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Latest revision as of 02:35, 28 June 2020

Out and About to Sing
Date of Scene: 27 June 2020
Location: Sion - Nightclub
Synopsis: Siobhan meets Landry while searching for a gig at a club.
Cast of Characters: Siobhan Smythe, Landry Lugar

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
It wasn't a totally normal time to come to a club like Sion. It wasn't closed or anything but the club wasn't really hopping yet either. It was 5 pm and the club was only just opening up for business. Most people who were in here at this time were working or coming in to get drunk in an atmosphere they liked prior to things getting super exciting. As such, it was a perfect time for a new arrival to the United States to come in and start asking about potential singing gigs in the club.

Siobhan was here for just that, walking her way into the club with a smile on her face and a guitar on her back, looking around at the place and hoping that her 7th stop in the past two days wasn't going to be a total dead end.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar had shown up early to set up his equipment. His night job, being a light op for bars and clubs kept him busy in the 'city that never sleeps'. He was up on a ladder, hooking up a 45 above the stage when she walked in. He was in black slacks, and a black hoodie with 'STAFF' written on the back, with a Treble Clef for the S.

There weren't many people about, even the bartender still in the back getting things ready for an expected busy night. Landry saw her walk in, and gave a wave, "You with the band tonight? You're early, but, I'm just about set up and good to go, if you want to start sound check."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she hears the words from up the ladder and then she waves a hand, "Oh hey, no, Ah'm not with the band though part of me wishes Ah were." She states, her accent a very strong Irish Brogue, "Ah'm new in town and was hopin' to talk to someone about perhaps gettin' a gig or something. Maybe on an off night or somethin' till Ah earn my place." She smiles lightly up at him before gesturing to her guitar, "Ah 'ave my own instrument and an acoustic simulator so Ah can do both electric and otherwise.

"Yee wouldn't 'appen to know who I can talk to about this, do ye?" She looks idly around at the people at the bar before looking back up at the man on the ladder.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar shook his head, "Owners not in yet, and barkeep is checking stock." He finished with the wiring and climbed down, folding the ladder, and putting it away back stage. "I'll tell you what, I'm about to head up into the booth to start running systems checks. You get hooked up and give me a song for sound check, I'll record it, and show it to the owner when she gets here?"

He offered the deal while still backstage, finally coming out and getting a good look at her. "Nice look. Not from around here, are ya?" He picked up a water bottle, and a bag of skittles, popping a few into his mouth. "What do you say? Willing to take a shot?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smile to him and she nods, "Now that sounds good!" She states and nods her head even as she puts her case down and idly starts to remove the guitar from it. She gets out a wire and looks over to the nearby amp and walks over to start hooking up, "Ah'll help ya check your sound and you can help me get a job." She laughs a bit and then idly starts to strum her guitar a few times, listening with an ear that isn't simply practiced but is in a weird way, perfect. She then casually puts out her acoustic creator and hooks in to that, too. She then smiles up at him and gives him a thumbs up.

"Ah can start out rather simple, something easy on the speakers and then we can go up to something bigger if you like." She nods her head and then she smiles down at her guitar even as she finishes her own personal check.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a grin and a thumbs up, "Team work makes the dream work. I'll be right back." He disappeared behind the bar, and up a set of hidden stairs in the back.

A minute later, once she was about done getting hooked up, his head was poking out a window above the crowd, visible only from the stage. "I'll be running through light ques as well, let me know if they are distracting. Booth is ready. You are green for sound check." He gave a thumbs up with one hand, the other running over his control boards and getting everything balanced and level.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smile and she nods before she idly places her fingers upon her guitar. She lets out a soft breath and then her fingers begin to move. Those familiar with it might recognize the song from the group Celtic Woman and the song 'Ride On' as she begins to play the notes. Normally the music would be accompanied by a violin but she is just playing the guitar part. Then she begins to sing.

"Sure you ride the finest horse I have ever seen
Standing sixteen one or two, with eyes wild and green
You ride the horse so well, hands light to the touch
I could never go with you, no matter how I wanted to"

Her voice calls out lightly into the mic, a simple lilting tune and yet her voice is...well, it's near perfection. It's like she has perfect control over it. The song flowing from her as easily as water from a pitcher poured over ice. Her fingers slide over the guitar strings as if she were caressing out the music rather than playing it.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar was in his own little techie world for a moment as the guitar started. The lights went through checks, the sound levels balanced out through the speakers, and then her singing started.

Up in the booth his fingers slowed down. He brought the lights dim, a soft, dark faded glow alighting over her as the music drifted hauntingly throughout the bar. He sat up and leaned in, resting his chin on hand, on the edge of his little window to watch her, working the controls with his other hand.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
It is rather lilting, her voice carries well and it's hard to imagine that she couldn't belt out an amazing sound without the use of the mic. She notes the change in the lights and then she idly finishes the second chorus and considers the mood before looking up toward the booth. She grins and looks at him, "Let me change to something everyone might know." She then nods to him.

She then turns off the acoustics and goes back to a more normal electric guitar sound as she begins to play.

The sound is somewhat familiar as she looks at the people in the club before she smiles and begins to sing.

"All my life
It's changing every day
In every possible way

All my dreams
Never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems"

And she goes into this rendition of guitar solo Dreams and smiles as she sings what is a slightly faster song.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar grinned and gave a nod, the lights swapping to a moving beams of green and soft whites that give a hint of her heritage. As she goes into the vocals and solo, the lights flash and crash dramatically, right on time with the music as he kept up with her.

If she has sharp ears, she might even hear him singing along in the booth as he plays around with his gear, clearly enjoying himself. It's also clear why he's in the booth, and no where near the stage, as his vocal quality was no where near as good as hers.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
As she finishes up the song, she smiles a little as she wraps up and then she idly looks up to the booth and gives a thumbs up even as she slides her guitar off her shoulders and then she leans to the mic and says, "Thanks." Before she idly starts to put the guitar away. She shifts in her spot to look up toward him and then back down at her guitar and she shakes her head with a small laugh to herself.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar brought the lights back to normal. Between the two songs, he was able to get everything he needed done with both sound and audio. He slipped back down the stairs, looking at his phone as he came out from behind the bar. "There. Sent to the owner. We'll see what she says, but, if it was my say so, you'd be a regular, no doubt." He waved her over to a table as he pulled chairs off the top for them to sit on.

"If you got time, can grab a bite and drink, if ya like." He held a chair for her if she wanted to join. "Maybe you can tell me where you learned to play and sing like that!" His voice excitable.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A laugh and then she nods, "Well, ah hope so. It'd be a real help. The money I do 'ave itn't gonna last forever though I wish it would." She smiles and settles into the seat with her guitar case beside her and she looks over to the bar before looking back to him, "Ah don't mind a bit of food and drink though." She nods her head, "As for meh playin'? Well, sorta self-taught. Ah didn't have a ton o' help back home but what ah did have was a love to sing and a mother who thought it best ah have a nice guitar." She smiles and pats the case lightly.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar pushed in her chair for her, and walked around the other side the table to sit. He messed with his phone, and they could hear it ding in the back, and a grunt of an 'ok' come from the barkeep back there as he got food and drink together for her.

"I can probably give you a list of places to visit. I'm in and out of clubs and bars nightly, setting up systems for the week. Can find places that'd match your style, you know?" He grinned, "I always like performing. Never any good at it, but, sounds like your mother saw a talent and helped it along. How long have you been in the city?" He pulled a pen, and a napkin, starting to jot down a few names.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk as he pushes in her chair and then she shakes her haed, "Aye, me mum was something of a smart one and she really wanted ta be happy." She nods her head, "Had enough reasons to be sad. Now, though, well, I'm all that's left and I'm here." She grins, "So, just like she'd say. Make the best of it. Been here for not quite a month though." She nods again, "Workin' my way through places and any help would be great." She gestures, "You a native of the city that nary sleeps?"

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar shook his head, "Oh no, I'm from Nebraska. Moved here last year for school." He grinned, "That's why I've still got manners." They could hear sounds of cooking from the back. "It's not so bad here. Can't quite say I've made it, but, I'm getting there. Work is steady, if not extremely lucrative." He finished off the list, but didn't push it over just yet. "Is it like you imagined it be? Coming to the Big Apple and all? I couldn't beleive how tall the buildings were when I got here. Everything is so flat back home, was a real eye opener."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Eh, we got big buildings back home, too. Ah've also been to London, not a surprise. Nothin' is really all that flat back where ah come from." She then grins a little, "Nebraska sounds different though." She nods, "Maybe Ah'll slip by there some time. See it, too." She then considers, "Well, it wasn't all that excitin' until about a week in, ah ended up on this TV Show as a contestant. Match Game they call it." She laughs a little, "Ah won, sorta." She nods her head, "Didn't get the big prize but ah can't complain." She shakes her head with a smile.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar laughed, "Nebraska is a flyover state. Most just wanna get through it as fast as they can. But, it's got it's charm." The food and drink was brought out, deep fried goodness and some tea, with a soda for Landry.

The barkeep asked, "You need anything else, just let me know."

Landry grinned, "That sounds pretty awesome! I've heard of it, but, not watched much. By the time any good TV comes on, I'm already working again. What did you end up winning?" He asked curiously.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Just a wee bit of money. Five thousand is the winnings for not winning the bonus round." She nods her head and then shrugs, "Not wee for me but nothin' that really buys ya much." She chuckles, "Ah am really enjoyin' bein' here though. It helped me find a place ah could me own and somewhere to keep meh stuff." She laughs a little and nods, "Even if it isn't all that impressive."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar smirked, "I'm still living on campus with a roommate. Having a place to yourself has got to be nice. I'm jealous." He sipped on his soda, "That's not bad. Five thousand?... That'd get a lot of take out." He chuckled and gave a shrug, "Most of the time, I've been in the 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes' catagory. Never won anything near that cool."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Yeh, well, it was kind've a fluke." She nods her head, "Was just checkin' out what Ah thought was somethin' to see and then people 'eard me speak and then asked about where ah was from and then the dragged me on to the show." She nods her head, "Got to see a few cool folks and had fun." She nods her head, "That's what was really important. Would have loved to win that twenty-five thousand though." She cuckles and nods.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "No doubt. That would have been nice starter money for sure! Did you get to meet anyone famous? I've heard they've had heroes on the show occasionally." He thought about it, "Your voice does seem to cut through the chatter pretty easily. I bet it'll help with gigs for a good while. Everyone loves something unique, and yours is definitely that around here."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Thanks." She grins and then she blinks, "Oh and ah didn't exactly meet 'em much but ah did see Power Girl, some CEO lady named Natasha, umm, Robin. A short one." She considers that a moment before adding, "Oh and Kid Flash and also Deadpool." She nods her head with a smile, "And April O'Neil...ah think she's a reporter but not really my thing."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar eyes went wide at the list, "Oh wow. I've heard lectures and stories on at least a few of those at school! I met April O'Neil once. I didn't know it at the time. There was a lady getting mugged, and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to help. April caught some of it on film. I saw part of it on her news cast later. Was pretty cool. You couldn't see my face or anything though, so that's good." He grinned, "Don't want anyone coming after me cause of it!"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Aye, Ah can understand not wantin' unwelcome visits." She laughs and nods her head, "Ah can't say I got tons of meeting time with them but ah had fun." She nods and smiles, "And that's what matters." She nods and then shrugs before looking at him with a tilt of her head, "Well, ah can't stick around 'ere forever but ah can say it has been fun." She nods to Landry, "Ah wrote down my name for ya but Ah realize I don't know if Ah said my name to ya. Ah'm Siobhan." She nods, "Smythe."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a smile, "Sounds like it was a good time." He pushed the list of clubs and bars over for her. "Can I get your number, too? So I can have boss lady here give you a call when she hears your demo?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"O'course." She grins and slides back the number to him before she takes her list and stands up, "Perfect." She grins and gives him a nod as she slips her guitar up on to her shoulder, "Was real good meetin' ya, Landry." She nods her head, "Ah'm lookin' forward to hearin' back from your boss." She nods, "Might be fun to have another opportunity to sing here." She then gives him a soft wave and starts away, "Be good."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar stood up as she did, pocketing the number. "Was nice meeting you too. Good luck out there, Siobhan!" He gave a wave, smiling as he watched her walk off, before taking his drink to the bar to go wait for things to pick up again.