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Latest revision as of 04:50, 19 June 2020

Siblings: Oh Joy
Date of Scene: 19 June 2020
Location: Main Foyer
Synopsis: Pietro and Lorna catch up and have a nice time.
Cast of Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Lorna Dane

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Going to Xavier's has always felt odd to Pietro. Not because it was *clearly* overrun with teenagers with an overinflated sense of worth, like pretty much any teenager, but with special abilities to 'justify' that claim. And, really, it wasn't the school setting either, though that always did seem strange to Pietro to be just walking around in a school. No, it was mostly the fact that, at some point or another, it was the fact that he has crossed paths with most of the faculty, in some form or another, on opposing sides. And really....Pietro didn't like to be reminded of his past transgressions.

    And so, Pietro just may be a little fidgety when standing in the foyer of the school, there to visit Lorna. Really, it was his idea completely to go visit, though he will most likely claim it was Wanda who wanted to check up on the kid sister. Because, really it is something Wanda would suggest and Pietro has a reputation to keep. Still, it's been a whole thirty seconds and already Pietro is impatient. It could be the funny looks from the students still about, though, really, shouldn't they be on summer break now? And they think Pietro is odd...

    Those thoughts, and hundreds more cross Pietro's mind as he waits, as patiently as he can, for his sister.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had luckily been at the Mansion. It was always a toss up on where in the world she was at any given moment. It might be Genosha, or Mutant Town, or any other handful of places sent away on a mission with the X-men. She'd just returned from Genosha in fact, and she still wore the simple black T-shirt and cargo pants that she typical wore when she was working there.

Rebuilding a nation did not mean she wore anything considered even remotely 'royal' despite many, many pleas by her various advisers to do just that.

She came down the stairs with a thump of her feet on the hardwood and she cast a beaming smile to her older brother, making to embrace him if he allowed it. "Pietro! You're in luck, I just got back from settling in some new immigrants from Mutant Town. They'd been holed up in the old Morlock tunnels, trying to get their pound of flesh from a bunch of mutant haters. So I offered them an out over in Genosha. Good kids." She murmured, leaning back. "How are you doing?"

If anything today was an up day for Lorna, judging by the smiles and the rather quick info dump she'd offered her elder sibling.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Lorna smiling is a welcomed sight. One that is returned with a smile, albeit slight, from Pietro as well. Of course he already scanned the foyer to make sure no one was looking, but really, Lorna doesn't need to know that. The hug is even returned as well, willingly rather that begrudgingly. It does seem that a good mood is contagious.

    "Hello Lorna." A pause. "The Morlock tunnels. A rather dismal place, if I remember correctly. It does sound rather fortunate that you was able to find them." Then....another brief pause as Pietro considers the other question....the dreaded 'how are you doing?'. With him...it could be anything. But, with what Pietro returns with sounds promising, at least for Pietro. "I have been somewhat well. Rather idle as of late, so ended up reading a library or two."

    There isn't a joke in that last statement. It is quite possible that he is absolutely serious.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna stepped back after the embrace, still smiling as she nodded. "Mmm, we had a help signal to lead us down there. But it was just a bunch of scared mutants trying to get by really. I mean, sure they had some Purifiers in cages.. but it was all wrapped up pretty quickly." She sighed softly, reaching up to drag her fingers through her hair.

"And we're starting to farm again in Genosha. We moved a lot of soil from the areas that were in general better for farming but were also too far out to safely patrol. I split the difference and just moved the dirt." She shrugged once and glanced around and back arching a brow.

"Did you read the whole library then?" She mused, and tilted her head.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    There might have been a sideward glance, cast downwards as Pietro's eyes leave Lorna for that moment. "Yes...." The admission comes with a definite smirk, as those blue eyes return from the floor. "But, really, there is very little that I can do at my own pace. The library was quite put out when I finished within a week or so."

    The comment about the Purifiers earns Lorna a raised eyebrow, as Pietro opts to lean on the stair bannister. "They actually captured some Purifiers? And....I assume they were let go, or did they receive a parting gift for their trouncing about in the sewers?" It is no secret that Pietro has no love for the anti-mutant bigots...and it sounds like he might have had an idea or two as to what sort of gift to have given.

    "Farming. How....exciting." That....definitely had a joking lilt to the words. Farming was never Pietro's forte. Much too slow for him.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, making to mirror her older brother's posture against the railings. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised. If anyone could read every book ever, it would be you." She murmured, a smile still on her lips as she bumped her shoulder in Pietro's direction.

"And I guess Purifier lite? I dunno, they were in cages, one of them was shouting how we were demons and preaching. We portaled them out to the edges of Mutant Town so they could leave." She shrugged and rolled her eyes, "Kitty was team leader on that, so I was behaving.." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

"And yes, farming." She shrugged and huffed a breath. "We gotta start somewhere beyond MRE's and instant ramen."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    "Yes, I suppose anything is better than MRE's. Though, I am not sure about the instant ramen. I rather like it." Another jest, as that smile creeps up just a little bit more. "And I certainly respect farming. It just isn't for me. I prefer more expedient pursuits." A shrug is given, as an elbow nudges Lorna's. "Still...baby steps. Getting back to a self-sufficient nature is certainly paramount. Of course, I will be willing to help in any fashion....as long as I do not have to watch crops grow."

    There is a rolling of the eyes when Pietro hears that the Purifiers were let go without so much as a pat on the bum. "Well....at least you were behaving. Not that you had much of a choice from the sound of it." A chuckle escapes from the older brother. "Of course....Ms Pryde wouldn't have had much choice if I was there. There are some advantages of speed after all."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna grinned at her elder brother as he spoke of instant ramen. Something he'd interrupted her eating on Genosha a few times now. "Har har." She shook her head, amusement thick in her voice. "But I would never imagine you as a farmer. Not ever. I'd sooner ask you to watch paint dry." She murmured, and heaved a sigh as the conversation shifted toward letting the mutant haters go.

"I might have freaked them out a little when I turned their cages into solid metal plates. It kept them alive.. but all the same. One woman was sobbing her eyes out. So.." She shrugged, and reached up to rub the bridge of her nose.

"The last thing I needed was another report about how unstable I am and how I can't follow orders or something. I swear, Scott isn't going to let me forget anything anytime soon." She muttered.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Pietro's face twists into an expression of mock horror at the mere thought of watching paint dry. "Oh, don't joke of such things!" That horror melts into a laugh...a true laugh, as Pietro actually tips a wink to Lorna. "I am not sure if I can think of anything particular more dreadful than that."

    The mention of Scott does draw a sigh from the white-haired speedster. "Ah yes, Summers. All of the self righteousness of Steve Rogers with none of the tact or charm. He is still as high-strung as ever, it sounds like. And people think I am rigid. I am downright flexible in comparison to him." Yes, there might have been an issue of a couple hundred deaths, a fact that Pietro himself had issues with. But, he at least saw the bigger picture, though it took him some time to get there. "He sounds as unforgiving as another we know. I wonder if he realizes that." Of course, there is no need to mention who. Lorna may be able to guess quite easily.

    Then, with a glance over his shoulder out the door, Pietro tilts his head that direction, while facing his sister. "So...if you are not busy, I could take you for some food. I figure I should offer, before you try to feed me. Why, I know this one place....serves the best instant ramen..." Pietro trails off, that smirk twisting with a positively wicked gleam in his eye.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh as Pietro did, the sibling's laughter a mixture that was easily contagious, for all that it was rare between the two. But it was just them. The hall was quiet and the students were all else where. A rare moment in the Mansion proper indeed. Even the comment about Scott's unforgiving traits earned another chortle of laughter from the green haired woman.

She tried to swallow her laughter long enough to answer Pietro's question regarding food, and her lips trembled faintly from the withheld giggle. "Yeah. Sure. We go out and grab something to eat." She reached out to lightly thwap her hand in Pietro's direction at the instant ramen joke though. While she attempted to hide her smile, it remained regardless.

"You're awful."