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Do you want to build a Snowman
Date of Scene: 20 July 2020
Location: Fantastic 4 Antarctic Research facility
Synopsis: Johnny flies Nessa to Antarctia for some carefree practice of her abilities in her natural habitat, with nobody around to risk hurting! Fun was had!
Cast of Characters: Johnny Storm, Nessa Donovan

Johnny Storm has posed:
The famous Johnny Storm has sent a message to Nessa, maybe an enigmatic one, but it simple said 'Meet me tomorrow morning at <Insert address here> - Be ready for a trip'. Any real searching on the internet would reveal this to be a private airfield in the vicinity of New York City with connections, or ties to the Fantastic Four, or maybe even outright owned by them, it's hard to say. The morning finds Johnny waiting there at the gate, on the tarmac beyond the fence a ways can be seen an incredibly fancy looking jet of some sort, one of those Fantastic Four fancy jets they traverse the world on. The modern iteration of the Infamous Pogo-Plane.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
While Nessa didn't exactly know what the message went, she /did/ happen to have the day off so there was no convenient excuse and she was mildly (read: quite a bit) curious about what exactly he had planned. So she gave in to curiosity and made her way to the aforementioned address at the aforementioned time. Dressed in a maroon t-shirt and jeans, her usual black jacket and gloves are worn, and her hands are shoved in her pockets as she approaches the gate. "I can't tell if you're just trying to show off or if... you're trying to show off," she says with amusement.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Hey! I wasn't sure if you were going to come." Johnny says - He was pretty sure she was going to come - "I mean, it's partly to show off, but I figured we'd do something different, since most of our training so far has been me feeling you up a little." He says with a grin at her, "So, uh, important question. You were just joking about getting cold at night if you were in a bikini, right? Because where we're going well, it'll probably be pretty cold."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"The cold doesn't--" Nessa stops herself with a half-scowl, before she shakes her head at him. "I could wear a bikini in a snowstorm if I wanted. I haven't found any limits to how cold I can resist." She looks down at her clothes. "The covering is for the protection of others, not mine. Accidental frostbite is pretty avoidable if your skin is covered." She does tilt her head to the side as she studies him. "Hang on, we're going somewhere cold?" She's not entirely sure what the plan is... but she's intrigued.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, we might be able to test that out too." Johnny Storm says with a chuckle as he leads her over inside of the facility and loads into a little golf cart, "Or, even get more touching practice in on the way." He laughs, "But no, we're going to go somewhere to let you really cut loose, I think." He says with a grin at her, "Somewhere really cold." He agrees.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa moves to follow him, settling into the cart with her half-skeptical, half-amused look. He's at least made the prospect interesting. "Well, I don't mind trying things out somewhere safe. Somewhere without the sun beating down on me so much is also nice. I can't say I've ever had somewhere cold to practice. Limited resources, you know?" She pauses. "... well, you probably don't know."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, I didn't /always/ have money." Johnny says with a grin towards her, "There may not be a whole lot of sun either actually, come to think of it." He says with a little thoughtful huh as he drives her over to the pogo plane, "Shall we get aboard and get on our little adventure?" he asks curiously.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"So what's the Johnny Storm without all the money and fabulous resources look like, then?" Nessa grins, but then she gives him a nod. "Alright, yeah, I'm game. Let's give this a try. You've got a decent idea." She doesn't sound /surprised/ that he came up with a decent idea, more that it's actually happening.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, he was about sixteen, for starters." Johnny says with a grin back at her, helping her aboard the Pogo Plane and going through the process of getting her seated and cozy. "I'll get us up and set on autopilot, then I'll come back and hang out with you for a bit if you'd like." He says, the plane isn't the sort of commercial luxury one might expect, but it's comfortable enough, not nearly as utilitarian as the older versions may have been, but it's still no luxury liner!

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa grins. "So what I'm hearing is that you've spent most of your life having whims and desires right at your fingertips. Like I said, limited resources." She gets settled in, but then gives him a nod. "Oh right, these things have autopilot? Not really much of a flyer." There's a chuckle. "Get us headed in the right direction, then. I'll be here. Not like I'm just gonna disappear."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, you never know." Johnny says with a laugh as he climbs up to the cockpit, The sound of engines coming to life and various other things can be heard, then over the loudspeaker comes, "This is Johnny Storm, I'll be your captain for this flight. Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened and your tray tables are in their upright position. We'll be launching momentarily." - Of course, he already helped see to her getting strapped in. A short while later the jet is rocketing into the sky, accelerating quite fast as it gains altitude, the view out the window of new york fades fast as it's clear that the plan is probably going to do a sub-orbital hop to wherever they're going. A good eye for the geography would suggest that wherever it is they're going is somewhere south. Once the jet levels off and begins it's cruise, Johnny will make his way back and settle himself down in a seat opposite Nessa, "So. We'll have a few hours at least to kill. Any suggestions?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
This is so out of Nessa's wheelhouse. While she takes the opportunity to enjoy the view out the window, she can count the number of times she's been in a plane of any sort on one hand. The jet? The yacht? It's not exactly anything she's experienced and it's out of her element. By her expression it's still up in the air if she thinks that's a good idea or not. When Johnny returns, she looks back over at him. "Alright. A little game then. You ask me a question, I ask you a question. You have to answer truthfully and you have to answer... unless it's absolutely too personal, you can draw the line where you will there. Sound like a fair game? Like truth or dare without the obnoxious drunken dares."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I mean, we could do dares too, though it'd be a bit weird just the two of us, I dare you to take your shirt off! back and forth, or whatever it might end up being." Johnny says with a laugh, "But uh sure, why not?" he says, gesturing towards her a little, "You start, so you can I guess set the tone for how this game'll go?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I have seen enough drunken dares in my lifetime to say that it's /definitely/ better as just the truths," Nessa points out, but she nods as he indicates for her to go first. "Alright, let's start this off with the train of thought we were going down before. Let's say you didn't have all your wealth and resources. Let's just say it's just you and your powers. What would you do with your life? What would it look like?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Mmmn, that's a good question." Johnny says with a little shrug of his shoulders, "I'd like to think that it would be fairly similar, but this all happened when I was still young, in High School even." He says, "So, the part of me hopes I'd be an outgoing, exhuberant, good looking, fit and handsome heroe looking to do good for everyone out there. That's what I'd hope it looks like."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"So the same attitude happens with or without the money, I see," Nessa grins in his direction. "But honestly it's telling that you wouldnt' be that different. Pretty sure money changes a lot of people. But I digress." She gestures towards him. "Your turn to ask a question."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, I got most of my money from my swagger, and the fame from my powers." Johnny says with a little wink, "I think any of us who live in the limelight have the opportunity to live comfortably. But, my question huh? So. What are the first, I dunno, three things you would do if you could touch someone without any fear whatsoever of hurting yourself, or hurting them?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Holding hands, that's a big one. It's easy to forget how nice it is. I guess the second would be hugging someone. But I don't mean those friendly hugs of greeting, you don't contact skin like that. The kind of hug you give someone you care about that you haven't seen for a long time, where your head and their head are close and there's like a 95% chance for skin to touch," Nessa doesn't seem to have too much difficulty answering this question--it's something she's thought about for a long time. "I guess the last would be to kiss someone. It's not something I've done a lot of because it's a lot more serious to have frostbite on your face than on your arm. Too risky, so its been few and far between. To be honest, though, every kind of touch is important. Just being able to connect with someone else on some level is... meaningful."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Got someone in mind for all of these activities?" Johnny asks curiously as he listens, nodding his head a little towards her as he sits there opposite her, giving that curious little look of his to her, "And I Think that all makes a lot of sense, my friend Ben sort of has gone through similar things, for different reasons... but don't ever tell him I said that, okay?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Your secret's safe with me," Nessa points out with a grin. "Because I don't know your friends." She rests her head on her hand as she leans against the armrest. "Someone in mind? Not really. It's not really something I let myself think too much about. Like, say you're in a desert and you want a drink. Is it easier to deal with not having a drink if you just tell yourself you can't have it versus just thinking constantly about a drink?" She smirks. "Guess the meaning of 'thirsty' is appropriate here. I just don't think too much about it because it's painful to get hopes up too high." She looks back over at him. "I hope that makes sense."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Hey, soon, I'm sure, you'll be able to drink all the water you would ever want." Johnny says with a smile flashed over at her, "But it makes sense yeah. So, do you have any more questions for me then?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa smirks as the water reference continues, then she looks back to him. "So, I know you've had more time than I have to practice control with your abilities. But was it hard? Did it take you a while to figure out control?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Oh yeah, it absolutely took me a while to learn control. There are still things I don't really do because I'm worried I won't be able to control it, especially here on Earth." Johnny says at that question, "But, I think you'll be surprised at just how much control you'll have in a few months even, much less a few years from now."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"It's just frustrating to work for a long time and not feel like I've made progress," Nessa points out. "I like being able to do what I can, and I've helped people, but it's like... so I have to give up everything for it? For how long?" She scowls a little, but forces it into more of a smile. "But I'm trying, that's the important part. Haven't given up yet."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"And hey, you can put your hands on me if you get really desparate." Johnny teases as he lounges back, "But, what we're doing we won't be worrying about control or little things at all. You'll be able to go all out and as big as you want without risking being a danger to anyone. I think it'll be a good way to let loose and push yourself, blow off some steam. And, you can even see if it's still bikini weather for you!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"You are just /loving/ the fact I can actually touch you, for the most part," Nessa says with an amused smirk. "Good thing I have lots of practice keeping my hands to myself." She laughs, sitting up a bit straighter. "But I do like the idea of letting loose. This sounds like it's good plan. Thanks for this."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Hey, we're doing that strictly for science, and to help you out." Johnny counters, "It would be pretty creepy otherwise." He says with a nod of his head at her, "So don't get any funny ideas. And I thought so too, it'll mix things up a bit." He says with a little grin.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Just because you do it stricky for science doesn't mean you don't /like/ it," Nessa smirks. "You can't say it's not an ego boost. Cause if you didn't, you wouldn't make the joke." She nudges his leg with the toe of her shoe. "I do appreciate the help, though. You're making time to help me, so you must not think I'm a lost cause."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, I'm always a fan of pretty women touching me, I can't lie about that, no." Johnny says with a grin back at her as she toes at him, "And hey, you're for sure not a lost cause, and I don't mind taking the time to help out. If I didn't, who would, afterall? Better me than some other weirdo, right? So. Where do you think we're going to, if you had to guess?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I mean, I probably would have called myself a lost cause a couple months ago. It's good to know at least someone's on my side." Nessa laughs. "Just... odd lucky lately, actually making a lot of progress. It's like the gears of a clock that had stopped suddenly just slid into place and stuff started moving. But no, you're right, better you than some weirdo. Thankfully, as it turns out, no one helping me out is a weirdo." She grins, then looks out the window. "Well, I'm guessing it'll be somewhere very snowy, out in the middle of nowhere so there's no real danger. Some mountains somewhere, I guess?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Two things arre obvious from looking out the window, the first is... boy is this plane /really/ high up! and the second is... that's an awful lot of water down there!! Johnny laughs, "Hey, serendipity yea?" He says with a little grin at her and he shrugs his shoulders a little bit, "We'll see when we get there I suppose huh? Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, though, I think remote snowy mountains is a good guess."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
That /is/ a lot of water, and Nessa's brow furrows as she tries to figure out just where they're going. She eventually turns her attention back to Johnny. "Serendipity indeed. You've been good luck for me so far, just keep being my good luck charm with all of this, alright? I like actually making progress, and you're one of the few catalysts that have helped me move forward. The other's a lot less playboyish but I don't know what to make of him."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, not many can live up to the level of playboyishness that I have." Johnny says as he moves to stand up from his seat and he flashes a grin at her, "Quite a few try though, Tony Stark for example." He gives a little wink. "And, you keep at it and I will too, deal? I should go up to the cockpit and check on things. If you want to come up and see, feel free."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Playboy or not, you've still got skills and you still try to do good in the world, so that's something," Nessa replies, but then she nods. "Right, I'm game for that." She glances towards the cockpit. "Actually, that'd be kind of cool, if you don't mind. This is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I'd love to see how ridiculously complicated it is."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"How complicated could it be, if I know how to fly it??" Johnny jokes, in reallity, he's actually a pretty good pilot, not to mention quite smart in his own right! He'll move to take a seat in the pilots seat, gesturing her towards the co-pilot, "Just uh, be careful not to touch anything, just in case." He adds. "Right now we're basically high in the upper atmosphere, not quite to space, but pretty close." He says, "We'll start our descent and deceleration soon though and then we'll be just about where we're going."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I said you're a playboy, Johnny, I didn't say you were stupid," Nessa winks at him. "Those things aren't always a package deal." She very carefully settles down in the co-pilot's seat, her attention going to everything in front of them. "Smarter than me, that's for sure. I'm not a bad student, but I kind of have to be interested in something to apply myself, y'know? College was awful. Couldn't find what I wanted. But they don't just sit you in front of cockpits and explain them there." She glances over towards him. "This is legitimately cool and I don't mean that in a bad pun way. Thank you."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"We've got Holographic displays, more sensors than I can easily explain or even describe in some cases, and the plane practically flies itself. We don't use it a whole lot anymore, not unless we have to go into space anyway, it's great for rendevous with orbital stations and the like." He explains, "My sister made me go to school, it was honestly pretty hard, especially dealing with all the fame and well, fiery superpowers I'd stumbled into. And man, balancing classwork with fighting Dr. Doom, and partying with the Olson Twins is not easy either!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"That's a /very/ different experience for me. I think I was about nine when the whole chill touch thing started and then I stopped touching people at all for a while. I ended up trying it a few times with very mixed results. I was okay a few times and then others I just ended up hurting people so... not a lot of partying. I've got a /big/ family, though, so there were gatherings and partying there but that's not at /all/ the same," Nessa looks back over towards him. "I'd take classes if I had something worth studying. The only thing other than ice that I'm good at is cooking." There's a small laugh. "Funny that it's fire and ice and we've lived /very/ different lives."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"No flying out to California to party with Snoop and Dre I take it." Johnny says with a chuckle at that. "Though, everyone knows Wu-Tang was the king of hip-hop back then." He adds matter of factly, reaching to start hitting a few switches and toggles, then grabs hold of some controls to start their descent, "I'm terrible at cooking, though, I'm a great snuggler I'm told. Like a human electric blanket." He laughs, "Cat's love my lap too. It's a sad thing that you've had to live with that burden for so long though. I can't imagine it, not really. We'll have to figure out some good control exercises for you that you can do in your spare time maybe."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Well, that's at least something I'm good at that you aren't. I do still owe you bacon and eggs, though. Gotta prove mine are the best in town," Nessa points out. "But... you're right. I guess you live with something long enough you learn to live without it. But then there are times where you're reminded just what you're missing. It hurts a lot to think about, when it's right there and you just can't. I guess I can brag about my selflessness, though. A bit of a perk, right?" There's a sigh, and she looks to the controls. "Cats sound nice. And snuggles. It all just sounds nice."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, before you know it you'll have both." Johnny says with a laugh as they continue to descend. In the distance, perhaps, past all the ocean, one can start making out what must be a vast field of snow or ice, just barely visible for now anyway. And, are those icebergs down there in the water? It sure looks like it! "You know, when I was in high school before I really could control my powers well, I accidently burnt someone too. I really do understand not wanting to hurt people with your powers." He says, "One of the members of the wrestling team, Mike Snow, Ironic name, I know. He was bullying me and I got made and accidently flared up a bit, not all that unlike what you do."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I can see how that'd be a problem. I'm sure you were worried, for a while, that you'd get mad and hurt the people around you that you cared about?" Nessa looks towards him for a moment before she looks towards the icebergs. "Oh wow," she murmurs. "Yeah, living with yourself afterwards for unintentionally hurting someone like that is rough. And sometimes they don't forgive you for it."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, he never brought it up, played it off as an accident, I think he didn't want to look like he'd been punked by little Johnny Storm." Johnny says, "But yeah, you never want to hurt someone, especially accidently, or someone you care for." He agrees with her assessment there. He'll lift a hand and point in the distance, "Over there abouts is where we're headed." He says, as the plane gets lower and lower, it becomes more clear that where they're headed is a pretty large area covered by snow and ice, there might even be mountains visible in the very far distance, but it's a little hard to tell!

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"The amount of people I've been able to touch in years, I can count on one hand. Most of those have been people I've only touched because I was somewhat confident I wasn't going to hurt them. I'm stubborn as hell, though. I haven't given up on controlling all of this even if the progress is slow." Nessa's concentrating on the conversation, but her gaze is fixed out the window, looking over at the snow. "Wow... I've never been anywhere quite like this." She certainly looks eager to get out there.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, look on the bright side. At least you've had those people you can work with. And, I'm pretty confident you'll get the hang of this stuff before you know it." With all that said, the plane continues it's descent until it's flying over the snow for a ways, a bit parallel and inland from the coast. Eventually a cluster of buildings come into sight, the '4' symbol of the Fantastic Four visible on the roofs and he brings the Pogo Plane in for a VTOL landing, touching the plane down gracefully and moving to help Nessa up and out of her seat. He'll collect himself a parka, some gloves, and goggles before making his way down the ramp and out onto the hard packed snow beneath. He'll wait for her to join him down there before saying, "Welcome to the Fantastic Four's antarctic research station!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa gets carefully up to her feet with the assistance, watching him don the cold weather gear before she follows him down the ramp to the snow. "Of /course/ you have an antarctic research station," Nessa says with a laugh. "How dare I forget for a moment about the Fantastic Four." She seems entirely comfortable, even with the t-shirt and jacket, the weather not phasing her at all. It's natural, like her own habitat. "Never thought I'd visit /this/." Her gaze scans their surroundings. "I can see why you picked here. This is perfect."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, global warming and everything right, this is a great place to study it at." Johnny says with a little grin and a shrug at her, "So, did you pack your bikini?" he teases. He's still bundled up, of course, though he could probably be comfortable without it, it still drains his reserves making that much heat. "So, I don't have anything specific in mind, but, we can go away a little bit and well, you can just have fun, I suppose, try things you'd never be able to in Manhattan."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Well, maybe if you had been more specific with your vague attempt to lure me to come along with you, I might've gone for a bikini," Nessa laughs, glancing back over at him as she takes a few steps more towards the open space in front of them. "I mean, there's a lot to do that can't be done in Manhattan. First of all, having this much cold and space and no one to interrupt me? Pretty priceless." She starts by tugging her gloves off--harder to work with them on, it seems, though not impossible.

She turns back towards him, her lips spreading into a grin. "You wanna see a neat trick? This isn't one I can turn off, though." An interesting warning, at least, but she doesn't wait for an answer. She holds a hand up towards the sky, a cloud seeming to cluster from bits of others in the sky until there's a large grouping of them. And slowly, flakes of snow begin to fall. They aren't producing a heavy snowfall, it's just a light dusting to serve as an example of the trick. The snowfall itself covers an area about the size of a full city block.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I think it's probably best if I let you be the one to choose how much, or how little you want to wear around me!" Johnny laughs in response, "Though I doubt your clothes really make that much of a difference down here!"

Johnny will give a nod at Nessa at her question, "Let's see it!" He agrees, "We're down here for you to play around with your powers afterall!" He grins a bit at her as she goes ahead with it anyway, giving a muffled clap of his gloves, "I bet that's quite the party trick at your disposal. What else can you do? Or have you wanted to try?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Yeah, honestly the clothes aren't really useful for anything here," Nessa grins back over at him. "It's not a bother at all. I like it. It's comfortable... especially with how hot New York's been. Summer is not my time to shine. There's a reason I've been hiding out in that ice palace a lot." She gestures towards the falling snow. "I can make that more intense or make it hail or fog instead, but I can't turn it off. Haven't figured /that/ out, so that cloud's gonna live here until it breaks up on its own."

She looks down at her hands for a moment. "What would I not get to do in New York?" That certainly seems to get her thinking. "Well, I don't really do a lot of heroics, so some of this doesn't get used." Holding her hand out, she sends a blast of cold air at the newly fallen snow, spraying it around everywhere as if a snowplow was racing through. "I can make my own snowballs, too. Infinite ammo... unless I get tired, of course."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Make a giant ice spike over there." Johnny says with a pointed hand off towards the distance, "Or maybe try and make it into an unusual or interesting shape, or both." He suggests, walking over nearer her, "And, when I try to control external forces with my powers, I try to focus on drawing it into me, or expelling it out of me, that's how I heat or cool an area around me, drawing on the inner fire, or feeding the heat into it." He says, "I don't know if that will work for you, but it just might."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Kind of," Nessa agrees, looking over at him. "It's a little harder to just pull snow and ice from myself, which is what I do in New York. This is... it's different. I don't have to go internally to create it. It's all around me, I can just /use/ it. I imagine I could do a lot more here. Make my own mini ice palace." She grins, then seems to focus on his request. After a moment, a fairly large spike of ice bursts up through the ground. It comes to rest, but the magic doesn't stop. Now she's shaping the ice. It's hard to tell at first what's being shaped, and it almost seems like that's purposeful. She doesn't want him to figure it out until she's close to being done.

Eventually, the ice spike begins to look like a person, and eventually, it's clear she's made an ice sculpture of Johnny. "Now you can brag to all your celebrity friends that you once had a statue of yourself in ice."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I'd ah.... well be a liar if I said I /never/ had an ice sculpture made of myself." Johnny says, giving her a little nudge once she's finished and he grins at her, "But, this is the biggest, and the best for sure." He adds quickly, "And that's great! We better than I guess I expected, but like you said, this is the perfect environment for you. How about movement, can you use your powers to move around at all, fly, skate, anything like that?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa makes a face at him when he mentions the ice sculpture, but she doesn't seem /too/ disappointed about it. "Oh god, I don't know if I'm willing to try that," she laughs. "I can sort of push cold air but I don't know that I'd be able to direct it to move /me/. I guess it could be something like a jetpack?" She cringes. "But I am not about to try it out to have you watch me end up falling on my face and breaking my nose or something. Flying would be really neat, though." She seems thoughtful. "I can make ice and shape it, make ice shards or packed snow, cold air, cold weather... that's what I know I can do. I'm trying to learn how to make constructs of ice, living things... well, at least as much as a non-living thing can live. That's been... tricky. I'm working on it though."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"We could work on things you already know how to do, but I don't know if that would be a good use of our time." Johnny says thoughtfully, "I think pushing the boundaries is the way to go, try new things... we can skip flying though, to preserve your nose, but maybe you can try bringing your constructs to life, or, maybe you can try skating across the ice, I bet between your pushing with your jets of air, and smoothing the snow into ice under your feet you could move around pretty interestingly! Or, anything else you might have wanted to experiment with."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"The constructs are a lot of work. They aren't very interesting to watch, either." Nessa laughs. "And you brought me all the way out here, I'm not about to just at least make sure you're enjoying watching me make a fool of myself." She nods, after a moment. "The skating thing seems like it's a good idea. I've made ice for ice skating before, little rinks of it. Made my own ice skates. You might be right about trying to make the ground ice in front of me while moving forward with the cold air. That's a nice combination." One she wishes she'd thought about before.

So she gives it a shot. First, making a patch of ice in front of her a ways, then stepping on it and making sure it's smooth enough before she's using a blast of air to propel herself forward. It does seem to work, but the speed of the air blast versus how quickly the ice needs to be created tends to be a bit off--too fast for how much ice was made, which ends with her not falling on her face, but at least to her hands and knees. "Right, you didn't see that."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm gives a little finger gun at her as she makes the comment of making it enjoyable for him and he laughs, "And here we circle back to my bikini idea. Everything's enjoyable to watch with one of those in the picture." He laughs a little and grins, "I don't know if it would work anywhere else, but here maybe." Johnny says, then he watches her try and he grins a little, then winces as she bites it, "Well... it was a good start, the technique needs some work maybe, but, you shot forward!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I mean," Nessa says as she gets to her feet and makes her way back. "The idea with the ice is good, but you're right. I think I need enough material to work with to go fast enough... or to figure out how to do less of an air blast. I haven't really tried fine control with the cold air." She pauses. "You know. There's one thing that I need to work on that I'm not sure how to but you might have some insight. I can make all this stuff with ice, but I can't /unmake/ it. I can't just melt it. That can be a little problem sometimes, I've gotten away with it for a while but it'd be easier if I could find a way to deal with that somehow. I'm thinking maybe the way that I create the ice, I just sort of... suck the cold out?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
"That's how I do some of my stuff." Johnny says, "I've got a bit of an advantage in that fire doesn't naturally want to just keep burning in the middle of the air, but, when I want to heat things I push the heat right into it, and when I want to cool things I just pull the heat right out. I can only get things so cool, so there might be some limitations there for you, but." He says with a little hmmn, "I bet figuring this out might be a key in figuring out your touching problem. Let's try it. Make a few ice creations and let's see what you can do to get rid of them?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I imagine that's going to be something that's a little bit harder to do in a cold place," Nessa points out, but she grins. "But I'm going to try it anyway." To start, she makes several ice pillars just high enough to hold a couple of ice objects. She puts a generic piece of shaped ice on each: a cube, a pyramid, and a globe, each a different size to experiment with. "Okay, so ice is just water that's been frozen, so if I just take away that source of cold, it should just melt back into water..." The explanation isn't necessary for either of them, but it's mostly a mantra to focus on what she's doing.

She starts with the smallest, the pyramid. Her hand hovers close, as if somehow that actually mattered to the process, and she even goes as far as to shut her eyes. Given it's an entirely new attempt, the focus just might be necessary. It's certainly hard to tell what's going on as she stands there--an outside observer may not see much of anything. Eventually, there's the slightest bit of dampness on the orb. Pretty tricky given how cold the air around it is--which promptly freezes it again. But it was there!

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Hmmmn... what if we remove the cold temperature from the equation, at least a little?" Johnny suggests as he walks up towards the structure she's currently working on, "I'll heat up the air around it, but I'll keep it below freezing still." He says, starting to peel off his own parka, then his gloves and he'll reach out a hand himself, "Alright, on the count of three start doing what you did before." He'll then focus himself, starting to expel heat out from his core, which, no doubt causes steam, or at least something of a water vapor effect around him from the ambient temperature he's pushing out to combat the sub zero antarctic temperatures!

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa opens her eyes to look at him, then she gives a small nod. "Okay. Sure." She shuts her eyes again, waiting for the count of three before she starts again. Putting in the force she did before, there's certainly more of an effect. The ice ball starts to sweat, the air around it not immediately freezing it once it does, however. It's not exactly a quick process, though, but it does prove that the theory works. It's possible, but it needs practice. When she stops and opens her eyes, she realizes her mistake at pushing it at the intensity she was to combat the cold when his added heat was there--too much too fast. It's just enough to make her a little wobbly on her feet. "Well, that worked. Kind of."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Over to her Johnny will go, cooling down a bit as he reaches to steady her, "Alright, break time." Johnny says matter of factly, "We can go back to the base and get some lunch in ya and talk about what we've learned maybe." He says, once he's sure she won't collapse, he'll go and retrieve his garments first though. "Do you usually start to feel weak when you've exerted yourself?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Yeah, usually a bit tired. That was a bit like... you know when you sit up too fast and you go from being fine to just suddenly being dizzy? It's like that. I can usually tell when I'm putting too much in," Nessa points out, watching him as he retrieves his coat. "Sometimes I'm a bit too stubborn for my own good and I /really/ wanted to see progress. I'll probably just fine with a break and some lunch."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I'm the same way." Johnny says with a little nod at her, "Though I can go for quite a while now and push it really hard - it's like a muscle, the more you train it the stronger it gets. Physical Fitness is a key for me too. Do you exercise much, have a workout routine and all of that?" he asks, coming back over to her and gesturing towards the buildings, "That one over there I think has the kitchen in it."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Not as much of an exercise routine as I probably need," Nessa admits, chuckling lightly. "But I'm on my feet all day, that must count for something." She makes her way towards the indicated building. "I'm good at practicing though. Social life isn't always the best so I end up spending my free time on ice and the rest of my time working. Like I said, we live very different lives. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just quite a contrast."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well it may not even do anything for you either, your powers come from a very different place than mine." Johnny says, "But the fitter I am, the stronger my powers are." He explains as he walks along with her, "And just because we're finding some similarities between how we can use our powers, doesn't mean my way's the best way for you either. But, we're learning anyway right? I've got an idea for you to take home to practice your fine control though."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I mean, that's true, magic is very different, but I feel like some core concepts work across the board for these things, which is why having your perspective is actually very helpful even if it's not at all the same thing," Nessa agrees, glancing over at him. "And by all means, offer up some homework. I'm learning a lot and I'm sure if you've got an idea it's a good one."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm will get up to the door and reach out to undo the hatch keeping it closed, gesturing her in before following, he'll then go through a secondary door, something of an airlock which leads into a sort of entry area and common room, with a kitchen area off to the back. The lights come on after a couple switches are flipped, and the chill that may have been in the room vanishes rather suddenly, with a rather conspicuous warmth emanating from Johnny himself, bringing the interior up to a comfortable temperature as he hangs up his parka and gloves. "So, let's go find some food and we can sit down and talk about it. It's probably all that prepackaged survival type stuff though right now." He'll lead her over to the kitchen area and root around through several cupboards before finding what he was looking for, some freeze dried sort of pre-packaged meals which he'll start pulling out, "We've got Beef stew.. chicken noodle stroganoff, Chicken and dumplings... chicken rice fajita....Chili Mac with Beef, Spaghetti and meat sauce.. Any of these sound appetizing even a little bit?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"It is a shame there's nothing /real/ here or I'd cook for you," Nessa laughs, making her way to follow him so she can glance at what he's doing. "I could go for some spaghetti. It's hard for anyone to mess that up, even a pre-packaged version. I could make /any/ of that, easy." She sticks her hands in her jacket, feeling the gloves before she moves to take her jacket off and even leave her gloves where they were. There's a level of comfort there. She moves to set them by where he'd abandoned his jacket before returning.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, we keep real food when we've got people staffed here." Johnny says as he takes two spaghetti's, grabs some water, "I think there's some like cocoa and tea and stuff in there." He points, "But when it's unstaffed we keep some food on hand for emergencies, just incase anyone's stranded and needs to shelter here or whatnot." With everything needed gathered, including some bowls and utensils and such, he'll move over to a table and set them all down. "So, my idea I had was this." He says, setting down two glasses, then he'll V his middle and index finger out, so one is touching either glass, "Fill the glasses with water, try to freeze one glass, but not the other."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa nods. "Yeah, I suppose that makes sense to have some food for emergencies. Not everyone can walk around this place in a bikini and be fine." She flashes a grin, but listens when he suggests the thing with the glasses. She takes a look at them. "That's..." She seems thoughtful. "I mean, I was about to say I can't control water, but I suppose that's technically wrong. I guess it would just be tricky because I'd have to put out the energy and take it in at the same time but at the proper ratio." She takes a seat. "That's certainly more complicated than anything I've tried, but it's a good exercise, I think. Provided I don't somehow screw it up."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, the test isn't to take the energy in one finger and out the other." Johnny says as he goes about preparing the food, cheating and using his powers to heat the water to rehydrate the spaghetti, "The exercise is to focus the cold through just the one finger. You'll probably fail a lot, at first. Maybe a whole lot." He says with a grin at her, "But, you could try your thought on it too, taking in and putting out, I think both are great ways to measure control." He nods, letting the meals do their things in the pouches.

"Now, Since you keep bringing up bikinis." Johnny says rather cheekily, "Tell me what sort of super crime fighting costumes you've got, or experimented with? I /cant/ imagine you haven't tried something on to come up with some sort of persona or identity."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"So much control," Nessa laughs, rubbing her face with her hands. "Never going to get this shit, I think." She glances at the glasses, the the pouches, then back at him before she offers him a grin. "I'm kind of less of a hero and more of the woman who happens to be walking by when someone's being victimized and makes sure they get out okay. I don't know how to be much more than that. I've been working with some other magic users and they've got outfits and stuff but... I feel like I'm kind of limited by the fact that I don't want anyone to accidently touch me."

There's another laugh. "I think you don't quite understand just how boring I am. This outfit? T-shirt and jeans? This is what you get. All day, every day. If you get me in a sleeveless dress at some point you will have done more than any person on the face of this planet."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"You could get a full body catsuit, or one of those fetish suits that covers every inch of your skin." Johnny suggests helpfully, "That's an option. Though yeah, you miss out on many of the traditional types of suits, though, those are really just to show off anyway. We've always had full body coverings in the Fantastic Four, practicality over flash, at least as far as that goes. And, you can be sure, at some point I am going to get you in a sleeveless dress, now that you've said that."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"See, the thought of full body catsuits just makes me want to be the badass mage who just shows up with the leather jacket and stops people from being hurt," Nessa gives a shrug. "I never really thought of myself as much of a hero, but the more I help the more it feels like I can't /not/ help. But I don't know, you're pretty good at the heroics, I could just leave it all to the Fantastic Four."

There's another grin. "That's gonna take some convincing, Johnny. I don't even /own/ a sleeveless dress."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, that is one thing that is insanely easy for me to change." Johnny counters at the last of her statements, "And, with how old we all are, you might be best looking towards I dunno, the Avengers, or those Kid Titans or whatever name they go by." He says with a little grin, "As far as I know, none of us are immortal, yet, though I wouldn't be surprised to find out Reed's working on /that/ too."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"You don't even know what my dress size is. /I/ don't even know what my dress size is. Unless you have one of those magic playboy abilities to guess a woman's size by sight." Nessa grins in his direction, then shakes her head. "Oh come on, you're not /that/ old," she protests. "And all that means is that you've got more experience than the 'Kid Titans'. If some big threat shows up, who are people going to trust? The obvious answer is the people who have taken care of it before." She leans on the table a bit, looking back over at him. "Feeling your age or something?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I mean, not really." Johnny says with a laugh, "When I go full plasma form, I don't even have any bones to complain about creaking either!" He says at that, leaning against the table himself, "Not to mention my pool of would be suitors still seems to be in that twenties range, so." He shrugs his shoulders a little at her and he grins, "You'd be amazed at what talents I have. Not to mention the sort of sensors we've got access to!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Suitors? You mean arm candy, unless you've suddenly changed from a playboy," Nessa offers in his direction. "And I completely believe you when you say you've got talent and resources to save the day from serious threats. Just another way we're different. I hardly get called on for heroics, and I don't expect that to change too much. I'm a diner cook who occasionally pokes my nose into places it doesn't belong to help people."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm squints at her a little, "Size 3, that's my guess." He says after a few moments, "Allowing for fluctuations in how designers size their dresses." He says matter of factly, "And a lot of that we had to scrape together and figure out ourselves, there weren't any templates when we started out on this, as far as tools and resources go. The real important part of being a hero is just stepping up when you're needed, like you said, if you come across someone getting mugged you step in. You don't need a fancy flying bathtub or anything. If you want it to change in the future, getting called on, I'm sure you can make it happen, but if you just want to learn to control your powers and well, fit in better, that's just fine too, if you ask me."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"It's a good thing I don't even know my size to confirm or deny that," Nessa looks down at herself as if to somehow figure it out before she shrugs, her hands resting on the table. "I don't know. When I was a kid this just happened and all I could think about was growing stronger and trying to control things so I could just hold someone's hand. A lot of my learning was just to try and /fix/ myself. Eventually at some point I just embraced the idea of being a mage, basically runs in my family, but I didn't know what to do with that. You learn to get strong for what? Same thing happened with college. I couldn't figure out what I wanted, so I just stopped. I ended up working doing something I liked, so I stuck with it. My life's a lot of just figuring things out and not knowing what to do when I get there." She offers him a smile. "I do like making sure people are okay, though. That's a plus. Everyone deserves someone on their side."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Conversation continues for a bit through lunch, and maybe some warm drinks as well, but soon enough it's back outside into the snow for some more practice and play in the winter wonderland that is Antarctica in the wintertime. Of course, all good things must come to an end, especially if you're a Diner Cook with work the next day, and other obligations, so eventually, back aboard the Pogo Plane they go for another sub-orbital hop back to the civilized world, leaving this frosty adventure one for the record books!