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(Greer and Nick experience what its like to be on a talk show with a sub-par budget)
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Latest revision as of 01:57, 10 August 2020

The Insomniac Show
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: Studio 6
Synopsis: Greer and Nick experience what its like to be on a talk show with a sub-par budget
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Greer Grant

Michael Hannigan has posed:
After The Late Show, The Late Late Show, There is... The Insomniac Show. And with the later and later start times, the sets are, while still quirky, smaller and smaller with the budget.

So perhaps that is why the set for this pretty simplistic. Green screen off to the side for select comedy bits, Off to the side, a rather young looking set of musicians sit with their respective instruments. There's still a desk to sit behind and the chair and sofa portion of the talk show formula is still in place. There are still Guest1, and Guest2 labeled coffee mugs on the coffee table in front of the guest seats. (Guest 3 doesn't get squat). There's even still a curtain to hide the structural beams behind the set. The audience seating area is much smaller. Because... Well, they get most of their people from those who couldn't get into the earlier show recordings. Normally. There are diehard fans of the show who choose this show over the others.

This week is special, as the regular host has taken a weekend, leaving hosting duties to a series of guest hosts.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "This evening on... Insomiac... wow... really?" Greer asks as she looks of stage towards the producer and blinks a few times before shaking her head and looking back at the teleprompter/camera. "This evening on Insomniac Show... on /THE/ Insomniac Show, better Jerry?" Tigra asks incredulously before continuing regardless, "We've got a wonderful show for you tonight."

    Tigra leans forward to read the prompter a little better with a squint, "We have... Nick Dragon on tonight! And the house band- Wait, that's it, one guest?" Tigra rolls her eyes and puts her head in her hands and then shakes her head.

    Looking back up at the prompter she continues, "And the house band, the Eurithphonics... Lord help me."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"It's DRAGO! A female voice from the back of the audience shouts to Greer, drawing some odd glances from the rest of the audience members. "DRAAAAAY. GOOOOoooooo."

As the band plays a snippet from of Drago's songs, Nick steps out from behind the curtain, dressed cleanly and wearing some higher end dress attire. It's still a black t-shirt and jeans. But they are a nicer quality set than he'd normally wear off the clock. His hair is allowed loose, giving a slightly wild look. His approach pauses as his attention turns towards the loudest figure in the room, lifting up a scarred arm to wave to her and then to the rest before turning towards the desk and getting a true glimpse of the set.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD..." The sole fan repeats, "He waved. AT ME. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD..."

His back to the audience, Nick's brows raise, looking to Greer questionably. The heck is this?

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer looks up at the audience member and blinks a few times. "Guess we got fans that have heard more from my guest tonight than I have." The avenger says with a shrug of her shoulders before she looks over and spots Nick walking up to the stage. "Um... hello, again." Greer says looking over at the producer and shooting him a glare to get that woman to shush her facehole. The producer quickly and expertly ignores Greer.

    Greer behind the desk looks back at Nick and smiles at him with a friendly toothy smile, "Nice of you to join me tonight, It's been some time since we last met on TV, for sure."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick bites his lip as Greer makes her comment but gains his composure. He smiles, exchanging hands with the host before sitting down on his side of the desk. A few clicks go by before the volume from the stuttering woman drops down to where the interview can take place. "Nice to be here, and yes, that was a fun game show. How's my favorite tiger based Avenger doing?"

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I'm doing well, nervous about a few things, much like this impromptu job the execs threw at my feet or threw me at the feet of..." Tigra says with a shrug of her shoulders before she looks at the camera, getting another prompt to ask but one she'll ask in her own way.

    "So, obviously we're here to talk about you, so tell us, what have you been up to this wild year so far?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick's head tilts as Greer goes down a description of how she's doing before the prompters steer her back to his purpose for being on the show. "Oh. Well, Volunteer work, Genosha single. But I think what I'm here for is to plug that we finished filming for a two-part mini series called 'Sea Wolf' which is set to come out reasonably soon."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Seawolf... sounds ... what is that?" Greer asks, trying for some chuckles from the audience as she leans forward, resting her elbows on the desk and lacing her clawtipped fingers together, "Is it like, a wolf-mermaid, like a sequel to that mermaid movie that won that award a few years ago? Sound of Water?" The tiger woman asks, obviously she wasn't given time to prep or she didn't use it.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick smiles, shaking his head as he leans forward. "No, but those do sound like interesting concepts." He looks over to Greer, the positioning of the chair and cameras still making it to where he's facing them as well. "Sea Wolf is about a Jack London story called The Sea-Wolf. It's an adventure novel that takes place mainly upon a ship called The Ghost."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "So you're playing this Jack London character?" Greer asks as she looks back to nick with a smirk as she looks to the audience again and shrugs her shoulders, "Look, this isn't my day job, I'm not a great interview, I know it." And then she sticks her tongue out and then back to Nick. "Tell us a bit more about it, I mean, you're the star of the movie aren't you or are you like, the big bad guy or ... I don't know, I don't see too many movies."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Oh you're doing fine." Nick assures, giving a slight chuckle looking to the audience before looking back to Greer. "Jack London is the author of the story." Nick answers, playing along with Greer, "So he doesn't appear in the series." Nick frowns, "That'd be horrifying if he did..."

He sits back, still giving a practiced smile, "Without giving too much away about what happens, the series centers around the behavior of a Captain Wolf Larson. Brute of a man, puts no value on life, and is just- not a pleasant type at all. He's is played amazingly well by Bryant Wallace. I play Humphrey, who ends up getting pulled onto Larson's ship. There's a bit of a psychological battle between the two as they have entirely different values."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Oh, so it's the oldest tale." Greer says with a playful wink as if she really understood most of that. She did, but she's also playing up letting Nick be the story, not her.

    "So, here's a tense scene between you and Bryant's character, Wolf, and your character, Humphrey. Give us a bit of set up and then lets take a look." Tigra explains as a TV rises up... no it doesn't some PA pushes it up behind the two so it's set between them and they and the audience can watch the clip roll on the flatscreen.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick tilts his head back, looking to Greer at her comment pausing for a moment before he laughs. "In a way."

At the mention of a clip, he turns his head, looking for the tv before the TV is pushed up between the two of them. "Ah. Which one did they send over" He looks to the screen for a few minutes before it registers, "Oh. This would be after Wolf has been threatening to kill a couple crew members for- some stuff they did earlier and Humphrey's trying to defend them."

Greer Grant has posed:
    The clip rolls, I don't know how to describe it as it's not my movie, but the crowd cheers for the potential of hte movie as the screen fades back to Greer and Nick with them smiling, "Wonderful, that Wolf guy seems like a huge jerk and yet, he's the main character, interesting." Before Nick can get a chance to reply, Greer keeps talking and leans towards the camera after she turns to face it directly. "After these messages from our sponsors. Can't wait to see what companies pay for ad space at 2 in the morning." She chides at the camera as it fades to black.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick smiles to the camera, eyes looking over to Greer, and then back to the camera. Smile. Smile. Smile.

Upon the red light turning off, he looks towards Greer, leaning towards her as he takes the time away from camera to be a little less business, "Is this show new? I didn't even know it existed until I was asked to come on."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "You're asking me?" Greer says with a lean towards Mike and a whisper, before she continues, "I can't believe there's this many people here as it is..." Greer she's with a chuckle as the red lights come back on. "Welcome back to Insomniac Show... The Insomniac Show... you gotta fix that name Jerry."

    "We're here with Nick Dragon, who has an up coming movie called Sea Wolf, that's not about a killer seal, believe it or not." Greer smirks to Nick. "When is the movie due out?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the light comes back on Nick turns back to the camera, smiling, seeming relaxed. An eye shifting up as the woman from earlier starts up again.

"DRAGO! It's DRAGO! DRAAAAY- GOOOooooo..." The red light blips off on the camera as some stage hands move towards the woman in the far back only for them to stop when she follows up with "i'll be good."

When the light on the camera cuts back on, Nick is caught with his mouth slightly ajar as he's looking over to the woman before he catches on to the camera coming back on. The mouth closes as he looks back to the camera and then to Greer. "Oh yes. Sea Wolf is a Two part mini-series that will be released on Netflix on September 5th."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer makes a off with her head motion, her finger across her throat before addressing Mike again. "A two part series... whoa, are both parts dropping the same day, I hate cliffhangers now. I've been spoiled by the new tv." Greer notes leaning back in her chair that squeaks awfully loudly. "Jerry! Fix this ****." Poor poor producer.

    Greer leans back forward to talk with Nick further. "What's next for you Nick?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick looks to Greer, giving a nod, "It's Netflix. Everything drops on the same day. You COULD bingewatch it in one sitting if you wanted to."

He looks to the camera directly, "But PLEASE get up and stretch before you go into the second part. It's split up for a reason."

He leans back, looking to Greer. "Right now I've gone back to music. I'm working on some more pieces and once I'm happy with what I've got to offer, it'll get relased. But, I have already recorded a revamped version of a song I once released as an easter egg on one of my past albums and will be making it available for download next Friday."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer turns her attention to Mike again and then with a smile she motions towards the cheap green screen and the band over past it, "We have several instruments and musicians playing them even. Why not give us a sample, or are you not that far along on the songs?" Greer asks with a soft sort of smile on her furry face.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick smiles. "Well, how about I play the one that's getting released on Friday? That one is done and then some. Now this song will be free to download but people have the option to pay for it. The money raised from the song release will be distributed amongst several charities listed on the site. Which I was told would be displayed at the bottom of the screen."

There's a squeak of shoes as a stage hand crawls across the floor with a green poster board held between his teeth, crawlng up the riser he rolls onto his back and shoves up the green card to where it is level to Nick's chest.

Nick leans to the side, glancing down to the stage hand curiously and then to the card before it registers. "...Right. Ok I suppose its showing up now."

As the stage hand starts to roll on his stomach to crawl away, Nick shakes his head.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer simply lowers her face onto the desk and her microphone picks up "Oh dear god..." She stays like this for moments, several moments until the producer clears his throat loudly enough to get her attention. She slowly looks up, her hair a mess, framing her face before she says, "An now, Nick, with the Eurithphonics.... playing his charitable single... I don't ****** know. Take it away." And Greer slowly lowers her face back onto the desk.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick looks over towards Greer as she facedesks, partly concerned and partly wishing he too had a desk to do that with. But instead he's watching a stage hand spider-scootch across the tile floor rather squeakly with a green card sometimes snaring up on a cable. It's not a pretty sight but its so bad that its hard to look away.

Once the camera is focused on Greer, he gets up from his seat to go walk over towards the Eurithphonics. And after a low discussion, he ends up picking up a guitar himself and sitting down upon a stool.

The guitar strums, and a gentle series of chords comes out. Before Nick starts to gently sing...

'The night time comes in
but you're not sleeping for now,
Those thoughts, they plague you
and you don't know how.

An evening terror
when you shut your eyes,
dreams just so twisted
and you don't know WHY.

It builds until that just won't do,
the nightmares that keep terrorizing you.
Fix your eyes on the dreamed up threat.
Not so fast, You're not giving up yet...'

The song goes as well as it can go. The fan lady did end up having to be restrained when she tried running up to the stage later. And Greer.

Poor poor Greer. Well. There was only one thing they could do after a show like that...

Greer Grant has posed:
    There is a bar not far from the studio, a quiet one with a fairly strict entrance policy, one that Greer can get around with her credentials as a Studio 6 host or employee or whatever and she brought her late night guest with her this time. Between them is a single bottle of the hard stuff and Greer has been nursing her drink for some time, staring blankly at the wall...

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Sitting alongside Greer, Nick also holds a glass up to his lips as he is also watching the same programming Greer is right now. The quiet between the two is long and if the wall was self aware, it would likely be developing some paranoia with the intent stares of the two entertainers.

The glass is soon emptied, breaking the spell on the musician temporarily as he sets it down and reaches for the near finished bottle.

Ah. Showbiz.