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Latest revision as of 15:55, 26 July 2020

Something To Talk About
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Logan and Lorna chat about Creed, her leadership, and how she needs to take a nap.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Logan Howlett

Lorna Dane has posed:
As Carol followed the others out the door Lorna turned her focus back to Logan the only other remaining occupant in the room. She wore a pair of jean cut-off shorts and a tank-top, but otherwise was barefoot. She barely looked awake and she stifled yet another yawn that crept up on her.

"So I finally talked to Clarice. She doesn't see Creed as a danger to the kids.. but she did tell him to never ask to meet with her on the grounds again." She murmured, "I wanted your thoughts on it.. because in the same breath she turned around and talked to me about how Creed thinks he knows a guy that can get Genosha released from the bottle faster than us and our allies can." She drew her legs up on the chair, wrapping her arms around them.

"And that he wants to meet with me."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan muses as he situates closer to Lorna, leaning on the nearby wall between tapestries and pictures. "Feel like I scared off the company." He muses.

His expression is a combination of relief and outright aggravation. He lets out a deep breath as he suppresses a growl. "Creed isn't exactly a man of his word, but at least its somethin'. If he breaks that deal, I'm breakin' him."

It's easier said than done, breaking Sabretooth, but there's determination in Logan's gaze. "Unless we got reason to believe people are gonna suffer or starve, be better not to rely on Creed for anythin'. If we can take our time, and do it safely, then be patient about it."

His eyes narrow at the proposed meeting. He grunts and gazes away. "Don't like it.. but we know you can take care of yourself. I'd offer to back you up, but that might either set Creed off or cause him not to talk openly. If you agree to meet that maniac, you better pick the place and keep it to your advantage."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shifted on the seat as Logan spoke, a twitch of her lips following. "It's cause you spend all day in the sun, and are a sweaty guy. Chases the ladies off." She teased in regards to how he felt like he scared off the company. "I almost bit off Captain Marvel's face when she knocked on the door, rang the door bell, and hit the comms. Woke me up from a nap." She added, "I dunno why Domino was even here either.. but.." She shrugged and exhaled a breath, looking frustrated.

"Clarice clearly trusts him for some reason. And even asked me if anyone here was talking about refusing to free those in the bottle because my father is in it. Which, I think is an idea that he must have planted in her head. Because it's nonsense." She muttered, and shook head faintly, pursing her lips together.

"Short of a scrap metal yard I wouldn't know a good place to pick. And yeah, I don't like it either. If he's interested in where my father is he must have asked Clarice. So why ask to talk to me? I don't get it."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan stews over it a little longer and then comments, "He's probably tryin' to figure out if he's dealin' with King Magneto or Queen Polaris. He's a mercenary. He'll want to know who he should be brown nosin', and I guess bein' a preferred goon of your father. Maybe he's feelin' nostalgic."

He crosses his thick arms over his chest as a physical gesture to bottle his growing rage and concern. "Some ways its good that mutants have been comin' together, but there's an awful lot of Brotherhood shenanigans goin' on in the mansion these days. Gotta admit, with your father back in play, I'm gonna have to take a closer look at some folks."

He eyes her, "Though I don't mean you. Pretty sure I get what makes you tick.. and it ain't power or money."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna tilted her head in consideration. "My father didn't allow most of the ..darker elements of the Brotherhood around the palace in Genosha. Or if he did, he certainly didn't permit them around me. Maybe it's a curiosity. Maybe it's the need to know how much of my father I am or not." She shrugged, "Or it could be a threat to lure me out and get the bottle with my father in it."

As Logan continued to speak of the Brotherhood sniffing around fairly frequently all of a sudden she nodded. "I haven't seen Mystique in a while, when she was trying to prod me into being her idea of what I should be. Which probably means she's over letting me know. And with news that my father is alive.. I doubt anyone will be coming to me for leadership anymore." She As he eyed her though, she lofted an eyebrow upward.

"Oh yeah? What makes me tick, Logan?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan rolls his tongue around his mouth and gazes up at the ceiling. He grunts a little then sighs. "Eh, puttin' me on the spot, aren't you? Well..." He scratches at his cheek then gazes down toward her. "I think you've got a sense of responsibility for others. Much as I hate your father, your time with him has... turned you into a leader. Leader who wants to chart the right path for people because you've got the confidence that you can."

He glances down at the ground, "I figure you are not a.. power for power's sake kind of person. You may deal in the Brotherhood. You may lead Genosha. But you are an X-man at your core.. You uh.. represent Charle's ideals mixed with Magneto's drive. Least that's what I think. Sure there's more to ya then I know."

Lorna Dane has posed:
As Logan fidgets for a moment, Lorna waited, interested in what he had pegged her as. Her amusement faded though to an earnest desire to listen as he started to speak. She sat up, as he continued and she blinked in slight surprise. "Wow.." She managed, sitting there in a lingering silence for a beat, two, before she shifted to perch on the edge of her seat.

"That's probably the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a long time, Logan." She offered softly, her gaze remaining firmly on him. She wasn't sure if what he said was true or not, not entirely. But it didn't mean the sentiment behind it was lost on her either.

"I guess I can add a little bit of a softie to what I know about you then. Along with 'knows everyone'." She murmured, only the barest hint of teasing in her voice as she spoke.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan grunts at the 'softie' comment. "Just call it like I see it. Same reason I haven't tried to skewer Scott all these years. Even a blunt idiot like me can read a person's intentions."

He points a finger at her over his bicep, "Offerin' a compliment doesn't make me soft, Lorna. Besides, you 'asked'." He snorts and pushes off the wall.

"So don't be spreadin' any rumors about me. Cause I'll have to make examples of anyone expectin' me to go easy on them." He cracks a half-grin. "Anyway, maybe you needed to hear it. You are a more worthy leader then your father. That man needs to be kept in check."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled up at him, maintaining her position on the edge of the chair she'd occupied. An eyebrow raised high in response. "Well there you go, you've got the patience of a saint too, dealing with Scott and you haven't skewered him once." She added, only partially teasing as she lifted her hands up as he pointed a finger in her direction.

"I did ask! And you're way nicer than you let on, always grumbling around and yet you've been nothing but kind and supportive to me. You didn't have to agree to help train me Logan, or listen to me go on and on about things." She paused, watching him as he cracked a half grin.

"I won't go ruining your tough guy reputation, I promise." She offered up her hand with her pinky extended.

Logan Howlett has posed:
He reaches down and hooks pinkies with her, completing the sacred shake. "Patience of a saint? Did Laura hit you in the head or somethin' while training? Yea, sure, I'm nice. When we can afford it. I'm also willin' to be the asshole when people start lettin' ideals get too much in the way."

He leans forward close and murmurs at her, "You might like me today, but just wait, I'll do something to piss you off eventually. Always happens, like clockwork. I've got your back either way long as you stay true to those ideals I just pointed out."

He releases her pinky then tilts his head, "Speakin' off pissin' you off. Did I catch you sleepin' in? Thought you were supposed to be trainin' your butt off. Do I need to pour some coffee down your throat?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh, "No Laura didn't get me in the head. Unlike you and her, I don't recover from brain injuries easily. But I have nearly lost it on Scott a time or two, and the fact that you haven't lost it either is a true test of patience." She mused, and after the pinky promise she let her hand fall back to her lap.

"Eh, everyone pisses me off Logan. I have a short temper and I'm bipolar. It happens." She drawled, and shook her head. Unconcerned with his comment in regards to pissing her off. It was likely to happen one way or another, he was right about that.

"And I was //trying// to get a nap. I didn't sleep last night. I was down in Atlantis for a surprise visit. Namor agreed to meeting for diplomatic discussions after months of trying to get in contact with his people." She barely restrained a yawn as she spoke again. "So I was there all night discussing military patrols and the finer details of the paperwork for an alliance."

A pause followed and she glanced back up to Logan. "You wouldn't happen to know Namor too, would you?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Guess you and me are alike in that way. Well, glad we know it'll happen eventually. Maybe with that expectation, we'll get over it faster." He raises an eyebrow at the revelation of her visit to Atlantis then hums at the question, "Not really. Only know that he's a bigger asshole then I am, and he ran a few missions with Cap back in the day around the same time I was. At least, that's what I remember."

He hums and considers for a moment, "Weather is good enough for a hammock, I should put it back out, outside my cabin. Probably a better spot for a catnap then the Mansion durin' the day. I always struggled sleepin' in here. Too damn noisy with all the students."

"So how'd the negotiation go, if you don't mind me asking?" He crosses his arms again over his chest.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's lips twitched into a smile and she shrugged once, "I don't think I've held a grudge for any particular length of time. So it's entirely likely." She murmured, and settled back in the leather chair. It wasn't particularly plush or comfortable to sit on. But it was something, and the AC was always on full blast in the Mansion. Which meant the room wasn't particularly warm either.

"Well he tried to play his way into making a play for Genosha's sovereign lands. I asked for support in patrolling the sea around our borders. As we've been attacked multiple times that way. Subs. Boats. And so on. I managed to get him to agree to an embassy, which I don't care if he shows up and summer vacations there or not. And he agreed to build and supply it. He also wants diplomatic ties via mutants that have water based powers and can breathe in the environment." She reached up to rub her eyes, and yawned again.

"All of which I know will piss off my father when he's released. I honestly don't know what will happen in terms of diplomatic relations when he returns. I've worked to establish ties to Wakanda, Latveria, and now Atlantis. Genosha clearly can't continue to be an isolationist island." She blinked at the offer of the hammock.

"That's probably a good idea, true.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan lets out a low whistle, "I do not envy you, Lorna. That is a lot of diplomacy. A lot."

He watches her yawn and rub her eyes. A little frown tugs at the corner of his mouth. He tilts his head to the side in deep consideration. He then nods again, "Yep, it's definitely a good idea."

Rather abruptly, Logan slips his hands between her and the leather chair. His arms scoop underneath and toss her effortlessly over a shoulder. Now in truth, she's more than capable of escaping this plight, given her power of magnetism, but with her drowsiness, this was paramount to a sneak attack.

Not waiting for permission, he starts jogging out of the mansion proper with a clear destination being his cabin in the woods. He doesn't at least attempt to explain himself, "As your personal trainer, I'm orderin' ya to get some sleep. No tellin' anyone where you are, and if they come lookin', I'm gonna turn them away. Last thing you need to be doin' is over workin' yourself. No trainin' today either."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Well considering that I've had a reign of what, six months and it'll be over soon? I'm quite happy to pass that back to my father. When I'd agreed to be his heir, I thought I'd have another... thirty years or more to chill out." She muttered, and anything else was broken off as Logan abruptly slipped his hands around her and started to cart her off to the backyard and onward to his cabin.

No small amount of surprise froze Lorna for a beat, though a sharp noise of shock registered. "Logan!? Logan what are you doing?" Which is when he 'ordered' her to get some sleep. Doubtless her raised voice earned a few looks from the students that remained in the house as they left the building. But luckily most of the Mansion was over at Kitty's birthday party on the beach.

Though she didn't really fidget or bother try to get down either. Mostly because, well, she was tired.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan hoofs it back to his cabin. No doubt the few students who did see Wolverine kidnapping the Queen of Genosha will spread a couple of rumors. He didn't exactly care. He'd made up his mind, and he knew if Lorna really wanted to protest, that she'd launch his butt into orbit with a thought.

Considering the amount of practice Logan has carrying bodies. It's not unsurprising how swiftly their egress is through the woods. There's a few jostles as he bounds off a tree trunk to change trajectory and maintain his speed. It's not long before they are outside his cabin, and he's booting his way through the door.

He skips the hammock and just tosses her onto his bed. He grabs the blanket, snaps it in the air, and lays it over her. "Sleep. I'll be outside."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was half amused as he literally hauled her to the woods and to his cabin. In any other circumstances it could be the feature film; Wild Man kidnaps the poor fainting royal! It would make headlines and break all the box offices, and the critics would pan it for being cliche. Though she was decidedly far too awake to yawn as she bounced this way or that and went straight past the hammock idea and into his cabin.

And as she //tossed//, TOSSED, onto the bed she tumbled, with an awkward roll. She oof'ed and as a blanket was snapped over her she was left reeling, and blinking up at Logan awkwardly. "I don't think in the entire history of civilization or society, anyone has fall asleep after being manhandled into the woods and thrown on a bed and commanded to sleep." She muttered, her expression dead panned as she looked up at Logan with a look.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"You'd be surprised, Lorna. Try sleepin' in a trench after bein' shelled. If you are tired enough you can sleep anywhere. So don't be a wuss. I guarantee you are: One, safe. Two, not goin' to be interrupted by visiting dignitaries. Take advantage of a couple of hours of peace, and then I'll check in on you." He thumbs over his shoulder, "I'll be outside, alright? And if you can't sleep, then do Ororo proud and try meditatin'. Seriously, do yourself a favor."

The 'old man' of the campus clearly isn't taking no for an answer, so Lorna is stuck one way or another unless she's going to tossing him around by his metal bones. Right or wrong, Logan took tally. If he were in Lorna's place right now, if he had had her last six months, he'd be a wreck. Following that bias, he's making the call for her. He walks to his door, looks over his shoulder, points and commands, "Sleep."

The door closes behind him.