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Bishop Bow Proficiency 101
Date of Scene: 07 August 2020
Location: Blue Gap - Arizona
Synopsis: Kate and Kara bond over giant robo-scorpions and secret identities.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Kate Bishop

Kara Danvers has posed:
Everyone should get the opportunity to experience flight without an aircraft. The fluffy clouds aren't so fluffy up high in the sky. They're made of water vapour after all, so Kara flies between them on this bright blue skied sunny day. She wanted to make sure Kate had a nice open area to really let loose with her bow and practice. Blue Gap was the perfect place, a desert filled with sparsely grown cactus and large boulders. It's no ones home.

Kara lands with Kate. She shades her own eyes as she looks out around them in this desolate place. "This will do nicely as a place to really let your bow shine. I'm eager to see just how well we did constructing it. The Wonder Bow is .. well, exciting."

Kate Bishop has posed:
This isn't the first time Kate has been out flying, Troia has taken her before if for no other reason than to make sure that she knows what it feels like so she doesn't freak out really if there is a need to lift her up and transport her this way.

Kate thought it was pretty fun but yeah it was all business.

This thought is pretty fun, she has her arms looped around Kara's neck and is looking at the scenery zipping by. "You know.. this is such a cool way to travel."

When they touch down she steps away just for a moment shading her own eyes and looking around. "Well it is definitely wide open.. how far did we go.. I mean deserts.. midwest.. south west?" they didn't really go over any oceans. "I'm eager to show it off Supergirl." she smiles a winning smile and shifts to reach back and draw the bow. "We just going to rip up the scenary then?" out her she can use the real arrows instead of just holographic arrows.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"It is the best way to travel," she says with a grin. "We are in Arizona in a place called Blue Gap," she waves her hand in a random direction, "Over there somewhere is a small community but otherwise, this is nice empty space where any damage we do won't do much damage at all. Though, I'd ask you spare the cactus because, well, it is life." She shrugs her shoulders apologetically, "But there's heaps of rocks to blow up."

"Just how good of a shot are you?," she asks spying several rocks at varying distances away. Her eyes begin to glow white hot as her heat vision shoots out at each one, cutting a set of concentric circles in each as a makeshift target range. As her heat vision cools off she squints a few times and then draws a line on the ground with her boot tip.

Kate Bishop has posed:
There is this grin as she watches you laser vision those targets onto the rock. "That's right.. we haven't really been in the field together before due to the timing of everything going down. You also haven't made it to one of my danger room sessions." she steps another step futher away from you. Reaching up with her free hand she adjusts her sunglases seating them better now that they aren't whipping through the air so fast.

"Right..." she eyes the targets for a long moment. "Accuracy first..." she leaves her watch and the quiver set to normal high carbon steel arrowhead broadheads. She draws the first two arrows and then takes off running down the field towards the targets. The first arrow is fired rapidly while in motion. It hits flawlessly at the 250' mark but she doesn't stop.

A second arrow in the air moments after the first hitting the one at 250. Thing is she knows she can't hit the one at 2500 ft if she stays by Kara .... so running it is.

She is like a bit of a Gazelle, for a human she is in fantastic shape and is young and fast.

Two more arrows follow the first two banging dead center at 750 and 1000ft. Probably breaking a world record with that special bow.

Still it takes her closing to about 1000ft before she can stop.... that last one way out there it takes her hoofing it a ways to nail it.

When the dust settles though all of them are scored dead center and she is breathing heavier. She did just race a 500m dash in her full combat gear in Arizona in August after all.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods her head, "It's a bit tragic yes. Between rescuing The Green Lantern from space, learning how orbital mechanics and load work, delivering the hanger of a moon base to the moon, stopping an avalanche, rescuin-- .. you know, it's been busy." She nods and just leaves it at that. She folds her arms over her chest and hops up off the ground as Kate begins to run. She didn't expect that, but she's delighted by the graceful strides she sees from her team mate. It's beautiful to watch, and watch she does as she hovers along just a little ways back from her, her super vision zooming in on the targets, watching with delight and amazement as every single arrow hits dead center.

"...WOW!," is what she finally says as she lands next to you, listening to your heart beating fast and your deep breathes. "I mean.. just really WOW! Kate. I didn't have to aim, I made the targets. And you were running at the same time! Just, really incredible!" She is beaming with delight and waits for her fellow Titan to catch her breath.

Some small stones tumble on the ground, the tiniest of tremors touching their feet. "You should try the explosive arrows next!," she says with excitement. She's never seen Hawkeye do his thing, as she's not an Avengers - but she is getting the feeling Kate would smoke him in a Robinhood arrow splitting contest.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate was focused and took off she doesn't have time to reply while racing down the desert, skipping over rocks and small cacti and firing her bow. This is already something she trained on, just not in the desert.

She is still breathing heavier, but not too bad, she is in shape she just took it back and the shift in heat and sun is a thing out here in the desert.

She grins though at the wows, actually blushing a bit and her heart rate speeding up again. "Thanks." because well Kara seems to really mean the wows. This is Supergirl! She can fly. But she seems genuine in being impressed by Kate and that dfeels really good right.

Also Kate might give Clint a run for his money in raw accuracy and speed because she is much younger, but he definitely has her on overall experience and spycraft.

"Thanks.. I wasn't really expecting them to be so far out.. I can go a bit over a thousand feet and hit the target with this bow but .. under five hundred feet is ideal without losing much punch of the arrow." she flicks the watch and cycles to swap out for explosive tips while they are chatting. Grinning a bit like a fool and still blushing.

With a sudden burst of speed she draws an arrow, twists, and fires at the rock that is back wher they came from about 250 feet, no target on this side but hits it dead on, causing it to shatter with the explosive arrow. She didn't even really seem to take time to draw a bead and fire, just pure instinct. "Lots... and lots of practice. Every day." thing is, even with that, she is just naturally maybe the best out there at this. At least one of a very small handful.

"So moon base?!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara scratches her head a little bit and hmms, "Yeah, sorry. I guess I don't really know that much about archery or how far humans can shoot arrows. I should have asked. Hm." She nods thoughtfully and tugs at the corners of her cape as she admires the skill on display by Kate.

The sudden quick draw and rapid explosion of the rock makes her turn her head sharply, watching the pieces scatter about. "Good golly that's. That's. You're deadly." She laughs and nods appreciatively to Kate. "I think may be it's more than just practice. It's like you were born for this and someone put a bow in your hand. Imagine if you'd never picked up a bow, that'd be a tragedy."

The ground rumbles a little like an echo from the exploding rock, but a little stronger and from a different direction. Kara looks down at the little stones bouncing on the ground, then they settle. "Yes a moon base. The Watchtower they're calling it. The Justice League gathered funding from a bunch of high tech companies to build it, so that we'd have forewarning next time something like Brainiac decides to visit."

She pauses and taps a finger to her cheek thoughtfully. "Did you feel that tremor just now? It. I don't think it was from your explosive arrow."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate looks sheepish and rubs the back of her neck now. Not quite the aw shucks that Gar Logan may do but she is a little on the spot there. "I think you are right... I mean.. it feels right with the bow in my hands. It would suck I guess if I had stumbled on it decades from now and not been able to actually use it to help people. To do what we are doing that much is for sure."

"The Watchtower.. oh.. Justice League." she grins "That is so fricking cool.. so you've been to the moon.. I want to go to the moon...." distracted.

When you mention tremor though she pauses and looks around paying more attention. "Yes... but I thought it might just be normal for Arizona?" she has clearly never been. "Do we have trouble?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara tilts her head, listening for a moment. She stays very still and then lets out a breath, "Nah. It's probably noth-!"

A massive eruption from below them spews dirt and rock everywhere, uprooting cactus and the like as a gigantic robotic scorpion surfaces. It surfaces 250ft away where the last stone was destroyed and rotates on its six legs to face Kate and Kara.

"Yeah hold that thought."

The machine's surface is an oil-slick like mosaic of colours that shimmers in the Arizona sun. It shuffles to the left and then begins to run toward them. It's tail curved with the tip pointing toward them. The very tip begins to glow a bright violet colour and Kara moves between it and Kate as it lets out a might burn of energy, hitting her dead in the chest.

Kara slides back across the ground as she tries to fight the energy. "It's... not.. friendly!," she says through pained breaths and her eyes begin to glow brightly. She fires back with her heat vision and slowly the violet beam begins to push back away from her, even as she continues to slide along the ground.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate looks a smidge skeptical when Kara says it is probably... and gets cut off. Mostly because she doesn't seem as sure and then her unsure tone is proved right mid sentence.

Kate whips back around watching the eruption of dirt and rocks into the air. "Holy crap..." is muttered with a bit of a laugh, mostly at the hold that thought bit.

"Woof..." when it powers up. Kate is already drawing two armor piercing arrows now not going right for the explosive ones. She wants to tell how thick the armor on this thing is. "I'm picking up on that... pretty sure I can't take that so keep it busy..." the fact the violet beam is actually sliding Supergirl does have a bit of a bit of nerve giving momentum for Kate.

Bad Vibe.

Ducking out from behind Kara ... Kate fires off two of the arrows. One aiming right at the head of the robot Scorpion with 300lbs of force. The other though is aimed right for what looks like a segmentation joint in the tail. Testing the strength of the joints with a piercing tip right into tail joints.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara makes fists with her hands as the intense energies from the two beams colliding starts to get mighty uncomfortable. She digs her feet in to the ground and starts to build up a mound behind her until the sliding stops and Kara takes her first small step toward the giant scorpion robot.

Through gritted teeth she exclaims, "Who the heck even builds something like this!?"

The armor piercing arrows dig their arrow head in, with most of the shaft sticking out. The first hitting the Scorpions head enough to make it move as it embeds, the second making the tail jostle. It's violet beam burning against the desert ground and Kara's heat vision burns a small hole in another joint.

The robot buries back in to the ground suddenly and Kara takes a moment to catch her breath. Her face is glowing red hot still and she holds out a hand to rest it upon Kate's shoulder. "I can feel it, it's down under ground tunnelling about. I think it's coming around for another attack."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Okay so the beam is really powerful.. but the armor isn't ridiculously durable. No idea how strong those pinchers are either or it in general." she looks around slowly, turning with her bow. "Can you tell where it is coming up... and move fast enough to get me out of the way if it is right under me?"

Slow turns as she draws two more arrows. Trying to be very aware of vibrations and ready to roll in case Kara can't get her clear. Those arrows do not look like the explosive or the armor piercing ones. "For a minute I thought you set this up as some sort of training drill Supes." it is light banter, still good natured with a smile as she keeps turning and listening. Also trying to feel through her boots.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Hah, yes, a laugh a minute with deadly scorpion robots," she says wryly though with a little smirk at the corner of her mouth as she looks down at the ground. Moving around on tippy toes like she's sneaking, though she's really just trying to figure out where the dang machine is going to come back up. It's making so much noise down there it's hard to tell.

Kara pauses in place and then becomes a red and blue blur as she moves to Kate and scoops her up by the legs and torso and in that same moment the scorpion erupts from the ground again.

Instead of Kate, it scoops Kara up in a giant pincer and squeezes tight. Kara lets Kate go to tumble out of the way as her hands fight the force of the pincer, trying to pry it back open as it shakes her about violently. It can't seem to cut her like it wants though and its tail tip rises up high once more, the violet light powering back up.

"Gyah! let go you.. dumb.. machine!," she decries its tactics as the sound of metal strains with her efforts to pry it open.

Kate Bishop has posed:
There is a good reason that she asked if Kara could get her out of the way with superspeed. She had a feeling the roboscorp would try something like that. Mostly because if she was it, she would take out the one with the arrows and much less durable appearance rapidly to free up just dealing with the metahuman.

Kate tumbles out of the way and rolls back up to her feet and fires one arrow right at the powering up tail tip, it is one of the ones that will explode with superhard encasing foam rapidly. Which she is going for seeing if she can cause either a malfunction or it to blow it's own tailtip off it if fires into the foam. Sure it may just disinigrate it though, which is why she is already moving.

The second arrow she selected goes right for the shaft of the arrow sticking out of the things head, and it explodes with electricity. One of her taser arrows... trying to use the first one that penetrated the armor as a conductor right inside it now. "Hold on!.."

Gosh she hopes Kara is tazer proof.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The scorpions beam weapon, poised to fire, is encased in that hard shell. The explosion sends shards of metal scattering everywhere and what is left is a smoking tail stump, flailing behind it as it shuffles trying to recover its expected balance. The sudden intense beat of electricity stuns the scorpion and despite being in giant metal pincers, Kara lets out a laugh like she's being tickled. It gives her the time though to bend the pinches back and she flies up in to the air.

The scorpion starts to shudder as it comes back on line and its legs start to rip at the ground again. "Oh no you don't!," Kara declares and grabs it by its broken tail and lifts it up in the air. It dangles, twitching and squirming about.

Kara lets out a loud sigh of relief as she fights with the powerful actuators inside of it so that it doesn't wriggle away from her. "Thanks!," she says to Kate. She grins and with delight her eyes turn bright once more and she cuts the scorpion from tail to head, length ways, biforcating it. She lowers the two halves back to the ground and dusts her hands.

At a loss for words, she makes awkward facial gestures and peers at the machine, then back to Kate.. somewhere between perplexed and apologetic, since she was the one that brought her out here.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate looks tickled at how well that worked on the Scorpion. Though last time it was robotic spiders but the tactics for robots, even when you layer in the Brainiac drones, still seems to be holding very effective. "Robots are such a pain in the butt, except Vic.. I like Vic.. but then he is a Cyborg." she rambles a little filling the awkward look with chatter as she walks over to Kara.

She looks past her, keeping Kara honestly between her and the robot in case it self destructs. "That was intensely fun." she notes looking around slowly around "Do you hear any more digging with your super senses Supergirl?" she grins as she looks back to her. "Do you think we stumbled on some sort of secret government military project?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara wipes her brow and folds her arms over her chest. She peers at the remains of the machine that attacked them and shakes her head, "Honestly. I have no clue. I'll take it back to the DEO and they can figure out where it came from and why it was out here in the middle of no where waiting." She frowns a touch. "This thing could have sprung up on anyone. It may be even has already. I sure hope there aren't more of them."

She looks back to Kate and smiles, "Though you kicked its butt. Good job. I think it was ready to give me another blast with that beam weapon. That would not have been fun." She stands silently after saying that and listens to the ground, "I don't hear any more rumbling. I think we might be in the clear."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Admittedly... I kind of thought it might shoot me and I.. unlike you.. would not be able to beam back at it." she dusts a bit of metal scorpion off your shoulder there, sending the bit of shrapnel onto the ground. "There better."

She looks over at the scorpion parts. "You're right.. I really do hope no one else was caught by this thing. Maybe the DOE can figure out who was manfucturing killer scorpions out in Arizona." she frowns. "It was a good adhoc teamwork practice though Supergirl. "So can you carry that thing and me back at the same time.. ... do I need to hold on tighter?" is she lightly flirting or just being cheeky.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara tilts her head considering as she looks at the scorpion bits, then back to Kate. After considerable staring she shrugs her shoulders and smiles, "I think I'll make two trips." She laughs and approaches Kate, "All aboard the Supergirl sky express. Next stop, Titans Tower."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate will sling her bow, secure the quiver into a lock mode so nothing comes free and then step in to throw her arms around Kara and let her grab her. "All aboard captain." she notes chipperly.

she will give one last glance at the Scorpion. "Maybe bring one half back for Fairchild and Vic to play with too.... so what do you do for fun when you aren't going to the moon?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara wraps an arm about Kate and the ground shudders a moment before she leaps in to the sky. Once again the wind on their faces. Kara is happiest flying about though the question does make her ponder for a while. "Well, I like to try and understand human technology. Also, all the different languages. Also, all the music, and the paintings, and the dancing. Hm, the arts was a very regulated thing on Krypton. You have to understand, we are a very old society and the artists guild determined the peak perfection of art."

Even as she's saying it, she doesn't entirely believe it.. not since she's been taking in all the Earth cultures. "Though I do like the variety and rawness of it all here. So many emotions portrayed in the most interesting ways. It's a feast for my mind... that's a long way for me to say I really like art."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"My father is in the fashion industry, sort of, he owns a publishing empire that ... I guess you could say his publications determine what is fashionable and in season to a large degree. A lot of people consider clothing art even if it isn't enduring like the classics..." she is just musing now as she holds close and talks over the wind. She knows you can hear her with your super hearing so she isn't yelling. Though she can't help but talk abit louder because it is harder for her to hear.

"I like dancing and music, if you would like a native guide to introduce you to various styles or places where you can do that I am definitely at your disposal." she considers "Can you show me what raw earth art you like yet sometime?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara goes a little silent as she flies through the air with Kate. She considers the implications of accepting the offer. Supergirl can't go dancing in a dance hall or a night club. It'd be impossible with all the people wanting to talk to her, take pictures with her, get her autograph. She'd have to go as Kara Danvers.. but that would mean sharing that with Kate. And Kara Danvers is.. not someone she is entirely proud to call herself yet.

"I.. could. Uhm. This is a bit of a sensitive topic. I'm not Supergirl all the time. I have a secret identity, like many people in the Titans, and the Avengers, and Justice League. So I can be amongst the people and just be one of like everyone else. But also to keep my friends and family safe."

She nibbles on her lip a little and says, "But I haven't share this with any of the Titans yet. I was, sort of thinking I just wouldn't? Keep those two worlds apart. But ... but you're all my friends. More so than anyone else I've met on this planet so far. I could.. uhm. How do you say this without sounding weird? reveal myself to you - but I'd like it if you kept it a secret?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
Honestly Kate wasn't fishing for this at all and goes quiet when she realized what she was asking and what it meant. She wasn't intending to press or pry in this. She does listen very quietly as Supergirl talks about it.

"Oh... yeah I ..sorry I didn't really think about it like that. Most of the Titans know who I am but my family doesn't know I am Hawkeye and probably wouldn't approve so to the public I need to keep a secret identity."

She goes quiet thinking about the next part. "We are definitely your team mates and your friends. You should definitely only be very careful with your secret identity and only do it if you are absolutely sure." she says encouragingly then hesitates and notes. "I'd be happy to keep that secret though Supergirl." then, well she can't not sass. "Especially if it means I get to introduce you to earth things."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, see, that's the thing. I can't go to an art museum or a dance club as.. Supergirl. People would either start running for fear there's something horrible about to happen, or gather around to get my autograph." Instead of the Titan's Tower she flies through Metropolis, "Let's have this conversation, uhm, more casually?"

She sets Kate down on the Titans Tower roof top and says, "If you'd like to get changed. I'll meet you at the memorial park? The one with the big statue of my cousin?" It's more imposing than he is in real life, at least to her eyes. "I'll... I'll meet you there." She smiles, a bit tight lipped, nervous perhaps, then the blonde girl of steel flies off back in to the city.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I understand what you are saying Supergirl." she does too, she just may have had trouble communicating it while flying. She doesn't elaborate on the roof though and then nods. "That sounds fantastic... I should probably change into something more casual too..." she calls after Kara "I'll see you there!" knowing she will hear her.

Kate heads down below into the structure to head to her room and ditch her Hawkeye gear and switch into street clothes. She heads down to the garage and grabs her civilian bike, not the signature Hawkeye purples and heads to the park. She makes pretty decent time though she breaks no speed limits or laws doing it. As far as outfit, well it is Kate Bishop who heads to the statue now wearing some fairly expensive, in perfect style clothing any young woman would sell an eyetooth for, and a chic leather jacket.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Standing in front of the big statue of Kal-El is Kara Danvers. Brunette, not blonde, wearing glasses and a humble set of clothes. Long sleeves, business jacket and business pants. It is the clothing of an intern trying to make a good impression at The Daily Planet. Even though she spends most of her time there fetching coffee. She does have her online blog where she interviews people and practices writing articles.

It is also a person who attends Metropolis University and looks about the world with wonder and opportunity. Hope, she exudes it. Also awkwardness, she exudes that in spades. It is not immediately evident this awkward young woman is Supergirl, nor does she advertise it with her body language, quite the opposite. She has learnt to blend in with humanity well over the last year and a half.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well much like her cousin the ability to control micro-expressions and other behaviours makes it very difficult to determine they are... who they are out of their secret identity. Kate does not have any of Batman's technology or supreme detective skills, she is just an observant, dedicated, young hero.

She looks around the park and honestly she is figuring she made it here before Supergirl's civilian identity so she walks closer and looks up to the Statue smiling softly before fishing out her phone and taking a selfie with it. You know normal things normal people do. She files it into Kate Bishop's instagram so it helps support her seperation of identity. Honestly she wonders some days which one is the real identity these days and which is the secret.

She also checks the time on her phone.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara recognises Kate quite easily. She has the same feel as Hawkeye and her disguise doesn't include a DEO issued hair-colour changer. Kara walks over to Kate after she's taken the selfie with her cousin and gives her a small wave to get her attention, "Hi there. Kate," she raises an eyebrow and spreads her arms just a little bit and then wrings her hands together. It's embarrassing, showing this side of herself to someone she knows 'from work'.

"Ah. Hm. Supermen. Pretty super, right?," she chuckles awkwardly, one hand resting on her hip as the other curls in her hair and she lets out an awkward sigh. Kate isn't make this easy is she. Then again, she forgets how good she's gotten at being Kara Danvers.

She pushes on through the awkward and the pain by offering her hand, "Kara Danvers, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Honestly in comparision her disguise is paper thin, especially to someone with super senses.

The hi there Kate is enough to make her turn and then pause as she looks to Kara. There is a slim chance that Kate may have been recognized from the tabloids and page 6 in the New York press thanks to her families money and fame.


She blinks after a moment as Kara spreads her arms and then wrings her hands. "Jinkees." she notes because she utterly looked the other young woman over and now she is just staring at her for a moment before smiling. She glances over her shoulder. "Superman is pretty great yeah." in agreement.

She looks back to Kara and yeah she has definitely got it. It is in her eyes and the bit of wry amusement. She didn't get it until Kara introduced herself, but now she has definitely put it together. "Hi Kara." she slides her hand in taking Kara's to shake it. "It is really wonderful to finally meet you." and under her breath she murmurs knowing that it can be heard "Thank you"

Kara Danvers has posed:
It's the accent. It's definitely the accent. That slightly Swedish like English accept. It's Kryptonian tinge but to Earth ears it sounds Swedish. She smiles though, relieved that that awkward moment has passed. On to the next she supposes. "So. Yeah. This is me." Great conversationalist.

"I can just be part of the crowd like this, you know?" She takes out her phone and holds it out, "Selfie?," she asks and goes to get a picture with Kate. The glasses really help sell the disguise. They look like they have a pretty hefty prescription.

"You're the first I've told. I mean, apart from the DEO. Well, they helped me create this identity so of course they know. And my cousin, he knows. It's possible Troia has figured it out, I wouldn't put it past her. Probably Batman too, he's very smart, though I've never met him." She rambles a bit when she's nervous.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate laughs and steps in throwing an arm around Kara and leaning in to get in the selfie with Kara, standing so she can get the statue in the park as well. "If you tag me you may get more followers so be aware." there is a playful tone there as she poses and then smiles.

"I'm glad... I really am. I mean.. people who figured it out aren't the same as being the person you chose to share with." she sort of wobbles her hands "This means we can do stuff .. like stuff." she gestures out to the park and the city and grins a bit crooked. Then lowers her tone. "I'm pretty sure the Bat knows everything about everyone to be honest from what little I know.. or ..well it may just be part of the legend at this point. Hell despite everything I think there are probably still people who think he is some sort of myth." a bemused headshake.

"Hey do you want to go get some coffee or something?" she gestures towards a coffee cart over yonder. "So what do you do Kara Danvers... you definitely look like you have a job?" she squints a little "Or are a student... what major?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smirks a touch and nods her head, "Well. I've never actually seen him either, so may be he is a myth." She grins and then looks over to the coffee cart, adjusting her glasses as she does so. "Mm yes please, let's do that." She offers a crooked arm to Kate and wanders over there with her.

"I'm studying journalism at MetU, and working as an intern at the Daily Planet. It's.. not the most rewarding of work, mentally I mean. So in my spare time I interview any superhero or mutant willing to let me ask awkward questions and I put it up on my blog."

She grins, this is nice. Just hanging out with a friend in the sun. She feels study, in that hug, by her side. It's one thing about herself she cannot hide. That athletic build and Kryptonian physiology. "What about you, what is it you do when you're, you know." She makes a silly little archery gesture and says "Ptwang...ing."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Yup, Kate is pleased as punch and slinks herself and arm in to accept Kara's offer and walks over towards the coffee with her. "This is a literal walk in the park compared to earlier." she notes softly so as to not be overheard. She couldn't resist the pun.

"That is cool and a lot like O'Niel... I'll have to start reading your blog." she means it too, she is going to need to check it out and skim it all. "I think I actually have read it at least once though, I do tend to browse the cape sites and articles a lot."

Kate can relate abit about the physiology just not as extreme, she is in excellent shape after all, but Kate Bishop is known over achiever and athlete at school on the fencing team (there is no archery team) so it is often just overlooked.

She laughs at the silly gesture and noise. "What am I doing, spending my dad's money like it is going out of style mostly and spending my Summer in Metropolis. This fall I need to wrap up academy and then pick a major myself.. though I am thinking about goingto MetU to be closer to...mm my job." that is the thing. The way she practices and the living at the Tower like she does, she may not have another real life, at least this summer with school out. "For fun though, clubbing sometimes, concerts, and lately mostly hanging out with friends. So this is nice."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods her head and laughs, "Actually, yes. This //is// nice. I. Well, it's just been myself and my cousin that I trust. I'm slowly opening up to people. It's not easy though, you know? I feel like I live my life in a constant lie lately." She snugs to her side and then takes out her credit card and taps to order a mocha. Coffee she gets, and also she gets - a lot.

"Do you think people like Supergirl as much as they like Superman?," she ponders. It can become a very meta conversation very quickly. But self conscious is one of Kara Danvers's greatest achievements. Or perhaps foibles. "Asking for a friend." She grins and is excited to share this side of herself with Kate. She seems so much more vulnerable when not wearing the blue, red, and gold. A part of her feels naked not wearing the \S/ on her chest.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate leans into the snug with a smile and then mutters "Big mood, I'm lying to everyone but you all about everything." she commiserates about it. "But safety yah know." then well the orders have to go in so the conversation goes more mundane, you know about coffee since there is someone right there. Kate puts in order for a coffee, large, soy milk, she is remarkably particular but friendly about her order at the coffee carts and taps her watch to pay for it.

She steps away with the coffee now and you and considers your question. "Deep." she teases lightly. "I have two thoughts on it. Superman is iconic, he fought and everyone thought died for ..everyone.. been the big symbol for several years now and all. Supergirl is new, obviously knock on effect of his branding and doing what he seems to be doing right but still people have to adjust." she pauses "That is the first bit, second bit though is .. critical right. Wonder Woman and Supergirl and all the female heroes... they are examples and icons to all the women and girls out there. It isn't just a Superman and Batman.. it is a Wonder Woman and Supergirl. They are people who can be looked up to and all.. representation is very important to kids and well hell everyone right." she smiles sidelong to Kara. "Out of the two though, I think I like Supergirl a whole lot more." light hip check.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods in understanding and smiles, "You're right of course. And I can't help myself either. When I hear someone in trouble, I need to go help them. It can get very tricky at work sometimes." She rolls her eyes, "And the people are so demanding. At least at university I can sneak out of lectures or put off my assignments until later. They're not hard but it does take a lot of disparate research times."

She gets her coffee from the cart and takes a sip. "Ah much better. It really is a lovely day. I prefer this to robot scorpion attacks though. I'd be happy if everything were peaceful and calm again. Krypton was usually very peaceful." She furrows her brow a bit and then shrugs her shoulders, "Ah, a topic for another time. So you're rich then? I have an allowance." She laughs. "And anything I earn from my job, which is not much."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate listens, she figures Kara hasn't had a lot of chances to really be listened to. Her own coffee as sipped as her eyes watch the others face and smile attentively now. "All of that is why I am not sure I will ever get a job honestly. I feel like maybe I should major in something that will help me with the things I am passionate about." which is saving people really and being a big damn hero in her own way.

"I kind of liked both." she admits, this and the Scorpion attack. Still she seems quite happy with this walk and coffee outing. "Well we can work on some calm outings, I could take you to a favorite restaraunt of mine in New York maybe or we could go see a band." offering it up, then well the money thing. "Sort of.. my family and my dad have money. I have a trust but it is set aside for school and an allowance I suppose. My dad may not be Stark or Luthor rich but .. he owns a media and publishing empire.. Forbes phrasing not mine so yeah we have money. I've been embezzling it and spending it on hardware for my hobby."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks a touch alarmed but also amused at the idea of embezzling. "I hope you don't get caught. That could be really.. uhm. Bad?" She wrinkles her nose a touch and adjusts her glasses. The coffee fogs them up a little and she says. "I'm really glad I told you this stuff. I know it puts you in a bit more danger, but you're already running in to certain peril being a Titan." She squeezes her arm, perhaps just a little too hard, "So don't lose your T-comms, if you need me, just call."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate isn't about to let the squeeze being too hard show, instead she turns and gives Kara a one armed half hug before sipping her coffee. "Hey you too. This is a good thing. Also I am being careful.. it isn't like I am tapping into too much on the funds." she smiles a winning smile. "Also for a good cause..."

She glances off towards the edge of the park. "I have a serious question though....." dramatic pause "Ever been on a motorbike?" and yeah she is dragging you along, she wants to give you a ride on her bike. That may make more talking hard but she is on a mission now.