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The Flying Grayson goes Up Up and Away
Date of Scene: 30 July 2020
Location: Nazca Geoglyphs, Atacama Desert, Earth
Synopsis: Dick Grayson takes flight, like a fish to water. Kara admits she knows his secret identity.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Dick Grayson

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl lands at the appointed location in Gotham city to meet with the most eligible bachelor of the year. His father bought him a flight with Supergirl and that's what she's going to give him. Even if it is a bit weird that she already knows him from the Titans. Well, they haven't had that discussion yet, so she has decided.. who cares about New York? she'll take him somewhere far more scenic and private.

"Dick Grayson," she says and offers her hand to him, noting the assortment of paparazzi who has gathered presumably just following him around anyway. It's not ever day you see Supergirl in Gotham City after all. "Are you ready for your flight?" There is an excitedly raised eyebrow appended to the question as she holds out her hand to the man. Kara has her confident face on as she usually does in the public eye.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick had shown up for the appointment, knowing who Supergirl is, though not Kara, nor was he aware that she knew who he was. Donna and Caitlin definitely did not help, though. He had worn clothing suitable for the flight, in this case a jumpsuit, and goggles, allowing for ample movement, but protection against bugs and whatnot. Because have fun with it.

The eldest Wayne kid waves to the gathered paparazzi and then turns to Kara, "Indeed, I am, definitely should be fun to finally fly, and not in a plane." In that his joy is genuine. "Thank you again for doing this!" He grins, lowers his goggles and takes Supergirl's hand. "Should be fun." Dick is at home in the public eye, having been forced to learn so as a kid with the Flying Graysons.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara takes his hand. She has been practicing the whole 'holding someones hand not too tight' thing for almost a year now and it's been getting mixed reviews. Still, she's much better at it than she was. She steps up to his side and wraps her other arm about his waste. With a small little smirk she looks to the journalists and says, "Up up and away."

The flight straight up is a rapid ascent, but not with too many G-forces. She's carried people in flight plenty of times rescuing them now to know just how much a regular person can take. Though, this is Nightwing she has in her arms, she is pretty sure he could take a lot more.

"I was thinking, I could take you some place truly breath taking, rather than just fly around New York. It's a bit of a trip, if you're up for it Dick." She hangs in the air holding him by the mid section, her cape fluttering behind her and a bright smile on her face. Today is a beautiful blue sky day, perfect for this kind of activity.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick gives a nod when he is ready, though definitely a little surprised when his waist is grabbed, though it makes sense when he thinks on it. He was not ready for the sudden jump. The goggles help, and he is able to breath well enough. Dick eventually gets comfortable and is thoroughly enjoying flying, making a note to learn how to fly an open cockpit plane.

When Kara asks, Dick manages to give a nod and a thumbsup, not entirely certain if he should talk. Knowing his luck, he'd catch a bug in mouth, but may as well try, turning to face Supergirl to avoid the aforementioned bugs, "Sounds good! Where to?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's eyes light up with delight at his consent, "Chile." She flies up even higher, the air gets a bit chillier up here, but Dick made an excellent choice with the jumpsuit. She accelerates slowly, even though she is more used to darting off at supersonic speeds.

Flying by the bird to Chile from Metropolis by way of Kryptonian would be faster if she knew he could handle higher speeds, but she is careful, not just because this is a person, but also because he's one of her Titan colleagues. She really cannot wait to discuss that with him.

Soon they are crossing the Andes and before them a sprawling desert of dirt. The Atacama Desert. Not much longer after that, Supergirl flies them both to the Nazca lines, the geoglyphs left by ancient humans long ago, their meaning all but lost. She holds position in the air above them. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick blinks behind the goggles, "Sounds good, didn't bring my passport, but I doubt they'll stop this," he snorts and flashes a grin. They are going faster than he expected, but fortunately he can handle it for now. This is definitely a good day.

It definitely went faster than he expected, but at least he is in good enough shape and lucky enough to make it all right. When he sees the Andes from that angle he is surprised, and then when he sees the Nazca lines he says, "Really? Here? Nice." Dick absorbs the world around him, "Indeed. Definitely did not know I had this on my bucket list, but I apparently did. Thanks, Supergirl!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara has a wide happy smile on her face too. They glide slowly over the desert and toward the hummingbird of Nazca, carved in to the ground by someone who could either fly or picture it in their mind. She likes to imagine it's the latter. Other 'runway' like structures are nearby. Slowly she lowers them down to the ground and when feet touch ground, she lets go of his waist and hand. "Welcome to Chile, Dick. There's something I need to talk to you about though."

Her eyes scan over his face searchingly, trying to guess if he already knows what she wants to talk about. It helps that Bruce told her he has a little bit of a crush on her, that helps when talking about difficult things, it breaks the ice.

"You know what they say about Kryptonians right? it's hard to keep a secret from us. We hear well, we see really well.. we see through things." She turns away from him, cape fluttering in the light breeze. She folds her arms and ponders how best to broach this subject without just blurting it out.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick takes in the view as they progress to the ground. While he enjoyed the flight, feeling the ground beneath his feet again felt comfortable, even if it takes a couple of steps to regain proper footing. "Gracias," he responds, though Dick raises a brow when Supergirl mentions needing to talk about something and then explains what is going on he says, "Oh? Well, now I am curious?" He relaxes his posture, not entirely certain what her observation is, but Dick is guessing it is going to be interesting regardless, as he raises his goggles up.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Just rip the bandaid off, that's the human term isn't it? Yeah, she's fairly sure it is. She turns back around and smiles slyly to him, "Oh. Just, you know. I've just never seen you like this. Or at that fund raiser the other night. It's very strange, seeing this other side of you. And the name too." She motions up and down over him with a hand, "Nightwing."

"But then I suddenly realised, I have no idea who knows, or if you knew that I now know.. I always knew what you looked like beneath that mask but you were Nightwing, are Nightwing, always Nightwing. Dick Grayson, well, that's somebody I barely know at all."

The look of enthusiasm on her face suggests she's excited to talk about this, though within she is wary she's crossing a line she shouldn't be crossing. Perhaps she should have just kept on pretending she didn't know. "If I hadn't visited Tony and met Pepper and offered to auction this flight at the fund raiser, I still wouldn't know you had another identity."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Oh," Dick says and nods, figuring he is capable of lying, but Supergirl was his way home and also could probably see right through it. He sighs, "Well, you got me, there." A smirk, "I probably should have guessed, and I wager Donna and Caitlin probably did not help my cause much, there?" Dick chuckles, "Not many in the Titans know, as it's one of my few actual protections, but I trust you. Also I hope that me, as Dick, was not a huge disappointment?"

Dick shrugs, "It was probably bound to happen at some point, though. A few on the Titans know mostly from the amount of time we've worked together and probably some youthful errors on my end. Though I hope you at least had fun at the fundraiser?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
There's a small shrug and she gathers the corners of her cape up in her hands, fiddling with them. "Ah, well, to be perfectly honest I'm not sure what to think of this other version of you. The Nightwing I know is a determined fighter who wears tight fitting blue. It was like you were undercover in a tux."

"And is it true," she says glancing side long at him as she turns away, "That you have a thing for Supergirl? or was that just your father trying to set his son up with the girl of steel? Oh gosh.. your father doesn't know does he? that can't be a good look for a billionaire's son to be a vigilante superhero."

She turns back around and folds her arms over the \S/ on her chest. "Thank you for your trust Dick, I will not betray it to anyone. Not even my cousin. And I did have fun, it was a bit confronting. Not really my sort of scene, but if it helps people then why not? ...and you, being a disappointment? uhm, impossible."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Each are a part of me, two sides of the same coin," Dick says, "The tux and the blue suit each have their purposes. Each provide protection and allow me to do my job, both as a socialite and as a crime fighter, and fitted for each job." He gestures to the jumpsuit, "Also this, namely to protect against the wind and g-forces."

Dick then flashes a grin at the second question, "I would be a horrible liar if I said you weren't pretty," a beat, "My father is not aware fully of what I do." The latter causes him to do what he can to hide with a lie, "But I do the best I can." Dick lets his posture relax again, "But thank you, I trust you on that, though I would not be surprised if your cousin found out on his own. I am not exactly well equipped to stop a Kryptonian on that." He chuckles at not being a disappointment, "Always good to hear that, though."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Thu-thump Thu-thump Thu-thuthump.. a lie, but like most lies from people she trusts she assumes it is to protect his father. He is a very well known billionaire after all and some secrets aren't yours to share. Kara does not judge, she has been learning all about secrets since she woke up on this planet. People lied on Krypton, but not as casually as humans do.

"So. We work together, which is great." She lifts up a finger, "But I was thinking. Since you are an acrobat and I can fly, what if we experimented with actual aerial tricks we could use in combat? Say - how fast can you be moved, how fast can I throw you, or fly you from a dead stop? It's not like we can really practice that in the danger room, it's not big enough."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick listens and crosses his arms and thinks, "Definitely." He raises a finger himself, "Firstly, that would be fun." A second finger, "Secondly, it would be useful." And a third, "iT would be fun. All I ask is that if I do get thrown, that you catch me as I will do very poorly if I run into a wall." He laughs and grins, lowering his goggles back over his eyes.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara laughs awkwardly, possibly one of the rare times he's seen her being so reserved. "Yes, and I'll catch you. I'm very fast." She winks at him and then steps back to him without hesitation. He is her team mate after all. Arm about him, she lifts her free hand up above her and they rise rapidly in to the crystal clear blue skies above.

With momentum at its peak she says, "Ready?" but doesn't really wait for him to respond, letting go of him to let him free sail higher in to the sky and show off his acrobatics. As he starts to fall back down she moves across and catches him with a twirl about the waist again.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick gives a thumbsup as he is picked up again and rises into the air, but not before he can take a breath. Nightwing has not been actively thrown by an ally before, so it is going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

The former acrobat would give the green light, but instead he flies through the air, far faster than he did in the circus, or even in the field, the adrenaline rushing through him and letting out a "Woohoo!" Though the nearly sudden stop catches him unawares, though the spin stops him from getting whiplash, "OK, that was fun, 10/10 would recommend!" Dick can be an adrenaline junkie at times, go figure!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara chuckles and smirks, "Yes, but you've barely experienced the feeling of flight yet." She begins to fly with him again in a slight upward incline and at its peak, she once again lets him go, though this time she flies along at his side, her fingers spread out ahead of her and her hair whipping about as wildly as her cape in the breeze. She has a peaceful look upon her face. This is how she escapes the maelstrom of modern life. This is her happy place.

She turns over in the air and flies on her back, staring up at the beautiful sun that feels her with warmth and energy. "This.. is my Earth, all the little cities and people below, space above. The big yellow sun, the pretty white clouds. I wish I could share it with everyone, but I am glad that at least I get to see it, to feel it." She reaches out her hand, finger tips extended to touch his if he feels the need for some stability as he flies through the air on a parabola.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I am not going to object," Dick says with a wide grin as they ascend. He was not quite sure what the plan was until she lets go and he gets a brief moment of Hans Gruber face when he begins dropping, though he resumes his excitement in the freefall, putting his old skills to the test as he rotates in the air to go face-down towards the ground. His adrenaline driving him forward, reaching out for stability, though, at a certain point when lizard brain kicks in telling him that the ground will hurt, though the flight itself has him on cloud nine.

"That was amazing!" Dick laughs, "Well, I am glad you share it with me. It was definitely unexpected, but whew," he exhales, "It is definitely a treat. Definitely a little jealous of this." Dick gestures to the air around them.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara can hear from the rate of his heart that perhaps there is a limit to how much fun she can share with him at the moment. She catches him and then circles back to the ground to burn off the momentum for him. Her red boots touch ground once more and she places her hands to her hips and laughs.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. We can do it again some time if you like. Though, I suppose the press would have a field day if I didn't return you. It's still a bit of a flight home, though we can probably go faster this time, now that you know I know and I know you can handle it."

She lifts an eyebrow, "If that's okay with you Nightwing." She rolls on her heels and then grins. She holds out her hand once more for him to join her. "Will you tell your dad about what we did?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick's heart is racing, but eventually it calms a bit as things slow down when they land. "Best day in a long time," he still has his grin plastered on his face. "And I would definitely want to do this again. Just say when and I can make time for it," Dick exhales, still recovering a little, but his breathing returns to normal, chuckling as Dick was definitely telling the truth with his excitement.

To answer Kara's question, he says "He probably knew we didn't fly immediately around New York, but that's about it." Dick nods, "Besides, he does not need to know about our training."

Dick takes Supergirl's hand, "Fast is fine, bring it! Yeah, the press will talk, but that is what they do. They'll have opinions about us leaving New York air space, but eh." That grin is back.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara laughs as he says 'bring it!'.. that's a challenge she's more than happy to oblige. With her arm about his waist again there is a ~~boom~~ and the dirt on the ground spreads out beneath them as they shoot in to the sky. It's only a little over 2G's and only for the briefest of moments, though the air is a real barrier to speed when carrying human cargo.

She thrusts her free hand forward and barrel rolls with him in her hold and lets out a "WhooooHOOO!," biting her bottom lip and eyebrows raised high she turns toward the east coast and across the Andes once more, heading back to the USA.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick has yet to get used to takeoff. But soon he gets that rush again, like he used to doing trapeze tricks as a kid, just on a bigger scale. It may not be much for Supergirl, but dang if it does surprise Dick. Lets out a "WOOooooo!" as they go through the air towards New York, the jump suit and goggles keeping him safe, "Hope you're having as much fun as I am!" He calls out loudly to make sure she can hear.

After the barrel roll, Dick is mentally checking things off of his expanding bucket list. "Bring it on, they are expecting a show when we get back!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara tilts her head thoughtfully, "Tricks. Hm!" She slows down, then flings him forward, dashes ahead and offers a hand to arc him back up again, then dashes forward once more to do it a second time, before the third time when she grabs him about the waist and continues on toward Metropolis, "You mean like that?" She has a cheeky grin on her face now. That is not something she's never done before either, it has simply never crossed her mind before.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick laughs as he flies on his own after being thrown, arcing his arms back to reduce drag and thoroughly enjoying it, and again, and again. At the end of the third one, he looks up, "You are up to something," he grins, "And that indeed was fun." Also useful in the field for delivering a surprise Nightwing from across the room. "I hope you are enjoying this?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I am Nightwing. I am enjoying this a lot." She smiles as they get closer to Metropolis. "I have an idea for your return. See down there?," she points to the tiny little people with cameras. Perhaps it is too far for him to make out the details though. "I will sling you toward then, swoop down and catch your arm and you can do a flip landing?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Excellent," Dick grins back, "Well, that is clever and something that I am all for." He flips a thumbs up, after looking down, "Let gravity do its work, then flip at the end with you preventing me from becoming paste? Easy peasy, let's do this!" Dick chuckles and readies himself for the trick. Back to his roots.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Yes, definitely not paste. That part I'm not on board with." She winks and then flies them lower to get their attention, 'buzzing' them down the street, then back up in to the sky, building up some speed and yeeting the acrobatic prodigee toward the line of paparazzi. She does a looop and then flies down to intercept and take not just his hand, but also his arm for him to flip off of and turn his gravity momentum in to the angular moment of a flip. She spins around and lands on the ground, folding her arms and smiling as the cameras start to flash wildly at the stunt.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Sounds great, and yeah, we should definitely do this again!" Dick grins and leaps as he is tossed towards the paparazzi, doing combinations of flips and twists bending the momentum to his will. He may not be a superhero, but he is well trained. As Dick gets closer to the ground he gives his knees just enough flex to avoid breaking his legs and sticks the landing, offering a high five to Supergirl, along with the widest grin of the day, Nightwing is just pure happiness at this point.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara pats Dick on the back fondly, though perhaps just a little too hard. "I need to be going. The reporters await you .. Dick Grayson." She chuckles and shakes her head as she continues to work on reconciling this revelation. She gives a small wave to the reporters and then launchers back up in to the sky and disappears.

Over T-comms she says, "Supergirl, back online."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick "oofs" at the pat, but grins, showing not much is wrong. "I understand, thanks Supergirl, for everthing!" Her use of his real name gets a nod of understanding, as he watches her depart, though soon ganged by the paparazzi, answering questions for a little bit before getting into his own ride back home, his shift would start soon enough.