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Latest revision as of 14:46, 4 July 2020

I'm on a boat EXPLICIT
Date of Scene: 01 July 2020
Location: On A boat: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Domino and Deadpool text and are friends. There's no three-way though. :(
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Neena Thurman

Wade Wilson has posed:
The stream of little emojis has taken a turn for the unusual.

Lots of little nautical ones. Boats, sailboat, an oar. Then it wanders into fish, a few eggplants for good measure. Then, some actual text:


There is then a selfie, that is clearly on the Xavier's Breakstone lake, with Wade 'suntanning' with a reflector and a beer, while entirely dressed in his usual merc suit. If he does have swim trunks and flippy-floppies, they aren't pictured.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino is spending a warm day underground, a makeshift air-conditioner chugging away, and she is sweating her, well.. she's sweating as she clicks through a poorly improvised, poorly set up computer system. (Little research on a mark goes a long way!) Her phone buzzes that 'incoming text' announcement, and picking it up from beside her on the table, stares at the screen.



Domino puts it down disgustedly before picking it back up again, ready to voice-to-text some expletives before...

"Dammit, Wade. I hate you."

Pizza. Computer.

<Jealous. U steal the boat?>

Wade Wilson has posed:
< Sorry for shouting. > Wade means the all-caps. At least, that probably is what he means.

< I was gonna suntan and I thought of you. Maybe you could put suntan lotion just around your other eye, and make a cool effect. I don't mean that in a mean way, either. Just thinking of your sexy spot. >

< By 'U steal the boat' I know you meant to ask 'Where are you and can I bring my bikini', so i'll answer that question. I'm out back of Xavier's. Or I could be on your doorstep. I'd need an address for the second option. >

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino finds herself sitting back in the rickety chair, settling boot, then crossed boot on the table while saying a quick prayer that she doesn't land on the floor. (Her luck doesn't keep her from the embarrassing stuff.) She's got her phone in hand, and running fingers through black hair, exhales in a bemused sigh. She'll never admit the chuckle that comes soon after.

"Why the hell.."

<Xavier's? They let u in?>

<Not telling you where I am. I'd never be able to get rid of you. Already have roaches for that.>

Wade Wilson has posed:
A few minutes pass, which is probably odd in and of itself. Then, a single reply:


The continued silence is probably even weirder.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino looks at the phone for a long moment, and the ascii emoji is looking.. sad on her screen. Lonely. Dejec-


Dropping her feet to the floor, she gets to her feet and glances around at her own little home away from home and stalks out. Now she has to steal a car to get up there to the lake.

<Im comiing>

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade was taking a sad selfie (how it shows through his mask is still mysterious, but it definitely shows). He has a finger up to indicate a single tear. But then it seems she's agreeing!

Successful guilt trip!


By the time Domino gets up to the lake, Wade has gotten himself onto the shore, with a towel draped over his shoulders. He's still sitting in it... which may suggest that he may or may not have actually gone out on the lake in the first place whatsoever.

Still on a boat, though. Still counts.

Neena Thurman has posed:
No trip like a guilt trip! Domino managed to grab a sweet ride; newer model mustang convertible, and as she pulls into the area of the boat launch, the engine is revved for effect. The emergency brake is set, and she climbs onto the back of the seat, looking at the water, and the boat.. and the Wade in the boat. She's still very much in her leathers, and it's hard to determine if her hair is just consistently mussed or if the wind on the drive did it.

Either way? She's here.

"Damn, Wade. Ok. You got me here. Made the drive up, for you. Still, have to talk to you about stuff-" and she puts up a black leather-clad half-finger gloved hand, "Work stuff."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade rolls over off the boat with a bicycle kick of leg, and trots over to greet her, entirely abandoning everything he was doing. Just all of it dumped right there, as he approaches. "Serious business. Aye aye. Sure thing," Wade agrees evenly.

There's a slight gaslighting vibe to it, in Wade's efficient approach and stop nearby, hands resting on hips: his 'normal' and lucid reaction tugging on the strands of doubt about if someone MIGHT be being too harsh on him.

After all, look how lucid he's being. .... It's rare.

"I am ready for work stuff. Armed and dangerous, ass clenched." With a wave and thumbs up.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino exhales in a sigh and turns off the engine before she reaches over to open the car door. It's a convertable, and there is no way Wade couldn't have simply jumped in, but it's an invitation to join her.

"It's about what I was texting you before. Had a meeting, and I'm hoping that we could put the band back together." If there ever was a band, anyway.

"Open season on the aliens that stole parts of NYC. And after that?" Domino's black lips form a tight smile and a single leather-clad shoulder shrugs, "Who knows."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade doesn't jump in, he does come over the hang both of his arms on HER door, looking up at her with his head tilted 'just so', set onto his palms. It's a sort of pose acceptable for a prostitute to approach such a car with a specific offer.

Not to worry, Wade will leverage that offer. After a bit of thought.

"So this is /not/ about a three-way?" Wade wonders, with a thoughtful measure of disappointment.

"Oh. Open season on aliens, and some 'who knows."


"So this /is/ about a three-way?"

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino watches as Wade moves around to the other side of the car, her side! Brows rise as blue eyes narrow, keeping an eye on him. He //seems// lucid enough, and, God help her, mellow.

Barking a laugh, Domino shakes her head, "No, not about a three-way. And not after aliens, either. Or during." No fun! "Besides, there might be kids involved, so definitely not in front of them." She doesn't sound very happy about THAT.. the kids part, anyway.

"You in? It'll get you out and doing something useful."

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Kids involved... in the sense of like that they were kidnapped by aliens? Or murdered by aliens? I am prepared to exact vengeance for all the kids harmed by this storyline," Wade assures Domino, gripping the edge of the car door with some renewed upset.

"Sure," Wade then agrees -- he moves towards her, fully intending to climb across the drivers's seat and over to the passenger side by the scenic - and uncomfortable - route. "Sorry. Excuse me. Oopsy."

There's some Deadpool butt to the face, but he's not being weird about it. Well, aside from the lack of awareness that he could have gone around, not squished past her like that.

Neena Thurman has posed:
"No as in, 'X-kids in- Wade!"

Oof.. and Domino has to shift one leg, move another, turn sideways--


"You could have--" gone around.. "The door was open."

Domino slides down into the seat now from her perch on the back, and gives her friend a long stare before, "Close your door. We're gonna go for a ride. I actually like this car."

Facing forward again, she restart the engine and gives it a test-rev. "Jean is looking at inviting a lot of kids under 18 to the kill party. Not real happy about the thought of watching them while doing my job."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade shuts his door because she told him to. Sometimes he follows requests. Karaoke is a time where he often does requests too.

"Kids? Noooooooo. I don't want to censor all the <bleeping> time," Wade laments in agreement. "Oh fuck-shit-lemur-tits, one minute." Suddenly Wade jumps out over his door without opening it, running over to his boat, and picks up his duffel bag. With that rescued, he runs back over, and THIS time attempts to open his door.

He fails.

"Locked," Wade reports, waggling the handle, while also throwing his bag in.

"I'm really ready for a proper killparty, let me tell you. Sprays of bullets, burning eyebrows, corpses slit open and their undigested meals all over the ...." Hmmm. "I mean, I'd still accept the three-way. Your pick."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino really tries not to burst out laughing at the string of expletives, she really does, but... lemur tit? It works? Sort of?

The car is idling, and Domino only turns her head, waiting now for Wade to get his stuff. It's only a little move of the hand to *click* lock it, and when Wade tries to open the door?

It's a convertable!

"The way you describe it, it sounds like the three-way could be fun. But.. no." Her delivery is deadpanned, certainly, and when he wiggles that handle, she moves her fingers to *click* unlock the doors again. "I don't even know what these aliens look like. Word is, they're hard to kill, though." Which is where they come in, as far as she's concerned.

"Get in.. that side. Headed upstate. I want to open her up."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade opens the door like a proper gentleman and slides in, shutting it immediately. He leans forward first to adjust his seat, though, fiddling around with it while he chatters. He even buckles his seatbelt and everything.

"I'm pretty sure they're creepy cyborgy-things which is probably not the sexiest thing you could ever think of. I'm not sure they're aliens, but might be more like blends of things like The Borg. Star Trek. I'd rather fuck a wookiee, honestly, but I don't know that we've got that choice specifically here."

Situated, Wade lifts both arms like he's in a rollercoaster. And then stares at her. Waiting for the part where he can say 'whee', probably. "Tabling the sex for now. Sure. Consent is important to me. So when you do consent, I'll be right here. Probably consenting, but best to check each time just in case."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino waits as Wade gets in and situates himself. Putting the car into reverse, she tries really hard not to dig the tires into the dirt for a less than stellar take off, as it were. Not until she reaches pavement does she consider squealing the tires with a neutral drop, just for him; the engine revs high, the tires let out a burning squeal as they try to find purchase, and then the car lurches forward. The albino merc can't help but grin as they reach a proper (for her) speed.

"I heard something about DNA. Them trying to get mutants." Ours. "Bullshit on that. I already had creep Richards trying to buy mine so he could figure out how to 'turn it off'." Her luck.

"I'll remember to ask, thanks for the reminder."

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Whee," Wade says, underwhelmed since she didn't peal out of the grass. He drops his arms.

If she's trying to impress Wade, it might be difficult. He has since distracted himself with pulling out his phone, playing some game. The little noises of blinks and dinks and bright BREEEPS and chimes suggest it is Unicorn Pizazz 8: Princesses of the Emerald Universe. He's matching gems and cupcakes.

"Turn it off? I feel like it should be packaged and sold, not turned off," Wade attests. "I would buy. Or borrow. But I don't have to, I got you," Wade says, leaning over to attempt to bonk his cheek on her shoulder. It's non-romantic, but it is very buddy-buddy.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino looks to her right and smirks. It feels good to have her friend with her, and on a great afternoon with a convertible (stolen car)? It can't get much better.

The disappointment is certainly palpable, and as they come up to a curve, she murmurs, "Hold on," before she takes the curve with a tight cut to the wheel. The car swerves into oncoming traffic for a brief moment, right in front of another car, and she spins the backend all the way around for a 180, and continues on her way. As luck would have it.

"You get to borrow it, yes." Reaching out with her left hand, she makes to pat the side of his head as it comes to lay on her shoulder. "Only question I have about the whole thing is how we get to outer space. Other than that? Let us do our job and let the egg-heads worry about everything else."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade doesn't hang on. He drops his phone to his lap to do a proper rollercoaster ride HANDS UP thing again. Since Wade's pretty indestructible, he doesn't worry about stuff as much as a lot of people.

"You're more fun than my last uber driver, though I still give props to Billy," Wade attests. He digs around in his crotch -- ah, to rescue his phone. Nothing too explicit.

Patted, Wade drops his phone again to show her a heart. "Space? Okay. I'll bug some people about that. My other special ability. Let's go do some murder right now to feel better. Sound good?" Wade grins and thumbs-up!

"Oooh, triple score," Wade says, distracted, back into his game.