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Latest revision as of 04:13, 21 June 2020

Are There Bagels on Tamaran
Date of Scene: 20 June 2020
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Why is Ted Lonely? Hard to answer.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Koriand'r

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is directing some corporate finances and eating a cheeses danish with coffee. He doesn't know how Tony Stark does it all and is still a first tier superhero. As he types some commands into his computer he hums a wordless tune. Life seems good at the moment. A drone comes floating in with a vase full of flowers in its grippers. "Put that in Dinah's room. She likes flowers. Thank you. He makes shooing motions at it and the bot complies.

Koriand'r has posed:
    Humans ave weird attachments to their clothes, so Starfire has decided to return Blue Beetle's sweatsuit after properly laundering it. She flies back to the site where she met him, a big building in New York, and lands at the front door with a sigh of resignation. Human architecture is so claustrophobic, but it can't be helped. Steeling herself, she walks into the lobby and informs the front desk, "Yes, hello. I have clothing for Ted Kord." She holds up a black trash bag for display, to prove the point that there are presumably clothes inside it.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gets a popup while he is working away. Access query, security camera. He texts some instructions back. The elderly doorman in the lobby tips his hat to Starfire and says, "Mr. Kord would like to see you in the penthouse. You may take the elevator or get there on your own power if you prefer, Ms. Starfire. The defenses and alarms are off. He sends his compliments." He leans closer for a conspiratorial wink and says, "It's nice to see Mr. Kord getting company these days."

Koriand'r has posed:
    Starfire gives the doorman a stricken look at the cruelty that a nice man like Ted should for some reason be alone. What an awful fate! And how sad that this man who knows of Ted's affliction should allow it to continue! It must be that he is outside of Ted's caste and not permitted to befriend him, the alien princess reasons as she enters the elevator and waits for it to take her up to Ted's penthouse. She wonders briefly if she could make the elevator go faster by flying into its ceiling and pushing it up, but it's best not to interfere with primitive Earth technology. Probably break.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord meets Starfire when the elevator doors open. He's wearing work casual, a polo shirt and jeans. No goggles. "Hey, hello! Nice to see you again. Pardon the disarray. I have a lot of guests right now." He gives a cursory look at the black bag but doesn't ask. "Would you like anything to drink or eat? I don't know anything about Tamaranean dietary requirements. So please tell me if you would like anything. Martian Manhunter loved Oreos and other cookies, that about all I know about feeding aliens."

Koriand'r has posed:
    Starfire thrusts the bag of clothes into Ted's arms without bothering to look around at the surroundings. She just rests a desert-hot hand on Ted's shoulder and nods while looking him in the eye. "I will eat or drink if it is not bothersome to you, Ted," she says firmly.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods, wondering at the heat she gives off. "Not a problem... what would you like? As I said I've only dealt with Martians... oh and New Gods. But they seemed to just eat anything, especially Barda. I have ice water, the stuff I offered you when we met, coffee, cocoa, tea, uhm energy drinks, some wine, beer, lemonade." He looks in the bag. "Oh my clothes. Thank you. Let me get some goodies. Listen, just come with and see what I have and pick what you want?" He tosses the bag on a sofa and quick foots it to the kitchen.

Koriand'r has posed:
    "Earth comestibles are perfectly fine," Starfire protests as she's led into the kitchen, though her mind is stuck on a minor point that will probably derail the whole conevrsation but she can't help asking: "What is a new god?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord starts digging in the refrigerator. "Annoying mostly. They're hyper advanced humanoids from some secret cosmos. Al right as long as you're trusting me, I have some meat buns I can heat up. Nagi makes them for me. If you don't like them spit it out and I'll get something else. Oh here's lemonade!" He heats the food in a microwave and then a bag of rice as he talky. Nagi would scold him if she caught him but she ain't here. He sets up a tray and carries it back to the living area. "So, how do you like Earth?"

Koriand'r has posed:
    Starfire answers candidly, "It requires much adjusting. Humans do not seem to experience emotions as Tamaraneans do, and it is most strange to live in buildings for people who cannot fly. Yet you possess much kindness and are not so dissimilar learning is impossible. Who is Nagi?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord sets the goodies out. "She's my cook. She's very good. She's off work today. So everyone can fly and is very emotive on Tamaran? And tall? And hot?" He stops talking quickly takes a drink of lemonade.

Koriand'r has posed:
    Starfire nods wisely. "Ah, a cook. That calling is most respectable, for it causes others to live and take pleasure in living." She keeps her mouth shut on what she thinks of Earth recipes, though. "Yes, we all are these things except for those who are not, as it is on Earth with humans. Does this surprise you?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes his head. "You're an advanced species from what I know and success in evolution demands diversity. Uhm, are these meat buns enjoyable for you? Speaking of diversity, humans have a very wide range of tastes in food. A delicacy in one part of Earth can be considered garbage on another and when you're talking people from different planets I'm sure there's a lot of varied tastes. Maybe Nagi could cook some Terran food for you sometime that you like? Sorry it's the engineer in me. I look for things that can go wrong. I mean, it's sort of like humans feeding their canines all these foods that are harmless to us but cause them distress, like chocolate."

Koriand'r has posed:
    "The meat buns are well," Starfire confirms and takes a bite to prove it. See? Fine. Her eyes aren't watering and her smile isn't a grimace. "I have not yet discovered the food of Earth to be toxic. What foods do you enjoy, Ted?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord answers without pause, "Pizza is my weakness. even bad pizza is still pizza. But honestly I am starting to enjoy Japanese food since Nagi began cooking for me. I haven't eaten sushi yet... raw fish... no. I like stir fry... I guess I like all the things that gave me my weight problem when I was a kid. I mean I like all these but I mostly eat healthy stuff to stay in shape. Salads, kale, avocado. So what do you do when you aren't seeking enemy aircraft? What do you do for fun?"

Koriand'r has posed:
    Starfire nods along distractedly and with increasingly obvious impatience softened by the concern that overlays it. "Those delectables sound enjoyable. Ted, I do not grasp the intricacies of Earth socialization fully. Has the talk been small enough that it is permissible to now ask why your servants tell me you are lonely?"