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Latest revision as of 14:47, 4 July 2020

A Little Slice of... Heaven
Date of Scene: 01 July 2020
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: Satana and Thomas actually get some work done!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Satana Hellstrom

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake enters the Griffin cautiously. he listens a minute, sniffs the air. No trace of Deadshot's cigarettes. He goes up the stairs from the hidden basement, enters the living room and ascends the stairs to the second floor, snagging a bottle of vodka on the way. Slight limp in his step. "'Tana?" he calls softly. He opens the door to his bedroom, more cautious than usual, a throwing blade close to hand. He peers into the dark bedroom. "Satana? I had a rough night, three guys from Madripoor went after me. This little guy with the eyepatch nearly got me. Thought he'd never go down."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The bedroom smells like booze and stale incense, along with hints of brimstone and cinnamon. All that long, red hair spills over her back as she shifts, laying on her belly. Long legs are bare, but she's at least wearing some sort of t-shirt. "Oh-hai." she husks, blinking as she raises her head up. Sitting up slowly, the t-shirt somehow manages to keep her decent... as if my some magic of its own. The Disney logo splashes across her chest, with a picture of young Simba the lion beneath.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at the shirt. "That movie was way inaccurate, may I say. I appreciate the thought I think." He reaches into his belt and carefully withdraws a gold andemerald necklace. "I got this from an AlcheMax exec's wife. I... would you like it?" he finishes a little awkwardly, holding it at her neck. "It has a wicked story to go with it." His other hand runs along her arm.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana looks down at the t-shirt and then chuckles. "I thought it was appropriate." she replies, leaning onto one hand and tucking her legs up partially under the long shirt. "So you're stealing jewelry for me now?" she replies, looking down at the emerald necklace all the same. "Thanks, Thomas." Leaning in, she kisses his cheek and lets him fasten it. "Oh, you'll wanna stay out of the surgery until I can bleach it. Had a little seance go sideways last night."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods fastening the necklace after a couple of fumbles. "Not exactly. I do keep an eye out for things you like... I may rob Fredericks of Hollywood or Victoria's Secret. See I started targeting AlcheMax execs for harassment. This one guy, I surprised him and his wife asleep. Demanded her jewels or else, he knew better than to mess with me. Made him look like a wuss. He knew not to mess with me because I had done the same to him in front of his mistress the previous night. But when she brings me the necklace, I tell her the bling he bought for his side action was even better... then... I showed her." At that he pulls a diamond bracelet out of another belt pouch. "I could buy you jewelry but, I feel stealing it is so much more personal. Especially when it comes with a story. Oh, I made him give her his phone access code and let her see all these texts. She /gave/ me the necklace freely. So did his mistress for what it's worth." He leans over to put the bracelet on her, planting a few kisses on her cheek, then her neck and shoulder.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana tilts her head, drawing the long mane of crimson curls out to the way as well. "For harassment, hmm?" Then he continues the story and she laughs more heartily. "Well I'll make sure I put -both- to better use than their previous owners." Technically it's not re-gifting if it's stolen, right? "And I never turn down gifts from my adoring fans." He starts kissing and nibbling, and the succubus murrs and tilts her head all the more. "Careful, now. I still need to clean up the mess in the basement."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake makes a noise halfway between a growl and a purr. Hard to tell. "You know, If all demons take after you, I just made demonology a lot easier with my discovery: kiss their necks. You can clean up later. You're the only one using it unless this Smythe guy doesn't come across with some information I paid for. How is your... Cthulhu Gath(?) project coming?" There was this one spot that made her half shriek when he found it. He searches for it again.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana rolls her head around lazily... luxuriously... and makes a deeper sound with his nibbling. "I promise you, Thomas, that not all demons are as fun as I am. Not nearly." She shifts, easing to her knees to crouch closer to him. "Who's the Smythe guy? I keep running into dead ends with my ...interrogations. And it's getting to be a messy process."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pauses and then says, "Now... I am picturing Mephisto making pancakes the morning after... for Dr. Doom. Well from what you've said of these little gargoyles... they seem indoctrinated not to tell you anything. Have you considered trying to track them and eavesdrop? No magic, just... you know... tracking. Smythe is hacking some laptops I took from AIM. I thought they were AlcheMax. I committed and... waste not want not. Men gave their lives for those laptops." No shriek yet. He must be slipping. He gets down on his knees behind her. Continues nibbling. This may be counterproductive. He doubts she is at her sharpest right now. "Let me help."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana rolls her head some more, letting out a little squeal and a shudder. "I... mmm... well I've summoned a few new ones. Different ones. Just as stupid, th-..." Her back arches and then she shrieks. Yep, there it is. The redhead is stronger than she looks, and then Thomas finds himself on his back with the succubus crouched over him. "You want on the job? Go right ahead and do this old-school if you want." she husks.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake huffs as he is overpowered. He found the spot. "When you say job do you mean tracking the little monsters or..." he trails off, looking into wide smoldering eyes. //You're not scared of her? Nope. Jade was still scarier. But Jade was a full blooded human.// He grabs the back of her neck and pulls her down and exposes his own throat unconsciously and then says, "I can track the little fuckers through Hell or high water. I'm the best there is."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana purrs at that, nibbling and suckling along his offered throat. Her hips wiggle, the t-shirt easing up a little. "*Yeah* you are..." she replies, huskily. "Track 'em, find out what they're doing. Mmmm.... Later." Much later.