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Latest revision as of 19:39, 10 July 2020

So..., vampires
Date of Scene: 10 July 2020
Location: W.A.N.D: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy gets a taste of why WAND is WAND. Featuring drunken faeries, pointy hat witches and books on vampires.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Mihaela Wilkins

Daisy Johnson has posed:
For Daisy life in SHIELD has certainly been an adventure as of late! What with pursuing drones when perfectly harmless alien tech was being tested..., and worst of all what seems to be vampires having infiltrated her favorite speakeasy.. That one still left a sour taste in her mouth. But SHIELD was committed to finding answers and so here she was, in WAND. It's not as if she came here too often, being the hacktivist that she was, a believer in science. Even if those beliefs had started to be shaken off when her powers first manifested. So now she was at least curious, tending towards the interested.

The ride up to the third floor doesn't take long, just having to endure the lousy elevator music (note to self: program new musics in) and then out she is, dressed in her black and blue SHIELD uniform, the ICER riding on her hip. Just in case there was another attack on SHIELD like the battle of New York. Or some experiment up here in WAND went sideways, because yes, she had heard the rumors!

Daisy makes her way down the hallway towards Lara Croft's office, even if not aware that the other woman isn't present up at the office just yet today.

Mihaela Wilkins has posed:
Precautions are always a good thing, particularly when dealing with Weird Ass Nerds (tm)! Case in point:

One of the research rooms' doors doesn't so much go flying open as it just kind of ceases to exist. There's less an explosion, and more of other reality magically displacing itself over the area of the door in a sound like the vacuum of space being filled with oxygen. POP! This lasts for about a second as four one-inch tall gossamer wing'd figures go flying out this displacement in reality. The giggling Fae zoom out into the hallway as the portal fades.

Probationary Agent Wilkins then all but kicks the door down as she runs into the hallway, sleeveless robes fluttering, staff in one hand while holding onto her honest-to-God witch's hat. Her too-wide eyes are extra wide in a panick, swiftly trailed by a grey owl. The owl has a bucket filled with white wine in it's talons.

"WATCH OUT! Fae escape! Get back here you little pranksters, this was not the Pact!" Comes Mihaela, sounding both annoyed and dismayed. Owlish eyes, from Witch and actual Owl alike spy Daisy.

Daisy now has four pixies trying to get up in her business. Specifically, her hair, which the pixies are trying to hide themselves in. Poorly.

Welcome to WAND!

Daisy Johnson has posed:
See, this is -why- Daisy always packs an ICER with her, specially when coming up here... But in this case, perhaps a good ol' keyboard would had worked better to swat down these darned pixies. Her heavy mechanical one!

The door flying out of it's hinges makes Daisy's eyes go wide as well, one hand reaching to her ICER but then the pixies are all over her! "Ack, not the hair you silly things! Do you have any idea how much time I have spent on it?!" longer than she'd like to admit!

And really, pixies.., who would even have the heart of shooting them down? So for now she decides to go hand to hand with the creatures! She digs her fingers into her hair and finding a foreign body there she picks one of the faeries out by the foot. "Ah! Surrender...." a pause to blow some hair out of her lips and face as the faeries continue their pranking. ".... surrender now, I got one of yours.."

Because dealing with pixies always goes well!

Mihaela Wilkins has posed:
The pixies expect many things, being Fae. A hostage situation is /not/ one of them! The now footbound culprit dangles pitifully, while the three others make a dazzling, beautiful loop-de-loop before hovering in the air. Three elfin faces pout together. They look at Daisy with these oh-so-innocent eyes!

Huff! Catching up with the whole situation, the Witch of Owls gives a huff, hands on her hips, and scowls.

"What did we discuss?" Comes the woman reproachfully. The pixies look at each other, then Daisy, then Mihaela. The sound of wind chimes fills the air.

"Exactly. Now apologize! Then into the bucket please."

The three pixies that aren't caught turn again to Daisy, make more of those wind chime noises. The caught one wiggles a bit, making more plaintive windchimes.

Flowers will begin to grow in Daisy's hair the longer she holds onto the fae. Luckily, they seem to be normal, and brush-off-able. The troublemakers zoom towards the bucket of wine which begins to dissappate from existance with a much lighter pop and sound of wine being devoured.

Don't think too hard on volume-to-Fae ratios here. "I am SO sorry about that! Fae can be such a handful. Can I help you, Agent...?" Smile. Smiiiile. Mihaela tilts her head. Bucketless, her owl lands on her shoulder. Head-tilt in unison with its owner. Both stare unblinking, and maybe a little too close in personal space.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is no hiding Daisy's relief when the faeries acquiesce to the witch of owl's demands and fly back to the bucket. Even if the devouring of the wine does make her chuckle quietly. Dark gaze turns to the pixie she is holding, she waggling her eyebrows. "You are real booze hounds, aren't you?" amusement on her expression but she does release the pixie even if still unaware of the grown flowers on her hair.

When the last pixie flies over with a twirl and dives into the bucket to disappear Daisy's attention finally goes up to the witch, pointy hat included. "See, this is the time I would do some joke about Harry Potter, but I don't want those drunken pixies to fly out of that bucket again..."

The proximity doesn't seem to take her aback. A lot of her work is done with the computer nerds at SHIELD so .., she is used to some awkwardness. And then there's her best friend Jemma which is a category apart so ..., the unblinking stare is returned with a faint grin of her own. "Johnson. Daisy Johnson." which funnily enough there -are- a couple of daisies growing up on her hair.

"I was coming up here to talk with Lara about some vampires, but don't know if she's around." So forward about her motives here! But maybe she is fishing for a reaction out of the witch when she mentions those creatures.

Vampires are just one step up from pixies, right?!

Mihaela Wilkins has posed:
That smile turns to amusement quickly. "Oh don't get me started on those blasted books. Rowling is a hack! Mmm. These little ones aren't dangerous, luckily, just playful. Think of pixies as intelligent corgis with a sense of irony and no respect for professionalism!" Comes the Witch, happy to natter about the realms of the magical. She has that /look/. The one of a giant nerd about to go on a very, very long tangent.

When Daisy mentions Laura, and then vampires, well that thread gets rightly stake'd. Directly into another thread. The woman claps her hands, excitement shining in her eyes. Mihaela goes for Daisy's hand, gently, trying to snag a wrist and basically start yanking her in the direction of the library.

"Vampires! Nasty. Were you bitten? You seem a little warm to be one of the living dead. Did one try to make you their blood slave? Some of them do that. Oh, or eat your emotions, turning people in walking, shambling depressed husks!" Then she blinks.

"Oh, right, I don't think she's in. I have a little knowledge and a BIG library! WAND does, rather, not me personally. Come come Agent Daisy! They suit you." She hand-waves at Daisy's flower-festooned hair.

"So let's start at the beginning. We need to know what /kind/ of vampire we're dealing with, and what you want to do with or to them!" Mihaela sounds way too into this vampire business. Just pleased and excited like the best of geeks! Plopping herself in a spinny chair once they're Library-wards, her focus laser's right on Daisy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"So a corgi cat." Is what Daisy concludes about the mix between that breed with irony and no respect for professionals! But she is just as amused. The reaction from Mihaela when she mentions vampires is perhaps not what she expected. Excited clapping?! And then the questions if she has turned into a blood slave?! That's scary enough! Though when her wrist is taken she doesn't fight it, instead letting herself be drawn towards the library. She was here for answers afterall.

"No, didn't get bitten but ..., at least one tried to play with my emotions." eat emotions though? That makes her eyebrow shoot up. ".. In this case it gave an urge to dance the night away.. Thankfully it was stopped soon enough."

Blinking once at the wave towards her hair she appears to be puzzled until she reaches up and plucks a daisy out of her hair. "Really..? From the pixies..?" she sighs, resigned perhaps. Might as well embrace the WAND weirdness!

"But well, the beginning. It all started in a trip over to a speakeasy, we detected something strange going on there and returned a few nights later with a few other Agents. Turns out there was a group of vampires most likely feeding off of people that went in there." well, a vague explanation, but it works for the moment.

Mihaela Wilkins has posed:
"The flowers mean that the Fae like you!" That...may or may not be a good thing. Clearly 'don't add to Daisy's worries' isn't on the agenda for one Mihaela Wilkins. She's still treating this whole vampire thing almost joyfully after all.

After a second of clamoring out of the chair, Mihaela is shoving herself into the book stacks. There's a few computer of course, but this section is more your Esoteric Knowledge section. One can spy as many books about demons as about your local unicorn hangouts. Already she's starting a small pile, plucking out choice vampiric-related titles and hucking them to her owl.

Said owl is making a light reading stack on a nearby table. Helpful!

"Mmm, so! They are reasoned enough to choose a place where feeding is somewhat subtle, and have enough arcane potential to affect a human's actions. What symptoms are our victims having? Anemia? Emotional withdrawals?" Questions Mihaela.

"And most importantly, what to do about the problem? You /can/ go all Vampire Hunter and destroy them. But...well, from the sounds of things thus far these are less the monstrous sort and more the 'people with a vital essence addiction' problem. Wisdom, reason, and maybe a rehab-for-spookies route?"

The Witch sounds a little hopeful here. She views those of the supernatural as people in most cases, and the destruction of such beings a last resort.

She might be looking a little like the pixies were earlier in the 'appeal to emotions' department.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is just the faintest of eye-narrowing at all that 'the fae like you'. Somehow she doubts it. But well, might as well trust the expert! So she leaves that be for now. Though another flower is plucked out of her hair and she takes a sniff at it. Even smells like the real thing! Or if it's the real thing she does wonder how it grew... Too much for her logical mind! Just trust the expert, Daisy!

She follows along through the library, eyes shooting here and there as she takes note of all the tomes and ancient knowledge stored here. Impressive! "I never really got my head into the library here before. It's like an whole different world up here." literally so!

"At the time we detected anemia, it was what made us come back afterwards. And yes, they are rather subtle. And intelligent. At least the ones we met." nope, no shovelheads. A nod is given at that suggestion for rehab. "I am not all for destroying or killing anyone unless they pose a deadly threat. But for that we need to learn more about them. What they may want, but also on how to fight them without having to kill them." A pause as she considers thoughtfully and finally inquires. "Have you come across their kind before?"

Mihaela Wilkins has posed:
The flowers are utterly real! Someone could make a killing as a magical florist. Who knows, maybe that nice lady at the flower shop is an elf. The possibilities are endless!

Mihaela is pretty much glowing as Daisy compliments the library. "I'd be happy to show you around any time. A little cross training never hurts anyone, and knowing what to do in the case of, say, runaway unicorns comes in handy." Offers the witch helpfully. And hopefully. The crazy owl lady doesn't get many non-weird friends, so she might seem a little lonely here.

"Mmm! It seems the right Agent has been put on the job then. Too many see anything non-human as a threat to be destroyed without understanding. A sad indictment on humanity, the difference between wariness and destructive paranoia is rarely understood!" She shakes her head, puffing up a little as she takes herself out of a mini-tirade.

"Likely our Bram Stoker types then. I'm going to put in a request for the anti-vampire kit. Stakes, holy water, crosses, that sort of thing. Vampires, being intelligent corporeal entities, are of course generally weak to fire and beheadings of course, but hopefully it won't come to that. Forget garlic, that's an allergy at best. Most vampires cannot enter a living domain unless invited, so use that to your advantage. Natural sunlight, but not always."

A book is plucked. It's literally Bram Stoker's Dracula. It goes on top of the pile. "Only once in person. Small den, they were luring in people with drugs, turning them into addicted bloodbags. Nasty affair. Luckily we had assistance from the more sensible members of the fangy community on that one. I doubt you'll get that in this case."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"So, does that happen often?" Daisy takes the bait about runaway unicorns. But after seeing those fleeing faeries she just accepts things! Easier than keeping her mind close. And she has seen her own share. The grin is pretty much genuine though, apparently enjoying the walk through the library.

A grin that fades just so when the talk goes to the threats against non-humans. "I think it's mostly because I have some experience in that field.." she murmurs. Not that she being a metahuman was too much of a secret at SHIELD but...! "People prefer to destroy instead of trying to understand something.., or someone. Like the mutants." gaze then goes over to the plucked book.

"You might be surprised about help from their community. I believe contact was made with one but who's been going after that lead has been Agent Foster. And Agent Croft was there in the field mission too. Which was the reason I was coming up here today." a sigh. "This helps though. I am mostly figuring out a good way to fight them if it comes to that."

Mihaela Wilkins has posed:
"Thank goodness no! Unicorns are rare enough, and people foolish enough to poach or sell them on the black market are rare. Weed sells easier than powdered unicorn horn. And don't believe the propaganda, bunch of snooty equines with a pedigree and a boomer's sense of 'purity'!" Mihaela scowls hard, and rubs her side. There's actual animosity in her voice. Someone is not a unicorn fan!

The witch sighs sadly, nodding a few times at Daisy. "Mmm. Exactly like mutants. Well, lucky for us, we are in a positioin to DO something! We can make a difference as Agents for everyone, be they fanged, laser-eye'd, or an office worker! So let's do our best. Speaking of..."

Up goes the book stack, and it's all half-way toppling, half-way being placed in Daisy's arms!

"I'll get an intern to give you a call when Miss Croft is in. Do you prefer text, or by owl?" Smiiiile!

"And don't hesitate to ask for me if you have to deal with ghosts or need a good Divination. It's what I'm here for! If you'll excuse me, I have drunk pixies to shake down for the location of a missing Troll and a vampire defense kit to put together." With a tiny wave, and an actual owl's hoot towards her feathery partner, both Witch and Bird are off, leaving Daisy with a pile of books, flowers and only a few feathers to deal with.