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Latest revision as of 22:09, 24 July 2020

Laundry Day, See You There
Date of Scene: 24 July 2020
Location: Laundry Room
Synopsis: Deadpool does laundry, and Domino has a sandwich!
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Neena Thurman

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Nuuuuuuu," Wade laments, with his shoulder jammed against the washing machine door as he tries to both will it shut as well as force it shut with the strength of his body and mind.

"Come on now. You can do iiiit." Whether that's to himself or to the machine, or maybe even the laundry may be unclear. He flips around to push his back against the door instead, and heaves.

"HODOOOOOOOR," Wade roars, with a big heave. It's no more successful than expected, though, but he does strain a lot.

Wade's in his Laundry Attire, which means his usual Deadpool mask, a weird 'Hawaii 1997' t-shirt, lounge pants, and pink bunny slippers. Nearby is a laundry hamper and a duffel bag.

Neena Thurman has posed:

It's not easy to miss the roar from the laundry area, and wandering through the mansion's annex with a sandwich acquired (stolen) from the kitchen, she can't help but stick her head in the door. "What.. Local laundromat finally ban you for the slippers?"

Dom's dressed... in Domino fashion, even though it's hot out. Leather, leather.. and guns. Even on Xavier's property! And, in hand, a rather-high piled roast beef sandwich, on rye.

Slipping through the door now, Domino only needs to take a couple of steps before leaning her hip against a dryer. "You left the bunny sli-" Oh. "One of the kids here is gonna roll you for them, you know that, right?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade's hands and arms match Dom's .. sandwich, if it had been left out for a week. In that they look like old roast beef piled high, with some stuff in there that might be condiments. Because bare arms, and Wade's a horror show of skin disfunction.

Wade uses the machine to slide back to standing, perky towards Domino. "Pssh, kids don't come to the /laundry/ room!" Wade laughs. "Silly Dommie." Leaving off means that some pairs of underwear and dirty socks have fallen out onto the floor. Wade looks agast at the situation.

"Long time no see," Wade adds, approaching with an attempt to pounce and bear-hug his buddy.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Dom's pretty used to what Wade looks like minus the full-body costume, for the most part. That, and, well, there are more than a few people who don't care for her particular bleached out look. What does bother her, though?

"When did they let you- *gerk*" Domino is bear-hugged; damnable luck not letting her get out of this one. "Waaade.." is hoarse-whispered, "Enougg-- ack."

Domino pushes hands to push away from the clench, but the man is stronger than most expect. "C'mon.." Big lug. At least she didn't lose the sandwich!

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade is clingy, weirdly clingy, like a monkey.

He's also a little bit sticky, like the floor of a movie theater. For reasons maybe best not investigated too closely.

Wade's not threatening right now: it's lucky TO be hugged, obviously. And to attempt to smoochie at her neck just a little. How Wade smoochies through the mask? Not well, but the thought is there. "Don't turn away my love, I can tell you have recently turned away true love, and I am here to ... well, be five-percent of what that could have been," Wade offers. He isn't after her sandwich, at least.

Neena Thurman has posed:

One more time, and Domino tries a bit of bait and switch, which unfortunately means she might lose her sandwich in the process. "Wade.. here.. want some?" Not too obvious, right?

Of course, she could probably get loose a little easier, but she's not in the mood to hurt the guy's feelings. "Hey..." There's the somewhat theatric bend backwards of her back as she tries to escape the embrace. It puts a couple of inches between them..

It's funny!

"Hey.. hey.. okay. And believe it or not, I'm kinda glad I bumped into you. There's a place off of 9th." In the city. "They're moving weapons." Uh huh. "I want 'em." So apparently it's not technically for her. "You help, you get some." Beat. "Weapons."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade looks at the sandwich, now aware of it as if he'd just noticed it. And there's a moment wherein it's like a coin is flipped, or a two sided dice is rolled.... --

"I think a two-sided die is literally just a coin, actually, unless multiple sides have one and two on them," Wade comments to apparently nobody.

"I'm not gonna take your food. I shall not be swayed from---....weapons?" Weapons! Wade does let go, and reaches down absently to fix one of his bunny slippers that had started to slide off an escape. "Dammit Harvey," Wade comments, again, to nobody. Could be a giant imaginary rabbit in the room, or the slipper.

"When's the move? Do I got time to finish my load -- of laundry?"

Neena Thurman has posed:
There it is! Not food, but then again, it's not Mexican.. but weapons. The way to his heart, at least at this moment.

"Wade.." and when she's let go, Domino can actually take a deep breath, refilling her lungs at the next possible moment. "What?" Holding a black-fingerless gloved hand up (the other has the sandwhich), she shakes her head, "Never mind."

Now, she takes a quick hop onto the top of one of the dryers and looks to settle there before taking a first bite. Chew.. chew.. chew... swallow. "Right.."

And it's off to gun-land. "You can wash, dry and fold," seemingly ignoring the comment as intended. Black lips form a smile soon after, "And we get paid by a third party who doesn't know about the transfer." That took a little work, but!

"All that took was a little convincing of the right person."

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Paid by a third party? For what, the guns? So we're stealing and delivery?" Wade asks, looking back towards the laundry machine he'd been trying to stuff, and then laughs at himself, and crosses to unload it in a pile on the ground, and then actually sort it into two piles. Bloody and not bloody.

The Bloody pile is HUGE, but enough things get removed via this sorting method to where he gets the machine to close, and then loads the other one with the rest.

"What sorta weapons? Guns as per usual?" Wade wonders, interested. "What kinda resistance we expect?" Business questions.

Neena Thurman has posed:
"That's gonna turn your socks pink," Domino points as she munches now. The first bite convinced her she was hungry. Now, she's going to tuck into it, danging some of the roast beef above her her mouth and dropping it in.

"That's why I like black." Also don't have to worry about what matches! Because, well, it matches her.

"Guns, the usual," and the lopsided smirk rises to her face, "Nothing we couldn't handle. Roof access. Front door access." An easy shrug gives a rise to her shoulders, "Doesn't matter."

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Do you promise?" Wade asks when she promises he'll end up with pink socks. "I'd rather have pink than black. But I don't think that's how color bleeding works," Wade continues, cheeky. He's not being stupid, he's being SASSY.

Wade pauses before he sets the second washer, and points under her. "Want me to use that one instead, give you some motion in your ocean there?" He considers her description of the job, patting one finger against his cheek as if he actually had to think about it. "Might not /matter/ but I'm deciding if it's /fun enough/," Wade clarifies. "I was more in the mood to like, save a kitten orphanage from an explosion. But I'll take a gun job since I'm not busy."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino pauses in her eating, mid-chew at the 'promise?' for pink socks, and she exhales in a long-suffering sigh. "At least it'd be a better story than washing it with your suits."

Dark, sculpted brows rise when given the option to ride out the motion, as it were, and she barks a laugh before, "No. I'm good, thanks. Thinking about this job is gonna keep me warm at night." And, knowing her, it probably will.

She does slide off the dryer, though, regardless, perhaps to just get out of the way. "It'll be fun enough. New toys. New people to shoot. Then we can hit the pet store and you can look at kittens."


Wade Wilson has posed:
"Oh. That's a dryer. I'm not at that stage yet. I dunno why I thought you sat on a washer. But they're all sort of square and white. You'll need to wait for a bit, I'm on the washing part," Wade says, disoriented. He did think she was on a washer.

Regardless, he starts up both of his washing machines to begin after adding a liberal amount of detergent, and then dusts his hands off, proud. "Adulting fifty percent completed." With that, he approaches her again, though with less clinging this time: just a heart shape with his hands. "Kitteeeeens."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Wade.. and adulting.

There are some people that it's hard to imagine in a day to day sort of existence. Grocery shopping, taking out the trash.. (that's why Dom's place looks like take-out hell and boxes are sprinkled liberally everywhere?), and laundry? The furthest thing that one could expect to catch Wade doing.

And yet, here he is.

Domino finishes off her sandwich on Wade's approach and cants her head, blue eyes narrowing warily. She doesn't move, and at the heart-shape made with his hands, coupled with the pronouncement of 'kittens', she cracks the smallest hint of a smile (she actually considers the guy a friend!), "If you do good, we'll get one." Beat. "Just one."

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Actually," Wade says, coming over, to adjust to be by her side, facing the same way she is, companionably. "...Because I am in fact an adult, I can get all the ....kitties I would like." He elbows her a little, smirking. He didn't go for the easy pussy joke. Too easy!

"But I am not a crazy cat person, so it's easier to just rent other people's or live vicariously. I have no interest in owning a litter box and forgetting to empty it or anything else."

Wade sighs deeply and leans sideways to attempt to set his head against her shoulder. They ARE friends, aren't they.

"Thanks for coming to Laundry Day. It's boring and lonely. And with offers of guns! New bestie." Wade smiles, and thumbs up at her a little. And glance at plate. "Gonna finish that?...."