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Latest revision as of 21:57, 27 June 2020

The Best Place in NYC
Date of Scene: 26 June 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Ivy goes exploring Central Park, and winds up saving its greenery from being damaged by the notorious Booster Gold
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Booster Gold

Pamela Isley has posed:
Going to lay low in New York City with Harley and April was a smart decision by Ivy. Everyone kept looking for her in Gotham, and she had the time to adjust for life outside of Arkham again. Turns out New York was better than Gotham, because they actually had Central Park, and they took care of it even without Ivy's supervision. That was so lovely to find out, so much so, she had to go over there and give the park a look see with her own eyes.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Hey all you Booster's millions out there! It's your golden boy here, with my main man Skeets on camera duties! Tell 'em hi, buddy!" Booster Gold shouts into the face of a floating robot.

<<Greetings, fans,>> the robot replies in a flat tone.

"Anyway, first off, remember to like and subscribe to help get these super-messages out to the people! Now, we've hit our 100,000th fan this morning, so you know what that means--that's right, Booster Gold deserves his very own statue!"

"So," the hero says proudly, as the robot's camera zooms out to reveal that the man is leaning on a shovel as he stands in the middle of a patch of brush in Central Park. "Today we're going to break some ground on the first--of many, to be sure--Booster Gold statue of heroism! Let's make history together! Hashtag boostersmarbleous hashtag blessed!"

The hero holds the shovel well over his head and slams it down into the earth, cracking through the branches of a blossoming bush. "Super-fans are welcome to come help me make short work of this digging work! Whew!" He flashes a grin at his robot. "And get yourself a selfie with ya boi while you're at it!"

People trying to enjoy Central Park walk by, giving Booster and Skeets a wide berth, shaking their heads in irritation.

Pamela Isley has posed:
While there are no doubt some of Booster's millions just dying for a selfie, there's another who has no idea of the youtube-insta-majig message he just send, who nevertheless seem to hone in on his position. It's the grapevine, plants are such tattle tales. So while Ivy came to Central Park to take in the sights, she's soon drawn to the plight of a hapless blossoming bush that just had some of its branches butchered.

She has been keeping low profile for the most part while hanging out in New York, but this has her going back to old habits, as a vine grows out of the ground to lift her in the air, carrying her all the way to Booster Gold's position as she calls out down to him, "just what do you think you're doing?" The tone is ominous, despite her words being a mere question.

Booster Gold has posed:
"BOOSTER GOLD!" Booster Gold shouts, leaping into the air for another reckless shovel attack at the bush near his feet.

Skeets, meanwhile, rotates about to provide 'extreme' dutch angle shots of the ground-breaking ceremony.

As Poison Ivy approaches, Booster barely seems to notice. Instead, as he swings the shovel like a baseball bat at the base of the bush, the man shouts over his shoulder: "The fan line starts to the left! Gimme just a second with this! It's made of adamantium or something!"

<<Ahh, sir?>> Skeets asks, turning its attention to the woman. <<I do not believe this woman is here to support your endeavor.>>

"What?!" Booster asks, annoyed, pausing enough to pivot on a heel and look Ivy's way. "Then why are you ... bothering ... me?" He looks crestfallen as recognition strikes him. "Cut the feed, Skeets."

<<You told me that, whenever you might say that, I definitely should /not/ follow orders,>> Skeets replies, still recording.

Pamela Isley has posed:
As Booster Gold ignores Posion Ivy, and furthermore prepares to strike once again at the base of the bush, a spiraling vine growth out of the ground to latch itself around Booster Gold's shovel, pulling it away from him with force, while the vine carrying Ivy descends to bring her closer to Booster Gold's level. "You're not actually pretending you can't hear me, are you...?" Ivy asks, anger starting to simmer quietly in the sub tone of her speech.

When recognition finally dawns on Booster Gold and he calls for the camera feed to be cut, Ivy smirks, "much better, so, if you understand who I am...perhaps you'll also understand you might want to leave that poor little bush alone...? It has done you no harm...yet."

Booster Gold has posed:
The shovel torn from his grasp, Booster grimaces. "Listen here, Plant Woman--"

<<Poison Ivy, sir,>> Skeets interjects.

"--Poison Ivy," Booster continues, "you're not going to ruin this day in history by preventing the construction of my statue! Not if I have anything to say about it!"

A police officer has stopped nearby, and she folds her arms across her chest. "Hey, buddy," she calls. "You got a permit for this so-called statue?"

Booster's grimace tightens. "Why'd you have to go and do that, Ivy Woman?" he mutters.

<<I'm just an innocent passerby,>> Skeets chimes in.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Poison Ivy glowers at Booster Gold when he merely refers to her as 'Plant Woman', but as his drone corrects him, she shifts her gaze from Skeets back to Booster, waiting for his correction which she does get. "Do you...?" Ivy asks dryly, "have a say about it, I mean," she feels the need to explain. After all, Booster isn't proving to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

With an officer on scene, Ivy decides to play it safe, and steps down from her vine, as it shrinks back into the ground. "Look," she tells the officer, "I was just protecting the park from vandalism, I'm not here to cause any trouble." Just in case the officer was thinking of alerting anyone crazy, like say, the Avengers. As an added assurance, a bit of Ivy's pheromones get released to make her a little bit more affable in the eyes of the men around. "So clearly, there's no need to report seeing me, although, Booster Gold really needs to rethink that statue of his..." she then winks at Booster Gold, "don't you? Didn't you plan to make that statue somewhere else...? Say, Ace Chemicals in Gotham?"

Booster Gold has posed:
The gold-and-blue-clad hero rubs his chin, his frown softening. "You know ... I /do/ have a fondness for Gotham. There's less chance of bat-themed graffiti here, though ..." Booster sighs and turns, considering. "But then again ... wow, this is a real doozy."

<<Surely you're not serious, sir,>> says Skeets, buzzing near Booster's head, still recording the scene.

"Let me help you out," the officer nearby calls. "You call it quits here and now and then you go do whatever you want in Gotham. That ain't my jurisdiction."

There's a bit of nodding and cheering from the few assorted male passersby jogging, walking, and following their leashed dogs along the park paths. "Yeah! Gotham!"

Booster clears his throat, smiling. "Alright. You've convinced me. There are a lot of super-fans over in the G.C., anyway. Skeets! Let's go scout a suitable site! I hear that Ace Chemicals might have some space that could be more tourist-friendly..."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"I think that's such a sensible solution for everyone, isn't it?" Ivy coos lovingly at Booster Gold, blowing him a kiss which proves to be nothing more but another dusting of pheromones, "I would really appreciate it if you tried in Gotham, nowhere near any park, I think an urban setting works best for your statue."

Ivy is all smiles when Booster agrees to go and try erect his statue about Ace Chemicals, those assholes deserve him. "Perfect, that would be a wonderful location, I will go see it myself once it's complete! Have a good day, Booster," she then waves at the officer as well, and goes about her own way.