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Brainiac Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Carol comes to discuss Brainiac and Genosha with the X-Men
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Lorna Dane, Neena Thurman, Jean Grey, Logan Howlett

Carol Danvers has posed:
Captain Marvel does appreciate that the trip from the Triskelion over to Xaviers is basically a stroll down to the mailbox for her, what with them just being across town from each other. A fact that bemuses her greatly considering exactly how long Rogue was within spitting distance during her man-hunt for the ex-child-soldier and terrorist.

Their relationship these days is much more complicated.

She touches down and the flickering of cosmic energy fades around her leaving her in boots, fashionable jeans, a well loved AC/DC t-shirt, and a flight jacket. Her hand reaches out and she taps the doorbell system on the mansion.

Of course the various alerting systems sent a non-emergency ping to staff and X-men that Captain Marvel had entered Xavier's immediate airspace and was out front before she even rang the bell.

She waits a for a few minutes. "Okay... it is a weekend.. and this is a school.. and it is afternoon. You would think there would be a lot of people around." not knowing about the beach party going down on the coast. She does check her wrist, a holographic display appearing and reaches to ring the bell again.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been literally bouncing around the whole planet. From deep at the bottom of the oceans in Atlantis, to Genosha, and back to NYC, and the Mansion. To say that she was tired was an understatement. Which is probably why she'd sent a gift to Kitty's party with an apology note via Clarice. Rest was supposed to be the goal of the afternoon, and jet lagged from instant travel and different timezones had ruined her ability to sleep.

The doorbell, and X-men notification alarm that blared on her comms earned no small amount of irritation as she came tramping down from the former master suite and to the front door. She waved her hand outwards as she neared, the door unlocking and popping open under her magnetic direction.

The Queen regent of Genosha looked completely unroyal. Barefoot, and wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts, and a black tank-top, her green hair a tangle of curls about her face. "What." She managed flatly, before she spotted Carol Danvers. She inhaled roughly, as she made it to the door frame, paused. "Can I do for you?" She gritted out.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Since the rescue of all those little bottles, baubles and such, and, more importantly, the defeat of Brainiac (she's going on a hunch here!), Domino's been in and out of Xavier's, doing what she can, when she can, in aid of working out the logistics of that 'new team'. Face to faces are better than 'I'll call you', and so the pasty white mutant with the black spot around her eye is more than available when the 'non-emergency' alarm goes off.

She doesn't jog, she doesn't move particularly quickly either as she heads to the front of the mansion; the black leather and the obvious forms of armament perhaps a dissonance to what might have been expected at the school?

She appears behind Lorna, black hair in stark contrast to the green in front of her. She's curious, but not wary...


Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol is looking down at the holographic display when the door unlocks and opens before the Queen Regent of Genosha is right there, looking extremely casual, definitely frazzled, and gritting her teeth and asking the polite sort of neighborly thing but not at all polite in general demeanor or tone. There is a slow blink from Carol then a "Lorna are you okay?" but yeah honestly has Carol even met Lorna.... still that is what pops out of her mouth with an actual shade of concern.

Then Carol blinks again and looks past to Domino and then back to Lorna. "I... realized I don't actually know how to send the .." she measures the word here ">Staff< here data packages yet and wanted to share some information and check in on the whole incident a few weeks ago in New York." her eyes flick to Domino then back to Lorna. It is pretty clear that she is holding back, probably because she does not recognize Domino.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna blinked slowly as Domino came up behind her, though the green haired woman didn't turn her head to face the black clad mutant. Her eyebrows knitted together as she tried very carefully to process through her over tired brain fog to figure out why Domino was in the Mansion and came up short. She didn't know about X-Force.

Then Carol was speaking and the blonde earned more of Lorna's attention as she eased up on her grip on the door frame and stepped back. "There are over 5 time zones between here and Genosha." She managed and reached up to drag her hand through her hair as she moved to give Domino and Carol equal space between each other and the door. She looked utterly confused at the familiarity, but figured she was just //that// tired.

"Everyone is out at Kitty's birthday party.."

Neena Thurman has posed:
When you've got skin in the game, you stay in the game. Dom was there for the rescue, and her luck was the bit that got them past the forcefield holding the bottles and baubles in place. She smiles with tight black lips, and says as much,

"I'm not gonna put my ass on the line and not know what is goin' on. I'm in it to win it." She does back up a little, allowing room for Carol to enter, should she so desire. She extends a black, 3/4 length fingered glove to the woman in introduction, "Domino." As if it should be obvious?

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol considers the five timezone things. "Mood." she notes simply. Of course she .. doesn't really get tired the same way as many people but still the zipping all over the place. That she can relate too quite easily.

The bit about the party. "Ah... guh the urge to get Kitty a gift is very strange." she shakes her head clearing it for a moment there. "Right... well I wanted to talk a bit about Genosha and the whole thing. I figure it isn't a bad thing for you to know if nothing else due to what Brainiac did to Genosha." she frowns. "I went down into the Atlantic after we destroyed him and crashed his ship there." she pauses. "The news isn't good. The drones reactivated shortly after crashing into the Atlantic and scavanged materials and all the remaining bottled cities as far as I can tell then exfiltrated back into space. I am pretty certain we will have to deal with an upgraded and wiser Brainiac some day in the future."

There is a deep sigh there. "Also I have a bottled city, I know that others were recovered and work is being done to restore them. I am hoping to get in that loop so the alien cities can be restored out of system on suitable planets."

At Dominos greeting she smiles a touch and extends her hand for a firm but reasonable hand shake. "Captain Marvel, but call me Carol please."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shifted her weight once Domino had backed up some, and she made to step further into the Mansion. It was pointless to try to have a conversation on the doorstep where any of the kids might just literally run into them and disturb the trio. So she made to head into one of the various rooms that lined the front hall. It wasn't perfect 'privacy' but it would do. There were at least places to sit down.

The doors opened and closed with her magnetic direction, the front door locking again as the door shut behind Carol. "Could be worse I suppose.." She drawled in regards to the urge to get Kitty a gift. She was sure Kitty would accept anything with a smile, even if it came from a relative stranger.

As the news followed, Lorna's inclination to shove sleep aside for a little longer struggled with her mind's relative sluggishness. But she listened as best she could and nodded as Carol spoke of finding little. "My sources said similar," Source being Namor, and she had a feeling if his people had found anything there, he'd have said as much last night. Diplomacy was getting irritating to say the least.

"That nothing was really down there that is." She pursed her lips, and reached up to rub her temples. "Thanks for the details though confirming. I figured it was hardly the last of we'd see of him." She paused, "I dunno if you read the files we had on our brief run in with a drone before we recovered the bottles.. but his drone seemed to have struggled with Master Mold.. and well, he escaped. So we have a few technological... uhm.. AI's I guess that might yet cause trouble in the future." She exhaled a breath. "I know there was talk of a meeting for analysis and data to be shared regarding the cities. Pretty sure the Avengers are in on that. I saw something about Tony being involved. I'm sorry, not on my best game."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino was one of those that voted for tossing the ship into the drink. Or, at least didn't have any issues with it (not that she was opinion-polled, anway!). It was a good idea at the time, leaving it for salvage later.

"Did anything get pulled from it before it," and she makes a gesture with a single hand, sliceing upwards as a ship arcing up into the sky. "Did you catch any cities, any people we couldn't carry in that first run? I wanted to catch a guy to head down..." But it appears that Lorna already had, and there hadn't been any more salvage.

"Any way we can track 'em again to see where they are?" Someone was in meetings, apparently? "Stark has satellites, right? Now that they're running, now'd be the time to get people to finish 'em off."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Stark does have satellites but I have a feeling they left system. They were also notoriously hard to track to begin with." Carol frowns. "Brainiac was effectively a distributed AI conciousness... he was the drones. It would be foolish to think destroying his main ship or core host would actually have been the end of him so we must just be on guard and ready if they do return." she sighs.

"The Avengers recovered four bottled cities when we destroyed Brainiac. I'm told you recovered at least the earth cities. I really am unsure if the Titans or anyone else snagged them. Fortunately everyone came together and managed to end the threat for now, but everyone is a pretty disjointed thing and we don't have a really good inventory of what was recovered."

"Also I am not at all surprised that Tony is working on restoring it.. I'll check on him and the Titans to see what they recovered. I am pretty sure I can find good planets for the alien civilizations and we absolutely need to get the the Genoshan cities and Mutant Town restored as soon as possible."

She tilts her head "Master Mold?" which is directed to Lorna, talk of more future AI trouble is ... troublesome.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced to Domino, shifting to the edge of her seat as she took the time to listen each each woman in turn. "Either they cleared out everything in the wreck or my guess is it self destructed bits that they couldn't take with them. Which would track with the behaviors the Titans noticed regarding the drones before. Either way it doesn't seem like there was more to find." She exhaled a breath, turning her focus back to Carol.

"Brainiac was able to entirely knock out any satellites or surveillance systems that Genosha had prior to his attack using the Sentinels. It's something we have documented, but who's to say he can't pull the same thing again once we restore Mutant Town and Genosha's pieces?" She shrugged and bit back another sigh. "I'm also not willing to try to track him down for unknown alien bottles. I'm sorry, I really am to say that, but I have a duty here to my people. Even if we could track him down a second time." She muttered the last part in more of a grumble. She didn't have access to space ships particularly either. Even if the X-men had had some luck with that in the past.

"Like I said, I think there's going to be a meeting, I'll make sure that you get an invite Carol...." She trailed off. "Master Mold is the AI technology Trask made for running and creating the Sentinels. We tracked the 'Wild' Sentinels using a defunct Sentinel factory. When we were there we were attacked by a drone. It seems Brainiac's systems were fighting with the Master Mold program. It uploaded to a nearby Sentinel and escaped." She paused, and continued. "The Wild Sentinels it turns out were a secret government funded project that they'd stored in Ecuador. Post-Sentinels being shut down." The so called Wild Sentinels having been what the media dubbed the massive ones that had wrecked most of Hammer Bay.

Neena Thurman has posed:
"He picked 'em up when they were itty-bitty, I think the term is. And I haven't heard anything about them being knocked out again?" Not necessarily that she would, but the merc has connections.

Domino follows easily into the other room and sprawls onto one of the larger, overstuffed chairs that are seemingly all over the place in the Mansion. "But,"

At the mention of Titans, Domino pauses and studies the other woman, this newly introduced 'Carol' and blue eyes narrow as she considers. "Did we ever get an accounting of what the Titans have? 'Cause, I haven't seen a manifest. I thought they'd be up to sharing, but right now?" She shakes her head, "I'm not seein' it." There's more than a little concern couched there. Brainiac was doing //mutant research//, and that happens to be something near AND dear to her heart. As in, -no way in hell- should anyone mess with that.

"I don't like to think that someone has Brainiac's research papers."

As the talk goes to Master Mold, then, brows rise and Domino shifts in her seat, this time a leg cast over the arm of the chair, her back sitting in the opposite corner of the back. She's pensive, in that 'tactics' sort of way, calculations perhaps being easily discerned from the black and white face. "Secret government shit," is repeated slowly and with no little distaste. "They're shut down?" She wants to hear those words spoken, and even then? She'll be dubious.

Jean Grey has posed:
A familiar voice pipes up, "I would hope that they are, at this point." And that's when Jean appears, walking into the room as she perks up a bit at the sight of, "Carol! I wasn't expecting to see you here... but then, I suppose that makes sense with the Justice League wanting to follow up with Brainiac being taken care of, at least for now." She nods over towards Domino and Lorna, but her attention is mostly focused on Captain Marvel.

"But we could definitely use a full accounting of who has what, and making sure that none of that technology gets into the wrong hands. Not that I'm entirely certain who the wrong hands are, with some of that." She pauses, and arches a brow at Carol, "How familiar are you with the astral plane? Because technology shouldn't affect it, and yet... Brainiac had things that /could/. Which is... unheard of."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol nods to something Lorna said. "Brainiac was able to manipulate more than Genosha's sattelites and he also was able to make sure Superman and I were off world during the Genosha incident. He may be arrogant and have a lot of hubris but he is very planned in his actions when he wants to be. He used a comms blackout and a real fire started in the Australian outback.. with laser weaponry.. to lure me away during the Mutant Town incident."

Mostly because Carol and the Kryptonians are some of the best capable of kicking his metal ass into orbit, but not without risk even then.

"I don't think we will have much luck basically tracking him down when he is rebuilding, we need to rebuild and strengthen our defenses and be ready for round two I think. That said I do .. like I said plan to try to help restore those other civilizations safely. Leaving them in a bottle... that seems shitty."

She does pause to consider the whole bit about Master Mold that is relayed. "I dislike Trask so much." she finally mutters then nods to Domino. "It ... never ceases to amaze me how many black ops and secret government programs there are too. I won't elaborate but.." she just sighs and it is a weary sigh. "I'll go shake some trees though and see if I can make sure the Sentinel program is really shut down and they aren't hiding a new secret secret stupid idea in the Artic Wildlife Refuge or something. I fully expect some sort of inappropriate defense and project thing out of the whole latest alien invasion... I imagine lobbyists are foaming at the mouth now at the mere idea."

There is a smile though as Carol looks over from the chair she is leaning against while talking to Lorna and Domino. "Hey Jeanie.... and uh..." she blinks. "I am not at all familiar with the astral plane but if any of the species he extincted were I imagine it isn't entirely surprising if he would be." she frowns "I fully expect that half a dozen government agencies... you all.. Titans.. Avengers.. SHIELD... JLA... Atlantis.. some super villains... all have Brainiac technology now and are trying to decipher how to use it. I don't hink many have the angle on the shrink technology though..." bright side right.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced up as Jean entered, and something of a look of relief escaped the green haired woman's expression. She'd been brain dead and tired when she'd answered the door, but here was Jean! Jean was so much better at handling things than she was. She smiled. "Hey Jean." She glanced back to Carol and Domino.

"Trask was supposed to have been shut down for a few years now. But.. obviously..." She waved a hand, "Though I doubt there are many Sentinels in existence right now. Not when judging how many were in Genosha at least. Though I won't sugar coat things either. When Genosha's bottle is resized, my father will be returned and I doubt he will be in a good mood." Her lips pursed together.

"Here's hoping that the world's governments fear alien invasion more than they do my father's wrath at having his kingdom destroyed by human built machines." She drawled, and sat back in her seat, rubbing her temples as she bit back a sigh.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Now, if Domino was Deadpool, the answer to Jean's question would easily be a pointing up with index finger, stating, 'What I just said up there. Government agencies'. But, she's not, even if she does spend a little more time with the Merc with a Mouth than most. Or just.. ends up doing that.

Jean's voice rising before the red-head is seen brings a tight, black-lipped smile back to the merc's face and she inclines her head once, in that 'as I was saying', gesture as Jean echoes her own concerns.

"Heya, Jean." There's a quick shift, but Dom doesn't move from her basic sprawl, but there is a little room made for a little butt, should Jean want to join her. "Wrong hands is any hands that isn't ours. I don't care how trustworthy or crap they are. If they have my DNA, or Jean's, or Logan's.." Okay, the government has at least 2 out of 3 of those listed, but still! "That's a problem."

Carol's input is carefully weighed, though she has to grin about 'luck', casting a quick glance to the others. "I wouldn't necessarily say that, but g'head," is her only interruption. For the moment, anyway.

There's that tight, unhappy smile that creeps up; the sort that mercs wear just before they pull that trigger. (It's in all of the movies, anyway!) and she nods her head. "There are a metric crapton of secret government programs," says a genetic product of 'Weapon X'. "Mind if I look over your shoulder while you shake that tree? Call me a stakeholder, call me whatever, but if they're not shut down, I have some buddies I can take along for the ride to make //sure// they are. And your hands stay clean." If there was any question as to what Mrs Neena Thurman does, let it be laid to rest.

Glancing to the side as Lorna fishes for words again, and offers up her concerns, the merc... shrugs. It's a lightly lifted gesture and she chuffs a soft, unamused laugh, "I'm guessin' he won't be thrilled, no." Beat. "Where is he, anyway?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Lorna gets a nod from Jean, "Well, for once, I couldn't entirely blame him. I should try to talk to him, mentally, before we do the resizing. Just to get a better feel of where we're at, and where /he/ is at."

Jean then blushes very slightly at the 'Jeanie' from Carol, and she flashes Carol a warm smile, "Thanks for the help with that, it's really appreciated. I mean, well, when we were getting the bottled cities out with the Titans, Brainiac had astral /barriers/ set up with technology, and that's... unheard of. I mean, they were strong enough that neither I nor Magik could really get rid of them." She pauses, and lets the fact that a powerful psychic /and/ an equally powerful sorceress had issues with that technology sink in.

Jean does, however, grin over at Domino and take the shift as an invitation, sitting comfortably next to Domino and looking over at Carol, "And yes, we'd definitely be willing and able to help out do any shaking that is required." She smiles wryly, "Hal mentioned that he wanted us to be working more closely together, so I'm perfectly open to the idea of helping you with what we can."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Eh why not both." she says tiredly about the people fearing both aliens and Mutants. She pinches the bridge of her nose thinking about the wrath of Lorna's father and all when he is restored. That will be complicated and with merit of course but maybe not make anything better at all.

Domino's request about being there when trees are shook earn a laugh. "No... I mean bless your heart but no Domino. I will find out what I can about the what is currently in operation and do what I can to snip things but the people I'll go talk to will not talk if I have you there at all. I'll share what I can if I find any stupid mutant programs though." she is just imagining Nick Fury staring at Domino.

The reassurance that Jean will try to talk to Magneto before he gets big again is a good thing in Carol's mind and she flashes Carol a smile. "I'll file the astral barriers bit away.. WAND may have some ideas about that." of course what the hell is WAND. She doesn't really explain but it sounds like an acronym the way she says it. "Well Hal and Clark would be good ties for working with the JLA... Hank and I would be for Avengers... I think I am the only tie really into SHIELD. I need to go shake the Titans and see what they recovered and plan to do still..."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, "I can always wish that maybe humans will stop being stupidly afraid of people that different than them.. but.." She sighed and leaned back in her seat as she glanced back to Jean at the telepath's offer of talking to Magneto through the bottle.

"If you can do that, I'd very much like to be in on the 'call' if possible. I don't even know if he knows I'm alive. After all I wasn't in a bottle for six months and most people outside of them were slaughtered. Though.. I don't know if he even knows that much." She mused, and recrossed her legs. As to Domino's question as to where Magneto and the bottle he was in was.. Lorna wasn't sure. She knew someone in the X-men had put it somewhere safe.. but beyond that? She trusted that it was secure.

Otherwise she'd be pitching a fit demanding to know where Genosha was.. and that wasn't going to be fun for anyone.

"Hopefully we'll get the cities restored before certain people get too antsy and decide its in their best interest to try to go around us and do something stupid." She muttered, pursing her lips. The conversation she'd had with Clarice about Creed hadn't been great on that front.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino doesn't say a word about 'bless your heart', but she sure as hell knows what it means. She was 'raised' in the South, after all. She just doesn't sound like it. In fact, it's sort of hard to place her accent, with that 'midwestern, no accent' sort of thing. One less thing to identify her with, though that's pretty much a joke. Her eyes narrow again, and her tones drop, "Just like you'll share what everyone knows around, right? Forgive me for not trusting you on this one. But, Trash and the Sentinel projects, or any damned thing that pertains to mutants is our business. My business. I don't care about much else at this given moment, sorry." Not sorry. "So, g'head and shake trees. I'll be shakin' others, and we'll see what sort of deforestation happens."

The fact no one mentions //where// Magneto is, well, that bothers her. And where Genosha is? Even moreso.

Shifting her position so as not to jostle Jean overmuch on the chair, Dom is able to finesse departing the chair and gaining her feet. It's not a threatening act, nor is it intended to be, but she wants to be on her feet so she can pace. "We need to get them restored ASAP."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean glances over at Domino, "Well, that's the idea, and you're quite right about that. The bottles are secure, and let's leave it at that for now, alright?"

Her eyes then flicker over to meet Carol's, and she smiles faintly, "I'm sure that we'll be able to have some open communication about this, regardless. After all, we do tend to operate in different circles, so as long as we can compare notes after the fact, that should be the important thing, right?" One eyebrow arches a bit, and then she looks back towards Lorna.

"Of course, honestly I don't think he'd want to talk to me by myself anyway. It really would be better if you were there 'on the call' as it were, Lorna." Not that there's any bad blood between the First Class and the Master of Magnetism or anything...

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I won't stop you from shaking trees at all Domino." she still isn't entirely sure why she said bless your heart either. "But I can't ask the Director of SHIELD pertinent questions about secret government programs with other people there. Just being tactical about the problem not trying to be evasive or hide stuff from people." she frowns.

"Though yes I know books full of stuff I don't get to share around, mostly because it isn't anyones business or won't help.... and yeah I use my judgement on that which is the best I can do. If it is mutant stuff though I will be sharing it, I promise."

"I agree with Domino about restoring them soon, if anyone had designs on Genosha with Magneto gone.. the time table would be moved up now and that isn't good at all."

She nods to Jean "Regrouping after we do some shaking would be good... I did stop by though because I realized I don't have a good way to drop information off. So I'll probably just fly over and ring the door as needed there."

She doesn't wade into the whole Lorna and Jean 'calling' Magneto.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly, she didn't care about secret government programs because in all likelihood, her worst gut feelings regarding them were likely true. She'd once stumbled upon files regarding the Magneto Protocols and well.. She knew most places had plans for what to do if her father ever attacked them. Of course there would be secret programs upon secret programs.

Hell her father had his own when he was in Genosha. And she was still uncovering them.

"Thanks Jean." She pursed her lips after a beat, glancing down at her lap.

"If someone wanted to attack Genosha, I agree, now is the time. Particularly with rumors of my father not being quite so dead already leaking all over. I highly doubt everyone in Washington is pleased by that. Much less the remaining Magistrates and other hate groups. I've stepped up diplomatic ties to other countries that were sympathetic to us before and our borders are being actively patrolled. Not something that is well known right now, but I was in Atlantis last night working through another such defensive alliance."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The school can be a very interesting place to follow your nose. While on a cursory patrol, Logan catches wind of quite a few familiar scents and one that's a brief acquaintance. Curiosity getting the better of him, the scruffy Canadian soon comes into view. He's wearing an outback hat, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and boots. Looking a little less bushy then usual, the man clearly spent a little time this morning trimming his unique brand of hair, both facial and on his scalp.

Drawing a hand out of his pocket, he waves to the assembled then raises an eyebrow at Carol. "Considerin' on the shit I've done for the Nick, you'd think we could have just a little bit tighter network of communication. I'm gonna have to pay patch a visit one of these days. Pretty sure he owes me last I counted."

Neena Thurman has posed:
See? Contacts are coming out of the woodwork!

"You know, not all our enemies wave giant signs that say 'mutie hater'. Just sayin'. What I'm asking is that we get a chance to look at things that don't look like mutant issues on the surface." Paranoid? Maaaybe. And unlike Lorna, her gut feelings about them are most certainly true, given her experience around the world.

"I can give you the same answer, though. If I see something that looks like you should be in on it, I'll let you know." She's making a point, in her own Domino fashion. "Some trees'll give me more coconuts than others, though."

Speaking of coconuts!

"Hey, old man," is given in greeting. "Welcome to the party."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean glances over at Logan, "Hey Logan." She gives him a smile, then gives Domino a wry look, "Not all of them do, but I'd say about ninety percent of them." She snorts a bit, leaning back in the seat she has as she considers things.

Then she looks at Lorna, "Do you need the X-Men helping out down there, or... other people? We can definitely bring some folks in to help out." With that, she passes another glance to Domino, for whatever reason, before looking back towards Carol. "And hey, I'm always up for a regrouping with you to touch base. Honestly, we should probably do that on a regular basis anyway, just so these things don't happen too often. Communication being open is important, especially when we all know what the score is."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol nods to Lorna "Good idea on the Atlantis front." she means it to. "Let me know if you need anything on the Genosha front if you do come across any conspiracies or problems with people wanting to take advantage of the situation. Jean can ping me."

She looks over to Logan "Hey... and look you know Nick. He is ... who he is. Also SHIELD is a spy agency at heart full of spies... it shouldn't be that surprising that we don't have a sharing system in place for intel other than.. well me and I'm not exactly telling people what I am up to every day due to the broad latitude I have to do what I think is best." she purses her lips. "If you have a comm you'd like to give me I'll use it.. got one for half a dozen other organizations at this point. Well to be fair I'll link my tech to it and use that."

She looks over to Jean and smiles "Agreed. Also do need your help to pin Rogue down and do another session or two I think... see if we can get some straggling memories still." it never was thought to be a one time thing after all.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced up as Logan entered, a lofting of her eyebrow following slightly. "You know everyone, don't you?" She mused, and shook her head as she settled back in her seat. "Also I need to talk to you at some point. I want your thoughts on something." That something being Creed and how he'd had Clarice ask her to meet with him. But it was off topic and not important to the current conversation either.

Jean's offer to bring the X-men in should anything happen earned a bob of her head. "I know. Scott has told me the offer stands to have a team there more often than not. We just got taken by surprise a few times already, and having friends in the ocean helps provide more of a heads up." She mused, "I'd rather not get a surprise Hydra sub or Magistrates showing up again.."

A glance followed toward Carol, and she tilted her head. "I dunno, I had SHIELD agents show up soon after Doom did on Genosha months ago. I never heard anything back from them. And half my take on their presence was they wanted to see what I'd do as much as what Doom was up to." She mused, "I'll accept a hand from you personally over them though."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The 'Old Man' comment is responded to with a roll of the eyes, grunt, and nod. He scratches at his cheek and sighs, "Ever sense Laura and Gabby showed up, I feel like the 'old man' comments are gettin' more and more frequent. Just cause a guy shows a little bit of paternal instinct don't mean he's over the hill."

It's a ridiculous statement considering his actual age, but then again, that healing factor doesn't wonders on wrinkles. He looks like he's about to butt further into the conversation then decides against it. Already two leaders representing the mutant side of things, no point in him interjecting too much.

He just shrugs at Carol, minding his tongue. His expression betrays some grumpy skepticism. He'd already alluded to how he felt SHIELD was often one-sided with its deals in his previous commentary.

For Lorna's request to talk, he nods again. "Yea sure, Pool Shark. Just snag me when you want to."

Neena Thurman has posed:
"You were that to me long before they showed," 'Patch' responds. Still, she shrugs as she watches the conversation move around her. Jean. Lorna. Logan.

Domino shrugs lightly and looks at Jean, "Don't give us away, Jean. We're not cheap, we're not expendable. They got resources. If they're gonna share, great. But I wanna see 'em share before I put myself on the line for them."

Dom looks to Lorna and inclines her head, "You know what we're about. I'll be shakin' trees, and if you have anything on Trash, I'll be happy to work it." Magneto pays well, after all!

The albino with a patched eye looks to the gathered, and makes to step out. She gives a long look to Carol and a tight-lipped smile as she nods her head, "We all know everyone. Sooner people realize we're all connected, the better'll be for everyone."

With a jaunty two-fingered salute to her brow, she opens the door and steps through, closing it behind her.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods towards Carol's comment about another couple of sessions, "Yes, I'll get Rogue and you together one of these days, now that we don't have an alien computer threatening Life As We Know It." She smiles a bit wryly at that, "No more excuses from that front, anyway. The number you have for me is on a secure line, so you can reach me there if you need to."

She then nods towards Lorna, "Exactly, and well, I don't want them trying to get a foothold in Genosha anymore than you do. So if you need help, just say the word." She then nods at Domino, "And I'm not giving anything away... hey, wait up a second, Domino." She rises to her feet, waving to the others, "I'll see you all later, I'm sure." With that, she moves a bit briskly after Dom, slipping out of the room.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol nods to Lorna "To be fair. I shared everything I got from Genosha and the Satellites with SHIELD, the Avengers, and the remnants of the JLA..." pause "I didn't know you guys were a thing or across town at that point Lorna." a bit of a helpless shrug there. "Also I was offering my help not SHIELDs.. though I could wrangle in the Avengers or JLA if you wanted I am sure." her membership card directory is about as bad as Logan's really.

She raises a hand and waves to Domino "It was nice meeting you." she notes and the tone also seems genuine. She doesn't try to defend SHIELD.... hell why on earth would she try to defend a spy agency.... She does wave to Jean as well "Later Jean."

With people leaving she gets up to her feet as well. She looks around the office then scribbles down the a phone number and offers it to Lorna.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow as she glanced in Domino's direction. She was well aware of Domino's ties to the Brotherhood. How the other mutant had ended up here was another story, but one she didn't push either. She flapped a hand in a wave toward Jean, and stifled a yawn. "Yep. I know." She murmured, her gaze swinging back to Carol with interest.

"You know Wanda is my half sister, right? I can contact the Avengers whenever, I'm on the guest list for the door code too." She added, but as Carol grabs a pen and paper to scribble down a phone number she takes it and glanced over it once before tucking it into her pocket.

"I'll hold onto this though. Thanks."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Domino gets a raised eyebrow on her way to the door. He then calls out, "Hey, Spot... Let's talk later. I need your pulse on the mercenary world. As you know, an 'old friend' of mine started sniffin' around the school. Considerin' his history as a gun for hire, thought maybe you know somethin."

He watches Jean follow Domino and then the door closes, but at least the request was made. An eyebrow rises as he learns about the extend of Carol's membership. "Damn, you are popular."

He rubs at his chin and then eyes Lorna. He knew about the relation, but not about the guest list. He purses his lips. Maybe he needed to renew some of his connections.