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Latest revision as of 01:24, 17 July 2020

Gabby isn't just short for Gabrielle
Date of Scene: 15 July 2020
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Gabby and Rahne catch Laura up on current events. Decisions are made.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Rahne Sinclair, Laura Kinney

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Certain pleasant aromas come from the recreation room. Popcorn of course was the most prominent. But along with the saldy was some sweet: a plate of chocolate Moon Pies that had also been microwaved so the marshmallow blew up into fluffy lumps while the chocolate got melty. It was terribly messy but also terribly good, and all things that Gabby could cook thanks to microwave magic. Iced tea and soda was the rest of the mix in the spread of junk food decadence that Gabby had set out for herself and others to perhaps enjoy.

She sits in one of the armchairs licking the tips of her fingers to get some of the gooey mix of chocolate and mallow off. "I mean, I know you were pissed at him too, but I was afraid you might get out of hand. And Illyana had her sword out so that wasn't good. Julian couldn't just *punch* his dad... But he totally deserved some kinda pain. So I kicked him in the junk." A rolling shrug comes. "He'll live. And if he can't have kids again that's probably a good thing, yeah?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
    There is a nod from the other occupant of the room, a redhead sitting in an adjacent armchair, bare feet dangling over the edge. The Scottish drawl of Rahne is unmistakable as she takes a sip from her soda. "Well, yeah. Ah was so mad. Ah didn't realize Ah changed until ye grabbed mah arm." There might have been a blush there as Rahne looks to the side. "Ah have a thing against uncarin' fathers. Ah don't like it much."

    Which...was probably an understatement.

    Then...a smile. "Still...he deserved that swift kick tae the willy. At the very least. Made me kinda sad Ah didn't think of it meself." Though, if Rahne kicked him...there might not have been much of Julian's father left....

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura had missed Gabby on casino night, and Laura is nothing if not persistent. She has returned again, dressed in comfortable and loose street clothes and that ever-present serious expression across her features. It hadn't been hard knowing Gabby was here, the scent trail had told her as much without her having to ask anyone and so after inviting herself in she's made her way into the room just in time to hear Gabby talking about kicking Julian's dad in the family jewels.

She only has one question. "Did you hear them crunch?" A serious question by the sound of it and the answer to which will, most likely, have heavy bearing on if Julian's father would be permenantely injured in such a fashion.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Everyone's got things they don't like and that set them off. That's why I figured I'd make sure you were really wanting to do that before, you know, something happened," Gabby reasons with a nod toward the Gaelic redhead. She's just wriggling in her seat to try and reach for another goodie when Laura's voice pipes up with that question thoroughly distracting her from increasing her sugar high.

"Laura!" Even as the exclamation breaks from her lips she completely slips out of the chair to her feet. A few quick steps is all it takes to throw her arms around Laura, provided she doesn't meet a hand to the forehead first to stop her sugar-coated hand approach.

"Nah, no crunch, but mighta been a pop," she explains grinning ear to ear. "You met Rahne yet?" Of course she likely had. Wouldn't stop her from trying to do that polite thing. "Oh yeah and there's snacks help yourself!"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
    "Well...For a moment, Ah really wanted tae hurt 'im. But, ye know that wouldn't be too proper and all." There is a pause as green eyes lift up to regard the incoming Laura. There is a slight smile and a nod given to the older Kinney as Rahne remains seated. The smile grows larger as Gabby rushes off to give, or attempt to give Laura a hug.

    "No pop...but he groaned nicely." A quick response. Then, a question of her own. "Did ye win yer mini-fridge, then?" It seems that, yes, Rahne might have been Laura before.

Laura Kinney has posed:
As Gabby rushes towards her, Laura allows the embrace, despite the sticky fingers that she can keenly detect. For a few moments her arms remain at her side and she might be compared to a cold fish, or perhaps a wet noodle for the fact she is pliant but unresponsive. Then, very awkwardly, she reaches around with one arm and hugs Gabby back as if she were still trying to figure this 'embrace/hug' thing out.

Such only lasts a handful of seconds before Laura gently pushes Gabby back. "If there was not a crunch, he can still reproduce," she mentions, matter-of-factly. "The attack should be in equal measure execution, and muscle control, culminating at the point of contact for maximum impact. I will show you, later."

She nods to Rahne. "I did. Your contribution was appreciated, Rahne."

Her mouth twists, thoughtful as she looks to the snacks. Then back to Gabby. "I met Rahne last evening. Along with a strange men who was petioning Jean to teach assassination here."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney waits until the hug is returned. One of these days Laura would learn it, but for now she just hugs her tight hoping that it can convey all the sisterly love she feels toward her. When the nudge comes though she does release her hold to let poor Laura have her space again. "Oh, okay. I'll make sure to do it right next time. Though I hope there's not a need for a next time. How many parents can be selling their kids souls for money? I mean yuck. I probably shouldn't ask Illyana that she might know the answer."

That thought aside she looks between the two only to nod with a grin as it seems they do indeed know each other. "Aw that sounds like fun! Sorry I missed it." Of course she couldn't be everywhere fun all the time. She'd need a clone for that. "Oh was it Bishop? He doesn't get why we're not allowed to be armed around here. Gave me a really nice boot knife," she explains with a solemn nod as if this were not at all unusual. "Though he doesn't seem like the assassin type, and really, that's not something to be teaching. I mean. Kind of speak from experience. Only I never did do the killing part," she's quick to add both for Laura and Rahne's benefit.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
    There is a nod from the redhead as that smile doesn't leave. Instead, she feels rather comfortable, for the moment. "Glad it helped. Wasn't anythin' there Ah needed anyways." It is a true enough statement. Rahne wasn't out to win last night.

    "Oh...Ah don't think Ah saw Bishop at all. Ah do think Ah saw that Deadpool, though. Kept wantin' Rogue tae blow on his dice...."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"And you will not," emphasizes Laura's stern reply to Gabby, green eyes intent. That, afterall, is what she is for. She does not want Gabby turning into her, even if she doesn't see anything wrong with killing she knows that is a byproduct of how she was brought up. Gabby, afterall, has a chance at a 'normal' life.

Laura's arms cross, she shifts her stance slightly to emphasize her point through body language before looking to Rahne. "Deadpool? It was him, then. He was the only whose name I did not know," she states with certainty. "He wanted to arrange a fight with Logan, and then left to go look for him but he never came back."

Laura gives an indifferent shrug, before looking back to Gabby. "You have been spending a lot of time here."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ooh, Deadpool, yeah. He's like that," Gabby agrees with a solemn nod. "At least from what I've seen so far. He's nice to me." Anything further said is currently foregone in favor of chomping into a moon pie. "You should try this it's like a softer s'more," she suggests before gulping it down and reaching for one of the sodas go chug right after.

A slightly guilty look comes over her at Laura's statement. Shifting a look at Rahne momentarily, she can only shrug. "I know. I didn't mean to, at first. I was just curious about Logan and he's got his cabin here. But then there's the lake, and the pool and they've got this Danger Room thing that can simulate different places and I jumped out of a plane in it without a chute because it was being shot down and..." A deep breath is drawn, then let out. There was *so much* that had gone on. She could go on for quite awhile.

"I guess I kind of like it here. I got friends. And a boyfriend." Blinking a single time she adds, "We haven't done anything much I mean we used to hold hands all the time but that was before he lost his hands and he's been so upset lately I didn't want to leave him alone..."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
    A roll of the eyes is the clue given as to what Rahne thought of that little encounter with the jet leap. "That wasn't one of mah favorite scenarios. Ah'm no good inna air, fallin' tae mah doom. Much bettah on the ground, where Ah can run and not worry about makin' a furry smudge onna ground." There is a little bit of mirth in that statement. She did have fun, whether she admit it or not.

    "But aye...Gabby's got the right of it. Lots of stuff's been happenin'. It's hard enough just tryin' tae keep up."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura takes all of Gabby's information in without saying anything, or changing her expression. There are no immediate threats made against this 'boyfriends' life, and no claws pop out. So, things are looking positive as far as that bombshell goes, for now.

Laura looks at the snacks again, frowns, but does not lecture Gabby on the fact that such things lack any nutritional value. It's likely a discussion they've had in the past - and it is a war that Gabby is slowly winning because against all prejudgements, Laura is finding those things of decadence /do/ taste good. She's just not going to indulge right now. There are more important things. Like, for instance:

"Then I think it is prudent that I should ask permission to reside here on a permenant basis." It only makes sense, afterall.

A beat. "Also, I would like to meet your boyfriend."

Without waiting for Gabby's response, Laura inquires of Rahne, "You appear to be in one piece. And without anything missing. Perhaps you are better in the air then you give yourself credit for."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney turns to glance over her shoulder at Rahne with a broad grin at the recollection "At least you had a chute! Or did you? I was kind of distracted at the time," she admits thoughtfully with a glance toward the ceiling. "I mean, yeah falling and all." It was distracting. Exhilirating, but distracting.

At the suggestion of Laura asking to stay here she beams brightly with a clap of her hands together. "Really!? That'd be great!" Then she freezes. Just a little. When the part about the boyfriend is stated. A deep breath is taken before she nods carefully.

"Okay, no problem, but Julian's a little upset these days so his temper's a bit more fidgety but he's a nice guy really!"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
    "Ah didn't have a chute. Ah had Feathers, err, Ah mean Warren was carryin' me down. Twas a right strange feelin', bein' carried."

    Still, Rahne doesn't offer too much more to the conversation. She is more amused at watching the two sisters interact. So...that's what it is like? The redhead even makes an excuse to not talk too much more as the soda is lifted up to take a drink

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura squints at Gabby's intel briefing on her boyfriend. Measured, she states clearly, "As long as he is not taking his temper out on you, and if you choose to be with him then it does not matter to me if he is upset." Her mouth works a moment and then she's continuing, "However, if he does take his temper on you, you can simply sever his patellar tendons." Since, y'know, his hands apparently are already gone. And Gabby is more than capable of defending herself, certainly - this Laura well knows.

Finally, she moves over to where the other two sit and snack, and she takes a few kernels of popcorn, munches on them and then nods her agreement that they are good. She does not indulge in more, just yet.

"I will speak to Jean or Scott soon then, about the possiblity of my transfer here. They could use my assistance. And, we need to be ready in case either of us become hunted again." Safety in numbers, afterall. It has absolutely nothing with wanting to be closer to her only family member she has any ties to. At least, that she'd admit to - or, perhaps, was even consciously aware of.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is quite happy either way, and bounces on the balls of her feet. "No no nothing like that! He's just a bit grumpy like Bellona can be at times that's all. He wouldn't hurt me!" Or at least he'd never made any sign he would, and if he did? Well. That would be the end of that!

"Yeah, it'll be great to have you closer! Plus Logan's around and everyone else!" There's a pause as she considers, quietly. "And... I guess I should look at enrolling in school here, too. Happy Harbor kind of sucks. It's all boring stuff they teach there." She hadn't really been thrilled with the school overall. Or school in general. Sighing at the realization she can only shrug. "At least the food here is good. Usually."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods, once. "Then it is settled. You will enroll here. And I will apply for residence." How much a factor, if any, Logan played into this equation Laura doesn't relate either but she at least seems content with the outcome of her plan, thus far. Of course, approval still needs to be had.

"You can text me when you and your boyfriend wish to meet. It should be soon." Because Laura is very interested in this development for a lot of reasons.

She starts to turn and walk away, telling Gabby almost as if only just remembering at the last second it's something she's supposed to do, "Goodbye." And then she's walking out the room, to either go find one of the head teachers or pack her things.