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Latest revision as of 13:34, 6 August 2020

Something About Nowhere
Date of Scene: 03 August 2020
Location: Conner's Room - The Robin's Roost
Synopsis: Conner brings to Tim some information about N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Tim Drake

Conner Kent has posed:
So Conner had something of a bad flashback and pizza was not good enough to improve his mood. He went to his room, checked a few things. Made a phone call or two and when he returned, he staying on the background, talking a bit with Bart and Cassie and not flirting with any of the new girls.

Despite Tim's ideas, he is not always hitting on new girls right away. But he will, eventually. Look, not his fault if they are all good-looking.

So much later, when everyone else is gone or sleeping, he goes looking for Tim with a tablet in a hand and a rectangular metal box in the other.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim isn't around the Roost itself, but the door to his house is unlocked at least. He had disappeared for awhile after the meeting, but probably to patrol or something. Except when he comes back in in the middle of the night, he's in civvies (cargo shorts and a t-shirt), and he looks tired but vaguely cheerful. He's in the kitchen on his side of the building, making a bowl of cereal, when Conner shows up with his tablet and box. "Hey... shouldn't you be sleeping? I thought it's just us Bats that keep these sorts of hours."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Remember I need to sleep far less than you," points out Conner. "That is how I keep up with homework and parties without being a flying rodent." And he is pretty sure Tim is not keeping up with parties. Fortunately, Rose will fix that soon. Maybe.

"And speaking about homework, here is some for you," he leaves the box on the kitchen table and opens the metal locks, "code is 2017," he mentions. Not a high security box, though.

Inside there is a black and red outfit Robin has not seen in almost two years. "Still fits," comments Conner, who has grown at least three inches and added 40 lbs. of muscle since he escaped NOWHERE. "I think it adapts to me," the red 'Tron' lines glow faintly. "I thought take it to Star Labs, but I got a bit... careful. Maybe this is not tech we want in the hands of curious scientists. Star Labs facilities seems to be probe to blow up."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim frowns, putting his bowl of cereal down and popping the box open. Something shiny to tinker with always overrides other interests for Tim. He pulls out the suit and then looks up to Conner. "I mean... I wouldn't take this to STAR. But I have... people I would trust, if I can't figure it out."

Conner Kent has posed:
"That is okay," comments Conner. "I mean, it is the only thing I have from before escaping. Not sure I am attached to it." He smirks faintly. "And here," he taps his tablet. "Are a bunch of news reports, crime reports and Internet bullshit stuff. My research was, to put it mildly, haphazardly. Also, two years old. I noticed something odd I had not noticed back then. Almost all the missing superhumans were under twenty."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim snags the tablet and flips through the information there. "I wish you had asked me then," he mutters under his breath. "But we'll look. Data is amazing, in the fact that it may be concealed but it never really disappears." He glances up to Conner with a quick grin. "I'm still going to try not to damage this suit, though. Not... that it looks like it wouldn't repair itself." He inspects it, tugging at bits and prodding the light-up bits. "Not too many people with this level of tech. Not even our," he's referring to the Batfamily there, "costumes self-repair."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yeah well..." Conner handwaves, "I wasn't sure I wanted to find them. I mean, did they even look for me? There were a couple incidents in the weeks after my escape, just before I met Bart and you. That is when I got a good look at the armors they use."

Which he later used to search the webs. There is a sketch there of someone wearing a blue and white light power armor with a number (9) in the faceplate.

A dozen sightings in 2018, it seems. Some very vague. A few in America: Los Angeles, Detroit, Dallas. Three from Mexico City. Looks like Conner was there for a few days. It must have been around the time he moved to Hawaii.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim frowns, looking at the sketches. He's done more with less, but that doesn't make it easy. "We'll find them, Conner. Now there's more of us, and if there's... others like you, they need to be rescued." He remembers Conner at the beginning, and doesn't relish potentially others... but it's the right thing to do. "And in any event, cloning Kryptonians seems..." he glances at Conner. "Man, I don't want to say it, but this sounds like it could lead to an army... of you. And if they are all brainwashed, or evil, or..." he waves a hand. "I don't know if there's enough Special K on the planet to help."

Conner Kent has posed:
"You know what happens when a Kryptonian is cloned?" Points out Conner. "You get a dumb, short-lived chalk-white monster that talks backwards." Which he now remembers happened! Or is that a memory implant? Of course, he can't trust his earlier memories.

"I guess that is why they mixed human genetics, makes sense," he guesses. "And I am not as powerful as Superman. Pretty sure that I will never be."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah. I wanna find your mom, too," Tim points out. "Maybe she doesn't even know her genetics were used. Maybe she's human but a metahuman. In any event, it may help you in the future to know the truth." Of course Tim assumes the other DNA is female, mixing with Superman's male DNA. That only makes sense, after all. Doing it any other way tends to go poorly. "But even an army of half-Kryptonians is bad news. And something tells me if they were successful with you, they weren't going to just stop. Maybe just go further underground." He sighs. "This is important to you. So it's important to me. We should get the team together and start looking into things."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Maybe the human side was metahuman and that is why I have telekinesis," agrees Conner. Although his telekinesis is eclipsed by his Kryptonian powers, it is still useful when he faces some threats, like magic. "Well, we can do some more investigating. I think if kids with powers keep going missing somewhere and there are sightings of people with weird armor, that means they are still doing it."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim gives Conner a look, his head cocked slightly. "And even if there isn't anymore missing people, that doesn't mean they aren't. They might have just got better at covering their tracks. But yeah." He hrms, a foot jittering a little. Maybe he should get this down to the lab as soon as possible. "Anything else you remember? ...I mean, I get it if you don't want to talk about it. But who knows what detail might help."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shrugs. "Look man. I have hundreds of memory implants. I even remember Smallville's high school, and I have never been there." He runs a hand through his hair, obviously distressed, "whatever I remember before the moment I escaped N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is probably not real. I could sense things with my tactile telekinesis. I heard things through doors and metal walls. But how much was reality, how much is implanted and how much were just dreams. No idea."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim frowns sympathetically. "I know. It's a shot in the dark. But if you think of anything, let me know. No judgment." He gently folds up the suit and tucks it back in the box along with the tablet. "I'll download this information to the computer in the labs, and start running an analysis. I don't think these are unstable molecules though... I've worked with those before, and this isn't it." How does Tim know how to spot those? Probably another of his weird 'Tim knows everything' things.