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Latest revision as of 16:32, 17 July 2020

A funny thing happened on the way to the market..
Date of Scene: 17 July 2020
Location: Chelsea Market
Synopsis: Thor and Ororo meet, and Ororo is reminded as to what makes a good leader.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Ororo Munroe

Thor has posed:
    The rain has mostly taken down the stalls outside. Just a steady drizzle that patters down upon the sidewalk, creating small streams and rivulets that wend their way down the cracks and gaps in the sidewalk and into the gutter along the side of the street. Oh some stalwart vendors still shelter their wares without, but the majority of the customers and merchants have retreated inside against this small brisk touch of rainfall against an otherwise lovely Summer day.
    It's in the hallways of the Chelsea Market that the foot traffic wanders. A small crowd of people each stepping down the halls, pausing before the outlay of goods in abundance. There are vegetables aplenty, some fresh sea food, juicy cuts of meat, and fruits of all variety. At least in this section of the market, before one gets to the more esoteric stalls.
    Normally there's little of remark going on in such a place. Just the sound of people's voices as they chat or haggle. Sometimes a vendor will raise a shout just to let people know of what they're selling. Crowded enough and with a diverse crowd that almost anyone can get lost in their numbers.
    Though one person, at the least, is able to buck that trend when they catch sight of the Asgardian known as Thor.
    Oh it was no easy task, for when Thor son of Odin dresses down he can fit in with a crowd easily enough at first glance. It's that second and third glance, however, that tends to dispell his disguise. For he is tall, several inches higher than most other people. And despite that casual grey hoodie and blue jeans he wears, his features are known despite the small attempt at hiding them with the baseball cap that covers his head though his hair is tied back in a pony tail that might give him some cover.
    "Excuse me, sir." A quiet voice is heard, a young man of some eleven years of age perhaps clearing his throat.
    To which the tall man answers with a hint of a smile even as he holds an orange in hand. He pauses to tilt his head at the small person, catching sight of two other people looking on who might well be his parents. "Yes, young one?"
    At those words, that voice, the boy smiles broadly. But quickly stifles it and clears his throat. "I umm, wanted to say hi. And to say thank you, sir. I'm... not going to say who you are. But I just. You know. Hi."
    That accented voice is warmed, as is the smile offered as Thor murmurs as he leans down to rest a hand on the boy's shoulder. "And I greet you, child. Come, tell me your name."
    "Matthew, sir."
    A small pat-pat on his shoulder, "Then I am honored to meet you, Good Matthew. Have your parents a cellular device?"
    "Yes, sir!" His smile widens as he waves over at his dad who nods to the kid and the kid nods back.
    "Then here, have him take a photo to commemorate this day for me, when I met a future hero, and my good friend Matthew." Another thump on his shoulder though gently and he turns to face the family, he holds up a hand in greeting to offer a wave. The father takes a snap and he lifts his voice, "Come, come over, let us all get in the picture..."
    But then some people might start looking again, giving him those second and third glances. But thankfully no rush or surge is created. More smiles shared.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Markets are for wandering through as well as buying wares, and Ororo treats it as if she were home in Cairo. Barkers hawking their wares; fresh fish, fresh produce, and specialty items that can only be gotten through specific trade merchants. What she's looking for is a particular spice that she hasn't had for quite some time. The harvest at home virtually demands it!

So, the remarkably dry for having just come in out of the rain(!), dark-skinned lady finds herself here. She's dressed down in comparison to what she usually wears; jeans with holes in the correct spots, a camisole that shows a toned physique, with a mane of white hair that seems barely contained in a french braid that reaches her back. She's got a single small bag that has the green 'recycle' stylized triange emblazoned that announces to the world that she reuses!

She's looking at the fruit, the prickly pears catching her attention immediately. Even as she reaches for it, there's.. something that tingles, and she retrieves her hand, pearless, before she turns around, clear, bright blue eyes searching.

There.. and Ororo's expression flickers in confusion and curiosity as she looks in the area where.. and her head tilts as her keen gaze lands upon someone unlikely, yet.. and that's when he opens his mouth. His words, those given more to the crowd, can't help but carry in the noisy marketplace, and she watches, studies, and smiles.

Everyone is polite, for the most part. There is a little shoving, because, well.. short people and wanting to see a blond Adonis.. no.. a blonde, muscled god. It's the child that she watches too; the lad's face is beaming in a brilliance that tells a story that will never be forgotten. Not by her, anyway.

She turns back to quietly purchase the desert fruit, sets it in the bag, and takes the step back and aside, waiting for the inevitable. She's not going to say a word, but she will help if the crowd becomes a little.. uncontrolled. Already, a plan is in place...

Thor has posed:
    "Hey Thor, can I get a picture for my girlfriend?"
    "Hey man, I saw you down at Times Square, you remember me?"
    "Thor, is Tony Stark a total flake or what?"
    The words start to blur together and, to his credit, the Asgardian tries to answer and to speak with others. Giving his words gently, "Of course, though please I have a task to accomplish here and if I fail at it much woe will be drawn my way." Which, weirdly enough, seems to work for a good number of the people. Though a handful of selfies are taken, a few peace signs are thrown up there, a pair of grinning young women who just giggle instead of saying goodbye. She has likely seen crowds and fame-besotted mobs coming together when the temptation to rub elbows with those gifted with notoriety rears its ugly head.
    But Thor... seems to disarm it somewhat. Just with his calm gentle bearing, and perhaps also it is a morning crowd at the market. So not exactly a wild group of people. All told it takes him perhaps twenty minutes to speak to people, to have their photos taken. And then off they go, though some people are already talking on their phones if only to send the images to their friends.
    But then Thor turns to the merchant and smiles, "I would have a dozen of these oranges, good sir."
    "That uhh, happen to you a lot, buddy?"
    To which Thor just sort of smiles and shrugs even as the grocer chortles to himself.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
But still, Ororo watches, her head canted. She's not staring, no; she's watching the interactions, how people go away happy, but still go away once their needs are perceivably met. Greetings, rembrances, questions.. all are answered in gentle order and kind before those who would keep him from his duties are reminded that he, too, lives in this day.

While she may not have her spices, she does have her pear, and Ororo begins to turn in Thor's direction, an easy path, and as she reaches him, she reaches to touch him on the elbow lightly. "That was very sweet," comes softly, but yet her voice carries easily on the wisp of breeze. "You may very well have inspired a new generation right there."

The child is off in the distance with his parents, chatting away happily, if the hop in his step is any indication. That, and, well, he's getting swung by his parents as he walks between them.

"You remind me of a friend who walked amongst his people like that."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, well," Thor says as he turns to her, now paying for his oranges as the vendor looks at Ororo, and does a double take, since her casual beauty is impressive. Striking. But then he clears his throat and gives a nod to the register.
    Which reminds Thor he needs to, actually, you know... pay. So he digs into his pocket and takes out a twenty dollar bill, then waves off the change before he replaces the small roll of Midgardian money that he keeps for such purposes.
    Yet then free to do so, he turns and smiles to Ororo and tells her, "Nothing so grand, but it warms my heart to see smiles. And to be some small contributor to them." That said he tucks the package under his arm and starts to step away, though there are others who let their eyes follow his casual step. Perhaps some fended off from approaching by the conversation being held.
    "Oh, I hope a good friend. How did this small shared moment so remind you?" His stride is easy, casual, and to be fair she likely wouldn't have a hard time keeping up with him considering her own gait. But he makes sure he walks slow enough so that there is no rush to their body language.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo nods to the merchant in a single, elegant dip of her head before she turns to stroll with the Thunder God. Her expression is warm, echoing in her conversational yet low tones. If she doesn't want anyone to hear her, they won't.

"They say that when you change the life of one, you change the life of many." She smiles and lifts a single shoulder in a shrug, but it's far from dismissive. "So, you've changed the lives of at least three people. Plus the ones that watched your kindness."

Ororo's smile turns briefly fond and she nods before looking slightly up at her momentary companion, "A dear friend. And he was never far from people. He could easily have been locked away in a room, a tower, a palace, but instead, he was a great deal more concerned about his people." Ororo has absolutely no trouble keeping up with the Asgardian, and even makes it look easy, and natural.

"You appear to have that gift."

Thor has posed:
    A small chuff comes from him, but good-natured as he accepts the compliment, but casually diverts it by murmuring, "You are kind in your regard, and perhaps generous in your declaration. In any case I thank you." Such a polite way of accepting but not accepting a compliment even as he walks.
    But then his head tilts to the side, "And yourself, is there aught you'd wish? My time is not so entirely spoken for that I could not share some few small moments if you were inclined."
    Perhaps thinking that she is seeking some hint or token or gift, for truly that is often why most speak to him while he is on the out and about. It's rare that people engage him directly, and more just wish... to be around him.
    "Though if you would ask the like of me I would simply wish your name if you would share it."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo chuckles softly, though her words take something of an apologetic turn. "I'm sorry. My name is Ororo. Ororo Munroe." The smile remains as she continues, "I believe your reputation precedes you, so it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

As for what she wants? Well... here, the white haired mutant offers yet another light shrug as she walks, "No gift requested, I need no boon. I simply wished to share with you my thanks for your kindness. And," well, she'll admit it, "it reminded me what makes a proper leader, which has been in some discussion with friends and colleagues of mine of late." Ororo moves her package with her fruit to her opposite hand as she walks, "So thank you for that."

Thor has posed:
    A pause is taken as Thor stops his stride, turning to face her with his handsome features twisted a little with curiousity but also some touch of concern. Those bright blue eyes focus on hers, flitting from iris to iris as he considers her own gaze and what might well lie behind them.
    "The way you speak, it is as if something weighs upon you. Though perhaps it is rude of me to observe such." His smile eases and he nods to her, "I am pleased to meet you, Lady Monroe."
    A moment as his smile broadens and thins a little, eyes crinkling as he says, "You have a way about you. It reminds me..." A moment, but then he shakes his head. "It reminds me of a Queen." He tells her simply, pronouncing that last word with a formality to it. She might imagine which Queen as he mainly knows one. But then he also adds with that smile.
    "You are also very easy to talk to. I wonder why that is."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Those blue eyes are light and crystal clear, holding that mirror to the soul. Within, lies storms, wind, lightning.. as well as gentle caresses of breezes, delicate rains and sunny days. Ororo holds his gaze, though there's no challenge in it. There's peace. She's obviously at peace with herself.

She lets a soft breath out and chuckles, though it's not necessarily an amused sound. "Different day, same problems remain, and that bothers me to begin. Genosha." The mutant country. "Fear. Discord. The feeling that there is need to lash out." The last weighs heaviest. "Fear."

The identification of being a Queen, with the commensurate capital 'Q' in the intonation brings a smile to her face, lighting her expression, echoing through those eyes. "You are also quite easy to talk to, Prince Thor," is said softly, her words carried on that breeze. Realizing that the pair were shopping, Ororo pauses in her step and looks apologetic, "I take you from your errands." A statement. "Is there a way we can speak again?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor says as he holds up a hand, brow furrowing a touch as he reaches toward his back pocket and produces a rather plain looking black cellphone in a case that seems almost untouched. He holds it up and lightly touches it with one finger. Then another. Then another, trying to get it to activate. After the fourth time he's able to bring it to life and his eyebrows rise with the pleasure at that success.
    "Here, I believe..." He then extends it toward her, and smiles sidelong, "I believe this is the way such is conveyed. Though I fear I am not the most adept individual at the application of these devices."
    And with that she is handed a phone. A phone that on the front of its display has a list of messages that apparently have gone unnoticed entirely for it's a stream of requests to, 'Please set your preferences.' Over and over from a J-vis1.
    As well as perhaps one from a string of numbers that declares prominently, 'FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, THOR. SET YOUR PREFERENCES!'
    But assuredly she can navigate enough to send a text to herself from his phone and thus share their information.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's brows rise as the hand raises, and a cellphone is produced. Now, the weather goddess has known all levels of technology, from runner to.. high speed transmissions, and this? She makes a soft sound in her throat, trying not to laugh at the pronouncements that seem to be as banners across the phone. "Um.. Prince Thor? Those messages. Will you see mine through this?" She's dubious, but she still takes it with good humor.

It's not a couple of seconds before she texts herself, setting herself up in Contacts under 'Ororo Munroe', complete with a picture of the sky in a thunderstorm. Her own phone chirps a message, and she smiles her victory as she hands it back to him. "I believe I could get your attention if needed. Even without the phone." How, however, she's not telling.

"I should leave you to your shopping. I have one more thing to find before I return home."

Thor has posed:
    "Then I shall thank you for your kind words, and look forward to hearing from you again." That said the tall blond man lowers his eyes to her and his head partially, a form of a bow that passes in public at the least. With that he will smile gently...
    And then he turns to walk toward the door that leads back outside, his brow furrowing for a moment as he strolls. If she watches him the whole while until he reaches the door... she might well see him extend a hand to the side just a little...
    And from the coat-rack there an umbrella will leap off of its hook and into his hand.