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Cleaning is easy!
Date of Scene: 26 July 2020
Location: Atlantic Ocean Coastline
Synopsis: Post Kitty-party clean up on shore's edge, Thor and Storm share quiet thoughts.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Ororo Munroe

Thor has posed:
    After the festivities had been well and truly exhausted. After the guests had departed and the celebrants at their ease, most had wandered off to enjoy what remained of the late late evening, and most had been well sated for the offerings given of food and drink.
    The twin flagons of Asgardian mead were well and truly depleted, the sacks flat with barely a hint of the elixir remaining within. The food had been packed and put into coolers for storage, likely to be a good supply of leftovers for the school in the oncoming days. And much of the decorations had already been stored. There had been no shortage of volunteers to help and the work was done in record time. Though there were a few things to be seen to.
    Last minute storage and organization needed doing, and the final carting off back to the mansion. Blink assuredly had been able to help with the quick return of supplies, but there were still some others that needed the actual drive back to the mansion. Yet all in all just a few things to make sure that things did not become a hazard for later.
    Such as the ice slide, it had to be broken up and set off adrift so as to not melt and become a hazard to navigation. And the floating swim island off shore had to be checked to make sure it was secure after all of the day's activities. It was to those tasks that Thor had given his effort. Late in that night with the moon risen high. A smile was given to the others that remained. He had slipped off that orange Hawaiian shirt, leaving him bare of chest and broad of shoulder as he stretched his arms a little side to side before he dove in.
    For a time he was no longer seen, under the waves and doing as he could to make sure the island would remain safe with the oncoming storm off just beyond the horizon.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo had accomplished a great deal in the cleaning as well. The sand had been scoured for garbage, everything placed in bags to be taken away, the students sent on their way after getting that final head count. No missing mutants under her watch, thankyouverymuch. The weather has been 'allowed' to return to its natural course, so yes, there is an oncoming storm that has absolutely nothing to do with her mood.

All in all, a perfect day for a much loved young lady.

With her sundress returned to her darkly-complected frame, she stands at the edge of the water, watching for the Thunderer as he first disappears below the waves to check on the small island and its moorings. Even with the weather beyond, the clouds looking as if they're rolling in, the breeze that picks up is still warm as it blows from the ocean, bringing that salt-sea air.

It's a lovely tableau, and one that the weather goddess will be loathe to leave.

Thor has posed:
    Distantly there might be a faint rumble that sets some of the ocean's surface to a subtle tumult. But it is a short lived thing, that ends after a handful of minutes as she stands there, watching for the man's return from the sea. How many times has such a vigil taken place, a woman alone watching the dark waters with the threat of clouds off in the distance, awaiting the return of another out to sea.
    Though this time her watch is not in vain, for she'll see him emerge from the water slowly, easy strides carrying him forth as he first breaks the surface with water washing off his features and his head tilting back. That long blonde hair slicked back as he pushes his hands through, head tilting as he continues to rise and the rivulets of sea water cascade down the powerful curves of the man's muscular chest. Like some ancient sea god rising from the waves, his visage cast against the perfect background of that oncoming storm with its flicker of lightning distant from cloud to cloud. He wades through the water a few more steps, those orange and white jams shorts being all there is to ruin the image of the powerfully built Asgardian's return. Though they hang low, hiding not a hint of the firm octet of abdominals, nor that V of muscle that disappears beneath the waist of those shorts.
    But it's upon sighting her that his smile widens, stepping further out of the ocean, water sloshing and continuing to fall down his bronzed flesh to pool behind him, small granules of sand clinging to his bare feet and legs as he lifts his chin.
    "Toss me that towel there, would you?" He gestures with a hand.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
A lady standing at the edge of the sea, attending the return of another is an ages old story. Some were lucky to have them return, others went to build watches upon the rooves of houses so they could continue to search, later referred to as 'widow's walk'.

Ororo is no widow, however, and the man for whom she waits is unlikely to be drawn to the sea and never to return. As Thor emerges from the water, blue eyes dance to watch his form, the smile appearing upon her face again. Kitty would surely tease her for her reactions to the Thunderer; already she's wanting to hear the 'tea', as it were.

Crossing her arms before her, Storm quirks her head at the request, her brows rising. There's that moment where the thought 'get it yourself' might find voice; but instead, the bit of fabric rises upon the breeze that finds its way under it. It flutters in the wind, dancing as if it hasn't a care in the world, and hovers briefly before it threatens to fall atop Thor's head.

"I take it it is properly secured." No question; there's no need to ask. "Everything is off the beach. I think I can declare the party a success."

Thor has posed:
    The towel takes flight, a wisp of fabric on the wind and it causes Thor to smile, laughing a little though quietly as he catches it with a grab of one hand, then starts the process of drying himself off. "You have such a deft touch, Ororo. It is impressive. It makes me terribly envious." As he's toweling his hair, his face, then starts to work on his shoulders and arms, she'll likely see the smile there that gives the lie to that last sentence, but it's lightly offered.
    A few more steps carry him closer as he looks the place over now, drying off his ears and scrunching one eye shut as he does so, then moving on to his chest and leaning forward to get at his legs, slapping at the sand upon those lower limbs.
    "But indeed, the island should not move though it may jostle. Yonder storm shall not break its tether." He straightens and smiles to her, a good few inches taller than her as he sets the towel upon his left shoulder and leaves it there for now, still dripping water from his hair but nowhere near as much as before.
    "I would agree with you," He turns to stand at her side, looking out across the ocean and the waves breaking onto that beach shared. He tilts his head to the side, "A fine celebration for Katherine. Hopefully she will be pleased."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
The breeze tugs at her dress, the wind a gentle rustle as she watches Thor dry off. She.. could watch this all day. Evening, really. Quirking her head again, she steps forward with a light, "Missed a spot," and reaches for the towel in order to catch some drips from a bicep. "It took me a great deal of work to learn control," and that is an understatement of the year. "Care needs to be recalled every time for every action I ask, it is drawn from another place."

In other words? She doesn't create anything.

"And, I didn't wish to leave my spot," is added with a laugh.

As he moves to stand by her side, Ororo feels almost dwarfed by his size, but not his demeanor. Here, she stands to look out over the sea. "Mmm," is the sound of her agreement. "I think she will be. For now, she gets to sleep happily with little to intrude, but I cannot promise her tomorrow will be the same." She looks up at Thor before she looks out to watch the distant lightning. She can perceive it long before it reaches her view, and in seeming response, wraps her arms about herself again.

"I wish I could. I wish I could grant wishes. That.. that would be a gift."

Thor has posed:
    Taking up the edge of the towel, Thor continues to rub at the back of his head, those long golden locks frizzing and going a touch wild with the roughness he applies to his hair. But he crinkles his nose a little while smiling, but does not draw back as she brushes fingers with the towel over that strong curve of his arm. The smile slips more to her as he nods with an appreciation given even as he meets her gaze.
    Then it's a look back out toward the ocean as he leaves the towel draped over his shoulders, looking like a shortened version of that cloak he often wears upon his armor.
    "The beauty of the gift given of this day," Thor says quietly, "Is that it was unique. There shall ne'er be others like it. Oh assuredly there shall be happy days, for Katherine's life will be filled with many I am sure. But this one... will be remembered fondly."
    He takes a deep breath, smiles sidelong at her in time to see her holding herself gently. His lips part, "Are you cold?" And as he says that he turns to the large set of towels that were left upon the beach, where he left his shirt discarded or the swim. A quick step to the side is taken and he picks up that gaudy Hawaiian shirt and then rests it upon her, his warm hands light upon her shoulders as he tightens it a little and then leans to the side to meet her gaze with a small smile. "There, perhaps that will be better."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I think it will," Ororo easily agrees. "And she is one who can appreciate such a thought." Given what has happened to her in her life and her history?

She chuffs a soft, breathy laugh and turns her head to study the man beside her once more, taking him in before, "It's a lovely thought, and one I will remember when I find myself caught in a low place." It's not often, for certain, but it does happen.

Brows rise again, and at the question, she shakes her head quickly, the white mane catching some of the action. She's not quick enough, however, as Thor steps away for the shirt, only to have it draped upon her frame. It's large, almost laughably so, but once it's there, she pulls at the edges to set it. "Thank you." It's heartfelt, and she turns fully to face him, looking up, "For everything. You made everyone here so happy with your presence. The students," they're not 'kids', per se.. not anymore, even if they are to her, "And once more, you show that you are indeed kind, and wise. You know not everyone would be so happy to be seen with us." And yet, here he is.

"I wish others could simply be still and learn."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor smiles looking at her, and perhaps there's a hint of a flush to his cheeks as those blue eyes lift and slip to the side. "I think perhaps you mistake kindness and wisdom for loudness and recklessness." One hand lifts to rub at the back of his neck as he smiles, looking past her for the moment.
    "At the most I grant people an outlet to laugh at times, and a reason to indulge in..." A hand lifts as he uncurls it to the side, gesturing absently to the empty flagons, and perhaps the music, more like meaning the festivities as a whole. "I have e'er been a passable host, 'tis good to allow that small talent to do some good here on Midgard."
    That said he doesn't allay everything, nor dismiss it. For when she offers thanks he lowers his head. "You are indeed welcome. Twas my fortune to visit and find you here. It has been a lovely time." That said when he looks up he meets her gaze...
    And for a time those thoughts drift, as he ponders what hidden thoughts might be behind her so curious eyes. Even as she gives voice to that last thought. "If one can embrace that lesson, they are given the world." Those words are spoken as if he had heard them elsewhere, though he says naught more.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo laughs at the 'loudness and recklessness' comment, the sound merry. "Perhaps I do. Or perhaps I need to relearn the definitions of those words as you seem to change them." The laugh recedes, but the smile remains behind as she listens, easily seeing the 'party boy' side in the Thunderer. She's wearing his hawaiian shirt, for crying out loud! "I can see that," is readily agreed. "You do well playing host. Though," and her tones take a teasing note, "I did have to discourage some from your mead." She's not blaming him for it, mind!

As much as she may want to try and figure him out, yet.. she doesn't. There's no need. Her gaze lands upon his, and for a moment, she holds it before she looks out over the ocean again. The wall of clouds may not appear to be growing closer to the untrained eye, but to hers (and undoubtedly his)? It is easily tracked. The first few flashes of light can now actually be discerned instead of felt, though she does feel that energy as well.

"'They are given the world,'" is repeated. Ororo turns once more to look at the mighty blond, and she shakes her head with that touch of incredulousness. It's not that she doesn't think he's wise, but it simply doesn't abate. "If I had a thousand years, I don't think I would be able to begin to discover your secrets." She, sadly, doesn't have those thousand years.

"So, I will settle for the now." There is a pause, the span of a couple of heartbeats before she looks back to Thor. "If you will allow me."

Thor has posed:
    "Now see, /that/ is wisdom," Counseling against the others indulging in the mead. Thor says with that ease of manner as he stands there and without a thought rests his arm over her shoulder to hold her against him as they look out upon the sea and sky. Just an easily done movement as if it were the most natural thing in the world. And he is warm, decently so though there are still some droplets of errant sea water but the warmth of the man himself is anther thing entire.
    "I always try to warn those at a celebration when I bring such to enjoy. But they often take it as a challenge." Though some of that may be how the Thunderer words his terms, pitching the mead as only there for those 'worthy'.
    Yet then the quiet embraces them. The soft sounds of the waves lapping at the beach, the distant sound of ships passing heading toward the harbor. She speaks to him of the now and his response is to look sidelong at her and he smiles. "You, Lady Monroe?"
    His tone is warm, gentle, affectionate considering the times that have passed. "I would deny you naught."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Storm tucks easily under Thor's arm, her slight frame belying her strength and power at her command. The breeze coming from the ocean naturally stirs a little more as she stands there, looking at the Thunderer as he offers up his thoughts. There's a contentedly happy expression on her face, and as he looks at her, she's looking into his eyes.

"If I ask for something, it means I am in dire need." And she wishes for those she cares about to do just that.. stand still, take a breath. All the commotion, all the hurrying does nothing but make opportunities for mistakes. "I do not make requests lightly."

There's a moment when her expression shifts to something a little more... playful, light eyes against a darker frame echo her sentiment as a thought seems to strike her. Her head cants and there's a smile that's formed, "Would you then grant me a kiss?"

Thor has posed:
    She has the time to watch him, to just look upon his bronzed features and that easy way he enjoys the moment and the weather around them. The wash of the waves upon the beach and the gentle drift of the clouds upon the evening's breeze. The night is faintly illuminated by the hazy sliver of the moon, yet it's enough light for them to see the world before them albeit with that slight haze to the distance.
    Turning to smile at her as she speaks, the Asgardian's expression is easily offered, gentle and warm as she tells him she would only ask if the need was dire. It perhaps causes his brow to knit subtly, the smile weakening as if wondering what could weigh upon her thoughts. His lips part as if to offer a few words, but then ease back into the smile as her features turn towards mirth.
    And then she asks him.
    At first his brow beetles, just a touch as that light of confusion slips over those handsome features. No words given, yet he is a man with little skill at hiding what is writ clear upon his face. So she'll see that nigh instant transition from confusion, to understanding as the pieces fall into place. As realization comes with lips parting and a small catch of breath as if to voice a faint 'ah' but barely heard.
    Then his smile broadens and his eyes soften as he looks between her irises, as if searching for where to find what thoughts might hide behind, turning to face her. A hand rests upon her hip and draws her toward him as he lowers his head, brow touching hers, wisps of his blond hair lightly touching her cheek. There is that feeling of warmth between them, strong as skin lightly touches skin, fingers interlacing with hers. His nostrils flare as he takes in the scent of the night and of her.
    And then slowly his eyes close, head turning just so, and his lips find hers. A soft kiss given at first, just a brush of lips though parting faintly as if stealing a hint of more. But then the kiss grows as he takes her in his arms, holding her against him as for a time those moments between them grow longer, though their passage is lost upon them.