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Latest revision as of 04:50, 19 June 2020

Help wanted
Date of Scene: 18 June 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Pepper's Office
Synopsis: Another interview done.. more to go!
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Bart Allen

Pepper Potts has posed:
The day is overcast; it'd be considered dreary for some, the humidity is high and the temperatures are beginning to truly rise. The cloudcover can be seen in all its glory out in the full floor to ceiling glass behind one Virginia 'Pepper' Potts' window behind the desk. Thankfully, the office, like the entire building, is carefully climate controlled.

It is, therefore, a day like any other for the Personal Assistant to Mr Stark. Meetings, phone conferences, promises of high powered luncheons, and in the middle of it all, interviews. Her own personal assistants have gotten together and finally convinced her that she, as well as they, need help.

So, here she is. Conducting numerous interviews for the hiring of an intern, a budget that has been located and allocated. (It costs money!)

Miss Potts is seated behind her desk in a cream colored business suit, red hair up in a tight pony tail. The office television is on, the sound low but subtitles help fill in the gaps. One of the two offices that make Stark Industries what it is.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes walking into the outer office to let them know he is here. He is about five minutes early and the receptionist may have noticed something odd. The young man came off the stairwell hall, not the elevator. He is wearing a black suit and tie. He has resisted the urge to tug at it for the full three minutes he has been here an eternity for him. The one odd thing about his appearance is he is wearing yellow tinted glasses. He will wait somewhat patiently but he does not sit, instead exploring the outer office a bit not touching at least not yet but looking at things.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Something odd?

Stairwell? That is, indeed, strange; particularly as the office is on the upper floors of the building. Still, it's not something that'll completely blow the interview, but it does add a small question mark next to the name. Okay, perhaps two.

The receptionist offers a business, courteous smile, adding, "Ms Potts will be with you shortly," before buzzing through to let her know that her next appointment was here.

It only takes a couple of minutes on Pepper's end to finish the preparations, and the time, on the dot, the receptionist looks up and utters those words, 'Ms Potts will see you now." Rising at the end of them, the woman ushers the interviewee through the doors and into the spacious office, made of glass, steel and framed artwork.

Pepper doesn't stand; instead she gestures at a chair in front of her desk. "Mr. Allen," she begins, her tones professional as becoming her position, "Please, be seated."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will softly say "Schway" as the receptionist tells him Ms Potts is ready for him. He walks in does a quick look around the room, but as if remembering his manners or something his gaze will move back to Pepper." He offers her a smile and seems to consider something for the briefest of moments, but nods and has a seat in the chair "Thank you for making the time to see me." He will tall her. He sits his hands in his lap, then back on the chair arms if there are some. He maybe a bit fidgity.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper watches everything; she really has to. It matters to her how a person enters her office, what they do, how they do it. She's attentive, leaning forward slightly in her seat, and once he sits (and starts to fidget), she nods once and her lips press before she responds, and begins, "You're welcome."


"Now, Mr Allen, I see you are applying to university," She doesn't have his resume in front of her, at least not obviously, "Are you looking for a place in STEM," she pauses and clarifies, "research and technology, or in a more administrative role? I have numerous positions, and this one is more administrative."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "Well right now I believe administrative would be more interesting to me, I mean old tech is ok.." He catches himself and says "I am sure I would not be able to start off on the cutting edge of stuff or anything in technology." He rubs his hands on his pants legs a little bit and says "I believe I have an outlook unlike most anyone you have met, and with my starting college.. err university this fall, I could bring with me a finger on the pulse of the college student that may help you keep on current fads and the blips on the young peoples vid screens.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"What is your intended major in college?"

With the first question out of the way, and knowing what is written on the resume, the redhead cants her head, brows rising slightly. "Tell me about your outlook. What sort of strengths would you bring to the job? What do you see as your weaknesses?" Two very important questions, and her attention is fixed. There is consideration that plays on her face; he hasn't lost her, not yet.

"This position isn't really one of 'moving and shaking'. When I say 'administrative', I mean the day to day handling of papers, phone calls, and the like. Not very glamourous."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well to be honest, I am not one hundred present sure what I am major in. I plan to take an few different classes and see what draws my attention. I mean it may add a year onto my college time, but I figure better to go "Ok oh I like marine biology, let me check out a class in it, and hmm not for me after one class, than I choose it, and have the full first semester maybe two in and decide it is not for me. " He tells her "As for my strength and weakness? "Probably the fact that I can get distracted a bit, but I do recover quickly and any task you give me will almost always be done with time to spare. I work really fast."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper nods slowly, consideringly. She's giving him that much, at the very least. "So, Stark Industries only pays partial tuition reimbursement for those areas where we could use the support. Administrative classes like accounting, up to a Business Administrative degree and such." She sits back in her seat a little and offers a touch of a smile, "I think HR probably mentioned something like that."

Once that's addressed, the 'weakness' thus expressed gets another nod in acknowledgement. "Fast. I'm assuming accurately? This is a multi-billion dollar company and while some mistakes do happen, we can't have sloppy work." Pepper pauses, and adds, "In your packet from HR, there was a paper regarding a background check. Any employment is based upon a successful and acceptable background."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "It would be accurate, I have a eidetic memory so if you tell me numbers or an address or such I will remember and get them the way you said them." He hmms and the thought of the job paying part of his school honestly did not seem to be something he had thought about. He continues to listen and nods his head a bit to this, and says "All my computer records and paperwork should be fine, no problems to my knowledge, I just graduated from Happy Harbor high school, not sure if they put the info in at the end of the year or when to be honest.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Now, Pepper rises from her desk, signalling the end of the interview. She extends a hand and smiles, the expression professional and courteous. "Perfect. If everything checks out, you'll be hearing from HR. I will tell you, however, we do have a long list of applicants, so it may take a little while." While it's not apologetic, there is that reason why it may not be immediate.

"Thank you for applying, and your interest in working for Stark Industries. My assistant can show you out." The smile hasn't left her face, and she nods towards the temporary visitor's badge, "Just turn that in at the front desk before you leave."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and will shake the hand giving a firm but not crushing shake, as Jay told him to do "Thank you ma'am, and I hope to hear from you soon." He will be lead out and heads to the stairs to head out. One thing that may stick out when someone is looking from the computer records. That visitor bad went from near the top floor to the lobby stairway in less than a second. He walks out at normal speed giving his badge to the person and leaves the building.