite of the sanwich and pauses a moment before speaking again. "Keep looking, something good will happen that you will enjoy doing. I know the city needs bike couriers sometimes. Or food delivery." She clesrly is grasping at ideas. "I know what it is like to struggle a bit...but you keep your head up and things will turn around for you. i am sure of it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "I have thought about the delivery thing either food or packages, but I am not sure, my cousin does that, and I am not wanting to step on his toes. I mean I would be really good at that probably, but I got a bit of time before I have to make my decision." He admits, not bringing up the fact he can commute in less than a couple minutes "How long you been here, seems your doing pretty good for yourself, well when not getting into burning buildings.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I have been here a little while. Bit of a backstory, been here and there, then ended up in this place. I doubles as work and as a place to lay my head at night. Not exactly a palace, but I do not need a lot. I mean this tiny space has given me everything I need and a 3 foot walk to work. Steady ckasses have helped me to be able to stop underground fighting to make rent. So that's a plus." Another bite of the sandwich its taken, calling out. "How did you know what I liked Kitty?" Eyes turn back to Bart. "I have friends who also help keep the peace around town...so every so foten I get dragged out. Espcially if trouble is in Chinatown. I consider this my turf and the people in it my family. Do you feel the need to rush out into the world on your own so quickly?"