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SHIELD Staff Eval: Cecily Winters
Date of Scene: 29 July 2020
Location: Security: Triskelion
Synopsis: Agents May and Wilson perform a verbal evaluation on Trainee Winters
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Melinda May, Cecily Winters

Sam Wilson has posed:
It has been yet another long day, the entire afternoon dedicated to dealing with the parade of SHIELD agents coming and going from the secure evaluation room to be questioned, tested, and considered by the unquestioned Queen of the Poker Face, Melinda May, and her indefatigable sidekick, Sam Wilson. The latter of whom is looking, let's be honest, pretty freaking fatigable as the time rolls around for the day's final evaluation candidate to appear. Sam's seat, just to May's left as you enter the room, is covered in neat stacks of evaluation sheets, an open notepad, several printed forms and a tablet computer.

"Just one more, then we're done for the day," he tells May, the last sad salvo in an ongoing barrage of attempts to get the high-level operative to engage in smalltalk or banter. Without waiting for her response, he taps the button that unlocks the entrance and buzzes the receptionist to guide the next candidate into the room, where she'll find a simple desk-sized table with an office chair waiting for her.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Sam, inhaling a slow breath that is the only indication that, really, she, too, is ready for the day to be over. Hunting down JLA metahumans or facing down a horde of icy skeletons is often preferable to the tediousness that evaluations tend to be. Certainly, they're preferable to *small talk*.

She purses her lips slightly and draws out a new evaluation form, glancing to the tablet she has kept by her side throughout most of the day. It's a helpful piece of technology, really. And far more efficient than the damned paper.

"Who have we got?" she asks Sam, now.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    For her part, Cecily is not a fan of paperwork and bureaucracy either. But she has an appointment, and she shows up on time. The fox-tailed woman is impossible to mistake or miss, and she's clad in her usual professional garb. Skirt, vest, hose, smart shoes.

    The door opens and she enters, closing it behind her and making her way to the table. She stands straight and nods to both Sam and Melinda. "Trainee Cecily Winters," she says gently by way of introduction, noting at least one familiar face though she waits for instructions to sit.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Wilson flicks a finger across the screen of his own tablet to send the basic dossier over to May's as Winters enters. He starts to answer, only getting as far as "Trainee Ce--" before the trainee provides the answer for him. It takes him a second of staring to fully absorb the presence of canine ears and multiple fox tails on the subject, then he blinks twice, picks up a sharpie, and makes a long, slow mark of some kind on the form. May, at least, will recognize the area he's marking as belonging to the Fieldwork / Disguise section of the eval.

That done, he'll wave a hand toward the available chair and say, "Please, take a seat. You're angling for a position in Ops, correct?"

Melinda May has posed:
Yeah. Winters isn't going to win any prizes in undercover work anytime soon. Not unless it's in Mutant Town. And right now? There is no Mutant Town. So... That's that.

However, May doesn't rule out the trainee's chances of being in the field. She's had her on the mats in the training center enough to know what the kid's reflexes are like. There's potential there, and she'll not rule anything out just yet.

As Sam asks his question, however, May is content to lean back and fix Cecily with her patented dragon-eye stare, arms crossing slowly over her chest.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    First there's a nod, and then Cecily takes a seat. Her tails artfully curl across her lap and she folds her hands over them, crossing her legs. "Ops?" she asks, lips pursed. "I was under the impression there was a small military arm, actually..." she nods politely.

    "I'm afraid I'm unaware of what sets Ops apart, however, though I'm certainly not quite in line for R&D or PR, for instance," she explains, giving a gentle smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam makes another quick mark on the form. "Got it. I was... just testing you," he says, flashing a quick smile, in case the dumb old joke isn't enough to make it clear he's kidding. "Just unusual for someone to make the jump from civilian police to SHIELD military. Most recruits there already have some military experience." He gives a small shrug and elaborates, "Not that it's unheard of to take another route. And I'm Air Force, but went into Ops."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Sam's words, continuing to watch Cecily silently. Presenty, however, she leans forward. "What makes you think you're good enough for military?" she asks her bluntly. "What's your goal, trainee?"

Partly, she's just curious. Partly, she wants to see how she responds.

And partly, she'd hate for the interview to be all good cop and no bad. How boring!

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's brow lifts, and one of her ears seems to match the gesture. The tips of her tails twitch and she considers, and offers a light shrug. "It is less the sort of attempting to play at something, but I did not join SHIELD for espionage work or intelligence efforts..." She sits up and exhales a quiet sigh.

    "I have combat experience, I'm reliable on the battlefield, and I haven't been with the NYPD for two years. My career as a security consultant has put me on the front line of ... more violent encounters than I care to admit," she breathes out a sigh. "What wouuld be my responsibilities in Ops? I know this is an intelligence organization, but things do escalate from time to time."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam sits back in his chair, lips shifting to one side as he mulls over Cecily's answer. He doesn't seem satisfied, and sits forward again to speak. "This isn't career counseling, Ms. Winters. We're not here to advise you on your choice of career tracks, we want to see your progress on the one you're on." He glances over at May, their good cop/bad cop routine clicking into place as it has in many of these evaluations. "I think what Agent May is looking for is the conviction that military is the right track for you," he suggests, looking back at Cecily expectantly.

Melinda May has posed:
Yes. That is exactly what May is looking for. She wants to see that Cecily is committed one way or the other. It's not a bad thing, mind, that the trainee is willing to ask questions about the other branches, but 'military' is not what May would have pegged the kitsune as right off the bat.

Frankly, knowing what she does of Asian mythology... a kitsune in the military is the *last* thing she'd expect. But, then, it's possible Cecily isn't as kitsune as she looks.

The senior agent leans back again, evaluating the younger woman with a considered expression. Presently, she picks up the tablet and makes a couple of quick notes with a stylus. Sam might note the question mark, but it's not an obvious enough gesture to carry further than that.

"Every agent, regardless of division, needs to be reliable on the battlefield," she notes dryly. "I'll grant you it's more important for military and ops than it is for PR, but if we can't rely on you, we don't need you. What's the draw to the violence, Winters? Are you an adrenaline junky?" Hell, she wouldn't be the first agent to fit that profile. Both the senior agents in front of her are pilots, after all. There's something to be said for an adrenaline rush in their line of work.

That doesn't mean she's looking for a pat answer, however.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily steeples her fingers on her lap. She leans back again, considering the questions. The fox nods slowly, listening, considering. "Well then, if you're looking for full answers, I'll give them. I was trying to avoid being too wordy if possible. I know you've had quite a few evaluations to run today."

    She shakes her head at Melinda, "It's not adrenaline. Nor is it a thirst for blood. I'm a protector. I have been a bodyguard and security consultant for the last two years. My job and my intentions revolve around keeping people safe. I am more physically durable than traditionally unpowered soldiers, and I am able to recover from injuries that would see others dead or permanently disabled."

    A glance to the two present and she upturns her hands, "...I have always been in the business of protection, and while I'm not looking to throw away my life, I'm in a position that can help see that others don't. And while I still need work when it comes to hand-to-hand combat..." she nods to Melinda directly. "...my skill in operating a wide variety of munitions is a help as well." The senior agents might find her up-to-date permits indicating what she's capable of in the firearms department.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam nods. "Please do be as complete with your answers as possible," he says, making a few quick notes on his sheet. "Having lots of evaluations to do isn't an excuse for us not to be thorough in yours." Flipping over one of his sheets, he glances at May and then offers a follow-up to her previous question, "You put an emphasis on protection, Ms Winters. Who do you see yourself protecting, in the SHIELD military division? Give as many answers as you want, but try to give me some sense of how they line up with each other. Who will you be protecting most often? Who will you be protecting as your first priority?" He then sits back and waits to hear what May's next inquiry will be.

Melinda May has posed:
"You do," May concurs as to Cecily's hand-to-hand skills. Oh, her skill with firearms is not in doubt. May's seen her scores. But, yes. She's also seen her hand-to-hand and knows what work needs to be done there. That said... she has already offered to help the trainee in that department. So, she simply makes a couple of notes on the tablet before her, verifying information that's already there, and adding a couple of words to jog her memory about things she wants to add to her assessment when a full write-up is completed.

She glances to Sam when he asks his questions, head canting ever so slightly to one side, chin tilting up. Apparently, she's curious as to the answers, too. "What about when you're not asked to protect something?" she asks. "What about those times you're asked to destroy something, to attack." She fixes Cecily with a blunt look. "What if you don't know the reasons why and what if you don't agree?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "One would assume protecting our personnel, our assets, and I would hope, as a first priority, civilians," Cecily says, making a point of emphasizing civilians. "My duty as a police officer was to serve the people. My duty as a bodyguard is to serve my clients, and my clients are generally in the business of serving the public trust. It is my understanding that SHIELD has the best interests of innocent people and their protection in mind, yes?"

    Her eyes drift back over to Melinda at her questions, and she purses her lips. "I can destroy. I can kill. I have done both and I am not shy about needing to do either for my job. If I don't know the reasons behind such an order, I will assume that those above me have good reasons for doing so."

    Then her ears tilt forward and so does her head, looking over the edge of her glasses, "As far as disagreements... I cannot promise I will act outside of my conscience. While I doubt I will be ordered to bring ruin upon innocents, should that request come you may assume that I will defy it with every ounce of my being."

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Nuremberg rules are in effect," Sam says as lightly as he can. It's a weighty topic. "We're not expecting you to betray your conscience just to follow orders. Just that you can follow them quickly and effectively under pressure. We ask unusual questions like those in these evaluations to see how you respond to them."

The ghost of a smile crosses his face, and he taps his copy of the eval form, even though she can't see what's on it. "The eval does have a psych component, after all."

Melinda May has posed:
Not that either of them are actually psychologists. Regardless... Again, more notes a scribbled. There are, doubtlessly, agents who might fault Cecily for her final answer. But... well, she's talking to an Avenger and The Cavalry. So... yeah. Probably not an issue, in this case.

Melinda doesn't crack a smile, though there's the slightest twitch at the corner of her mouth. She cants her head, however, and regards the trainee for a moment.

"You've just received information that there's a mole in the agency. What do you do?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's nose wrinkles at the mention of Nuremberg, and her ears tilt forward a little, a touch of intensity, before they lift back up. Her ears bely her emotions far more than her face does, making it easy to tell if she's being sincere with her words or not. Thankfully, she has been, because her poker face is horrible.

    "A good portion of my time spent in the PD was as a marksman. Quick, effective, and under pressure is being told to take the shot and not hesitating. I can, and have, applied that practice in other situations. Time for doubt is too much time for a mistake to be made," she answers Sam first, then slowly turns her gaze to Melinda.

    There's a blink, her ears lift, and her shoulders lift slightly in a shrug. "...while I question why someone of my rank and ability would be informed there's a mole... I would proceed to do nothing with it. Beyond checking in with one of my superiors. Unless the mole were at the top I would hope I can trust someone of senior agent level or above. The best I could do is operate business as usual unless given orders otherwise. Being cavalier and kicking down every door shouting about compromised personnel would cause chaos and harm," she explains, again upturning her hands. "...and I'm not exactly good at doing typical ... spy business, as it were."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam nods and makes a quick note on his sheet when Cecily answers his implied question, then draws an arrow linking it back to another section. Her answer to May catches his interest, though, and he glances over at his own superior before turning back to Cecily.

"Agent May and I are both your superior officers," he points out. "Which of us would you confide in? What criteria would you use to make that choice? And are there other considerations that might eliminate certain people from your circle of trust?"

Melinda May has posed:
May glances at Sam in return, after she's made her notes about Cecily's answers. "Never assume that your rank will make a difference as to what information might come your way, trainee. I never specified *who* told you there was a mole in the agency, after all. And ops agents aren't the only ones who might encounter something like that."

She listens to Sam's question and her lips tighten. Privately, it's so she doesn't laugh outright. On the outside, however, it looks like she's putting her sterner-than-usual face on.

God, it's been a long day.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "To be frank, I would confide in Field Leader May. This is no slights to your abilities or place in the organization, Field Agent Wilson, but I would prefer to pass sensitive information as close to the top as possible," Cecily folds her hands and sits up again. "Though if you were the one to tell me there was a mole..." she nods to Melinda. "...I would ask you what you wanted me to -do- with that information. If not business as usual, there would be forthcoming instructions, yes?"

    There's a soft laugh, and a sardonic smile, "...for the time being, my circle of trust within SHIELD is regrettably small. I have yet to really build rapport with anyone just yet."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam doesn't have May's poker face, but who does? He raises an eyebrow and smiles at Cecily's answer. "It's part of the question to pick somebody, Ms. Winters. I'm not insulted. Still, I'm surprised you didn't mention any criteria other than rank. If you had to pick between two people of the same rank, what would inform that decision? I guess what I'm looking for is, what qualities do you think make someone trustworthy?"

Melinda May has posed:
May really doesn't have a problem with an agent with a small circle of trust. After all, she, herself, has a small circle of trust. She inclines her head obliquely to Cecily at her question, but doesn't verbalize an answer just at the moment. Instead, she leaves the trainee room to answer Sam's reworded question.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's ears go flat against her head, and she sighs. "...I won't know until I've spent time with someone..." she looks down for a moment, lifts her shoulders in a shrug, and looks back up at Sam. "I mean, I've been with beat cops I'd give my life for and know they'd do the same for me, while knowing gods dammned dirtbag lieutenants and chiefs... But I didn't know any of them from Adam or Eve until I worked with them. So at a glance? It's rank. There's no... cut and dry answer for that question. No quick and dirty. I mean you can't damn well trust me just because some fancy papers from the city agency says I'm kosher."

    She does laugh, even if the other two are stifling theirs. "I shoot things and light fires, sometimes in the same breath," she holds up her hand and with a -fwooof- there's a ghostly blue-white flame cradled in her palm. She lets the tendrils of it dance before closing her fingers around it, the light snuffed and her hand dropping back to her lap. "...but at least for the good folks on the force, it's supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around. So if one of you told me to trust you, I would, by burden of rank. But I'd hold reservations and hope that the gun at my back is pointed at -our- enemies instead of -my- head. You earn trust by working together and proving it."

    A quiet sigh is exhaled, and her eyes close for a moment, "There's your complete answer."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam sits back and nods, making more notes on his sheet. "That'll do," he says with a smile. "Obviously, these aren't really questions with 'right' answers, it's just informative to know what you think." He glances over at May, noting the time on a wall clock, and continues, "Unless Agent May has more to ask, I think this section is about wrapped. Be sure to report to the range tomorrow for your practical at 800 hours."

Melinda May has posed:
May leans back in her seat, now. "No," she says in answer to Sam's implied question. "I think I've heard enough. You're free to go, trainee. Thank you for coming." She pushes back from the table, indicating the interview is over. Yes, there's a stack of paperwork she still needs to process, and she'll want to spend a few quality moment with her notes to make sure she captures her impressions while they're still fresh. But that will all come in its proper sequence and time.

For now, she reaches across the table to offer her hand, as she has to each of the agents they've interviewed today. The handshake is, in fact, as important as the rest of the interview, as far as she's concerned.

Once it's done, however, and the trainee has retreated, she sits back down.

"One day down." Only another dozen and change to go...