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Latest revision as of 22:06, 24 July 2020

Clothes Make the Hero
Date of Scene: 24 July 2020
Location: Melvin Potter's Workshop
Synopsis: Matt takes Daisy to get her own super suit.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Melvin Potter's shop didn't seem like the sort of place you went to buy clothes, even a superhero suit, it looked like the sort of place you went to fix your car if you didn't have the money or chance to pick somewhere better. Still it was the best place in town for getting yourself a super suit. Capes or no capes.

Matt leads the way, wearing the universal disguise of a ballcap and shades, having left his cane down the end of the alley that housed Melvin's shop. "So, here's the situation, I trust Melvin, he's a good guy, but he doesn't know me as Matt Murdock, only Daredevil, or Mike. Safer that way. Up to you what you want to do about your own identity. Also, Melvin's on parole so, he's a bit jumpy about new people, but I vouched for you, told him you were good people," he says with a smile at that understatement. "Though for all the identity games, Melvin knows his stuff, best in the business, unless you count your friends with billion dollar labs back at the Triskelion." Who were not an option for under the table heroing.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Life has been crazy as of late for Daisy, because there's no weird like SHIELD weirdness. It's a mantra, really. And so when they found a time to go visit Melvin she literally jumped to the opportunity. She came as a casual Daisy, blue jeans, sneakers and this ..., Furiae t-shirt? A bronze-orange color to it with the words stamped in the front. She brought her beanie, yes, that beanie she had eons ago left on Matt's place on those first days together when fate made sure they met again at the orphanage.

"Maybe we can go back to my old identity, Skye." nothing like a blast to the past. She had brought shades just for that effect, placing them on. "I mean, it's a matter of protecting both us and him." a brow arches at the mention of him being on parole though. But who was she to judge, right? "And I trust you, if you say he's good people then I am fine with it." a grin, one of full trust in the Daring Devil.

"They are great labs for a picnic, i will let you know. I brought some Royal Dragon takeout there to share a couple of days ago. On hindsight, maybe I shouldn't had chosen the .., steel-reinforced shrimp."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's life had been the opposite of weird, more like stunningly normal. Spending his days working his fourteen or so cases at N&M, and his nights dealing with crime on the streets of Hell's Kitchen. The Hand had seemed to have gone back underground for now, and with the whole Braniac business, the city's criminals seemed to be holding their breath, seeing how things would shake out before making any big plays. That didn't stop the small fry though, last night he caught Turk selling 'genuine alien tech' out of the trunk of his car which turned out to be some old stereo parts. So, right now it was a welcome lull. Matt had been around long enough to know it wouldn't last.

Matt can't see the shirt, but he can tell Daisy's excited to be wearing it. The beanie though makes him smile remembering their first reunion now a full three years in the past. It was still amazing they'd gotten from there to here.

"Definitely better than Mary Sue," Matt smiles to Daisy about her choice of name. "And yeah. Skye's good, easy to remember for the both of us for sure."

There's a smile about the lab picnic, "That sounds unhygienic," he says wryly. "Visiting Jemma? And brave, I think Luke chipped a tooth on that one once," he says of the shrimp. It didn't happen but he had to admit steel reinforced shrimp didn't sound that appetizing. He usually stuck to JJ's chicken and the Devil's spicy eggplant.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Mary Sue...?" Hard eyeroll from Daisy but she does smile and as they seem set on the name so it is. Back to the past! "Skye it is then." though in truth right now she was quite happier than she had been last few days. Something had happened, and while some of the details she had left vague the bottom line was that they had lost someone on a mission. An Agent.

"Yes. Jemms and Jane." She explains, a moment of pause and she exhaling quietly. "After that mission we .., well we weren't doing so great. An Agent died on our watch, it's never easy..." she slips her hands into her pockets, staying close to Matt while they walk towards the shop, pacing down the alley. " Yet I think that's the whole point, it should never be easy. But it was a good time and .., I think we came out stronger." then a laugh. "Besides, I got this awesome shirt." a wink and then she adds teasingly. "Furies, take flight." which she may have spoken with Matt before, about a vague idea the three of them. Jemms, Jane and Daisy had about creating a Fury's Furies group in SHIELD.

Though she does find it highly doubtful that Luke chipped a tooth on the shrimp.. She saw him brushing out autogun fire as if they were tickles! Yet she goes along with it. "You can't see it now but all my teeth are now metal after eating that shrimp." she clacks her teeth for good measure. "But lesson learned, no more steel-reinforced shrimp. Next time maybe I will go with the bourbon chicken. JJ's dish I mean."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt can just /feel/ that eyeroll from Daisy and he chuckles. "You know you could always file a complaint for child abuse against the sister who picked that name for you," he grins. "I know a good lawyer."

Matt sensed Daisy's unhappiness in the wake of the lost agent and hadn't commented on it, he just gave Daisy her space with it, except to suggest a sparring match and a few other things to keep her mind off of it. He knew she'd talk about it with him if she needed to. He hadn't lost a Defender, and hoped he never would but, there were sadly plenty of people he failed to save., so he knew a little of that pain.

Matt nods, leaning close to Daisy as they walk. "If it's easy, then that's usually a good sign you shouldn't be leading," he says. "But glad you furies were there for each other. They sound like good people. Still need to meet them sometimes. See if I meet their standards," he says, joking at the last bit.

He laughs about the chinese food, before cursing, "Damn, should have got some of that for Melvin, would have been a nice gesture," he says but they were at the rolling aluminum door of Melvin's workshop, it was too late for take out.

Matt knocks twice.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You do? I thought Foggy was swamped with work these days..." Ow. Burn! But Matt did get himself lined up for that kinda response. So, there! But he soon receives a bump of shoulder on shoulder, that kind of easy intimacy she often slips into when they are together.

They walk towards that end of the alley, she looking towards the metal door, "Yea, that's right how Coulson says it." a beaming smile on her expression, she adjusting her beanie a bit, then the sunglasses. First impressions are important! "I am sure he'd love you." she makes her way to the door, resting a shoulder against the wall while they wait for a response, arms folded together. "Sometime soon." she promises. "I have been planting some seeds for it.." so secretive!

Yet a moment later there's the sound of the door being unlocked from the other side and starting to be rolled up from the other side. Melvin is there in all his glory, tall and broad of shoulders. "Hello, Mike." and while he may have been warned about 'Skye' there's still a wary look given in her direction. Then a bit of an awkward silence from him.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs, expecting that turn of his words against him. "I'm sure he'd make time for you," he says dryly, returning that shoulder bump.

"Yeah? Sounds like a smart man this Coulson," he says like he hadn't heard all about ther man. "And I hope so, I've already met your real dad, would hate for your SHIELD dad and I not to get along." There's a smile for that before he arches a brow about planting seeds,"Yeah?" he asks.

"Hey Melvin, this is Skye, the woman I told you about, it alright if we come in?"

Melvin nods, moving his bulk out of the doorway to let them cluttered combination machine/tailor shop, with metal and fabric equally in evidence along with a couple of dressing dummies.

"So, y-you're a friend of Mike's?" Melvin stammers to Skye as he rolls the door closed behind them. "And y-you want a suit?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh, we were talking on -actually- going to a chinese restaurant one day and I mentioned it'd be a good opportunity to meet you." Fine, maybe not the most subtle of seeds! Daisy then smirks about the two 'dads' part, "He can be rather protective.." she says in ways of warning..

But then the focus is on that door, on Melvin.. Daisy takes in the man in that manner she has learned to do on SHIELD, the uncertainty on the man's gait even if there is a good feeling about him. She finds herself smiling.

"Hello Melvin. Skye.." she gives him an easy, lazy salute with the tip of her fingers against her forehead, moving along into that shop.

She whistles, noting the shop itself. "Yes, we are friends. Mike told me you were the best." a grin. "I was looking for something that served as protection but also able to keep my identity .., well.., mine." she explains.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"That could work," Matt says of meeting the furies at the Royal Dragon. "Just have to hope we don't break our teeth on the shrimp." He says before moving on back to Coulson. "Guess I shouldn't tell him I'm encouraging your dabbling in street level vigilantism then?" he says with an easy humour.

Melvin's bald head nods, seeming to take a liking to Skye as well. "I-I don't know about the b-best, but I try." Then he takes a moment to size Skye up professionally, and nods, "I c-can make you something, sure, you want something like Mike's suit or you looking for something else?"

Melvin looks to Matt next, "And I got y-your new suit too. The one for under your clothes. Still not sure it's a good idea, it doesn't protect you as well as the original one."

Matt gives Melvin a nod. "It's okay, I'm not planning on using that one all the time, just when I need a quick change."

"O-okay, it's over there on the dummy," Melvin says, and as Matt moves to go give the suit a feel. Melvin moves over to Skye. "Can I do some measurements, while you tell me what you want?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Dabbling! But no answer comes to that. Because now they are doing some explorin' inside Melvin's shop. And quite the shop it is. Skye has a brow quirked up when she looks around, at the dummies, the suits and fabric, all the tools. Serious business. Yet at the call for Matt's new suit she goes over, curious.

"He also told me you are modest." another grin, she opening her arms a bit to the side at the sizing up. "And I was considering something like Mike's suit, not this one but .., his other." she explains. She wasn't really expecting to be needing to shift it her vigilante persona unexpectedly. Her fingertips reach up to brush over the fabric of that new suit, feeling the texture, not too far from Matt's own fingers.

Though she nods at the question about measurements. "Go ahead. I am all yours." a beat. "And the only big requirement would be it'd need to fit my gloves but also.., in some way keep them hidden, or covered." because it wouldn't really help much if she walked around with those tell-tale gloves showing! "I brought them in my backpack if you want to take a look later."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Looking around the room there are sketches for a couple of suits in progress and their components in various stages of assembly as well as tools, fabrics and chemicals. Some of the suits are even just that, suits, the ones that come with a tie, for subtle protection.

Matt's new suit is of a similar make, just sleek tough fabric that moved easily and didn't seem likely to tear but would be little protection against a bat or a gun, indeed, outside of knives it seems the only thing it would protect is Matt's identity.

Matt lets his fingers on the fabric brush against Daisy's. "Don't worry, when I started out I had less protection than this," he says. "It's just for emergencies."

He turns his head back towards Melvin. "Mind if I give it a try?" he asks.

Melvin nods, "Sure, i-it's your suit."

Matt nods and takes the suit off the dummy and heads to the next room with it, nudging Skye as he does, warning, "No peeking," before he disappears into the next room.

As for Melvin? He watches the pair and when Daisy surrenders herself for measurements he asks, "You two t-together?" he asks. "You seem like it."

As he talks he measures with a practiced efficiency. "And yeah definitely want to measure the g-gloves, are they for d-defense?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The look that Daisy gives those schematics is but a cursory one. No need to pry in other people's suit too much. But there's still that little twinkle of wonder in her eye. Superhero outfitting? Can't say she hadn't dreamed about it when she was younger, and while she knew she was a SHIELD Agent through and through there was always that pull...

"As if I'd peek..." Indignant little tone, another eyeroll. But then Matt has gone over to try it and that leaves her alone with Melvin. The question if they are together makes her grin. "What makes you think that..?" and then she leans in, speaking in a lower tone. "Say, you don't have some kind of camera back there so I can peek, do you?" but then a wink, she is joking really, mostly just trying to put Melvin more at ease.

"But yea, we .., are together." she admits with a softer smile coming to her expression. "And the gloves, they help me focus what I do. In a way they protect me, yea. Even if perhaps not in the traditional way." as the measures are being done she takes the opportunity to fetch the gloves out of her pack, showing them.

"They are slim enough, but I really don't want them showing."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's laughter comes from the next room over and Melvin smiles, "No, no cameras, most of the people who come here don't like getting their picture taken," he explains as he finishes measuring her and writes the measurements down in a fresh notebook. "I thought so," he says of the pair being together. "Seemed like it, my girl Betsy and I joke like that sometimes," he says, finding his words coming easier as he is put at ease.

"Oh wow, you've got powers like the fist guy and the bulletproof guy?" He seems impressed and if he wasn't impressed by the powers he is sure as heck impressed by the gloves. "Wow, these are /really/ good work," he says as he looks them over studying the make of them. "You sure you need me to make a costume if you can make these..." he asks looking up at Daisy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh yea?" A deeper grin comes to Daisy's expression. "Betsy is a beautiful name. Remember to buy her flowers, I am told girls do love it." she keeps her tone low in that sort of advisory role she is taking with Melvin, even if she knows too well that Matt is listening on the other side. And indeed, putting people at ease seems to be one of her superpowers. "A good dinner out, too." a sagely nod given.

"And I didn't have to punch a dragon for it ..." She murmurs in a quiet manner but nods when Melvin seems to appreciate those gloves. "They are a great piece of work, yea." but then shakes her head when he assumes she made the gloves. "They weren't made by me. Alas, I am not exactly an engineer.." school of hard knocks through and through.

"So I need to make sure they don't get damaged." Well, she might have a friend or two that could help in reparing them, but no need to complicate things with Melvin just yet!

"So, what made you choose this life?" She then asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Oh I do," Melvin assures Daisy as he starts to measure the gloves. "Though we mostly get take out rather than going out," he says before he begins to stammer again. "We're a s-secret," he confides. Indeed Daisy does have a knack for putting people at ease!

"Well, they're very good work and sturdy, can cover them though with some ceramic, just in case, might be a bit heavy, if that's okay?" he asks.

When asked about his line of work Melvin looks down, embarrassed, "I-I used to be a bad guy," he says. "But I was bad at it, they used to say the only good thing about me was my costumes. S-so when I got out of jail, Betsy she encouraged me to try this. Ended up back with the bad guys for a bit but Mike helped me out. Got me in touch with good people."

Matt returns from the back room then, fully dressed in the new suit. "Glad to do it, Melvin, you're a good guy and you deserve a better life than the one you were leading."

Matt takes a breath then stepping more fully into the room and doing a turn in the suit. "What do you think?"

The suit looks somewhat like his other one, red, with horns and red lenses over the eyes as well as the horns. But this one is lighter and more form fitting, to the point that the padding in the lower section of the suit might be more for modesty than protection. Matt for his part, seems at ease in the new suit, so much so, he does a quick back flip to test out the ease of movement while wearing it.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/9AbBSFy.png

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy purses her lips together. "Ooooo, a secret." and then a knowing grin. "Trust me, I know so well how that can be." because indeed those first times they had been together had always been rather secretive. Talk about a double-life!

The mention of the gloves perhaps being heavier makes her hrm, but eventually she nods. "I can get used to it, sure. The objective is mostly to keep them covered from sight. But some protection really doesn't hurt either." and besides, she could use that training on her muscle arms! "I am sure you will do a great job."

Yet as the talk shifts to what Melvin did in the past it makes her expression turn surprised. A bad guy? "You don't look as if you have an inch of a bad guy in you..." she says it in an honest manner actually and indeed she appears to know how -that- was too. The only difference seems to be that she was good at being bad. Maybe she still is.. But it does make Daisy warm up some more to Melvin too. "I am glad though, everyone deserves a second chance.."

Attention goes to Daredevil when he comes back, a nod given and then she gives Matt an appraising look, up and down. "It's very tight." is her first comment, because she indeed can see how it all fits in. "But light too. And you say it still offers protection as well?" she appears impressed, nodding a couple of times.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Melvin nods to Daisy. "Yeah, you guys too?" He asks about secret relationships.

"We can work out the details," Melvin says of keeping the gloves hidden and protected. "Now that I've got the measurements I'll draw up some sketches and you can have a look and decide what you want," he says before he offers Daisy a genuine smile, "Thanks," he says. "Betsy said I wasn't bad, just that I had a bad environment."

Matt chuckles and 'looks' down, "I noticed," he says of it being tight. "But it's got some give."

Melvin comes over to examine the suit now that its on the intended recipient. "It's got some protection, the fabric is the same stuff I line my suit, suits with," he nods to a sketch of a double breasted business suit he has on his drafting table. "Just added a few more layers," he says. "It won't tear, and it'll stop a knife or a sword from cutting, and pistol rounds that aren't armour piercing from penetrating your skin, but, it's got nothing to stop the impact. So, for like a bullet, it wouldn't go in you but you're going to feel like you got punched at 100 miles an hour."

Matt nods, "I know the risks, I just can't be stuck in another situation like the airport, where I can't take action because I'm afraid of being found out. I could have done more, and now, with this, I can if it happens again."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy gives a shake of her head at Melvin. "Not anymore but eh.., complicated.." a gesture then given to the 'Daredevil' that comes out of the trying room, as if it explained everything. It sorta does..., sorta.

And with the measurements done, along with the gloves, she takes them back and slides them into the backpack, giving Melvin a thumbs up after. "Alright, we will do that. We can come back in a few days maybe." she suggests, then grinning about Betsy. "Sounds like she understands you.."

But her attention focuses on Matt now, her eyes also drawn 'down' there. Is she amused? Most likely. Though with Melvin explaining while examining the suits she listens in. A nod, and indeed she is impressed.

"It means you got to be careful too. More careful, I mean." because if anything she didn't want to see Matt hurt. She approaches as well, taking a look over the suit. "Just don't go thinking you are invincible, mmm?" yet she knew well how careful Matt was..., most of the times. Didn't mean she wouldn't worry.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Nodding Melvin is happy to leave things at that, though Matt's re-emergence in the suit does put things in context. "Ah, hero stuff," Melvin says.

He nods "A few days would work, Mike has my number, give me a call and we can go over what I come up with. Oh, do you have a hero name or a theme you want me to work in there?'"

Matt smiles at Daisy and takes her hand in his gloved one, thumb rubbing against the back of her hand. "I'll do my best," he says honestly. They both knew with their line of work sometimes risks needed to be taken no matter the cost.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Darn..., Daisy hadn't really thought on a name. Quake just wouldn't do ..., and Tremors, well... A /look/ is given to Matt, a squint of her eyes given, perhaps daring him to actually suggest it. NOT! "I don't really got a name thought out." she considers it for a few moments, lips twisting to a side. "No need to follow a specific theme I think, I will trust your handywork." she adds.

Hard questions! Maybe she should had considered it some more but ..., it'd be fine. She was sure of it! When she feels that hand on hers she smiles though, squeezing the man's hand. "Ready to go home in your fancy new suit?" She asks.

Then back to Melvin she says. "If it helps. I can do a few things related to earthquakes." There, that's a theme right? "And thanks for all your help, Melvin. You are the best."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt looks innocent when Daisy sends that /look/ his way which is a good sign he was thinking of that name at least even if he might not have said it.

Melvin for his part nods, "Alright, will do some drawings, give me a call in a couple of days and I should be ready."

Matt nods, "Yeah, give me a sec to pull my clothes on over top.

Matt ducks out of the room as Melvin says, "Earthquakes huh? I can work with that," he says before he smiles. "You're welcome, and good to see Mike's got someone, guy does a lot."

Matt returns, clothes over the suit, hood down, shades and cap on, acting as if he didn't hear Melvin's kind words, but clapping the man on the shoulder all the same. "Thanks Melvin, see you soon, and give our best to Betsy for us."

He looks to Daisy then, "Shall we?" he asks nodding towards the door.