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Latest revision as of 22:40, 3 August 2020

Footprints in Blood
Date of Scene: 01 August 2020
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: After the Genosha fight, Victor heals and chat with Domino.
Cast of Characters: Victor Creed, Neena Thurman

Victor Creed has posed:
The fight with the acolytes was bloody, particularly for a few of the participants. No doubt Domino hasn't a single scratch on her, but Creed pulled a huge amount of attention... and tanked it with his face.

While Domino went roving off as a 'cleaner' of stray Acolytes, Victor was present in the main fortress-like area where the attack had happened. But the next time she turns around he's gone.

He's not hard to locate, he had blood all over him and isn't masking his trail. He went out the back, and then down and out to part of the shoreline. He found a grassy patch under a partially broken tree to sit in, letting his healing factor catch up to everything. It had kept him up and functional, but had taken a beating. The worst of it being the pyromaniac that roasted most of his flesh. Things are repairing, though, and the instinct to retreat to a safer spot with a good view around, while partially concealed, was too strong to ignore. Victor Creed doesn't often ignore such instincts.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino isn't usually so lucky as to escape a pitched battle without a scratch, but, well.. it wasn't as if she didn't have help. Easy to keep her white it's whitest when one has other 'natural born killers' in the group.

Domino certainly doesn't believe that the number of acolytes were only counted in the palace; not by a long shot. She'd gone out, made examples of a few, short of hanging heads on a pike. Instead, there's a message being delivered that Domino is back in the area. She's left her little calling card, and it's going to get traction, and quickly.

Once she starts her return back to the palace, Domino is searching the place for... huh...

No sign of the guy.

Doesn't take a genius, though, to know the guy was hurt, and there are trails out and surrounding the place. It's a likelier path than most, one that leads away, and it's that one that she follows after a couple of false starts.

As she heads to the shore, she slows when she catches sight of the bloodied mutant. "Shit, Creed," she whispers. Her approach is shifted so at least her scent is caught in the breeze, but she's not stupid. He's hurt and she's going to keep a proper distance until such time...

"You need a lookout." It's a statement and an offer.

Victor Creed has posed:
From the improved senses, Victor's in a lot of physical pain. And that pain tends to fire him up into nasty, vicious moods. He can get steadily worse during a combat, as he's stimulated by the pain into a place that is more angry and more feral. He's no Hulk, but to some extent, he functions on a similar primal level when it comes to pain.

"A lookout to warn people to keep the hell away, or I'll claw their skin off," retorts Victor. He's seated, one knee up with forearm looped over it, skin red and ragged, but the healing is apprent. He has quite an incredible healing factor: it's just starting with priority things inside his torso and guts, over something like skin. So he looks worse than he is. His lone blonde hair flutters in the wind like wet, sticky bloody streamers as he observes her. His eyes are very pale yellow in the mask of blood. Most of which, on his face, may not even be his. He did much ripping of others, too.

"Because I'm still lethal," Victor adds, voice low, lifting wrist to rub it from jaw down across his mouth, leaving a slight smear there, from the saliva that often comes from the protruding fangs. He often gets that during the more feral episodes.

Neena Thurman has posed:
For her part, Dom smells like acrid gun residue, blood sweat, and adrenaline that comes with the thrill of putting herself in the middle of absolute destruction in order to push her luck into overdrive.

"I'm not gonna stop 'em if they got a deathwish," Domino chuckles. "It just sounds better as an excuse to sit here for a moment. I know you don't need watching over, but.. eh. I've gotten used to your mangy butt." She shrugs as she settles down on the ground, her legs pulled up a little, enough to wind her arms around them. "Yeah, you're still lethal, killer."

Victor Creed has posed:
"Don't patronize me," snarls Victor in response, growl automatic. He's irritable from his pain, it's not really personal. He stretches his back, fishing out a bullet that's popped free out of his shoulder, and flicks it at her. Just because she's there. He arches his back a little more, head up, and eyes her from that bloody mask.

Were he actually mad at her he'd have made a move already, but he's just a grumpy cat. Had he a tail it'd be lashing around. "Didn't 'spect Logan here," Creed comments, bringing out something else to be mad at. Or perhaps just to focus his anger in a direction that makes more sense than just being pissed off in a general way.

"There was a time 'fore, we fought /together/," Victor snorts, as if it were crazy, that memory.

"Lifetime ago, ha."

Neena Thurman has posed:
There is very little that Domino takes personally. It's the joy of distancing.. keeping most people and associates at an arm's length. It's the people she respects the most that can hurt her the most, so.. time to keep an amused outlook. But?

The claw boys hold a special little spot in her heart.

Brows rise as the silent response before she takes a pistol out and racks the slide out of boredom. She's checking the action, doing those little inspections that keeps them in top working condition. Some may find that intimidating.. oh well.

She looks back at the healing cat, and brows rise. "Man, to be a fly on that wall. Still, was kinda nice, not feelin' like i had to pull his claws outta you, and the other way around."

Victor Creed has posed:
"Well, don't get used to it. Not gonna be a habit or somethin'," Creed grumbles, still entirely grumpy. His eyes move to watch her work the action on her weapon and fiddle with it. Unalike those that might find it intimidating, Vic is the opposite of that. It's his world as well. He watches her do that a little, and then springs his claws out, to wipe them in the grass absently.

She's doing some minor weapon maitenance, and it coaxed him into doing the same sort of thing, without being aware or paying attention that he's following her lead a little bit there.

Neena Thurman has posed:
It's funny, how much one can realize how much home was missed when one is actually home after a time away. Domino recognizes the scents, the sounds, the colors of the island, and exhales as she checks her springs. It's idle work and it's not, both at the same time. It's her hobby and chosen career.. even if someone else initially chose it for her.

"Good," is stated in a far away tone, "Keeps you both on your toes." As if they needed an excuse? There's a touch of a smirk before she chuckles, the slide of her one pistol *clack*ing back into battery before she replaces her magazine. "The look on his face was priceless when he saw me."