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Latest revision as of 16:00, 11 July 2020

All work and no play makes Jennifer a something something something something
Date of Scene: 11 July 2020
Location: Jennifer Walter office
Synopsis: Kyani stops by Jen's office to give the overworked attorney a much needed break.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, Kyani Kohanna

Jennifer Walters has posed:
It's been a busy day for Jennifer. Despite the fact that at least half her clientele had been whisked away with the rest of Mutant Town, that does leave that other half and the very angry families of the first half asking if they can sue Brainiac for damages. It's finally gotten late enough for things to be quiet, and Jennifer has the door to her office closed to make sure she has some peace and quiet. One would assume this is so she could get more work done, but the reality is that she just doesn't want anybody to see her rest her head on her desk in defeat.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Work has been crazy as of late for Kyani, he's been dealing with work and stuff he's been doing with the Titans. He hadn't heard from Jen in a while so he figured he would go to her office and well there he is, he opens teh door and looks to Jen, "Come on, you need to be not working right now." he says to her as he looks to her. He smiles, "Hey stranger."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
A groan escapes from the pile of green-black hair that's obscuring Jen's face. "Mnot working," she mumbles. "Mregretting life choices." The hair stirs until an eye peeks out from it. "Hey you. Please tell me we're the only ones left in the office and there's no chance anybody else will get to walk in on me like this."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He walks over to the desk and he sits on the edge. "No one else is here, I just happen to see your light on and figured I would come check in on you." he smiles. He looks at the green-black hair, "Damn, you ready to get out of here or do you want to chill here and I can get us some pizzas to eat?" he asks as he looks to her.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen sits up and blinks owlishly at Kyani. "You mean I'm allowed to leave?" She stands up and walks over to the coat rack that adorns one side of the door and pulls off her suit jacket. "Let's blow this popsicle stand," she says, slipping on the jacket. "You've got a place in mind?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "Yup." he smirks a bit at Jen. He gestures for her to leave out first, he will then close the door behind them and move so she can lock the door behind them. "Yeah, we will go back to the place we were at the last time, they are still open. It's Friday, so why not?" he asks as he looks to her. He walks out with Jen, "So I take it things have been really busy for you lately?" he asks as he glances to her.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Sounds like a plan," Jennifer says, while locking the door. "I have my hands full. Between my actual job and working with the Avengers whenever they need somebody to lift the couch to look for a lost remote I've had m

ore things to do and less time to do them in." She walks with Kyani, down the stairs and out of the building, planning on hoofing it to to the pizza place. "How about you? Been keeping yourself busy?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Listening to her as she talks, he nods his head, "I was going to ask you how things been going with the Avengers." he says and he nods to her. "Me, yeah. Deliveries have been crazy as of late." he tells her. "You would think Christmas is here or coming, but eh. It's whatever, as for the Titans, things been going well, I'm still a Prospect with them, but all I can do is keep pushing. I've been getting help with my speed and such, so all and all things are going well so far." he says as they wlak to the pizza place, and he turns the corner and they move further down teh street until they come to the pizza place. "You wanna sit outside or go inside?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Inside," Jennifer replies. "I'll attract less attention there. Though this /is/ New York, so seeing a seven foot tall green woman is just Tuesday for folks around here." She flashes Kyani a smile before entering the joint.

It's pretty late, so the line is nonexistent. Jen walks up to the counter, surveying all the slices they have available and decides to go with something simple. "I'll take two slices of pep and a Coke." She pays with a card, and steps aside so her comrade can order. "What do you need to do to become a full member?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Nodding his head, "A'ight." he says to her. He follows in behind her, and as he does he does notice there is no line. He grins, "We should be able to get some food without much waiting." he grins. As she orders her food, he follows up with a order the same as hers. He pays in cash, and she has noticed that any time he pays for anything he uses cash. "I'm still figuring that out myself. Just going to go with the flow for now." he tells her as they wait for thier food.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
It doesn't take that long for their food to come out. Just a few minutes back in the pizza oven for both slices to make sure that the cheese is all nice and melty. Jennifer takes hers when it's done with a "Thanks!" and finds a place to sit.

"You should probably find out," she says, folding the slice before taking a bite out of it. She may not be from New York, but she's been trained well in the correct way to eat a pizza. "Shows a little initiative, and gives you clear goals to work for. Otherwise you may end up waiting around forever."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He takes his food and his soda and follows Jen to a table and sits down, he smiles as he smlles the fresh pizza they have. "Mmmm...this is going to be soooo good." he laughs. Rubbing his hands together, Kyani begins eating his food. He does listen as Jen speaks, seeing that she is eating her pizza the right way.

    "Oh I will, I need to do somethings anyway so I will be speaking with the main members tomorrow. I know some are out on a mission currently." he grumbles that last part out a bit, "I wasn't able to get there fast enough so I'm missing out, though I'm sure I will be asked to join the next one."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"You?" Jennifer gasps in mock horror, "Not fast enough?" She chuckles as she makes her way through the pizza. "Good luck with it, then. I'm rootin' for you."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    A smirk plays on his lips at the mock horror Jen gives him. "Thanks. I'm glad I was able to catch up with you." he smiles. "So what are you doing for the rest of th night?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer slumps back in her chair and heaves a big sigh, forcing all of her muscles to relax. "I'm going to go home to my apartment, draw a bath, and soak in it with a lavender scented bath bomb for.." she squinches her nose as she thinks. "A week or two."

She picks up her second slice of pizza and motions it at Kyani. "How about you? Got any plans?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "That actually sounds pretty good." he says to her. "Me I don't have any plans honestly. Probably jut going home to relax and maybe sleep, I'm not sure wat else uet." he says to her. "I was just hungry which is why I wnated to eat with you, we've not hung out in a while.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods, taking a chonk out of the pizza. "Yeah," she says around the mouthful that she's chewing on. "It's been really busy. I've hardly had any time to myself." She swallows and raises her pizza to cheer Kyani, "Thanks for stopping by. I really needed this break. If you hadn't have come I probably would have just stayed there for another couple of hours."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "That's not good Jen." he says as he looks at her. "You need a break once in a while." he says to her. "If need be I can come around and check on you just to make sure you get out and such. Hell, we've not hung in a long time."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Mmm," Jen says thoughtfully as she finishes her last slice. "Yeah. stop by from time to time. It'll be a good reminder to take a break and get outside some." She sighs in satisfaction and starts cleaning up. "That was really good. Thanks for suggesting the pizza. It really hit the spot."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    A nod of his head is given, "Alright, will do." he says to her. "Have a good night, and know you can call if you just want to hang out Jen." he informs her. He rolls his shoulders a little, "I may end up going to bed. I'm more tired then I thought I was."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I know," Jennifer says. "I promise I will. All work and no play makes Jennifer a something something something something. Take care, Kyani."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He laughs, "Cranky is what it makes her." he says as he looks to her, He will walk with her out and head off in opposite directions.