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Latest revision as of 10:54, 12 July 2020

Date of Scene: 11 July 2020
Location: Security Center
Synopsis: Current situation analyzed, and a date night is scheduled
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Jean Grey

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr is sitting in the security room, mostly because it was the most comfortable, and among the better rooms in the base for discussing mission matters. Unlike the day before, he has dressed for comfort, in this case shorts and a t-shirt, unbothered by the cool basement. He had reached out to Jean to discuss it, as he saw her tank a hit (though not one that seemed overly serious), as well as to talk about what comes next.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean comes in after a few moments, dressed pretty casually herself in jeans and a Xavier's Institute T-shirt. She flashes a tired smile towards Piotr, "Hey there." She tilts her head a bit, taking a seat in her normal spot for a briefing, leaning back to look at Piotr. "What's up?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr is getting better at the smiling thing and cracks a brief one as Jean arrives, "Hello!" His voice with a bit of relief, "I wanted to talk about yesterday. That... was certainly unlike anything we have fought before and I certainly did not expect interference in the astral plane." He sighs, "I was also wanting to make sure you were all right."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Yeah, it definitely was... unusual. Normally people that aren't psychics or mages can't affect the astral plane but that tech did /something/ to it. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a chance to take a closer look at some point to see what it was actually doing." She smiles, "And I'm fine. I mean, that ultrasonic thing was bad, and my head is still ringing a little bit. Though I'll be okay."

She then smiles a little wider, "But... it's nice of you to ask Piotr."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Perhaps where Brainiac is from, they have psychics among them? I do not know," Piotr's voice bears some concern and he rubs his chin, "But yes, we should probably figure out /how/ because someone else there is probably going to do the same thing, or anyone else that can get their hands on it, and I enjoy still having this in our list of options, could you imagine if we had to go in the regular way?" He exhales.

Piotr's tone warms and his expression relaxes a little with the smile, "I am glad you are well, though. That drone looked like it might have been able to do a lot worse, I am sorry I could not crush it in time." He hangs his head for a moment before raising it briefly, "Though I do not think they expected you to throw me out of a portal at them."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "I'm getting pretty good at throwing you around. I kinda like it." She winks, then says in a fairly sultry voice, "Yeet!" then she laughs softly, before getting more serious.

"Yeah, that was an unpleasant surprise, though I liked working with the Titans. We'll definitely need to secure that for ourselves, if possible. If nothing else, we want to keep it out of hostile hands."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Da, and it certainly worked," Piotr chuckles warmly and smiles, "It is a bit strange beeing the yeetee instead of the yeeter, but you certainly do seem to enjoy it." He gives a nod and then notes the shift in tone.

"Yes, we will need that information, especially if they have anything for dealing with those mutants that were taken, because while they are almost certainly not going to work against us, someone may and I doubt that they will have perfect control of the information. I would rather be prepared with knowing the possible than being surprised with what was thought to be impossible."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles, "Well, I like reversing typical roles, what can I say." She gives Piotr a bit of a wicked look at that, then nods, "I should take the time to reach out to Magneto." Her expression grows a bit sour at that, and she doesn't exactly look like she's eager about it...

... but, by the same token, "I mean, he's certainly there, anyway. And we do need to reach out to him."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Oho!" Piotr laughs a little, but it is short lived as the elephant, or in this case a very powerful mutant, in the room is brought up. He ponders a little and says, grimly, "It is the right call. If he can be reached, he certainly has more information than anyone else at this time. While I am not fond of him," Piotr gestures to himself, still in fleshy form, "He might have answers that we can only get from him."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Precisely. If nothing else, it'd be good to know his intentions, and he's /got/ to be wondering what's been happening since he's been bottled up." She smirks a little, unable to help herself. The Mutant Master of Magnetism, Lord of Genosha... trapped in a bottle.

OMEGA MUTANT POWER! itsy bitsy living space.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"One of the few people who are more dangerous to me in my other form than now," Piotr notes and nods, "I wonder if life has gone on in there or if it is some sort of stasis." Jean's joke gets a little bit of a laugh, "Are they collecting taxes with tiny forms, with him giving high-pitched monologues?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean snickers, and speaks in a very high pitch, "WELCOME TO DIE, X-MEN!" She tries to do a blend of Magneto's voice on helium... and it doesn't work, but still, she laughs, rolling her head back as she grins, "Best that I get this out of my system now. Sounds like between Illyana and the Titans, we got everyone out, thankfully."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Laughter is best medicine, da?" Piotr actually cracks a grin, and attempts a falsetto "JOIN ME OR DIE," followed by a gut laugh. "But yes, it sounds like we have made it past the hard part, and the part that at least I can contribute to, though I trust my sister and the Titans, and perhaps others, to figure out a way to fix this, even if it means dealing with /him/ again."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "I know the Professor thinks highly of him, but I just can't get past multiple attempts to kill me and take over the world. I'm funny that way, I guess." She grins wryly, "/But/, maybe he's gotten a little more mellow with being in a bottle. Maybe. In any case, we need to have an idea of where he stands." She then looks at Piotr, giving him a warm expression as she watches him laugh, her smile growing fond.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Maybe like wine, the more time in the bottle will improve him?" Piotr notes and nods, "At worst he owes us a favor, so maybe he will spare us or at least not try to kill/subjugate us right out away," the Russian says with a bit of lightness, though he notes the smile, "Well, at least you appear to be feeling better," he is able to give a grin of his own.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles, "What can I say, being with you raises my spirits." She leans back in her chair, giving Piotr a grin, "And now that the world is not in imminent danger of ending, at least until next Tuesday..." She trails off, but let's Piotr draw his own conclusions, for the moment, as she keeps giving him that impish look.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"I help how I can, though you make it easy for me to be happy," Piotr says warmly and then raises a brow and even gives a rare smirk, "You are plotting trouble, aren't you?" Obviously not real trouble, but even he, the high king of the oblivious, can see /that/. He rises from his seat and takes a couple of steps forward, "You certainly have something in mind."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Me, have something in mind? Why, whatever would I have in mind? Certainly not a night in New York to see the reopening of Hamilton or anything with a certain Russian or anything..." Her eyes dance a bit, as she keeps looking at Piotr, lips curving into a warm smile, "If, you were interested, anyway."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr beams, and even manages the appropriate tone of, "Oh, I am curious who this particular Russian is, though he'd be rather lucky." He nods, "There is not an instance in which I would be disinterested. I will see to securing tickets." His eyes and facial expressions brighten a bit, "It will be a lot of fun, I have not had time to see it, yet." The Russian relaxes his posture a little, "I look forward to spending more time with you." His cheeks redden, the pale skin fails to give him any protection from that.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles and stands up at that, placing a light kiss on Piotr's cheek, "Likewise, but I have the tickets already. Warren and I made a bet before the fight." She chuckles, not saying what it /was/, but then continues, "I won, so I got tickets. But, you can get the dinner reservations, if you want."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Oh, well I can do that. It will certainly be better than my cooking, do you have a preference for type of food?" Piotr inquires, raising a brow after, though, "A bet with Warren? That certainly does not bode well," he chuckles, "But it seems it went in your favor." Piotr leans down and plants a kiss on Jean. A light one, as he was uncertain and going by impulse at this point. Straightening his posture a little after, "Oh, I'm sorry if I overstepped." His face is beet red.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Hmmm. I'm not sure..." She looks at Piotr, then reaches up, putting a hand around his neck and leans up to kiss him back. A little more lingering, as she savors the experience this time, and lets Piotr savor it too. Then she murmurs, "Might need to try it a few more times to make sure." She grins cheerfully, then adds, "Well, did you have a preference?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
The kiss back was unexpected, but the large Russian does not object by any measure. Piotr is only a little surprised at Jean's response. He chuckles quietly and says, "Indeed." The Russian then ponders for a little bit, "Indeed." The topic switching too food takes a moment, as he is a little on cloud nine for the moment, but he then says, "I have heard of a good Mediterranean place, if that works for you?" He lets his guard down and is just pure happiness at this point.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Sounds perfect, Piotr. I can't wait." She nods slightly, looking very happy herself as she rests her hand on his arm, "And I'm sure there's going to be some pleasant surprises in store going forward."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Da," Piotr says, curious to see what the surprise is, but is patient enough to wait. "Been wanting to do that for a little while," the Russian notes, "It went better than expected." His tone is a bit timid at that, but it returns to regular strength when he says, "But I do not regret it."

"Mediterranean it is, then. It will certainly be a good evening." Piotr says warmly, "A good date night."