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Latest revision as of 12:43, 12 August 2020

Pho Goodness' Sake
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: Pho Gedda Bout It
Synopsis: Pho, and off to the Moon?! Best day ever.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Kate Kane

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Pho. Pho is delicious, even if it's too early for pho. Is there such a thing? Pho Gedda Bout It.

Zatanna Zatara has been doing /things/, things that invoke all kinds of disquiet and sorcerous purpose. She has a book with a few maps in it, a phone open, and a bowl of steaming happy broth full of more noodles than her waistline really needs. Quite frankly, she doesn't care. Floating serrated carrots get a loving snipsnip with her chopsticks, brought to her mouth. She considers the arrangement of craters and then wrinkles her nose. Hmm, business. Food, mouthwatering broth mostly, begs for her attention, but she munches on those orange slivers with all the manners of a lady of refinement should have. Gods, she's /not/ John.

Kate Kane has posed:
When you have the schedule Kate does, it's never a bad time for Pho. So she wanders in, wearing a black motorcycle jacket along with black denims and a black T-shirt (showing the Witch-King of Angmar on a motorcycle with the caption 'The Original Nine' on it, really it's all Tim's fault as a gag gift). She glances around, and smiles a bit as she spots Zee sitting there.

So, even though she hasn't exactly introduced herself outside of costume, she goes over and asks the only other person crazy enough (or awake enough) to order Pho this early, "Any suggestions on a good morning Pho? Normally I don't come in this early, but I had to get something." Her voice might sound familiar, though this redhead doesn't have the flowing mane of a certain vigilante that Zee's familiar with.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Poke, poke, poke. The lyrical cadence of swiping around isn't applying to Zatanna today, not when she's sending text messages to one of the most famous people anywhere one-handed. But she has her chopsticks in the other hand; could anything be better? Just about. She plucks up a floating scallion and pops it in her mouth, savouring the subtle variations in flavour. Mmm, the hum of pleasure resonates along her lips, something too hard to resist from enjoying. She dips her fingers along the rim of the bowl, putting the chopsticks down. No witch king or Eowyn moment for her! She looks up, then, with a bright kind of smile when Kate flows by. No need to be impolite.

"Hello, hello," she offers with a friendly bounce to her voice. "Anything with the pine nuts is excellent. A bit lighter, though pair it with a beef broth if you aren't vegan for an extra bit of meaty oomph." Her dark hair flows off her shoulder, exactly the same as under the top hat or without the top hat. Sometimes it goes that way.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Thanks for that, looks like you're doing some interesting work." She is, at least, not demanding that Zatanna hand over the halfling at the moment. She does, however, flag down a waitress, doing two things. One, she places the order that Zee suggested. The next, she slips the waitress a hundred-dollar bill, grinning at her as she looks at Zee, then at the empty restaurant, "Hey, mind if I join you? Feels a bit silly to be the only two people here and taking up two tables." Her head tilts a bit, as there is something about those mannerisms that seems... familiar, somehow.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Only the most thrilling kind of work when not working," replies the black-haired magician. The blunt cut of her bangs frames her face, those wide eyes alight with mischief. The moon maps really are that, part of a pretty detailed book about the Sea of Tranquillity and all the other mare of the lunar friend. She's jotted down one or two spots on there. The waitress gets another smile out of her customer, and a nod to the tea. "Would it be a bother to bring over a pot, please? It's delicious and I don't want to keep asking for refills." The cups are small and she can make that black tea vanish like nothing. Gently sliding the bowl and a few napkins over, tucking the ladle against the plate, she laughs. "My grandfather used to say there were only two sins: lying and dining alone. Out of deceit flow all the rest, apparently. Of course, it will keep anyone else from sitting there without asking. I appreciate it." Her smile is bright.

"I'm Zatanna, but I suspect you know that."

Kate Kane has posed:
And with that, Kate slips into the chair opposite Zee, "Guilty. I did in fact know that. I'm Kate. Kate Kane." She grins cheerfully at Zee, not really dressing the part of the near-billionaire industrialist at the moment as she adds, "Shirt was a gift from my..." She pauses, then says, "Well, cousin's kid, but I just call him my nephew to keep it simple. They all call me Aunt Kate anyway."

She then arches a brow, noticing the moon maps, then putting two and two together rather quickly. "Helping with the Watchtower plans?" She grins cheerfully at that, "To be honest, visiting the Moon must be... well, I can't imagine it being anything other than amazing."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Guilty as charged, says that smile, but Zee has slightly better manners than to just call it right out. Honest truth. Mostly. She glances down to her phone as it silently activates, and more or less picks out a quick response without really looking down. Near-billionaire industrialist or not, some people don't deserve to be muted entirely. "Sorry, having a quick chat with a friend about bringing some of this," she gestures to the bowl, "as a housewarming gift when I leave. Or an office-warming gift. Any excuse to feed someone the best pho ever. Aunt Kate, huh? Must be some popular aunting over there, though you'll forgive me for saying you look really young to be getting gifts from a Legion of Cousins. The younger, prettier one?" Far be it from her to stop grinning, anyway.

The menus are slick and produced prettily, but the food is solid as an option. "The spring rolls are delicious and pretty delicate. I might have to borrow a jug of the sauce at the rate I'm about to go through it." She pats her stomach, relenting on the noodle bowl. "Mmhmm, the Watchtower. Given my alignment to the Justice League, they need /someone/ up there to decorate. It can't all be steel, glass, and arrows. Imagine, whatever would they do without a humanizing touch? The Moon is a desolate ball of grey, for the most part. Monochromes, however much I like them, are /so/ not in the picture."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Oh, I hear you, some nice reds and burgundy makes it look more warmer and lived in, to me anyway. I had a few minor contracts with the Watchtower, but I hadn't been following it directly. That's more my cousin's area of expertise." She grins, a bit cheerfully, "We have a bit of a friendly rivalry about that sort of thing, but we tend to cooperate more often than not, since we're all about different fields."

And that's when it might click that Kate Kane is, in fact, Bruce Wayne's cousin. As she continues, "And that must be a pretty good friend if you're bringing them pho." She does, however, blush a little at being called the younger, prettier one, "... well, now I'm suddenly glad I paid for your pho as well, Zatanna."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee smiles. "Jewel tones go a long way to bringing a rich feeling to a place. Though just a few shades of blue would go a long way to warming it up, though we have the jewel of this planet hanging outside the window. A privileged view, believe me. The contracts look to be going along splendidly but that's really not my area of expertise." She picks up the teacup, checking the contents so she isn't drinking a mouthful of leaves, and then takes a sip of it. "A pleasure, Ms. Kane. And believe me, stylish and cooperative, those are two traits never to look down on."

Her gaze flickers to the server bringing by the carafe of tea, and the rest will follow in order. "I try to be a good friend. Full bellies make for happy people, you know? We can't exactly get pho up there, unless someone's hiding a Vietnamese cooking class from us. It's all so new, though, I think we're all going to find it a learning curve."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly, "Call me Kate, please. I'd rather not be called Ms. Kane unless it's in a board meeting." She mmmms at the tea, "And I do think you'd be a good friend, just from your hospitality so far."

She pauses, and then asks, "So, how many strings would I have to pull to secure an invitation to the Watchtower opening? Though I don't even know how I'd manage to get /up/ there... I mean, space." Well, she has a few ideas, but mostly she's keeping her attention focused on Zee. "And well, I have taken a few cooking classes, though I don't know if I'd trust myself making pho just yet..." Her lips curve a bit in a contemplative smile.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Kate," repeats Zee. She up turns a smile and plucks up several noodles with her chopsticks, leaning over the bowl to slurp them up. When in Hanoi... She does try to be polite though.

"I'd have to ask because I am not one of the head honchos," she says, "but if you support the Watchtower, I cannot see why you'd be outright denied. Doing anything this afternoon? I mean, space. You could claim a second bowl of pho to deliver to Wonder Woman?" She flashes that friendly smile.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
An addition as the phone twinkles merrily. A top hat emoji appears. "You're cleared to go."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles, "Well, now that's great news... but how exactly am I going to get there? Or are you going to woosh me to the moon... and do you have a spacesuit in that top hat of yours?" Her eyes twinkle a bit, as she looks quite pleased. Both at spending some time with Zee, /and/ getting a trip to the Moon in the process.

Then she smiles, "Actually, for once I have no meetings this afternoon, so I am totally free. Did you have something in mind?" Her eyebrow arches, just a little bit, as she looks interested in hearing... well, anything that Zee has in mind.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Fortunately for that, Metropolis has the answers to whoosh us up there for free. We get the pho, we take a trip over there, and boom. Up to the Moon. Or close enough to the Moon to be enjoying the view of it. I mean, no reason I can't just peer out the window and claim to be in lunar gravity. As for marching around, I'm going to say that's probably for working out when we get up there. I mean, Superman gets to float out free. I suppose we need actual technology to do that." Technology, makes life easy but boy, it's not exactly fun.

"If this gets me in any trouble, I'm blaming someone else." She winks a little, and then gestures. "Finish up that pho, no rush. When you're done, we put in the other order, mosey our way to Metropolis, and next, Luna."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles warmly, "Wow, okay... I don't think I thought it possible to be impressed for..." She pauses, and gives Zee a wry look, "Wait, is this a date? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. An afternoon on the Moon with you sounds heavenly." She mmms a bit, working on her pho as she tilts her head.

"I mean, if it gets you in trouble, I'll slip a few contracts to someone to smooth things out. I'm pretty sure that it'll be alright. Bruce will be suitably impressed, I'm sure." A bit less at the Moon visit so much as Kate managing it without using the cowl, no doubt.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You asked. I don't tend to sit on those things when interest is shown. Life is just too short," Zee admits, her shoulders lifted in a playful shrug. "You want to go to the moon, you seize the day and make it happen." She breaks into that smile without preamble, the amusement crinkling the corners of her eyes. "You're the one who sat down here, you tell me what it is, Miss Kate." Her fingertips wiggled with a playful ease, she picks up the teapot and pours more for herself, offering to top up Kate's afterward. The pho is lovely, but sometimes an earthy brew is just what someone needs.

"Bruce takes a great deal to impress, I'll give him that."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Well, then I'm calling it a date, if it's not too forward, Zatanna." She chuckles, "And I agree, life is way too short, you have to carpe that diem when you get it. I can't think of a better afternoon than one with you on the Moon." She pauses, "Well, maybe a beach on the Riviera..." Her eyes dance a bit, as she accepts the tea refill.

"And yes, Bruce does take a great deal to impress. But that's something I've been doing for a while with him. He's... interesting." Since Kate's public reputation is second only to Bruce's as far as woman-chasing billionaire (or near-billionaire) heirs are concerned.