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Latest revision as of 08:42, 31 July 2020

Ants up on the balcony
Date of Scene: 30 July 2020
Location: Van Dyne Penthouse, Manhattan
Synopsis: Viv Vision and Nadia pay a visit to Janet's penthouse for some advice.
Cast of Characters: Janet van Dyne, Vivian Vision, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet's penthouse is some prime New York real estate. It's just a bit south of the bridge, with great views of the bay and across from Astoria. It's even architecturally different from the rest of the building, like some artist's vision plucked up from some other city and dropped atop a blocky building from the '20s era of Art Deco.

Janet's at home alone, sitting in her living room with a book. It's a low-key sort of aternoon for the Wasp, it seems; propped up on a chaise lounge, pages held upon with one hand and her hand and elbow propping her head up with the other. With the sun shining through the immense floor-to-ceiling windows, and the clear blue skies and a fresh breeze through the open window, it just *feels* like a sleepy sort of afternoon. Perfect for books, and napping in the sun, and staying home to avoid responsibilities. Which explains why Janet's not at work at 4 PM on a weekday.

When the buzzer rings, she perks, then sits up to go to the door. "-Miss Vivian and Miss Nadia to see you," announces her AI assistant in an androgynous voice.

"Thanks house," she says, and stops at the top of the short stairs leading down to the double-door entrance to the penthouse. "Show them in?" She rests a hand on the bannister and flashes a brilliant smile at the girls when the doors unlatch themselves and swing open. "C'mon in, ladies," she beckons.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian has a series of guidelines for proper etiquette that, while not hard coded into her behavior, are still considered strong suggestions. One of these is never turn up unannounced without some kind of token gift. Typically food or drink, after all most of the people she is likely to visit aren't known for remembering to cook or eat.

Today she's got macarons from an upmarket New York confectioner. The sort of place you have to be very connected or queue a long time to even step through the door. Thankfully synthezoids are very patient.

She's not bothering to use a holographic disguise right now and, perhaps shockingly for some, still wearing the same outfit she used for the trip through the portal. (Or at least an identical copy of the same outfit.) "Good day Miss van Dyne. I trust this day finds you well?" She holds out the box of macarons. "I have brought you a gift."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
It is no mean feat to get Nadia out of the lab these days, but at least now with Hank safely rescued she isn't quite burning the candle at both ends anymore. Just one, even if she's probably using a blowtorch to do it.

The efforts to help Bushwick and Genosha have shifted into a more diplomatic phase with missions between teams though forcing her out for fresh air on at least a semi-regular basis. It is on the heels of one of these sessions that she has been persuaded to meet up with Vivian and head over to Janet's penthouse. There wasn't really that much persuasion though, she likes both of them a whole lot, especially after recent heart to hearts.

She's just stretching her arms skyward for a moment, fingers interlaced and palms reversed when the house's AI opens the door, "Hi Janet! We're here!" she calls into the house with her usual enthusiasm and vigor.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Ooh, for me?" Janet accepts the macarons from Vivianne and cracks the box to examine them. She 'oohs' approvingly and seals the tin. "That was thoughtful of you, honey. C'mon in," she beckons, and hugs Viv, then Nadia in turn as the girls slip past. Red capri pants, a sleeveless black tee, and basic black flats give Janet a pretty informal look compared to her usual camera-ready appearance. She's even light on the makeup today.

"And you can call me Janet, Viv," the fashionista repeats for the umpteenth time. "We're family after all. Do either of you want something to eat? I can send someone out to get something if you want," she suggests, and gestures for the two younger women to find a comfortable place in the conversation pit in the living room.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That was the intention ... Janet," Vivian says, a noticeable pause as she stops herself saying Miss van Dyne again. "Although you may share them as you see fit." She shrugs. "Thank you for the offer but I have no need of food at this time. My solar absorbtion level has been sufficient for my output needs."

The synthetic teenager perches on the edge of something in a manner that would be uncomfortable for a Human but probably is as good a place as any for a Synthezoid.

"Although it is not truely a selfless gift. I had wished to ask for your advice on a matter and thought it would be a good idea to..." Her brow furrows. "I suppose technically I thought I should bring a bribe."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Oooh fooood!" exclaims the girl who often forgets to eat when she's working on something and who has been working on things pretty much nonstop for the past month. "Tony got us some pizza when we were Sciencing how to connect his stuff to our stuff but that was last night, or maybe it was this morning? I don't think the sun was up yet..." Nadia gives a little shrug, "I could definitely eat something."

Nadia steps inside dressed in a perhaps surprisingly fashionable dark red bomber jacket over a sleek V-necked black T-shirt and a pleated red and black plaid skirt that reaches just about to her knees. Perhaps Janet is starting to rub off on her.

Wandering towards the conversation pit as directed and seeking out a comfortable spot, she turns to look at Viv curiously at the mention of a 'Bribe'.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"A bribe, huh?" Janet gives Viv a curious once-over. "You've been talking to Hank again," she informs the snythezoid. "He always bribed me right before he had to break some bad news. C'mon, let's go sit on the balcony. It's nice out and I could do with a little sunshine myself."

She dog-ears the page she's on and tosses the book on the coffee table and goes over to the balcony. This high over the streets, all that can be smelled is clear winds and fresh salt-spray from the bay below. The furniture on Janet's balcony is no less luxurious that indoors, with lacquered wicker and comfortable cushions. Janet finds a chair and settles into it, tucking her legs up under her and resting her elbow on the arm to prop her chin in her palm.

"Oh right, food. House, please page Jeremy to come up?" she says, raising her voice. "Nadia's hungry for something." The AI beeps assent, and Janet looks back to Viv. "Okay honey, start from the beginning. What's going on?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision blinks rapidly. "I did speak with Doctor Pym yes," she admits. "Although not about you. Directly anyway. I am sorry but I gave my word that the conversation would remain private." She can't help but scan the cover of Janet's book, find a copy online, read it and then store it along with all the other books she's read. All in the time it takes to fold a corner of a page.

She follows along as everyone relocates out onto the balcony. "It's nothing bad really. Just that... well during the portal expedition I was.... aware that I was more of a liability than an asset. To the extent Miss Walters felt the need to keep an eye out for me at the expense of her own offensive actions."

She skims her eyes over the view and then adds "So I decided I would need to identify a suitable self defense tutor before any further dangerous situations can arise."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
With the conversation pit being abandoned Nadia follows Janet and Viv out to the balcony. "Wow the view from here is amazing!" she gets right up to the edge and tiptoes along it, heights not being nearly so scary when you can fly if you need to.

She turns back around still standing perilously close to the edge, "I don't know who Jeremy is, but if he's bringing food, I like him already!" Food is nearly always a positive association in Nadia's mind.

When Vivian brings up the topic of a self-defense tutor Nadia blinks, clearly not expecting that. One hand comes to her chin in thought for a moment but for now she just looks to Janet to see how she will answer.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Someone can be seen moving indoors; Janet beckons her aide in, a slim and professional looking young man with sandy blonde hair. He looks to be a little younger than her, but not much more than Nadia herself. Perhaps his early twenties. "Food for Nadia, Jeremy, whatever's easy," she directs him. He nods, moves to Nadia's chair, and squats down next to it. "I can make you something here if you want. Sandwiches, a smoothie... maybe a light salad. If you want I can go out and get food, there are a good list of places nearby..." He hands her a cell phone with a list of nearby restaurants, sorted by distance and type of food served.

"Whatever you order, get some for me," Janet bids Nadia, and turns to address Viv's question. "You two are still pretty new at the hero game," she reminds Viv. "That kind of teamwork takes time. Knowing how to bob and weave. Have you talked to Vision about this?" she inquires. "I mean, he knows best how to use your powers. Or was there something in specific you were looking for some help with?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I would not say I have any experience at all in the 'hero game'," Vivian points out. "That was the second time I have ever had to resort to violence in a situation. My school encourages blending in and there are punishments for breaking the rules so..." Another shrug. "I have not had any cause to directly intervene, short of providing annoymous tips to the police when I am aware of planned crimes. You would be shocked at how easy it is to predict crime by looking at social media."

She gives poor Jeremy an unblinking look as he comes in. Not exactly suspicious but very much in the uncanny valley. After a moment she turns away, presumably deciding he is no threat.

"Vision is busy with other matters. I think I will be fine training my powers without him, I'm sure Aunt Nadia could help set up some equipment I could use to experiment with my phasing for example, but that will not help me to learn the biomechanical aspects of combat." She brushes her hair back. "Which is to say the best way to punch and kick things."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia is entranced by Jeremy, there are still so many sorts of food she has never encountered before and they all keep turning out to be so delicious! "What's a smoothie?" she asks sitting up in her chair and accepting the cellphone and begins to scroll through the list of choices. After a moment she pauses on an entry and looks at Jeremy, "What's a Nachos? I like saying that... Nachos! Nachos, mine!" It's a pun!

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet interrupts with a wave of her hand at Nadia and her aide. "Wheatgrass and tropical fruit smoothie for us, and make a plate of nachos please? Thanks Jeremy," she says, and the fellow flashes smiles and withdraws unobtrusively.

"Anytime you two are staying here, you can call down to the help. The whole floor below me is my personal staff," Janet explains to them. "Jeremy's my butler, but we've got cleaners, stylists, dressers, folks to run errands, whatever yo uneed."

"Y'know Viv, Steve's been training me in hand-to-hand for a couple of years now. He's a really good coach," she suggests. "A lot of people who can out punch him still come to Steve for training, just because he's so good at it. Want me to ask if he can show you the ropes?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Moments after Nadia asks the question 'What is a smoothie' and her follow up of 'What's a nachos' Vivian has created photo-realistic holographic images of both items. Which is a lot more helpful in the case of nachos than the smoothies but they do say a picture is worth a thousand words. "I will keep that in mind, although I very rarely have need for anyone to assist me with things. Living in the dorms at school has made me very self sufficient in that regard." Of course Viv also lacks most of the basic needs and wants a teenager might have, so taking care of herself is hardly a chore.

"By Steve I would presume you mean Captain America?" she wonders aloud. "I can't think of any objections, I would certainly be less concerned with accidentally causing injury. And I doubt my appearance would cause him any alarm."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia watches Jeremy retreat still not quite sure what either a smoothie or a nachos are, but apparently she will find out! Which makes her smile in anticipation. When Vivian creates the smoothie and nachos images, she makes an 'oooooh' face. "Yeah, I definitely to try those!"

She still seems to be processing the whole staff at beck and call thing; they don't have maid service in Soviet Gulags.

Nadia continues listening for a little bit longer while Janet explains her idea for Vivian to train with 'Steve' before raising her hand a bit hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt, "Maybe I could help, too?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I think that's a great idea," Janet assures Nadia, and nods emphatically at Viv. "I'll talk to Steve about it though," she promises Viv. "He's a good coach. But you two should work and train togehter a bit. I'm sure Nadia's curious about how you're put together, Viv," she points out. "And Nadia, Viv can probably help you integrate with some culture things you've been struggling with. If the Titans won't let you work out, you can always swing by the Mansion. I'll set up guest passes for you both."

It's around then that Jeremy emerges from the kitchen and sets a platter of home-made nachos and two smoothies out for the girls. "But, we can worry about that -after- we eat," Janet says with a conspiratorial grin, and shows Nadia how to attack a pile of cheesy tortilla chips!