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Latest revision as of 01:30, 24 June 2020

A Little Bit Of...
Date of Scene: 22 June 2020
Location: The Robin's Roost - Chelsea
Synopsis: Tim shows off the new base and invites Rose and Bart to move in.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Rose Wilson

Tim Drake has posed:
Texts have gone out, though Conner has already seen the place and had something call him away. An address-- Tim's home in Gotham, formerly a theatre. But, there are directions that don't make sense... 'Don't come in the front, go around the back, slide the dumpster's side panel off, use this code <code here>, down the hall and to the left.'

Sounds less like a house and more like a superhero base.

Perhaps... because it is. Though Tim has got to get everyone's biometrics online for access.

Tim himself is at the end of that hallway, which opened up into the lowest level of the base, which is basically a large garage and workshop. He's at one of the workbenches, two 3D printers buzzing away as they build several somethings out of either plastic or resin-- could be either at a glance-- a laptop open as he's working on what looks like a modeling program.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has came looking over the area and did a circuit stopping by the dumpling place and left money for the live chickens again, dropping them off at the same farm he did with the previous ones. Then it is following the directions Tim gave him, and into the base he is. He stops for a moment, and looks around the place "Hey Tim." He moves to hug the other young man, and then he is a blur looking around the place and says "Hey is this the bird house?" He will ask looking at the things that are being printed "These things are slow, er need to get you some of the Wayne tech 785s... wait they aint been invented yet dang it. He will zoom around the different levels and comes back with a bottle of water and some bag of chips he found "How you been Rob, it has been to long."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Someone is not just inviting Rose over, but giving them the super sekrit codes to get in?

Must be a trap.

If it wasn't Tim, she might be certain it was a trap. Since it is Tim, she's only thirty percent certain that it might be a trap. So she comes armed, and raise your hand if you're shocked. No? Wise.

When she comes in and heads deeper into the building, it probably can't at all shock anyone that she's not speaking up when she comes through the hallway.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Oof! Hey Bart," Tim manages before the speedster is zooming all over the base checking things out. He sighs good-naturedly. "Uh... I guess just check it all out," he laughs. "Yeah, I'm calling it the Roost for right now. It's a pretty neat thing I've been tinkering with for a bit. I just now feel like it's good to show off--" he glances towards the hallway, catching Rose's entrance, and flushes a bit. "Uh. Hi. Rose. Glad you came." He's stammering a bit, but his tone is genuine. Some of the comments Jason had made the nigth before ring in his ears, stinging more than a little, but he's pushing those aside for now.

"Yeah, slow, but I also have them running a bit slower to get more detail." He looks down at the tiny figurines being printed. "I've been playing with the models. I'm going to see how these turn out, detail-wise, and if I like them do a new print in a heavier-duty medium to put on display up in the war room." The figures each stand, or will, once they are done being printed, about eight inches high, and they are artistically stylized figures of each of them: Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, and Ravager.

...yes, Tim had modeled them himself.

They are unpainted, of course, but these are the test runs.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Um, hate to request a change, but I am thinking about going by Impulse again, I mean with two possibly three flashes out there, I thought I would wait for the mantle a bit more." He admits. He does stand beside Tim, and looks to where he is looking "Hey Rose, I should have gotten you some of the dumplings when I stopped by." he will zoom out and comes back with an arm full of take out from the hot dumpling place.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Tim." Rose greets as she comes to a stop at the bottom of the hallway, letting her eye shift around the room that opens up, looking up, then around before she let's her attention turn towards Bart. "Hey. Bart."

And whatever response she might have had about the dumplings is cut off when he zooms off, a brow raising upwards before she starts to head to where Tim's at the workbench. Which, she doesn't get far by the time Bart gets back with the takeout, "I was going to say tell Mama Cho hi."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim tilts his head. "Not a problem, really," he notes to Bart, calling up the 3D model of Kid Flash-- Impulse-- on his laptop and changing the name on the base to Impulse. "That's the least troublesome of the models, to be honest. It'll be changed for the final one."

Tim stiffens a bit at the mention of Mama Cho and dumplings. Honestly, after last night, not reeeeeally what he's up for, but too late, like most things with Bart. Still, he grins, even if somewhat forced. "Thanks, man. If you guys want, we can head up to the upper level-- pretty sure Bart saw the kitchen. Unless you guys are cool eating at a workbench down here. I'm flexible."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "Oh sorry, she was on break when I got there. " He will tell them. "And this is pretty much what they had ready when I got there, one of the problems with speedy pick up, unless I want to try to do the cooking and then it can get all confusing with thermal transference and the speed force." He offers to them. "I'll set up the table." He says and off again to take the food upstairs "You have some classic games by the way." He hollars back "Splatter house 7 sweet."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I'm fine..." And then Bart is off, heading upstairs to set up the table. "I guess we're eating upstairs." Rose glances upwards, then she shrugs her shoulders before she starts to head for the stairs herself. At much more normal speeds than Bart.

She gets partially up, then stops, glancing back at Tim, "We should talk." Then she continues to head upwards, calling ahead of her to Bart, "Check if he's got any tea!"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah... we probably should," Tim says before joining Rose in heading upstairs to the top level where the living quarters are, with the open kitchen and the collection of three tables, each capable of seating six. One of those tables has the dumplings and et cetera at it, and Tim grabs a chair, sitting down and sighing slightly.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Seems to be out of it, I will go get some." He offers to the two. He may have heard the whole need to talk and be offering them a bit of time "It will take me a few minutes though, to boil the water, let it seep and all, I should be back in 5-10 minutes ok?" And for once he waits for the ok before zooming off.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Sure." Rose replies, moving to drop herself down at the table, glancing in Bart's direction or where he went, before she turns her attention back towards Tim. There's a brow that is lifted upwards, then she turns towards the to-go containers, starting to open them and investigate just what it was that was brought.

"I didn't know you two were pals." Probably doesn't need to really be said who she's talking about.

Tim Drake has posed:
"You mean..." Tim catches who she is referring to-- how could he not?-- and lowers his voice, letting out a sigh. "My slightly murderous and insane older brother? No, no. Not friends at all." Tim snorts, looking uncomfortable.

Rose Wilson has posed:
The mention of murderous and insane just sort of gets a look from Rose, but there's no judgement. Probably more agreement, and amusement that he's throwing stones in Jason's direction, not hers.

"Yeah. Him." Rose dumps some of the dumplings onto a plate, picking up one to take a bite from it before she stretches her legs out, "And what is your reaction to what he said?" Evidently Rose knows what he said. Somehow.

Tim Drake has posed:
"That I largely really don't want to talk or think about his sex life." Tim says flatly. He doesn't seem to be judging Rose over it, for what it's worth.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"You know he was lying, right?" Rose doesn't feel any kind of need, usually, to disabuse someone of their opinions. But this time she's opted for pointing out that someone is wrong. Or being lied to. Maybe she cares.

Maybe she knows it'll sow more discord.

Tim Drake has posed:
"No, I don't know that he was, but it doesn't really surprise me, either. He's kind of an ass." Tim blows out a breath of air. "Look-- Rose-- even if it is true, I don't... actually care who you have or haven't... you know." He glances away. "It's not really my business, for one. And it doesn't matter or change that I like you. So."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"It isn't your business." Rose agrees, shoving the rest of the dumpling into her mouth before she reaches for another one, then she pushes the takeout container in his direction. "That was all I had to talk about."

She takes another bite from the second dumpling before she leans back in her seat, "You have something to talk about?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim grins faintly. "We're still on for dinner and ruining some of Falcone's goons' nights on Friday?" he asks, grabbing a set of chopsticks and snagging a dumpling himself. "I have a tip they are going to be moving some tainted drugs down into the Narrows... seems like a nice date. Burgers, shakes... punching some assholes and getting drugs that might kill people off the streets. Also ruining Falcone's day, which is always a win."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Yeah, we're still on for Friday night." Rose assures him, crossing her legs at the ankle as she reaches for more dumplings. Because never once, in her entire life, has she ever not eaten as much free food as she could stomach without making herself sick. And Mama Cho's dumplings are the best.

"How is this going to work? You getting the burgers and shakes first, then we what...eat one a rooftop? Meet here change for punching after?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"I was thinking going out for dinner around 8, taking a leisurely meal at the Tin Cow, and then coming back here, gearing up and being at their rendevous point at 11:45, right before their scheduled meet at midnight." He shrugs. "But I'm open to other suggestions."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Eight..." Rose is doing a bit of mental math, and even allowing for a leisurely meal, that leaves easily two hours, if not more between eating and being at the rendevous point. "So what're you wanting to do between finishing dinner, and going to punch Falcone's goons?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim blinks. "Well, it will probably depend on how long we take at dinner, and what all gear we set up." He shrugs. "Unless you have other ideas." And that is delivered in a reasonable tone, no eyebrow waggle or anything that someone like Jason might do. In fact, he actually seems oblivious to the potential obvious.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I'm sure that I can come up with something to do between dinner and punching." It might even include punching! Or watching a movie. Or...who knows what else it is that she might come up with that could be done to waste time between parts of the date. A final whole dumpling gets shoved into her mouth at once, then she wipes off her fingers before slouching, leaning her head back, "So this is your place?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah. Well, I mean, maybe... more than just mine. I'll show you and Bart around. There's some rooms and stuff, if folks wanna maybe stay or not. I don't know. I was thinking. Well, Conner and I have been talking about maybe making our little group more formal." Tim snags another dumpling and grins. "I think I have the place set up for a solid base, really."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Have you two?" Rose glances around the living area of things, then back towards Tim with a nod, "Sure, you can show us around...but I'd put even money on the fact that Bart has already looked in all the rooms before we even made it up the stairs."

Or even thought about coming upstairs, probably.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Probably," Tim admits. "But there's nothing really dangerous or weird for him to find, so." He shrugs. "There's actually names on a couple of rooms that I felt folks might want to claim." He leans on the table a bit. "Wonder what's taking Bart?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes back with tea, in a Japanese tea set, and it looks to be legit. He comes to a halt at the table, and smiles to his friends "Sorry it took a bit longer than expected, but they were just getting the tea together for bagging it, and seems, I came at the time, for the perfect blend, and they wanted me to drink a cup with them before I bought it, and then I had to come back to get money changed and then go back again. He looks to the two, and after setting the tea down and slowing down to pout it in proper manner as he was shown, he will load up a plate with food./

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Names?" Rose wonders, brows furrowing a fraction before she glances towards Bart when he returns, "Welcome back." She straightens up from where she's been slouching to reach for the tea, pulling it closer towards her so that she can watch it. And wait for it to be fully seeped. "What rooms and names?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Well, just Conner and Bart for now," Tim admits, glancing to Bart. "You liked your room, or did you want a different one?" he asks idly. He looks back to Rose. "You could chose one if you want. I mean. If you want." He stammers a little bit, repeating himself. He's really not good at this. He eyes the tea, enjoying the smell from the pot. "Cassie can have one too, of course, but I figured she'd be a little more picky on which one."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Yea, I moved some stuff into it, and changed the name on it a bit ago. I might stay here for a while if you don't mind. I am trying to get a job, and maybe go to college where Conner is. I had an interview with Pepper Potts, for Stark Industries, but have not heard back from them.. wait that won't be me working for the enemy or anything will it? I aint heard anything back from them yet. Oh and the cell phone you set me up for while hero stuff, I got an Angle's phone number and she said she owes me so if we ever need a smite thee type. She is from Heven, not Heaven though from what I understand, alien not religious."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"What, you askin' me to move in?" Oh, Rose very purposefully asks the question in a very teasing way, because she can. Then she glances up at Bart when he says that he's already moved stuff in, smirking faintly. "That was fast." Then she glances back at the tea, not willing to rush it. "Who the hell is Angel?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah, I am, if you want," Tim responds absently. Then the teasing tone actually catches up and he turns bright red. "I mean, not like that. Or, if like that, I mean, after it makes sense for." He shuts up, grabbing a dumpling and stuffing it into his mouth. Talking is not his strong suit right now, and largely that's because he is thinking things he's really trying hard not to. He chews and swallows, then looks to Bart. "Glad you like it, man. Yeah, you can stay, that's the idea. Base of operations for us all, I'll get your bioprint and you'll have access to the labs and the garage workshop as you need, too. Conner will probably be happy if you join us at the college." He's in his third year there, mostly as something 'normal' to do.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and is so tempted to start sinking rose and Tim sitting in a tree, but he is pretty sure Rose would find a way to stab him, maybe even a lot. He instead focuses on the question "An Angel, not named Angel, thought her girl friend ex wife, war partner is named Angela. Her name is Sera, and she was at the embassy party where I checked in with Cassie, and then I met her again yesterday, helping Tigra with a kid having some grief issues near the pit. She seemed nice, and I kept her from getting crushed by the kids powers, so she said she owed me a favor."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Uh huh." Rose replies to Tim, but she doesn't go on about it, instead she gets the tea cups, pulling them over so that she can pour the tea, finally. Finally. It took every ounce of her willpower to not pour the tea before it was ready. Then she glances at Bart, frowning a bit, "Angel?" She shakes her head, accepting the entire story, "You can show me the open rooms later, Tim. So what're you going to bother going to school for?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Mm. Computer science actually," Tim shrugs. "It's a cakewalk, more just to do it." He watches the tea pouring with interest, patiently waiting until his cup has been filled before taking it with a murmured thanks and taking a sip. He closes his eyes. Good tea is amazing. He opens his eyes again, looking to Bart. "She sounds interesting," he says regarding the angel. "Well, take your time," he jokes, "moving in, man, and make yourself at home." His ice-blue eyes flick to Rose. "You as well, if you decide to. Having a team is a lot better than going solo, and there's always more problems out there than any of us can solve alone."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and says "I am still trying to decide what I want to take, I mean I could be a history major but what has and has not happened yet might get confusing. I am thinking about working with animals. They are nice and need more people looking out for them. Jay and Joan think it important that I have a real life besides just doing the hero thing even though, you can't get much more real than helping people and such you know what I mean?

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Has not happened has nothing to do with history. History is what has happened." Rose points out with a bit of a frown, pushing the tea pot away before she picks up her own cup, then she slouches back to blow carefully across the surface of the tea before she takes a careful sip from it. "I don't get it. Why do you want to go to college, be normal, do...boring things?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim sips his tea, weighing his answer. He looks to Rose, then says honestly, "Because it's a good cover." He hmms. "I could say all sorts of platitudes about being normal, about wanting to live a normal life, or trying to fit in, or anything. But in the end, it's not true. I made my choice years ago, and that choice has consequences. I'll never lead a normal life, and I don't think I really want to. But I need to at least have the appearance of being Tim Drake, not just Red Robin. I need to be more than the mask outside of wearing it." He shrugs. "And maybe even enjoy it from time to time. But anyone who tries living this life and thinks anything can be normal is self-deluded. It's not because I need a degree, or because I want to fit in with other people. It's so no one thinks twice when they look at me. It's camouflage."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will let the history and future thing side for now, and says "Well to be honest normal is all in your own way of looking at it. I mean normal for me, was living in a VR tube for the first couple of years for me, while now it is more going to school and saving puppies and chickens.

Rose Wilson has posed:
There's a curious look provided Tim for his explanation, one that is more thoughtful than judgy. Maybe what he says makes sense, in some small way. But then she rolls her eye before glancing at Bart, "You and Conner with your..." She waves her hand, then, pushing to her feet before she downs the cup of tea, "I'm going to go find a room to claim as mine."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Down that hall," is all Tim says to Rose, gesturing. "There's ten total, which I know is a bit of overkill, but..." he shrugs. "Figured maybe the team might grow," he mutters to Bart. "Well, hoped maybe." He grins. "So I was thinking we need a cool name. Not like we're all going to be the Robins, right?" He laughs a little. "I'm calling this the Roost now, but I'm open to a new name for the base if we want. I was kind of thinking... the Outsiders. I mean, think about it. We all kind of are. You're time-displaced. Rose is... Rose. I'm the most useless of the Robins," he admits with a touch of self-deprecation and a touch of frustration. "Conner hasn't even talked to the Big Guy yet, and I doubt he ever will. And Cassie..." he shrugs. "Is probably the least outside of all of us, I guess. But I kind of like it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to Tim and says "Your smart and not a dick that puts you ahead of one or two Robins right there." He tells his friend. "Not a bad name, but could we me Impulse's Incredible invinsible Invaders?" He grins at his friend, and does clean up any mess around "So, can I have a pet here?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Thanks." Rose calls before she heads down the hallway, giving the other pair time to talk about things like teams and names.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks mildly concerned. "What... kind of pet?" he asks suspiciously. "I'd be worried they might wreck some of the equipment down in the workshop. Or in the labs."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "I have not decided yet, but if you have ay suggestions or restrictions I am sure,I could find something that might fit in with them. Maybe a small dinosaur?" He is joking right?

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim gives him a flat look. "Probably not. But we can discuss details if you have a serious option, regarding restrictions and whatnot that need to be made." He finishes his tea, eyeing the remaining dumplings. "But seriously. What do you think of the place? Anything we're missing?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well maybe a swimming pool or something if we end up with any water based heroes? Do you plan on having a jet or anything like that, we would need some place to take off from.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Difficult to manage in the city," Tim points out. "Unless we buy all the buildings around the theatre and knock them down to make this runway. As for the water based heroes... well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," he shrugs.

Rose Wilson has posed:
After a moment, Rose comes back from down the hallway, pausing to lean against the door with her arms crossed, "A jet? Who are we...." We, notice this, it'll never be said again. "I'll take the big room at the end of the hall. I'll need more shelves."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "If you need me to get anything let me know. Maybe a pizza oven, or a walk in freezer. Over all I think I like it."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Cool," Tim grins to Rose. "I'll get a nameplate up on it later." He looks pleased. He lances to Bart. "Hm. A pizza oven for the kitchen might be a good idea. Everyone likes pizza." He stands up, moving over towards the door and Rose. "Let me take a look at what you're talking about for shelving, and I'll get it handled as soon as possible." He glances back over his shoulder. "Like I said, make yourself at home, Bart. I mean... it kind of is, now." Before he slips down the hall with Rose to check out her desired upgrades for the room she's claimed.