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Latest revision as of 13:03, 21 June 2020

Could it be rain
Date of Scene: 21 June 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: The rain fell, but new friends potentially.
Cast of Characters: Kyani Kohanna, Ororo Munroe

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It's been a pretty nice day so far, though the last few days were a bit cool, today is no different. It's slightly more warmer, but there are clouds in the skies and giant white fluffy pillows of clouds slowly drift in the sky. Still today was Kyani's day off from work. He was bored and figured he would chill at the park today and relax. He found a table and on that table he places three large pep, ham, chrizo and onions on his pizza with about four 2liters of Coke. He was ready for his meal and he does get a few odd looks thrown his way as he is hte only looking to eat all that food.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Every so often one has to get out and about with nothing to concern themselves with. This was one of those times. A time when she could walk alone and be one with nature. It was not something she did often, not somehting that time permitted her to do, but she had told herself that on this day she was going to make time to do so. Thus, she found herself in central park, walking through with a pair of sneakers, ripped jeans, a white tank top and a half leather jacket. Perhaps it was an outfit too warm for the day, but she did not seem to mind.

She was keeping much to herself, she was not exactly someone often made their way towards to start conversation and it was then that she spied Kyani with a buffet in front of him that made her think he must be waiting for at least two more people to join him. "I hope they show up soon. The food will get cold if they do not." Her hands go to her jeans pockets, pausing next to the table.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks up when he hears the womans voice, he blinks as he stares at her for a moment, "Uhhh...who?" he asks. "This is all for me unless you want some." he smiles. He stands up and gives the woman a polite nod of his head. "You can join me if you like. I figured it was nice out and it's not raining yet, that I could be out here and eat." Kyani sits back down and he looks to his Stark Watch, (Apple Watch for Marvel I guess.)) he didn't know why he looked at it but eh whatever. He wasn't really expecting anyone to meet up with him.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
She had no real place to be and she had not had lunch. It would be rude to turn down the offer of foodafterall. "Please sit. You do not need to stand for me. If you have enough I think it would be a pleasure to join you. I promise I do not eat alot." She lowers herself to a seated position across from the young man, looking up to the sky. "Oh I do not think it is going rain. I can all but promise you that you will have a dry lunch." She gives him a smile and looks to the food in front of her. "So what are we eating? Pizza? It smells delicious." She pauses a moment and extends her hand across the table. "Ororo. I figured if we are going to have lunch together you should at least know my name."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Watching her, he nods his head and sits back down. He looks at the spread, "Pizza is a great food for lunch, or whenver." he laughs. He takes her hand and shakes it gently. "My name is Kyani Kohanna." he says to her. "Nice to meet you Ororo." he says to her. "Please I have paper plates and cups for the soda." he tells her. He looks up at the sky as she promises him that it will not rain. "Well, hey it's done it in the pass. Granted luckily I was ab'e to get my food covered before it did." A playful grin is on his face.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"It is a pleasure to meet you Kyani. I do not remember the last time I had pizza. This is most certainly going to be treat." She reaches for a paper plate and places it before her, then reaching to take a slice and setting it down in front of her. SHe then takes a cup and pours herself a bit of the soda, not a lot, but at least half a cup. "I will tell you what. I am so confident that it will not rain that if it does...I will buy you lunch for an entire week. Anything you want. Delivered right here at the same time everyday. Deal?" She looks to the sky once more as if to reassure herself and then back to the young man, reaching to take a bite of the pizza. "This is really good. I chose the right time to take a walk in the park."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks to Ororo and grins, "Deal." he laughs. "I eat a lot, this is just light." he tells her. As he gets his plate togetehr, he notices her blue eyes, they are very blue, "Nice contacts." he says to her as he looks up at the sky, he grins and hopes that it does rain now. "Really, you don't take time out to eat some of the most delicious food on Earth. A pizzza?" he asks. "That my dear is a crime of epic proportions."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Well that is cerrainly something I am going to have to see to. This pizza is well worth it." She takes another bite and onclines her head with a smile. "Thank you. They are not contacts, they are all mine and 100% authentic." SHe winks and then opens her eyes wider so that he can look at the as close as he wants. "Blue like the sky huh?" A sip of the soda is taken and she lowers the paper cup to the table. "So tell me..what is it you do? I mean besides eating pizza in the park and inviting strangers to join you?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "Wow..." is all he can say as he leans in closer to look at her eyes. "They fit you. You must have a rare gene that allows you to have those blue eyes." he says. "Most of our people have brown eyes, or sometimes hazel." he says to her. WHen asked about himself, "Not much, I work for Mac's Delivery Services." he says. "I'm pretty quick when I have to get packages to where they need to be at on short notice." he tells her. "What about you Ororo?" he asks.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"A delivery service? Well, that is a job I have never considered. You must be very goodat it and brave to do that here in the city. It is not exactly the safest place to do so. The people who drive here are certainly crazy. Is it done on a bike?" She takes another bite of the pizza and chews it slowly, setting it down once more. "Me? What do I do? Well to be fair..I am a weatherperson for a local news station. SO that bet I made was not really that fair." She winks and reaches for the soda.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He grins, "I'm damn good at my job and you can say a bike I guess." not willing to give up too much info about himself to her. "The people do drive crazy here, but that makes it even more fun and challenging." he says. He has already eaten three slices. As she tells him what she does, "Ah no fair at all." he says as he looks to her. "Oh well, bet's off." he chuckles. "Still, do you like being a weather person?" he asks.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Bet is off? Oh why so? You risk nothing and there is a chance it could rain? I mean I am not perfect by any means. I mean look at the sky." The sky itself is pretty damn blue with barely a cloud. "I mean...weather is very unpredictable Kyani. One should never bet against it." A sip of the soda is taken. "And I do. I like weather. You could say I have a knack for it. I have always said, if you can make money doing something you are good at and enjoy, then you have found your calling." The cup is lowered. "Well you are still employed so you must be very good and have a good reviews from your clients."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Quirking a brow as he looks up into the sky, "Alright, the bet continues." he asys. "You're right." he tells her. He takes one of the cups and pours some soda into it. Listening as Ororo speaks to him, "Yea I am." he tells her. "I don't like bragging, and honestly I try not to. I think we all have a damn good crew and we all help one another." Thinking on what she said a moment ago. "Is that why you enjoy being a weather woman?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I do. Weather is something I find fascinating. It is always changing and so unpredicatable. I take predicting it a challenge that I never grow tired of." She looks across at the man and tilts her head ot the side, white hair falling to the side. "Bragging is not a bad thing. I do not consider it bragging, I consider it confidence of skill. There is a difference. Bragging is saying you are the best. Confidence is not saying that, but knowing depe down that you are." She winks again and takes another bite of the pizza. "Friends. You can never have too many." She raises her cup to him. "A toast. To friends and confidence."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani raise his cup to clunk against hers. "Well I will keep that in mind. As for friends, I hope this is leading into meeting and making a new friend." he says to Ororo. "As for the weather, if this is your passion, have you thought about possibly storm chasing or anything like that, or do you like just reporting the weather from the news station?" he asks as he looks at her. One box of pizza down and the second one is opened, he notices that Ororo has only had one slice, "I should slow down on that." he chuckles a little.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Oh eat away, I think two pieces may be my maximum. Afterall, I have a girlish figure I have to kepe an eye on." She finishes her first piece and reaches for another slice. "I have done my share of storm chasing in my college years. Sure. Nothing more exciting then having a tornado barreling down on you and trying to outrun it." A small bite is taken from the pizza. "Everyonce in a while I will take a vacation to some spots in the world with crazy weather. The weatherwoman job keeps me grounded, a place to live. A steady paycheck to pay the bills. So tell me...what do you dream of doing?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani eats but he listens more importantly to Ororo. As he listens, he knows something more that he wants to asks her but as she talks about having gone tornado chasing in college, "I bet that was fun! It's something I've wanted to do, is to see a tornado up close and personal." He smiles as she continues, "Hey that's the most important part, being able to pay the bills and continue to survive." Though when he is asked what is his dream, he stops eating, "Honestly I don't know." he laughs a little. "I've not ever had those types of things to dream about, nor did I have anyone who cared so...." he pauses as he pours more soda into his cup. "What about you?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
" I don't know. I am pretty happy with what I am doing. Have some good friends and a place to lay my head everynight. I have very little to complain about actually. And it was fun...there is something about scared that makes you feel alive..you know?" She reaches up to brush her hair back from her face. "You do not need anyone care except yourself. I mean at the end of the day you are the one who decides where it is you want yourself to go. One day you will wake up and it wil hit you like an F-5...what you want to do with your life. Perhaps it already has and you are content and happy."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani actually thinks on this, "You're right, at the end of the day all I have is me." he says as he looks towards Ororo. A smile shows on his features a bit, "Well I know what I want to do, and I just have to figure out how to get there is all." he says. "It's not working for someone else, I want to do something of my own." he thinks about it for a moment, "I've had a few times where I feared something that was life threatening, though it was a month ago."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Now, don't get me wrong...I am not saying you need to go out there and out yourself in danger everyday. That is a fast way to end up dead and that is not a good thing. I am just saying in order to feel alive, you need to live. So you need to take what you want to do and find a way to make it happen. It will not be easy. Nothing ever worth having is. If you want to work for yourself...see what steps need to be done to do so and start walking." It is then she looks at his wrist and the Stark Watch he was looking at before. "That's a nice watch."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Nodding his head, "Thanks for the talk, it's something that I needed to hear." he says to Ororo. "I still have some things to work out myself before I say I'm going to officially do what I want." He chuckles a little, "You're right and I want to make sure what I do is very well worth it." When she looks to her watch and his, he nods, "Thanks." he tells ehr. "I've had it for about a year, I like it." he grins. "You should get one, I've not really used my money for much else, just my place and what I needed, the rest is all put up." he explains. "So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"The rest of the day...well I suspect I need to get back to work at some point. They do not give me the longest breaks." She winks and takes another bite of the pizza. "One thing I have learned..strangers sometimes give the best advice. They don't know who you are really and do not judge." She sets the pizza down and folds her hands before her. "And what of you? Is it your plan to sit in the park and wait until dinnertime? Or do you have more deliveries to make?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "Ah that sucks." he says as he looks at her. "Hey that's not fair, but if they don't give you that much longer of a break, you're their number one." he tells her. "They have to make sure their best weather woman is up on her game." he grins at her. When she mentions talking to strangers, he nods his head, "I've been doing that pretty much all my life." he laughs. "I don't really many friends, I think I'm slowly gaining them, but we will see." he smirks. "Oh no, I'm going to go back home and watch a movie probably." he takes another slice of pizza and he finishes that second pizza off.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I do not know if I am their number one, but I do know when and where I am expected." She smiles and takes another large bite of the piece that was on her plate. "The funny thing about friends is you can have a lot of them and not hang outwith them all the time, butthey are there when you need them. If you find yourself needing help or assistance, they are there for you. You have a few of those and you will be set for life." The pizza is washed down with yet another small sip. "So tell me..where does someone like you find the room to fit three pizzas inside them?" The question is not accusatory, simply an inquiry.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani isn't sure, he knows quite a few people now, and he's still trying to find out who is his friends and who isn't. It's not something he's really ever gave much thought about. "Those are some reassuring words Ororo." he tells her honestly. He laughs when asked where he puts all that pizza at. "Down here." he smacks his stomach. "Though honestly I'm still hungry and this was just a snack honestly." he says. His body burns through calories like crazy. "I just have a very high motabolism."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I can imagine you have a blast furnace for a metabolism. You must spend much of your money on food then. There would be no way I could eat that much. It is kind of interesting to watch it. You should enter some food eating competitions. You could make some good money doing that." She picks up the pizza and finishes the last bit of crust. "Don't ever sell yourself short. You have a lot going for you. You should not have to work at friendships. They should just happen.."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "Well I hvae to work myself up before I can eat." he says as he looks to her. "I did think about going into food contests, but after waking up from a 10 month coma, I guess you eat a lot." he laughs. He blinks when he lets that part slip. His cellphone vibrates a little and he groans. He checks his phone and sees that he has an important delivery. "Shit." he says. He frowns as he looks to Ororo. "They should, but there is nothing wrong with helping it along." he tells her. "I have a delivery, but do you mind if I get your number and maybe we can hang out sometime." he asks.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"A Coma?" She does not push it and simply moves on. A question for another time. As the phone goes off and he is being called away for a delivery, Ororo slowly rises and softly states. "I should be getting back as well. Of course. My number is..." She raise a hand into the air and closes her eyes slowly stating the number waiting for him to enter it into the phone. Oddly enough, the sky above them grows a little darker, a small single cloud above high above the table. It then starts to sprinkle a light rain down where ther were sitting. "Well look at that. I was wrong. Looks like you win. Lunch for a week. Same time. Same place." She winks and starts to walk off, hands in her jeans pockets once more.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He doesn't speak on it for a moment, and as he sets up his phone so he can take her number down, "Alriht I'm ready." he says and he looks to Ororo and as she gives him her number, he looks towards her and he looks to her hand that is raised into the air. He saves her information on his phone, he then sends her a text message so that she has his number, and he sees and feels a light rain falling down, he smiles. "I guess I did." he laughs as she walks away. "How about you meet me for those lunches sometime." he says to her. THough once she turns her back and walk away, she would feel a buffet of wind and if she turns to look back, she may see a yellow streak of lightning vanish down the street, the pizza boxes in the trash along with one of the 2ltrs in the trash. The rest is gone as well.