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Latest revision as of 01:23, 17 July 2020

Tiptoe through the tubers
Date of Scene: 16 July 2020
Location: Student Gardens
Synopsis: A walk in the garden brings dinner and philosophy.
Cast of Characters: Ororo Munroe, Jean Grey, Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson, Rachel Summers

Ororo Munroe has posed:
It was a dark and stormy d- No, no it wasn't, and isn't. The sun shines in its summer splendor, with puffy white clouds offering up a happy background. It's a day for the pool (later, after chores) and perhaps she can convince Scott to grill up some food later. Thus, the reason whyfore the walk through the gardens.

The reasons are actually twofold as to why Ororo chose the gardens for a place to chat. One, it's quiet and outside in the fresh air, and two? Who doesn't like grilled zucchini, or grilled peppers? Grilled tomatoes even? Okay, more than 'two fold'... it's a way to check up on how the students are spending their downtime- are they relaxing by tending the grounds, the earth, quietly communing, or inside on their computers?

Ororo will have to check that later.

Ororo is dressed casually. Gone are the robes of seemingly so long ago, and she's wearing jeans and light camisole, her white mane still untamed. She seems easy, but a touch on the contemplative side as she kneels down by a plot of squash that is trying its best to grow into something more than a blip.

"Whose garden is this?" Pale blue eyes look for the nametag on the side of the plot, her neck craning slightly. A thin-lipped hint of a frown shows as she reads the name, committing both the owner and location to memory. Rising again from her brief crouch, she turns away to study another plot, and behind her, a slight mist appears in order to offer some succor to the vegetation.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean wanders into the garden area, wearing a straw hat over her head, as well as a denim shirt, buttoned up the front, and a pair of blue jeans. She smiles a bit as she overhears, mentally as well as audibly, Ororo working in the garden.

"I promise, that one isn't me. Honest." She chuckles very softly, making her way over towards Storm, eyes lighting up as she takes in the other mutant doing the gardening. And she casually takes a seat on a nearby bench, crossing her ankles as her smile widens, regarding Ororo, "Something on your mind?" Not that she'd be rude enough to look for herself.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo turns her head to look over her shoulder at the approaching Jean, giving the woman a warm smile as she nears. She lets out a soft laugh and shrugs a single shoulder as the wetting of the individual plot lets up, giving that damp sheen to the leaves. "Jean.. and yes, I know it's not. But, I think I may have to get you out here more often, from what I'm hearing. Gardening can be very," she pauses before, "centering."

As she moves, it's easy to see that the motherly mutant is barefoot on the dirt path, just checking the next plot, not too far from where Jean's taken up brief residence. Here, she makes something more of a happy noise and plucks an eggplant off the vine; it's large, healthy, and there's a hollow, happy *thoomp* as she taps its side. Standing straight again, Ororo looks pleased. "This is what I wanted to see."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hrms, "Centering, moi? I've been... perfectly fine." Which, well, might fool a lot of people. It might even fool the Professor. But Ororo?

Nope, not a chance in Hell of that.

So, Jean sighs a little, "But you're right, I do need to take some time to center and focus more. The past few months have been... stressful, to say the least. Between Sinister and Brainiac... we need a party. A long one. Or else just a quiet night with some wine and books."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was doing whatever Lorna did when she wasn't in Genosha, or running around getting into the newest trouble that hounded the X-men. And that was avoiding people. Few students actually came to gardens on the regular, and it was nice and warm outside. She missed the tropical climate of the island she'd spent the last few years on, but summer was still nice in New York.

The green haired woman came out from another deeper section of the garden, a water bottle that was doubtless filled with something questionable, and a tablet in her other hand. She wore a simple white crop top, and pair of high waisted shorts. Her sunglasses oversized and white rimmed as she paused, spotting both Jean and Ororo. "Woops. Didn't mean to intrude."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Parties are noise to distract," Ororo has the eggplant in hand as she takes a couple of steps back to where Jean sits. "Short term, and when the noise is done, you're left with silence again." Shaking her head, the white mane moves in a graceful wave, "It has to be deeper. I think, perhaps, we should introduce the children to the joys of working with their hands." There's a smile that rises and a gently hip-nudge as she moves to sit down on the bench. "I'm sure we can find things to do around the mansion that might get them to quiet down. Encourage some of them to ride down at the stables. Garden. Create, rather than watch things destroyed." Ororo chuckles as she looks to her side, "Piotr has the right idea." In his painting.

Looking up, Ororo catches the motion more than anything as Lorna comes into view. Distracted.

See? Her point!

"Lorna," comes with a softly melodic, slightly accented voice, "Did you notice anything as you walked?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles softly, "He often does, that's for sure." She waves over at Lorna, "No intrusion at all, I think we're all looking for a bit of peace and quiet, especially after everything that's happened." She looks at Lorna with a curious expression, "How are //you// doing, Lorna?" Because, well, with everything happening...

It's got to be a bit of a shock for her. And she smiles back at Ororo, "Good ideas, though, something contemplative but active to keep the kids focused, especially with the new classes starting soon."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna paused, taking a halting step back as she blinked owlishly at Ororo as she asked her if she'd noticed anything. She paused and looked around, "Should I have?" She offered her voice lurching upward as she looked around the garden and back. Her green eyed gaze swung around as she struggled to notice //something// that must be obvious.. otherwise, why would Ororo be asking?

"Uhh... the plants look... alive?" She ventured, raising an eyebrow. Her focus shifted rapidly to Jean and at the question of how she was doing, she took a long sip of whatever was in her tumblr.

"I'm fine. Ish..." She shrugged lightly, a roll of her shoulders backward. "I mean... it's all good news right?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
While there may not be any blooming flowers immediately nearby, there's a gentle breeze that rises and sends the perfume on the light currents. Blue eyes look out with gentle compassion, and there's a hint of a smile that graces the darker-skinned lady. "Perhaps, yes." There's a brief moment, a heartbeat or three before the light puff of air dies down a little, but not before it conveys its subtle message. Ororo chuckles softly and gestures towards the newly watered plot, "Some of them, anyway."

Lorna is one of those that could benefit, undoubtedly, from some centering! "It is," good news, "and I'm certain things will get even better. Particularly if we have any say in the matter."

Jean gets a nod, or more a graceful incline of her head, "Have to prepare them, yes." She smiles a little wider before, "Get them used to doing things they don't want to do, and think are 'stupid' and 'doesn't make sense'.

Jean and Ororo are sharing a bench, Ororo holding an eggplant from a student garden as victory. Dinner tonight will be grilled vegetables!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
A portal opens up a couple of meters above ground, because that's just how Clarice rolls..., and then the 'elven' one steps out. Or rather, she falls down. Perhaps not expecting the 'step' and does a dive down to the ground. Those plants that were supposedly alive? DEAD! Just kidding, she lands on grass...

And just like it was the most normal thing in the world she then gets up, dusting off her jacket and blinking when she notes the gathered all out here. That was .., unexpected.

"Hello.." she greets the group, eyes then settling on Lorna. "Ah, there you are." a faint smile coming to her lips, she seeking the green-haired one's expression for a moment before she continues. "I apologize for the .., entrance. A miscalculation." she dips her head in apology.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Well, no harm done Clarice." She smiles at the elfin mutant, then glances over to Ororo as she takes a seat next to Jean on the bench, "Good news is something we can definitely use. And eggplant parmesan..." She mmms at the thought, enjoying the idea of the classic dish as she eyes Ororo's eggplant with speculation.

Then, she glances over towards Lorna, "It's good news, but it's also a change, and that can always be awkward. Even if it's a good change." She hmms, tilting her head, "Especially when it's a drastic change, for good or ill, Lorna."

Rachel Summers has posed:
    A visit to the mansion was on the books for Rachel. It not that she feels she belongs here. Rather the opposite. But she does feel that she needs to give the others another chance to see her side of things.
    So, floating over towards the mansion, she felt the presences of some of the students and staff in the garden area... and so she floats down from above to land gently in the center of said garden.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once again, her gaze swinging back to the portal as it opened up and deposited the purple haired mutant in the garden. "You alright, Clarice? Is everything okay?" Clarice rarely if ever messed up in her portaling and to see it happen raised some concern.

Still, her focus shifted back briefly to Jean and Ororo. "Well, again, depends on perspective I guess. I uhm... It'll be fine I'm sure."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I was thinking grilled, a little olive oil with salt and pepper. Something a little less worked?"

Ororo already has her mind set on that, though she glances towards the garden spot where it had been picked. "There's enough, I think, for your parmesan, yes." She's easy!

Ororo can feel the shift of the earth's force, almost seemingly predicting where the portal will open, and she's on her feet the moment Blink pops through. Travelling like that is not easy on the best of days, and like Lorna, she knows that the younger mutant has better control than that. "Are you alright, Clarice?"

Lorna's move to aid, and her concern is given room; that's all that's needed for the moment. Instead, the weather-witch nods. "Look for your boons. There's strength in that."

Rachel's arrival, however, does bring Ororo's headup; that too, she can feel. Brows rise as she catches the wandering Rachel, culminating in a smile and a brief wave. "Rachel." Her voice carries just enough, and holds that agreeable tenor of welcome. "It's good to see you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I .., yes. The battle against Brainiac just .., took a toll." And it's not like Blink hides the worried expression on her face. Because she knows how dangerous those portals can be if they go haywire. "Might just need some rest, but I am here for my duty. How is everyone?" a nod given towards Lorna, then to the others, hands reaching up to brush her hair back and away from her ears. At least here she could be herself, without hiding her mutations.

Her eyes then go up at the second redhead flying down to the garden. She offers her a nod of greeting. "Hey Rachel." again that faint smile. Though she is the quiet type, and considering she is also a bodyguard she does what they do best.

Guard and observe. Not that she expects too many dangers out here at the X-mansion.., with all this gathered power.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Feet setting down with little to no impact, Rachel offers the hint of a ghost of a smile. She lifts her shoulders in a bit of a shrug and greeting all in one. "Tell me.." she states softly, "How goes the X-periment?" she adds with a smirk of a sort.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean glances over at Rachel, and gives her a warm smile, "Hey, how's it going?" She looks over at Rachel from her spot next to Ororo on the bench, as she seems to radiate reassurance for everyone. Considering Lorna and Rachel are both on edge, Jean's instinct is to try and relax the tension. She adds, at Rachel's question, "Goes pretty well, I think. We did, at least, get our people back from Brainiac, though I don't know that we've gotten everything quite /back/ to normal yet."

She then nods over at Clarice, "You did really well with that, too. I was very impressed." And then she looks back at Lorna, "Well, I have a few jokes about feeling fine, but I'll spare you... but if you ever want to talk about things, you know my door is always open, Lorna."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sighed, shaking her head as Clarice spoke of her duty. "I'm here, I'm safe. I haven't gone out and gotten into trouble. You need to take a break Clarice." She murmured, and she forced a smile. "If it helps you take a break, I'll even go inside and stay in my room and watch old tv." She joked half heartedly.

A shift followed as she glanced back to Jean, thoughts of Lorna's father dominated her mind, and she had yet to fully process everything that came with that. "I know, thanks Jean. I think I'm gonna go get ice cream or something. Did anyone want some?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Gathered power is right, so there really is no need to guard, and Ororo speaks to the posture, Blink's manner and mien. "The garden is a place to rest, Clarice. No harm will come here." She cants her head, her white hair shifting in subtle motions, "You cannot maintain tension without something breaking." Thus, the garden, and the weather mutant's presence here.

Rachel's arrival does cause a touch of concern, the air about them holding a hint of pressure, which resolves itself with a lighter cooling. She has an idea of what is meant, and offers the young lady a touch on the arm, reaching for the contact. "We should speak later, okay? Just for now, stay with us."

Lorna's offer of ice cream, and the offers to open an ear brings Ororo's attention around, and she chuckles, "Ice cream, I think, would be nice. But, Lorna?" There's a pause before, "Like Jean, if you ever need to talk, my door is always open. Believe it or not, I do understand some things."

Rachel Summers has posed:
    "Gonna guess everyone thing it's going great then." states Rachel with a shake of her head. She glances down at the plants of the garden, and then up at the others. She opens her mouth to speak... and then hears Ororo's words. So she just nods and shrugs, moving over to sit down on a bench where she kinda lurks sullenly.
    She evidently has some issues she is working through. But she lets her green eyes flicker upwards and says, "Hi mom."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Perhaps you should take one too, now that there may be a light in the end of the tunnel. With our people returned." So daring! Talking in such a direct manner to her Majesty like that! Or is it Her Highness now? She sucks at titles ... For her it will just be Lorna. "Besides. ..." and she gives Lorna a wink. "... I wouldn't wish being locked up in a room watching old tv stuff to even my worst enemy." because some levity is needed sometimes too!

"Unless we go for a marathon of Friends, could do that." Blink then looks towards Jean, a nod given. "So were you, and yours. Quite impressive. Teamwork saved the day.

Rachel's question about the X-periment makes her blink (the normal way) though then she looks back to Lorna. "Icecream sounds just about great right now." Ororo's words do help in having her relax her posture. No need to be too worried out here in the Xs garden.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean flashes Ororo a bit of a smile, then stands up and makes her way over to sit next to Rachel. "Hey there." And then, well, if she's going to be called Mom by her Wayward Daughter From The Future, Rachel is going to get a firm hug in exchange. She sighs a bit, "Just worried about you, Rachel, that's all." She can easily sense the tension there, tilting her head at Rachel with concern.

She then chuckles, "Well, I worry about a lot, but then I think I'm the Mother Hen of the mansion these days, worrying about everything worry worry worry." She gets a bit of a wry look at that, letting Rachel go from the hug but staying adjacent to her on the bench.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged again, taking another sip of whatever adult beverage was in her water bottle. "Yeah. I know. Really, I know. Everyone here is always open to talking and support and everything." The only way she actually sat down and did that though was when the Professor asked her to sit down for a therapy session..

Clarice's shifting on titles made her grimace though, and she exhaled a breath. "I dunno Twilight Zone sounds pretty good right now." She drawled, and shifted her weight on her toes. "Anyways, I'll go get some ice cream."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo nods her approval at Clarice's words, and the hint of cooling pressure dissipates, leaving behind the bright, sunny day that had been forecasted. Someone is giving lip service, at the very least, for that so important idea of relaxing. But more than that? "I was just mentioning to Jean that something constructive needs to be done in order to find our balance. Always fighting, always on guard isn't good for anyone, and then a noisy downtime only lasts for as long as the noise does."

She chuffs a soft laugh and offers a shrug, "I hope you know that no one just says that. We actually mean it." She's not upset about the reaction, but she is hoping more for the newly, well, the person who has found herself newly in charge of a country. "I do have a little bit of experience in helping a people in a nation," she posits. "Just.. just saying." Isn't that what the kids say?

Rachel Summers has posed:
    "Always focused on keeping us apart from the rest of the world. That is just going to make the future I was trying to prevent.. come true." starts Rachel, unable to keep her mouth shut here. But the hug from Jean makes her close her eyes and lean into it.
    After all, living in Mutant Town was... something eventful of late. She was one of those who went missing when the whole area did.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hmms, "Bit of an oversimplification, Rachel, but I understand. We're part of the world, not separate from it. That's the point. But we do need to have a place to take refuge, too." She smiles a little, stroking Rachel's hair as she does seem pretty natural with the 'mom' thing.

Even if the daughter in question is really more like her kid sister, age-wise.

Jean flashes a look at Ororo, giving her a grateful smile, "Well, I think we're all pretty well qualified to help. I've been doing what I can over there." She gives Lorna a grin, "Though I'm not sure how much more welcome I'd be around there once everything is restored..."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
An easy smile comes to Clarice's expression. Sure she knows the kind of pressure that Lorna is going through but smiling never hurts. "I will help." she says. Of getting ice-cream that is. And if some disappears on the way? Too bad. But those that do the work deserve rewards right?!

Her gaze goes to Ororo afterwards and there's agreement in the nod she offers. "We have been in constant fighting for a long time. It seems there's always a threat after another. Barely any time to breathe.., and live. But aren't those the sacrifices we must do so that our people can endure?" she wonders. Yes, she was one of those true believers in the mutant cause.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo shakes her head and clears her throat softly, but audibly as she sits down. She sets the eggplant at her bare feet soon after, and as she sits up, she crosses a leg across her lap. "How can you help anyone if you can't help yourself? If you have no strength from which to draw, how can you give it to others?" She shakes her head and quirks a hint of a smile, "If I truly extend myself, I'll tire." Really? "If I do that, I'm no good to anyone." There is a pause before, "That's not to say that I won't sacrifice myself in the cause of peace."

Ororo looks to Rachel and nods, her expression understanding, "We are part of the world, and we should be allowed to live in it. But, our experiences are our own as well, and we look for strength from those who have passed. We're walking in footsteps, and in that, there isn't anything wrong."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna paused in her departure inside as Ororo spoke, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, "I uhm.. I'm not sure that there will be anything.. I mean.." She faltered, her smile fading as she turned her gaze down to the ground at her feet. "I don't know what's going to happen. I could barely keep the refugees together, and there was a ton of in-fighting. People didn't follow me for me.. they did so because of my father. And ... and if we release Genosha's bottle, then he'll be .. he'll be free again." She swallowed a lump in her throat.

"And I .. everything I've done.." She pursed her lips together. "Well it doesn't really matter now, does it? He'll be back and that's.. that's it." She shrugged, and forced a smile. "Good news for everyone. Right?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Shaking her head, Rachel shrugs, "That's just it. It's not oversimplified. We are heading for the bad future like we wanted it. We don't -need- some sort of segregated sanctuary. We need to demonstrate that we don't -need- to separate ourselves. That we are just fellow citizens of the world. That we don't want to pull ourselves apart from the others. We are -making- others fear us and worry about what we are doing behind closed doors. This... us vs them problem is being exacerbated by -us-." she states. "That is why I am seeking to join a team like the Avengers. A team for whom origins matter less than intentions and ability."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean frowns slightly at Rachel, "Well, I would disagree with that, insomuch as we do need to have a safe space. But I do concur that we can't separate ourselves completely from the world. We need to be involved, and I think working with the others has been a part of that." She does look a bit stung at Rachel's assessment, then glances over at Lorna.

"And don't tell yourself that. The people know, and they'll remember that you got them through this." She pauses, then sighs, rising to her feet, "I should... head in for a bit. We'll talk later, I'm sure." The last is directed to Ororo, as she passes a quick glance towards Clarice, heading back into the Mansion proper.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
That's .., a bit of a surprise. Blink looks at Lorna through furrowed brows, perhaps not expecting that from Lorna. "I thought you'd be feeling happy about Lord Magneto returning." but then she shakes her head. "It's like Jean said. Noone forgets what you have done for us when the abduction happened. Most would had been lost. And I certainly don't believe things will be returning to the same as they were in the past, Lorna. We all will have learned from this."

She shakes her head to herself, the disagreement there on her expression at Rachel's words. But she is brotherhood, what else would be expected? "We have never been the aggressor, we but retaliate when attacked. I would very much prefer to live alongside humans, but that is not reality, no matter how much we may wish it to be."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"And the fact you worry about such things will make you a proper ruler. It's normal to doubt yourself, but do not ever doubt your intentions. Just find a place for quiet, with no distractions, and it will come as to how to make things better." Ororo chuckles and she looks to the sky as if to pull something from it, and from her expession, she finds the words, "'Don't just do something, stand there.'" There's a grin of victory as she recalls the words and continues, "It means pause to see what you are doing, and move ahead mindfully. Act, don't react." She shakes her head ruefully after it, and there's that smile that echoes the emotion, "It took me a little while to learn that. And when someone with my abilities acts without thinking?" It's a rapid headshake now, "None of us can afford that. Not you, not me."

Jean's departure gains a brief wave to her friend, "Kitchen, later. And if you see Scott before I do!" Grilling.

Now, it's back to Lorna's .. concerns. "Magneto is, well," Ororo begins slowly again, "We don't agree on a great deal."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna knew better than to get into //that// particular debate, mutant homelands verses full integration always left her with a bad taste in her mouth. Either way, it wasn't likely to change anything but leave a trail of hurt feelings behind. The green haired woman looked back to Clarice. "I love my father, I do. And I'm happy that he's alive.. I just.."

A sigh escaped her and all hopes of avoiding the conversation and getting ice cream left.

"People don't like my father to put it lightly. And when he finds out that Sentinels destroyed the rest of Genosha? If he hasn't already..." She bit her lower lip. "I joined him on Genosha because I thought he was doing something good. And I supported that. I just.. I worry about what will happen once he's returned."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Understanding dawns on the elf. A nod is given towards Lorna. Yes, she knew of Magneto's reputation of course. Though she hadn't really thought on the reaction he might have when returning. "I hadn't really considered what he may do, no." she admits. "I have been too focused in returning our people. Still, that just means it will be time to act, like Ororo says. Reach to your father and let what you think on what should be done to be known by him."

Her eyes then stray to Ororo, lips pressed together. "Our powers come with a responsibility. Just because we can retaliate doesn't mean we should always do so, or use our full powers. They will never stop fearing us if that happens." a beat. "Charles taught me that." because she also has meetings with the bald professor!

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Like the Professor, I hold out hope for him." Whether or not Ororo //likes// the man, well, that's something different and something she'll hold closely. "Where there is life, there is always hope." She reaches out for Lorna's hand, hoping to give it a brief squeeze in contact, "Of course you love him. He's your father. And anyone who says you shouldn't, well.. you should. But you don't have to approve of what he does." Hate the sin, love the sinner. "He believes his course of action will help mutantkind. We believe our course of action will. Perhaps one day, we'll find a compromise."

Blink's words, however, create a song in the weather goddess' heart. "Yes," she murmurs softly, her soul hearing the music of peace. "You are correct, Clarice."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, "I know that a lot of the diplomacy I was able to gain for Genosha was because it wasn't //him//. People and countries that wouldn't talk to me before suddenly offered aid. And I just.. I know that when my father comes back, people will go to him. But more will not react well globally." Her gaze fell again and her eyebrows knit together.

"I don't always agree with his policies, or what he does. But that doesn't mean I wholly agree with the Professor either." She pursed her lips.

"I'm worried that things might go badly. And I don't know what to do. Or what it means for me.. or my place in Genosha anymore."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"That brings us back to balance.." Blink murmurs about agreeing with whether the Professor or Magneto. "There's always a middle ground." but a smile is offered to Ororo when she mentions her being correct. She takes in a breath after.

"There are no easy answers, are there?" The question apparently aimed at the two of them.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Then it is up to him to decide if he will act in the best interest of Genosha. Which means, you should be making sure that she is given that chance." Ororo retrieves her hand and sits back on the bench, her head canted, that white untamed mane shifting, "Don't underestimate yourself or your citizens. They may surprise you."

She does chuff a soft breath at the declaration of her own beliefs, and she nods her understanding. "I do understand, and it's commendable. Like any proper discerning person, you take the beliefs of those you believe in, and trust, and find where it is you agree and disagree before forming your own journey." There's a smile that ghosts, and her voice drops conspiratorially, "The Professor and I do have... conversations, too." Her tones resume to a normal timbre, and she continues, "We do work it out. So, don't be afraid to ask questions. Ever."

There's a soft, warm, affectionate chuckle, ending in a smile that reaches light blue eyes. "There aren't any, no." She shakes her head ruefully again, echoing the sentiment. "But, in that, we have to make ourselves better. Which is why," and her tones lighten before she leans over to pick up that eggplant, "We need to be mindful in our downtime. Parties make noise, and we need clarity for ourselves. Which means, gardening, riding in our stable, or, Piotr has it right, painting. Boating. Something, anything that will give us a chance to 'be'."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged again, and took a sip of her drink in her grip. It was definitely of the adult variety. "Right, it was one thing to deal with hypotheticals of what my father would have done or if he'd approve of what I had or hadn't done.. before. And now that I'm stuck facing the fact that he's not as dead as previously thought.. and well.. everything has been really hard for me to process." She sighed her lips pursing together into a thin line of thought.

"I guess at the heart of it I'm scared that it might come down to siding against him.. and that hasn't been something I've ever done. Not really. Not in the time that I've spent learning about who he was and seeing him as my father. It was one thing when I was just here.. and figuring out everything and he was just ... this guy that the X-men fought now and then. People hated him.. and well, life got complicated. I understand him more than I did then. And I guess.. It all just worries me. And I find the quiet makes those thoughts only worse. So.. I hope you'll excuse me from joining in those more meditative activities.."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I am partial to travelling and seeing new places." This Blink says when they mention 'downtime'. And being a teleporter it seems fitting! But her smile is now strained as they speak, specially when it's mentioned being -against- Magneto. Lips again press to a thin line and for once the teleporter chooses to stay silent, perhaps not ready to speak of her own feelings on the matter.

Instead that unnatural green gaze turns up to the sky, perhaps she seeks answers there too, but none seem forthcoming so she simply exhales a breath, and perhaps feeling the weight of it on her shoulders.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Some things can't be helped. One can lead and one can be still and act as an anchor in wave-swept seas, and Ororo hopes that she can do both, be both in this case. It's not always possible, though, and she knows it. Instead?

"The point of the exercise is to move past it, not get wound around it." Still, she shrugs and nods her acknowledgment.

"Your fear is understandable and well-founded. But, there's too much hate. I'm growing weary of it, myself. Now, I just wish for us... peace. Perhaps Magneto will understand that when he comes from his captivity?" Hope!

As Clarice looks to the sky, there's a hint of a breeze, and the scent of those distant flowers flows through as Ororo smiles at the younger woman. Have heart, and keep the faith.

Ororo has her eggplant and rises to her feet finally. "I should go bring this in, and mark it on the student's card." Good gardening! "I'll be around, but in the meantime?" There's a smile for them both, "Ice cream sounds amazing."