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Magneto on the Mind
Date of Scene: 20 July 2020
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: Logan and Lorna run into each other in the backyard of the mansion. Logan has some practical advice about Lorna's father and invites her to train with him.
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Lorna Dane

Logan Howlett has posed:
The Canadian arrives on the grounds from the direction of Breakstone Lake wearing a pair of canvas pants, hiking boots, and a black t-shirt. Sawdust, of all things, lightly coats the black shirt and entangles itself within his short mutton chops, a slight sheen of sweat coats his brow.

Rubbing his neck and forehead with a shop towel, he walks a circuit amongst the sports courts, the swimming pool, and gardens, occasionally to stop and inhale deeply, drawing in the scents of students and staff alike, searching for anyone or anything that did not belong. His efforts are not rewarded with any sense of intrusion. He nods to himself and walks over to a patio chair. He draws it away from its matching patio table and sits with a sigh, rubbing the cloth over his hands and arms.

Today was just another day to be a groundskeeper. He didn't need to be a warrior, assassin, or soldier. No battles to fight the moment, short of keeping the roses pruned.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been down in the sub basement all day, so much so that she'd run into Scott and it hadn't particularly raised her spirits any. Nor had it helped to have her worries and concerns confirmed either. There was also, only so many times she could run Danger Room scenarios before being told that she had to let others have their training slots.

So she'd gone outside, and done a run around the grounds. She slowed her steps as she approached the proper part of the backyard and sport court, breathing hard as she came off a jog. Her gaze alighted on Logan and she smiled, offering the other mutant a nod as she approached the bench.

Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and she wore a simple tank-top and pair of running shorts with the X-logo on the seam. "Hey Logan."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gazes up from the bench toward Lorna. He considers her for a moment, and her ties to Genosha and Magneto. He just can't help it.  The survivor in him and the related feral edge are always finding threats.  However, whatever tension that comes from this knee-jerk reaction fades quickly. He forces a smile because he knows what Lorna has lost in recent months. The smile is quickly made real with sympathy.

"Hey Lorna. Gettin' in a good jog? I've got to admit, I'm impressed with your level of training. You are really throwin' yourself at it, aren't ya?" Deep and full of gravel, his voice still manages a decent compliment. A bit of wisdom in his eyes, one might guess he knows why someone might train that hard. It's a way of running away. "It workin' out for you?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna slowed to a stop completely in front of the bench by Logan, seeming to enjoy the shade that it provided from a nearby tree. It was cooler than tropical Genosha, sure, but she didn't spend that much time in Genosha running around the city previously either. She exhaled roughly, and smoothed her hair back as few strands escaped to hang in front of her face. "Well, I got told I couldn't hog the Danger Room for old scenarios, so I mean..." She shrugged, "Something Scott wanted to program in new ones." She shifted her weight on her heels, stretching her calves out as she did ever so gently.

"And Ororo's suggestion of meditation and being still wasn't really working for me today either.." She mused. "How about you?" She eyed the sawdust with a raised brow. "More landscaping?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan leans back in the patio chair and drapes an arm over the back of it. His other hand scratches momentarily at his cheek. He tries to think of something snide to say about Scott, but comes up empty, new scenarios for the danger room isn't really a bad idea. "Ororo's suggestion is probably a good one for ya. It's a kind of trainin'. Sometimes its best to do it when its hard."

Done with his 'wise warrior' commentary, he gazes down at his shirt and then brushes off a layer of sawdust. "I was repairing a few planks on the boathouse and dock. Cut down some trees and turned them to timber myself. Guess I got a little messy in the process."

He half-grins, "If  trainin' is what you really want to do, I could always put you through a few rounds."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged again, a small rise and fall of her slight frame and she bit back the urge to sigh. "I have done meditation before..." She stopped and started, trying to figure out how much to share or not. "It's something my father taught me so I could use my powers better. It was a 'be the master of your powers don't let them master you' thing." She started to work on stretching her shins as she spoke, rather than trying to stand still as she went through her cool down.

"But it's not particularly helpful.. I just end up brooding." She grimaced as her leg muscles gave a twinge and straightened her knees again. At Logan's offer to go a round or two she seemed to pause to consider.

"I dunno, wanna throw a few cars at me? I'm paranoid I'm going to have to end up fighting my father Logan. I dunno how much you've stayed on top of the mission reports with everything.. But he is alive. And we're going to end up releasing him and everyone else trapped in Brainiac's bottle. Eventually."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan leans forward and listens to the woman describe her experience with Magneto. He can't help but bristle a little bit at the mention of the man or the revelation that he's very much alive. A low growl rolls around in his throat. He nods, "Not an unreasonable concern, is it? Well, if you want fastball pitches of cars, that's more Piotr then me. Can't say I've got anything to throw at you that'd prepare you for Magneto. I'm a different kind of fight."

He rises from the patio chair and slips his hands in his pockets. "Besides, that's a.. team fight, isn't it? You are better off thinkin' about his weaknesses, tactics you can employ, and friends you can call upon.. then tryin' to duel with him."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once her lips pursing together as she considered Logan. "I love my father, or at least I've come to over the years that he ran Genosha. I agreed with what he was doing there.. a Mutant Homeland? I valued that idea or I wouldn't have stayed." She explained, whether Logan wanted to hear it or not.

"But yeah, Scott agrees with me, my father might end up wanting revenge for what happened in Genosha. And if it comes down to it..?" She mirrored Logan's body language as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her shorts and trailed along.

"I've never had to fight him. I wasn't on the team when he ran the Brotherhood and I only found out he was my father when we liberated Genosha from the Magistrates.." She wrinkled her nose. "But I need to do something, don't I? He's my father. One way or another, I need to be prepared for the worst case scenario.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"You know, you might want to ask Chuck." The professor. "He knows your father better than anyone. I don't think he'd condone you dukin' it out with him, but... he might be willin' to give you some insight into how he fights." He taps the side of his head. "Direct insight."

He looks Lorna up and down than hums. "How's your hand-to-hand? Maybe if you get close, you can't surprise him with somethin' he might not be expecting. Like the foot to the groin I believe he deserves." He offers in hostile murmur.

"Though as much as I want to see Magneto get his head kicked in.. If you believe in his vision, you should find another way. I've never trusted the man or his intentions.. Never." He draws a hand from his pocket, holding up a finger. "But if you do, you should maybe be thinkin' more how to talk him out of a fight then winnin' one."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sighed at the mention of talking to the Professor. "The Professor typically has me sit down for therapy with him. At least since Genosha happened.." The destruction wasn't any less real or horrific because part of the nation were saved. She'd still seen people slaughtered by Sentinels.. and that had left its mark. She made a face, "Only so much I can deal with someone in my head. And I know it's meant to help.. I just don't like it." She stepped lightly, kicking a pebble on the path off to the side as she moved. Logan's comment on hand-to-hand however earned a raised eyebrow.

"Not the best? I have some pretty simple basics. I mean.. if someone gets close enough to me typically for hand to hand combat, things have gotten very very bad." She laughed as she considered the comment on kicking Magneto in the groin, and shook her head.

"I don't believe in everything my father says or does. And again.. this is all just speculation on my part. He likely doesn't even know if I'm alive or dead. He's been locked up in a bottle for months all this time. He's had no news of the outside world." She bit her lower lip, "But I know my father, and I know his temper.. and when he sees the ruins of Genosha and the Sentinels remains.. I can't imagine he will react graciously or in any positive way toward the human governments that created them. And I don't know if I can talk him down from acting on that."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Can't believe I'm given' anyone a lecture on trust, but you.. should consider putting more of it in the professor. Though I get where you are comin' from. It's unnerving, but for me, he's given me back parts of my life." He pauses, "Maybe just ask him to stay outta your head and just talk to him as your father's oldest friend. As much as it pisses me off, Chuck still doesn't hate your father. There must be a reason for that. Maybe's there is an edge there. If anyone knows how to reason with Magneto, its him." He offers a shrug of his broad shoulders and walks along side Lorna.

"If Magneto decides to take on the world, you know you won't be alone. He won't win that fight, especially if he enters it out of rage. If it comes down to that, you should focus on creatin' an opening for someone who can take him out of the fight. Maybe a clear shot for Scott." He considers and then eyes her again. "You should prepare for bad. Things happen, more assets you've got, the better your chances for winnin'. Maybe you get one of those damn collars on your neck. Doesn't stop you from head buttin' someone in the nose. Too many people rely just on their powers."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed softly under her breath as she walked alongside Logan and listened. "Okay.. that's a fair point. I'll ask the Professor what he thinks is most likely to happen and his thoughts on it. But judging on how many old mission reports and Danger Room scenarios we have on my father.." She trailed off, and grimaced. Her sneakers ground against a patch of dirt beneath her feet as she shifted her weight on her toes in thought.

"I know I won't be alone.. but I feel responsible in some respect. He's my father. We share the same powers. If I avoid the prospect of a fight just because I had a few good years with him.. it feels irresponsible." She snorted lightly as a sardonic curve twisted her lips. "Funny how he is supposedly dead and I have to take over the running of his nation and now everything feels like it's my responsibility." She ughed, and pushed her hair back from her face again. A glance was spared for Logan as he pointed out the very real reasons as to why she needed to work on her hand-to-hand combat.

"I know. You've got a point. Like I said.. I know the basics.. Scott never allowed me to completely neglect it. I just.. haven't kept up with it as much as I should. It's something I should work on."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He grunts and nods, glad his point about Charles is acknowledged. He frowns in thought regarding the results of the danger room scenarios. "He's a real monster when he wants to be. I'll give him that. Never take him lightly." He's saying this probably more to himself then Lorna.

"Parents have a responsibility to their children, not the other way around, Lorna. The only responsibility you have... is your ability to maybe do something about it if he does decide to go on a rampage. I agree with you there." He pauses, "Maybe you should sign him up for AARP and get him a real good retirement package. I mean... you were running the nation. Get the man a mai-tai and set him on a beach."

It was Logan's best attempt at a joke and it wasn't a terrible one. However, the delivery is off. He's just too damn cranky thinking about that particular man. "As for hand-to-hand, let's get you past the basics, or at least, get you some kind of fallback."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head in regards to what her father could be. She had seen the tapes. Read the mission reports. It had been hard to do, and she had avoided it for years...It was perhaps well part time for her to have done so. But she'd read them all, or at least as many as she could access. There was a lot. After all, Magneto was one of the biggest enemies and sometimes ally of the X-men, and Scott was always thorough.

It was especially hard to reflect on those reports in comparison to the quiet, thoughtful, older man her father had come to be in her mind's eye.

"My father gave up his responsibility to me as a child, I understand why he did it.. he'd lost everyone close to him. And felt like he couldn't keep me safe. Not when he had his crusade against humanity." She rolled her eyes at the last bit. She could understand her father, but it didn't completely remove the bitterness of years lost entirely either.

Logan's joke about retiring Magneto earned a burst of short lived laughter and she shook her head. Anything to say in response was lost as Logan spoke of hand-to-hand combat instead. Her expression sobered and she nodded. "Alright. You got the time to train me on itz?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
"When I'm here, I've got time. If I'm not around, ask Laura. She won't be as gentle as me, but she has a lot to teach. Might be good for her to explore that." Logan comments and then turns to face Lorna. "Maybe Gabby too.. Either would better for you if you did land a hit."

He raps his knuckle on the side of his skull, "I'm not a great punch dummy, but.. I've got some sparring pads. We can work on your reflexes, technique, and form. Maybe practice keepin' a cool head while takin' a lick. Real focus. Bein' truly centered is bein' able to almost meditate while you fight."

"Master that... and you might give Magneto a nasty surprise." He nods again. "Catch me early mornin' and we'll begin."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna hmm'ed in consideration over Logan's words in asking Laura and Gabby for a spar and to help her learn more about hand-to-hand if he wasn't available. She nodded, and her gaze ran over Logan's features as he rapped his knuckles on the side of his skull. "I can see it all, I can't exactly turn on and off my magnetic senses.. but I could follow you with my eyes closed Logan." She drawled, lifting her hand in front of her. "Not that that will save my hands." She mused, and let her hand fall back to her side.

"I think the practice in keeping a cool head is going to be interesting. I'm used to drawing on my emotions for my powers. And this will be the opposite." She murmured.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan tilts his head to the side, his neck popping. "Ugh, you know.. it's a little creepy thinkin' you can see my bones. Your power isn't exactly my favorite in the world. Damn good at givin' me a dose of humility."

He murmurs a little under his breath and then nods, "Guess if we got you some boxin' gloves you'd do okay, but not like you are goin' to hit me anytime soon, unless you use your powers."

Doing his best not to think about what she could potentially do with her powers, he gazes her direction again. "Emotions are.. a strange thing. Control and focus doesn't mean bein' emotionless. It just means controllin' them instead of them controllin' you. Don't think of it as the opposite... Think of it like." He pauses. "Well shit, maybe Ororo would be good explainin' this.. Think of it like the 'eye of a storm'. The storm is still there, raging... but there is tranquility inside of it."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna grinned, "It's not just you. And I can actually sense where everyone is vaguely. All nervous systems give off pulses of electromagnetic varieties. If I concentrate I can figure out who they are if I've sensed it before. I also can see all the electrical currents in the Mansion. Pipes. Structural elements." She murmured, rattling them off. "But I can't hear what everyone is doing, or smell it. So. I guess that's a blessing in a school filled with teenagers." She lightened the last part, and glanced back to Logan.

"What do you mean I won't hit you anytime soon? Not even a lucky strike?" She joked, let it go as he spoke of emotions and fighting, and then remarked on Ororo. "No, I get it. I just know that when I'm angry, my powers are more... up front and there. Harder to control if I'm not careful. But it doesn't mean they're any lesser when I'm calm either.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He inserts a finger in an ear and the offers a wince, his thick eyebrows twitching. "Now you know why I have a cabin in the woods..." His response to the comment regarding teenagers. He shakes his head with a sigh, "Ignorance is bliss, and some days, I really miss it."

He shakes his head, "If you and I were really goin' at it without powers, only hit you'd land is one I wanted you to." He grins with a wink then nods, "Ah, good then. I've got a bias lens when it comes to rage. Just need enough of it to carry me through... without, well.. You know."  The murder-rages of infamy did not really need much explanation.

"I'll be expectin' ya soon. Gonna head back to the cabin." He breaks off and starts making for the woods.