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Latest revision as of 22:53, 3 August 2020

Getting Caught Up and Stuff
Date of Scene: 23 July 2020
Location: Warren's Penthouse
Synopsis: Warren and Alison catch up and Warren asks Ali to move in with him.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Alison Blaire

Warren Worthington has posed:
It's early afternoon and Warren has invited Ali over to his place to get caught up and share an early meal. With his own responsibilities keeping him busy, he hadn't had much time to get everything cleaned up before today but taking a day off to get things around the penthouse situated made him feel a lot better about inviting over Ali.

As the appointed time neared, he put in an order for some takeout and went about chilling some wine and getting a few glasses prepared, making sure to spread things out over the coffee table in the large living room. Arriving a little earlier than expected, the food arrives and Warren tips the Dasher before slipping back inside to set things up a little further.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Warren might have been busy, which is fine. Fine. Because Alison has been handling a few things of her own, one being the fact that she did a turn on the cat-walk at the MET Gala recently, and was busy getting ready for that show.

But she was very excited about getting together, catching up on things. Which might explain why it isn't just the food itself that arrives early, it is Alison herself who turns up, knocking on the door to announce her arrival.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Hearing the knock, Warren quickly steps over to the door, opens it, and leans against it in a pose. "Well hello, darling. Come on in." He flashes her a quick smile and leans in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, standing aside to let her slip on in. Closing the door behind her, he slips an arm around her waist. "So how have you been, Ali? I saw some of what you did at the MET Gala. You were dazzling, as always. What else have you been up to? Still writing several new future #1 Billboard songs I assume?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Hello, gorgeous." Ali replies with a laugh and a lean into the cheek kiss before she steps through the door, reaching an arm around his waist to give him a return hug. Then she releases her hold on him, starting to slip out from his hold so that she can pull her jacket off, "I've been keeping myself busy. I can just //hope// they are future #1 Billboard songs."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I mean... with the way you seem to be going career-wise? I have to imagine that they are going to be incredibly popular and all the singles will sell like crazy. What is the phrase? Going platinum?" Warren offers a sage nod as he watches her slip out of her jacket. "As for me, well, I've been doing board meetings and financial talks. I should just fly around the city and fight crime or something, that would be a billion times more entertaining than looking at power point presentations." He sighs. "But I'm trying to be a steady presence so there's a sense of normalcy about a mutant at work kind of thing. Anyway, hope you're hungry. I got some Chinese, and there's wine!"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Maybe." Ali replies with a laugh once more, giving him a fond look as she tosses her jacket down somewhere before she turns herself around towards him, her hands settling on her hips, "You are a steady presence, and there //is// normalcy to you being there. You are not responsible for the fact they are rude and think we're....anything but the amazing people that we are. Plus, I love Chinese and wine."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"It's true, we are both amazing people, and amazing together at many amazing things." And for the briefest of moments, Warren offers her a little waggle of his brows, eyes moving up and down her form quickly. "As for being that steady presence, well, there -is- something I do want to talk to you about, because it's bouncing around in the back of my mind, but come... enough standing around, come and take a seat and I'll pour us some wine." He guides her over to the couch and lets her take a seat while he opens up the wine bottle and fills both of their glasses half-way. Once that's done he slides over a container of Chinese towards her and slides one over for himself. "So... that MET Gala thing, how much fun was that?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"We are." Ali agrees with a flash of a smile before she follows him towards the couch, sliding herself into a spot, then she reaches down to grasp the heel of her boots to give them a tug. The shoes are tucked carefully under the coffee table before she reaches for the glass when he pours the glasses, "The gala? It was a lot of fun, although it was just one song. Why?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren settles back and slips a bit of food into his mouth, chewing quickly while he glances over at Ali and shrugging a little. "Mostly curious! The entertainment scene seems so wild and fun at times, it's really cool that you get to partake in a lot of that stuff." He takes another bite and chews for a bit, looking a little thoughtful. "So I've been thinking a bit about some stuff." He raises one hand and kinda waves it towards the window walls at the city surrounding them. "About this city, the world, you know. With how things have been I wonder if I shouldn't take the time to do something like run for political office or something."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Political office?" Oh my. Alison looks a bit surprised about that, turning in her seat so that she can face him, one knee drawing upwards, the glass of one balances on her knee, although she continues to hold it.

"You know that they will pry into every aspect of your life. Are you ready for that?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Looks over at her and meets her eyes, nodding slowly. "Yeah I know, but I want to do more for mutants than just continue doing what I'm doing now. This world has so many changes coming in the next ten, fifteen years you know? More and more mutants will continue to be born, especially as people our age continue to grow and start having families." He reaches out with one hand and places it on her knee. "I've thought about how it would feel if the families of friends had to deal with continued bigotry and other vileness and... yeah..."

He smiles and nods, "I know there will be scrutiny, let people scrutinize if they want. I have people I care about like those at the mansion, and I have someone I love, you. I value these things more than the opinions of randos who want to feel important."

Alison Blaire has posed:
There is a smile at that, but still a bit of a worried look lurking behind it all. She lowers her hand to cover his, fingers curling around his hand to give it a light squeeze in return.

"I think doing things is important, more than just fighting, too. Or...fighting of that kind. Political change does need to come, where we'll be made safer by the law. But that can only push peoples opinions so far....we've also got to work on changing their //hearts//." She takes a sip from the wine before she leans over to set it on the coffee table. "Are you ready for them to drag everyone else through the dirt trying to hurt you?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
His eyes lower towards their hands and he smiles, looking back up at her. "I know, I know. I just... sometimes it feels like most of what I can do is financial, and sometimes that feels like what I'm doing is just throwing money against a wall of others who have money for their opposing viewpoint, you know? And I agree, winning hearts and minds is key, a very important thing indeed. That's why I've been tossing around this idea in my head. I know it won't be easy, and some painful memories are going to get dragged up about how my own father felt about me but..." He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. "So yeah, I know it won't be easy, but I also think that you and every other mutant is worth it."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Your father..." There is more, but she ends up leaving the thought unspoken, instead just shaking her head, her other hand moving to grab his between them, holding it tightly. "You are wonderful, Warren. The fact that you are even willing to put yourself into a position to have such memories pulled up shows how //good// you are. I'll be here to support whatever choice you make."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren nods slightly, "Yeah, well, not everyone can have the perfect family you know? But the past is the past and there's no use for me to dwell on it." He smiles over at her and then leans in to softly kiss her on the forehead. "You are really very wonderful, Alison. You and everything we have done together have been some of the best decisions of my life, and I'm glad for the time I get to spend with you." His smile turns into a quirky little grin and he adds, "You really know how to light up my life."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"No, not everyone can have the perfect family." Which, honestly, she understands as well as many others with a bad family relationship. Maybe not as bad as some, but her homelife isn't that great these days, either. "That's right, there's no use dwelling on it. We should move forward." She scoots over towards him, leaning into him, releasing his hand, "What can I do to help?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Setting his food aside, Warren leans against Ali for a moment, resting his head lightly against hers as he closes his eyes. "Mmm, what can you do to help? You already do a lot by being supportive and for some reason, having strong feelings for me." He grins just a little. "Why don't you think about moving in with me? I mean, yeah I guess maybe it's kinda soon to pop that sort of question on someone but I care for you very much and well, I want to spend a lot more time with you."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Move in?" Alison manages to not sound shocked by that invitation, keeping her voice quiet, neutral. Calm as a cucumber. Somehow. "Are you //sure// that you want to have me move in?"

It is, very much, not a no. But she gives him the chance to back out of it now that he's said it outloud.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Yeah, I mean why not? There's plenty of space here and we can get you a lot of closet space if you need it. Hell, we can turn one of the guest rooms into a studio or something for you to work out of if you want." Warren nods, as the idea of it flickers through his mind. "Plus there's a gym and a pool on lower levels only accessible to residents of the building. Yeah, I am sure about it. I am sure about us, Ali, so yeah taking things up a notch sounds good to me."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"A studio, and a lot of closet space." Alison laughs softly, the sound amused and pleased at the same time, "I would love a space here for a studio...it'd allow me to work all hours, when ever I felt inspired." She sits up a bit so that she can look him in the face, "I love you, Warren. I want you to know that you make me so happy."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I'm glad you like the ideas!" Warren says, smiling as he hears her laugh. "Awesome, I hope you do get lots of inspiration and crank out amazing songs to dazzle the entire world with your music, Ali. I love you too, and being with you has been the best time of my life. You're amazing, and I don't really know what other words to use to describe just how great I think the last few months have been."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Amazing. Spectacular. Grand. Gorgeous. Awesome. Dazzling." She's probably just throwing out random words now. "I'll check into what it might cost to convert one of the guest rooms into a studio, and we can find a contractor that'll do the work."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Reaching up, Warren runs a few fingers through her hair and smiles. "I'll see about getting you all set up for being a resident tomorrow, and as far as a contractor goes, make sure you get the best quality. Don't worry about costs, I'll make sure it gets taken care of. You deserve the best." Then he leans in and presses his lips softly against hers.

Alison Blaire has posed:
When he presses his lips against hers she leans into the kiss for a moment, then breaks it, "You know that you don't have to pay for it all." Even if between the pair of them he really does have more money.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I know." He says quietly, smiling in the aftermath of the kiss. "But I just want to make sure that you get everything you need. Anyway, should we finish up dinner and then start making plans for the future?"