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Latest revision as of 19:01, 25 July 2020

Time to Have a Chat
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: Clarice and Lorna catch up on diplomatic relations and on Sabertooth's recent visit to the Mansion.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been spending a great deal of time in the States lately.. at least until she'd gone down to Atlantis. A meeting with Namor had finally occurred, and judging by the sight of Atlantean patrols in the water by a few of the more sharp eyed mutants.. she had succeeded in her attempts for diplomacy. The green haired woman had peeled off her various bits of armor and her more flashy adornment from her official visit before she'd walked around the refugee camp. For now she rested, sitting perched on the edge of a metal bench. It was one of the many she'd created for people on the outskirts and over looks.

A sigh escaped her as she leaned forward and rested her face in her hands, a frustrated sound escaping her as she sat there. The sun was slowly dipping lower in the skyline, and the tropical heat of the day was slowly fading with the ocean breeze.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice was someone that spent a lot of time between Genosha and the rest of the world, her power making her a point of contact in bringing people and supplies one way or the other in this time of need. And it was certainly something she gave herself into willingly, even if in the end of the day it would leave her rather worn out. Portalling took it's toll on the young mutant...

She was now done with those trips, at least for the day, so she had made sure to go back to Genosha's refugee camp, a walk to clear her mind. She should had made sure to talk with Lorna by now but she always found a reason or another to delay it. Why? She wasn't too sure. Yet there seemed to be no escaping it now as her way across made her come across Lorna. She watches her a moment, the face in her hands, the frustrated sound and approaches. "Hey.." she says in that familiar voice. A tentative smile on her lips.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna looked up at the sound of footsteps, the wind tugging her green hair about and tangling the curls around her face. A sad sort of smile crossed her features as she spotted Clarice, and she shifted over on the bench in a silent offer to her friend. "Hey." She shot back, shifting to kick off her flip flops and bury her toes in the sand.

A sigh escaped her and she reached up to push her hair back from her face. "So I think I did something that will piss off my father a great deal when he gets back." She bit her lower lip, a grimace twisting her smile.

"Diplomacy went through well with Atlantis.. Namor is sending his people to help us patrol the waters. We'll get a heads up if there are any ships approaching us now. No more sneak attacks by Hydra, pirates, or Magistrates."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
At the invitation Clarice's smile turns from tentative to a more open one, approaching to settle down on that side of the bench quietly. The wind does a number on that purple hair of hers as well, making it flow freely and about her face. She slips out of her shoes as well, extending her legs forward and resting them on the sand, hands on each side of her.

"Accepting Namor's help..?" She considers it for a few moments but then nods. "With his return imminent, if any enemies want to make their move now would be the time. Namor's people will give us the protection we need." she says in thought.

A pause then, lips pressing to a line. "Though we still need to make sure that your father actually returns."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna grimaced, "I was worried about that in particular. We can handle a string of attacks again. And I won't risk our people." She exhaled a breath, "I bought us time. And it came with a cost that I know my father will dislike. Atlanteans get free trade through our ports, and Namor wants to establish an Embassy.." She paused, and looked to Clarice. "An estate basically for him to visit. He offered entirely to build it and supply it. Furthermore he wanted ambassadors from those with water based powers from Genosha to visit Atlantis." She pursed her lips together.

"If we had anything to actually trade or negociate I wouldn't have had to make such allowances. But we have little to nothing. And Namor takes a dim view of humans. So I thought the risk worth it. Better to gain Atlantis as an ally than suffer another attack with the Magistrates trying to reclaim Carrion Cove. Either way, our borders are secure." She fell silent as Clarice spoke of ensuring her father actually returned. Her features taking on a thoughtful look.

"My guess is that the science inclined tech-heads will figure it out within a week or two. Likely get Mutant Town out first.. it's just one chunk of land.. verses Genosha. We have over half a dozen different parts there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"A steep cost.." Clarice replies. She wasn't exactly a master of diplomacy, but she knew it had not come easily. "I do suppose in times of need our people can be abused in such a manner." perhaps a bit of a strong word. "Not that free generosity should be a thing too." she exhaling softly. Never an easy answer where it came to deals. She certainly did not envy Lorna's position.

"We live in an island surrounded by water, it makes sense. Specially if we can get him as an ally for our people so ..., nothing like what happened will."

A nod is given at the explanation from Lorna, her lips jerking to the side in thought. Silence abates for a moment in the talk, perhaps she pondering on whether to bring it up or not but then she asks. "Have you found anyone reluctant on bringing Magneto back?" she asks. "From the scientists? Or the other groups that participated in the rescue?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, "I said something similar to Namor actually, we're an island nation. Logically we should be looking to our neighbors for support, trade, and agreements. If we were landlocked, we would have already done so. He seemed amused by it. Not that the world's governments will look at an alliance between Genosha and Atlantis as anything worthwhile.. much as they didn't care about our ties to Wakanda. But I've had to carve up bits of Genosha's promise again. Same as I had to do for the corporate powers that made deals with us. I suppose better allies that are interested in our rebuilding than Magistrates with a gun at our heads." She sighed heavily.

"I fear that my father will see it as my throwing away Genosha's independence and sovereignty away. If we're not careful we could easily end up a puppet kingdom." She glanced back from the not so distant sea horizon, to consider Clarice with a furrowing of her eyebrows.

"What? No. At most I've pointed out that we need to tread carefully. I'm worried that my father will be pissed if we don't. I mean... he has to think I'm dead right? With little knowledge of what happened to the rest of Genosha? But no.. No one's even hinted that they'd hold off on getting those in the bottles released." She frowned, shifting to face Clarice.

"Is that what Creed wanted to talk to you about? Is that why he was stalking around on the grounds? Seriously? There are millions of people trapped in those bottles."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The talk about the magistrates makes Clarice frown. There was no love lost between those, specially after all she had suffered in their hands in the past. "-Anything- will be better than the magistrates.." she murmurs, shifting somewhat on her seat. It was easy to figure out it still made her nervous, their future, what could be to come, what would happen to their people..

"That's why it will be a good idea that you are at the forefront of recovering and being there the moment Magneto returns." She says with a small nod, unnatural green eyes turned to lock upon Lorna's. And indeed it was inevitable that they'd talk about Creed.

"Part of it, yes. He did not know exactly what had happened, Brainiac, all that was made to recover them." she explains, gesturing with her hand. "He was mostly there to catch up. But he believes the other groups may not be too keen on bringing him back."

A pause and then she finally adds. "He also says he has a way of bringing them back. Or someone in this case."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, leaning back on the bench and fighting the urge to sigh as she waved a hand toward the sprawl of the refugee camp in front of them. "This whole place is going to be turned upside down once we do. And I plan to be there. To speak with him if needed or whatever comes. I know it's my responsibility to be there." She murmured, and let her hands fall back to her lap and she turned her gaze back to the purple haired woman.

"You realize that he's not welcome in those woods, Clarice, right? If he wants to meet up again, do so away from the school. There are kids there." She added, and her lips pursed into a thin line. "And his paranoia is wrong. The Avengers are helping us, other heroes are helping. I'm sure the Fantastic Four are too. I know there's a meeting that will be happening soon for results and information to be shared. So unless he's got Brainiac tied up somewhere.. I don't see how he can beat the world's top minds already working on it. Even Namor agreed that he couldn't beat them for technological knowledge. So whatever he told you about bringing people back any faster? He's full of it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"We will rebuild, this will be just one of many steps that have been made to restore Genosha. I don't believe the dream is dead, we can still be a safe haven for mutants." Clarice states, voice firm. Not that she could even start to consider any other possibility. Genosha was her whole life, it had been the worse but also the best moments of her life.

But as the talk goes back to Sabretooth she wrinkles her brows, specially at the mention of kids. Something she isn't too aware of? "He is not a monster.." At least she thinks not! ".. Not that kind of monster at least.." then she nodding slowly at Lorna. "He probably knows scientists that he'd coerce into reverse engineering it." totally what Clarice feels would happen.

"He also wanted to talk to you. Eventually. Not sure how keen you will be about doing it though. Still, he -is- Brotherhood. He was there when Genosha was liberated." she says quietly.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded in regards to rebuilding. She didn't know what her father would be up to when he returned. But she had poured so much of her life into Genosha, it's safety, and its rebuilding. She'd made bad calls and good calls.. but she'd stuck by what she had done regardless. Things would change, and she hoped desperately, for the better.

"He attacked Logan on a level that I didn't feel safe interfering in Clarice. I was picking wood splinters and parts of branches out of his back for the better part of an hour afterward. But tell me that if Laura or Gabby picked up his scent they wouldn't go off rushing to confront him? He's not welcome by the Mansion. And that's not just my call to make. Scott and Logan both want to set up curfews because of it. You need to respect that, regardless of your personal feelings." She pursed her lips together.

"And I know it's hard to care about someone that isn't well liked or hell even hated. I love my father, but I know it would end very badly if he showed up at the school to visit me." She shook her head and as Clarice mentioned that Victor wanted to speak with her, she arched a brow upward.

She fell silent, looking frustrated for a moment before she waved a hand up and down. "I'll speak with him, but somewhere away from the school. Where doesn't matter beyond that, okay?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice offers a reluctant nod towards Lorna. "He did, yes. He cannot control that rage, and Logan, for some reason, seems to trigger him. Though it does seem like a mutual thing." a shake of her head. "I am sure they have some kind of past, but Victor never told me about it." she murmurs. Though she very well understands the danger. "I should had told him immediately to not come to the grounds, though I have told him afterwards that he is -not- to return there at all." she says. If he would abide to the decision, that much she could not know.

As Lorna accepts to meet with Sabretooth she then nods. "I will let him know. And now...." and she tries to bring their talk to something a bit happier. "... are you ready for a birthday party?" a stretch of her arms.