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Latest revision as of 22:42, 3 August 2020

After Battle
Date of Scene: 01 August 2020
Location: Hammer Bay Refugee Camp
Synopsis: Logan checks in on Lorna after the fight against the Acolytes in Genosha
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Logan Howlett

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was sitting inside the prefabricated building that served as the X-men base and where she'd stay when she remained on the island. It was in the heart of the refugee camp, and lacked any kind of formality, or decore. It had some security measures, and a lot of metal folding furniture. There was a little kitchen stocked with MRE's and other shelf stable food for anyone that needed it. Not what someone would expect for a Queen of an nation to stay in.

The green haired woman sat on one of the many folding tables at a card table, a cup of water in front of her and her hands stiffly held against its sides. She slowly made to curl her fingers around it, hissing as her nerves prickled and ached as as a response.

The other X-men had taken up turns on security, and making sure the bottles in the fortress down the ragged road to where the Palace had been remained. Which meant the house was more or less empty save those that needed a rest. To say that the rest of the refugee camp was startled and confused was an understatement as well, Fabian had been a good adviser for all that he'd been ...a zealot. Now he was locked up and people weren't entirely sure what would happen going forward.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan had taken a long walk to cool off after the fight. Having stomach being within a square mile of Victor Creed wasn't his idea of a picnic. He's still wearing the Wolverine suit, and the refugees give him a wide berth based on demeanor and by reputation.

Stepping inside the prefab, he drags one of the metal folding chairs over to Lorna's table and plops himself down into it. The metal protests briefly under his weight. "How's your body holding up? Gettin' more feeling back?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna looked up as the door opened, and a faint smile pulled at the corners of her lips. "A bit. Still feels like when my foot falls asleep? But all over and it's getting less. I think in another hour it should be gone." She paused, "At least I hope. Glad it was only a paralyzing hit. I've... heard what Senyaka is capable of." She wrinkled her nose.

"My father will be especially ticked when he returns. His Acolytes betrayed him.. and the Brotherhood was loyal. Funny that.." She mused and a sigh escaped her. She'd missed a training session when she'd gone down to Atlantis a few days ago.. but it all seemed so silly when Genosha had nearly fallen apart from within.

With shaking hands, she reached up to sip at the water, her grip not particularly firm. Finally she set the plastic cup down and curled her hands in an experimental way again.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Wolverine pulls back his mask and runs his hands through his hair. He drapes an arm over the back of his chair and considers, "I wonder if doin' something to improve your blood circulation would help... and yea, haven't experienced some of that first hand, you ain't exaggerating how bad that guy can be."

Logan pursues his lips and nods, "Your father has a long list of reasons to be ticked. Hope you can think of a way to distract him from all that rage and vengeance he's bound to have stored up."

"Did.. you know that Sabretooth was positioning himself to help us.. or was that all Domino's doing?" He mutters.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow and she shrugged once. "I dunno, maybe? Like walking on her feet? I mean... I guess.." She murmured, and she made a faint hiss under her breath as she curled her hand again and bent her elbow slowly. "All pins and needles. Not much for it I guess." She let her arm slowly unclench to rest on the table top.

"Here's hoping that I get a chance to. Who knows, what will happen. A lot of diplomatic shit is going to depend on him not lashing out.." She muttered, and grimaced as her gaze swung back to Logan.

"I missed that sort of was stuck staring at the sky and listening to gun shots and screams and everything else going around. I'd take a freaking hit to the head next time. It's hellish to not be able to move when things are going on around you."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan winces and nods, "Yea... I hate bein' restrained myself. Can't remember the last time I felt paralyzed though. Usually takes something with a lot of 'umph' to pull that off."

"Well, if you want, I could try massagin' your hands and legs. Thought about just doin' it, but I -guess- I feel a little sheepish about kidnappin' you before to make sure you got some sleep." He snorts, "Minus your tingles, I think its smooth-sailin' until you confront your father. If you know somethin' particularly nostalgic for the guy, might want to have it waitin' for him. Like.. his favorite slippers or something."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna offered Logan a sympathetic look as he mentioned hating being restrained. It sucked, and whatever it took to restrain Logan must have been something fairly serious. As he offered to massage her hands she seemed to consider it. "Thanks for asking this time, I mean.. sleep was good, but maybe don't kidnap me next time via a fireman's carry over your shoulder." She smiled as she spoke, but it didn't wholly light up her features either. Her muscles in her face were still working on getting back to fully functional it seemed.

But bit by bit she was improving. It wasn't likely to leave any long term damage at least.

"Here's hoping there's no other attacks between now and then. Granted, I think we're safe from attacks by ships for now." The treaty had been signed and sealed between Atlantis and Genosha.. and well.. more. Including a little case of clothes in the corner of the room. Which likely stank to Logan's nose of Atlantean and sea salt.

"I just never thought I'd have to deal with attacks from within.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles lowly, "I'm work on bein' a little more subtle, but no promises."

He sniffs and gazes toward the case in the corner. He grimaces and fights back a sneeze. "Gah, like salt and motor oil. Glad that worked out for you. Allies help you win and prevent wars, and that's some serious backup. The ole US of A will have to think twice before they anything -obvious-."

He tilts his head to the side, "Lorna, don't want to make you paranoid, but I think your biggest threats are from within. Between loose cannons like Sabretooth and all the dangerous people out there that understand covert ops and espionage, its all gonna try to sneak in under the radar. Not sure what idiot would try a frontal assault at this point."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled but as Logan turned his gaze toward the little chest, blinked surprised. "Really? Huh. Bobby and Julio were down in Atlantis actually when I was.. Separate reasons. They apparently were helping along with Doug to translate things." She hmm'ed, "The salt I get.. motor oil though?" She wanted to tilt her head but ended up leaning her whole frame instead. A grimace followed.

"We were attacked from outside, we've been attacked by pirates, hydra.." She exhaled a breath, "It's why I thought getting an alliance with Atlantis was worth it. And yeah.. some people don't like me being Queen here.. and a lot of them wanted me to step down.. but they didn't act. Today was.." She looked down at the little plastic cup filled with water.

"Either way it won't be my problem soon. My father can deal with all the opposing people."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"You might want to wait for your eggs to hatch before you count your chickens, Lorna." That turn of phrase makes Logan sound particularly old. "You said yourself you aren't certain how Magneto is going to react to all of this, and even if goes immediately back into assertin' his authority, do you think you'll just be off the hook?"

He frowns, "Do uh... The X-men need to be on standby for your evac? In case he insists you stick around and train as his heir?"

He waves a hand, "For your sake, I hope its as clean of an escape as you hope it'll be."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shot Logan a look, "I know, but I can hope, can't I?" She made to slowly sip at her water again, her hands slightly less shaky than before. But it still was hard and the look of effort it took was more than it should. "I hope my father will be reasonable.. I know there's a good chance he won't be." Slowly lowered the cup back to the table again.

"My father has never forced me to stay here on Genosha Logan, I doubt he'd try to do that. He's .. he let Wanda and Pietro go when they wanted to leave him and the Brotherhood. He might be a problem for most people.. but he's still our father."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"That's really frickin' hard to believe, but I guess you know your father better than anyone. Maybe short of Chuck. Both of you hint a somethin' good in the man, but beyond scrappin' sentinels, I can't say I've ever seen." He crosses his arms and grumbles sorely then kicks his legs up on the table.

"Don't... remember my own father, or really my childhood for that matter. So maybe, I'm just missing a frame of reference." He sighs, "Probably why I struggle figurin' out how to act around Laura and Gabby. I just.. can't relate."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna leaned back against the folding chair she sat in, her hands resting on her lap as she considered Logan's words. "He kept away from me my whole childhood because he knew that it wasn't safe to try to raise me. Granted much of that was his fault.. due to his actions.. but.." She paused, and seemed to consider her words. "He'd lost everyone before in his family. And having gone through a small portion of that.. with the Genoshan genocide I get it a little more. But I don't think my father would ever try to lock me up either, Logan. It's hard to keep an heir around if they don't want to be there." She glanced back up at him as he plopped his feet up on the card table. The whole thing wobbling as a result.

"I don't remember my mother. But I know vaguely what mothers are supposed to be. Caring. Calm. Patient. Just being there for them matters Logan. It matters a great deal. Because like it or not, your experiences are the closest frame of reference to the world they have. How you relate to the wider world isn't so distant to them."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Those poor kids. No-one should have to rely on me for perspective or wisdom." He sighs then mutters, "should have brought a cigar with me. Nothing like a smoke after you squish a ninja."

"Well, I guess we can sit and speculate on it, but there's no changing the future now. Magneto is going to do what he's goin' to do, and the rest of us can just hope its reasonable... and react if its not."

"Changin' the subject, I ran into an old friend recently. Very old friend. Someone I use to punch Nazis with. She works in SHIELD, so.. if you need in roads there and Carol Danvers isn't around. Let me know. I might be able to pull some strings that I didn't know existed a week ago." He grins a bit.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow in Logan's direction at his comments regarding himself. "Laura and Gabby will benefit from having anyone around. And besides, it's not just you against the world with them. You have all of us and the Professor. So I mean.. you've got a fall back group." She halfway teased. But she nodded in regards to Magneto, there was little to be done now. Now it was only a matter of time before they'd have Genosha restored.. and with it her father.

"Oh? How many people from the Nazi punching era are still around these days? It seems like I run into them all the time. Greatest Generation and all that apparently means a ton of long lived people too." She joked, smiling again.

"If you think it will help any to chat with someone from a spy agency.. sure.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He rolls his eyes, "Eh good point. Can't tell you how relieved I am that they moved into the school. Rather have folks around like Hank and Ororo to give them a nice stable rudder. Though I'll make sure to let them know I care."

"Well, Captain America is still around.. of course. In fact, this old friend used to be a handler for the Howling Commandos. That's the unit I fought with Cap in." He shakes his head, "This one ain't a normal spy, Lorna. She actually cares. Yea, she used us to achieve her objective, but she shed a tear over every lost soldier, and she made sure every lost life counted. I don't trust Nick Fury, period... but this woman, I trust with my life."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's smile warmed slightly, "Ororo and Hank are definitely good rudders to use. Kurt too. He's very patient. There's no one that's really a worry when it comes to the Mansion and Gabby and Laura. And I think them having a safe place will be good." She wasn't sure all that Laura and Gabby had gone through, barely had an inkling of it, but Logan had dropped hints and Laura was more than a little deadpan about things. So she'd pieced bits together.

"Captain America is still around, you, and lets not forget how old my father is." She added, but at Logan's insistence that this woman was a good person she slowly, inclined her head. It was caused another burst of prickles down her spine, but it didn't hurt at least.

"I'll give her a shot, if she wants to talk to me. I mean.. I dunno, I guess I should thank her for being part of the allies efforts. Pretty sure I wouldn't exist otherwise."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"We'll go down that road if it comes to it. If I know her, she's got some reasonable pull. She was always good at makin' puppets out of arrogant commanding officers. Hopefully, we don't need to leverage her help anytime soon... and just maybe she'll throw me a bone every now and then when she sees things headin' back toward genocide. We fought to prevent it once. I know she'll back us up if it comes to it again." He nods firmly.

"Ah, yea.. Should never forget about Elf.. but I'd be surprised if Laura gave him time of day. I mean.. his lessons are really left field for her. She needs something in the middle, somethin' relateable. Eh.. that's probably where I can be the most help. Cause, bein' turned into a weapon IS something I can actually relate to." He reaches over and pokes the back of her hand. "Nerves back to normal yet?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
A soft exhale of a breath followed Logan's commentary that it would be something worth saving for later and she nodded again, this time a little less strain in the motion. The comment about Kurt being too far left field earned a snort of laughter from the green haired woman. "Maybe, but it might also be the shake up she needs too. And Kurt is patient at least." As he leaned over to poke the back of her hand, she rolled her eyes. "I can feel just fine Logan. It's mostly moving them that's the issue.." She paused, "But it is getting better. Thanks.."