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Latest revision as of 00:27, 22 June 2020

Morality Play
Date of Scene: 21 June 2020
Location: 1B -- Rose Wilson's Apartment
Synopsis: Unstoppable force meets immovable object.
Cast of Characters: Rose Wilson, Conner Kent

Rose Wilson has posed:
It wasn't long after the pool party that Rose went...not home. She only got to shove one Batkid into a pool, and her urges to be violent based on having to be nice with no purpose other than to...be...nice.

So by the time she gets home it is late, or early, depending on how one might actually view 4am. After changing, cleaning up, she settles on the windowsill and sends one single text.

'I need you.'

Conner Kent has posed:
Since it is a Saturday night (or Sunday morning, depends on point of view) Conner is awake. Saturday's nights are busy, and usually fun times.

It has been about a week since he got to talk with Rose. She seemed okay, then (but one never knows). A 'I need you' is something that has never happened before. Not from Rose. She never 'needs' anyone. So, color him surprised, and also concerned. 'Where are you? Are you injured?' He sends back right away.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Not anywhere and in any way that she would usually ever admit. Unless she was up to something. Which, might be the case. Or she's drunk? High? Turned a new leaf and become a good girl?


Conner Kent has posed:
She might be up to something, but Conner still trusts her despite sometimes looking like he doesn't. Which might be dumb of him, but Conner is a sucker for a pretty girl. Someday that might kill him. She might be drunk, but that still could mean she needs help. He is not sure how much alcohol is needed to get Rose drunk, but he is willing to bet that it would kill an adult man twice her size.

Therefore, Conner is there in about ten minutes. Probably broke the sound barrier somewhere he shouldn't and accumulated some bad karma. Waking people at 4 am a Sunday is positively evil. "Rose," ah, the windowsill, her favorite perch. "You are not injured, good," he greets.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Nope." Rose replies rather laconically to him, pulling her feet up closer so that if he cares to sit down on the windowsill there is at least some room for him to squeeze in.

It is potentially notable that there's not a drink in sight, but there is an old metal coffee can with cigarette butts in it where she can use it. Even if she's not actively smoking right now. "I went to some friend of Tim's pool party."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner huffs, hovering down to settle by the windowsill. He is a bit too large to be comfortable, but whatever. Rose is acting weird. Well, weirder than usual, he is curious.

Pool party? Sounds good, he nods. "Nice of him to invite you," he comments, not mentioned they have talked about getting Rose into more 'normal life' things. Not that Conner has a deep understanding of what normal is, but he is learning. He figures Tim does, since the other boy knows everything. "Pool parties are fun," he adds, this time talking from some (limited) experience.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I threw his little brother into the pool." Rose shifts, settling one foot outside the window and the other on the floor inside so that she can make more room for him. At least in one direction. "He didn't drown." And, she sounds actually disappointed for a moment that he didn't drown.

"I met his friends, and family. Not dad, but siblings. And there was that big blue doctor guy there." She tilts her head a bit, "I'm surprised you weren't there."

Since Conner tends to be more socially acceptable as a friend.

Conner Kent has posed:
Well, but he wasn't invited by the person throwing the party. "I guess this wasn't a common friend," he hehs, "actually, I wasn't even aware Tim had a younger brother." Mental note to ask him about it, though. He knows about Dick, but that man is definitely the older brother.

"I think it will be okay. It is tradition someone will get tossed into the pool in pool parties," he adds. "Usually the most annoying person around."

Rose Wilson has posed:
There is a moment, and she tilts her head in thought before she nods, "Then the right one got tossed into the pool. He was the most annoying person around...tried to be a wingman for Tim. But all he did was belittle Tim instead."

Rose reaches for the pack of cigarettes, tugging one free from it before she tosses the pack back inside, "Evidently he's got a sister, too. I think?" She might have not been paying attention that closely.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Didn't know that either," admits Conner. Tim will be interrogated! "Look, you said you needed me. But if it was a pool party and no one died, I think all is cool. Not that I don't like to chat with you, but you got me worried," he pulls his Starkphone, grins and shows her the messages. "You could have started with a 'hey Conner, know what? I was in a pool party', it would have been less alarming."

Rose Wilson has posed:
One brow shifts upwards, "Why would I be in trouble?"

More, why would she be in trouble sending text messages about things? Silly Conner. "But I didn't ask you to drop by because I was at a pool party and no one died." She tucks the cigarette behind her ear, "Tim asked me on a date."

Conner Kent has posed:
Why would she be in trouble? Conner snorts. That is all the answer that question deserves. Seriously.

Besides Rose just dropped 'the bomb' and Conner righteous retort got deleted from his mind instantly. "He what?" Of all things, he never saw that coming. That Tim could be interested in Rose.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"It started with his friend, the one who was having the party, going on at length about how good of a guy he was." At length might be a bit of a stretch of things. But more than a single 'he's nice' is at length.

"Then he tried to drown himself." Which is again, something of a stretch. "And then blurted out asking me to come back to his place for a movie."

Conner Kent has posed:
There is something wrong in that recount of the events and Conner is not sure what. Oh yeah, drowning himself. Probably Rose particular world-view. "Well, okay." Wait, okay? How much do Rose and Tim make sense? Is any of them going to end up hurt?

Truth is Conner has no idea. Usually he assumes Tim can handle anything short of a rampaging Hulk, but Rose is Rose.

"Do you like him, Rose?" He asks, trying to think. "Like really, really like him and you would try to be a better person for him, and go out of the way to please him? Because Tim would do that for you."

Rose Wilson has posed:
It is probably a very Rose particular world-view. But, it's not exactly wrong, either. Even if maybe the drowning himself part is a bit over the top. Rose is comfortable with her world-view, and her recall of the recent events.

What she is not comfortable with is the turn the conversation takes with asking questions like that. She gives him a bit of a face, one that is clearly meant to portray just how unpleasing those kinds of questions are. "Of course Tim would be a better person, because he's like you. One of the good guys." Which, she has pointed out a whole lot, she is not. "I like him as much as I like you."

But there's no comment about if she'd be a better person or if she REALLY REALLY likes him.

Conner Kent has posed:
That face is pretty much the answer Conner expected. Some things that Rose can't or us unable to deal with. "Tim is not like me in many regards. I am mostly okay with your 'kiss him, dump him; vanish for a month, return and start again' attitude."

Weeeeeell. Okay might not be the right word. But he is a college student living the college party life. Rose's attitude towards some issues is not that different to that of some of his female acquittances. Although likely for completely different reasons.

"I am not sure if Tim would be," admits Conner. "He is the kind of guy that makes long term plans. He asked you out, he... okay, maybe he just wants to get to know you better. After all you have not seen each other much the last two years. I might be overthinking this."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"It's not dumping if you're not in a relationship, you know." Rose points out with a roll of her eye, then she tugs the cigarette from behind her ear, "So what you're saying is that I should tell Tim no, because otherwise he's going to cry."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I don't know," admits Conner. After all Tim is mature and serious and stuff. "What do you want from him? I mean, it is okay if you both want the same." But somehow Conner knows it is not going to be it. "I guess, maybe you two should talk about it before you start something with completely different expectations."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Uh huh." Rose replies, giving Conner the dubious look before she starts to shift further into the apartment so that she can locate the lighter and light the cigarette.

"How's classes, Conner?" Rose wonders, moving back to the window to retake her seat, shifting the topic of conversation away from things that are both confusing, and questions she can't or won't answer.

Conner Kent has posed:
Uh huh. Avoidance Rose mode. But she called him, so he follows inside the apartment and to the fridge to steal a soda can. "Classes are fine. It is the Summer 'semester' and I just picked a few credits for fillers. Political science is more interesting I expected, though. Still, not hard at all. What are you doing this summer, Rosie?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Killing people for money."

The answer is super casual, and probably both true and untrue all at the same time. She might not be just killing people for money. Maybe she is. "Why are you taking more classes during the summer? I thought that was the off season, meant for going to beaches and partying."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner just stares Rose, soda can on hand. Not sure if she is serious or just trying to make him uncomfortable. He has not heard of anyone of Rose's description killing people, but that might mean nothing. Tim would probably know.

"Gotta catchup, I started a semester late this year." He replies, eyes narrowing. "Besides, the sooner I get all my credits the sooner I can graduate. Four full years of college seem to much."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I hear others go longer." Like doctors. Or graduates. Not that Rose is suggesting that Conner go to school endlessly but it is fun to point out that four years isn't that bad.

"So what are you going to //do// with that when you're done? You don't need a diploma to be you." Rose takes a drag from the cigarette before she knocks the ashes off into the coffee can by the window.

Conner Kent has posed:
Four years seem a lot for Conner, who has been out of the clone tank less than four years now. Although he has no idea how old he really is. His memories, real memories, span only a few years, so his long-term time perception is a bit skewed.

"I am going to find a job," he replies. Then glances at Rose and smirks. "I am going to marry you, have 2.4 kids and a house with a white picket fence, too." Beat. "No, I have no idea of what comes after. But I will need a job to pay the rent, my savings won't last forever."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"A job? Like a normal...job?" There are not many things that shock Rose, or //honestly// confuse her. But this need for some kind of regular, normal job, is one of those things. It just. Feels. Wrong.

"Why not just live with Tim? His dad pays for everything, he's got money to spare." She stabs out the cigarette in the coffee can, "You're going to hate it, Conner."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Why don't you? That way you wouldn't have to kill anyone for money," retorts Conner. "I won't work in a job I hate, that would be silly. I don't even need the money... except for the leather jackets and the smartphones. I keep breaking those. But technically I don't need them. Sunlight is free."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"You have to answer to some normie with a power trip, clock in, clock out...be beholden to uniforms and hair nets." Rose shakes her head at him, "No thanks." This conversation? It's been had. She's not changing her mind about what her life choices are.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shrugs. "So, what? Maybe I will work for someone that is cool and can teach me a lot of things. If I don't like it, I'll find someone else. It is not as if you are not usually working for a jerk that wants people dead, Rosie. Obeying the letter of the contracts or whatever shit mercenaries have to do. Your lifestyle is actually far worse than average American Joe Doe, Rosie. Even if you someday get wealthy enough to be satisfied, chances are it is despite the job you choose, not because of it. Since with your smarts and skills you could make much better."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Contracts." Rose repeats with a laugh, shaking her head at him, "And I'm not having this argument with you again. You get yourself a job...with Bob as your boss, and then you tell me how great it is."

Is her lifestyle worse? She doesn't SEEM bothered by it.

Conner Kent has posed:
"That is three years in the future," comments Conner. "But sure, I will tell you how great it is or how much it sucks. If you are still around and not in Blackgate for life," he adds. "Or maybe even there, if they allow visits. Meanwhile, be good with Tim, okay?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Yeah, I'll bring tissues for him." It's flippant. But Rose probably won't go out of her way to just destroy one of the handful of people who still might, potentially, sometimes, call her a friend.

Would she?

Conner Kent has posed:
Would she? Maybe not deliberately. But Conner is starting to get Rose can be quite self-destructive. Still, Tim should be able to handle her. And maybe he should talk to him. He sighs.

"Well, you called me," points out Conner. "So, you got my two bits, whatever they are worth." He finishes his drink. "It is okay. I mean, calling me. Telling me about it means in some odd way you do care about it, right?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Sure. That's one way you could look at it." And clearly NOT the way Rose is looking at it. Except maybe as some social experiment.

Either way, she gets to her feet, moving away from the window, "I should get some sleep, and you should probably get back to doing what ever you were doing."

Conner Kent has posed:
No comment on whatever he was doing. But it is too late to return to it anyway, instead he will look around for crime, or cats trapped in trees. "Sleep well, Rosie," he pats her shoulder gently. "Lets gather the gang for dinner next Friday, hmm? Take care." He heads out.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Night, Conner." Rose calls back, heading in te direction of her room.