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Latest revision as of 12:43, 12 August 2020

Never ask a symbiote where they keep their cellphone.
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: The Feather-Maiden's Grotto
Synopsis: Mania encounters a suspicious perfectly normal Human teenager (Viv Vision) out at night around the Feather-Maiden's Grotto and stops to make sure nothing nefarious is afoot. Turns out it's just the usual Happy Harbour goings on.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Andi Benton

Vivian Vision has posed:
There are plenty of mysterious and spooky places near Happy Harbor High School, many of which act like a siren song for the adventurous student, and Feather-Maidens Grotto certainly fits the bill. Restricted access, local legends and the love of drama particular to teenagers form a trifecta of temptation.

Of course at this time of night no student should really be roaming the streets. Never mind lurking outside the locked up entrance to a cave. Yet still that's where we find Vivian Vision, masked in a holographic disguise to make her seem Human, wearing what school rumour would have to be her only set of non school uniform clothes. Yellow cargo pants and a green t-shirt.

Her disguise gives her a caucasian skintone and adds a little shading to make her green hair seem like it's the result of dye, although careful observation would note it's the exact same shade of green as her t-shirt, and today her eyes seem blue rather than glowing yellow.

As for why she's at the cave? Well that might be something to do with the cheap camera she is holding.

Andi Benton has posed:
There is another in the area, though primarily passing through. While it isn't obvious from the direction she's headed in by now, Mania had been patrolling in New York City. While one would normally be alone with one's thoughts in a case like that, it's hardly that way with her, with the symbiote. They are never alone, for better or worse.

Now, she uses a few rooftops to traverse the neighborhood, en route back toward the place she lives in with her father. Tonight, however, happens to bring a distraction. That distraction, in part, is the figure at the entrance to the cave. Pausing atop a roof about a block away, eerie white eyes narrow and sharpen slightly.

//What is it, Andi?//
<<Dunno. A cave? Gonna check it out.>>

The internal conversation is brief, the black figure leaping silently to the ground below, drawing nearer.

Vivian Vision has posed:
For a girl that's out by herself in the middle of the night Vivian doesn't seem overly concerned about her surroundings. Oblivious to the stealthy approach of the symbiotic pairing. She doesn't even seem to be paying attention to the cave, almost as if her business with it is done. But then there's no way she could have been inside without that rusty gate making a racket, right?

She shrugs to herself and then holds up the camera and begins taking pictures with very little obvious rhyme or reason. Some of the entrance, some of the sea and a few of a nearby tree. No flash and very little effort taken in making the shots 'good'. Even a novice photographer could tell you they'll turn out as a collection of blurry messes.

Her slow circle of photography will slowly bring Mania into view though, provided she stays in place that is, as Viv continues her pattern of snap-turn-snap-turn.

Andi Benton has posed:
It might be a surprise, then, for Vivian to soon come around into taking aim at Mania with the camera, in time to see the spiky-looking, 'costumed' one standing there with arms crossed, head tilted a bit toward one side. One might imagine an expression of curiosity, if there was an actual face visible beyond the odd eyes.

"A little late to be out playing tourist, isn't it?" she asks in a voice that carries a sort of duality to it, a blend of two as one. It might even seem faintly familiar, the feminine side, but there's something else to it that is decidedly...inhuman.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The slow circle of photography continues right upto the moment when Mania is fully in shot. The camera goes click in the same careless way, she pauses long enough to blink a few times, then holds the camera up again and takes a second shot. "I'm not here as a tourist," Vivian points out. Her accent is blandly American, like something you'd hear on a national news broadcast, with little to give away where she might be from. "I wanted to disprove a school rumour about this location being haunted."

Oddly there's none of the responses Mania might expect from a normal girl out alone at night suddenly catching sight of a black clad potential monster. Her voice and breathing stay even, she doesn't seem to shiver or shake, and her hold on the camera remains rock solid. Vivian is as impassive and indifferent as the nearby pine tree. Perhaps more so as even the wind doesn't seem to be having much impact on her hair or clothing.

"I am unsure if this is intended to be a... friendly warning? Or are you building up to attack me? If it's the latter I would recommend against it. I have no money and my family would not respond well to random demands." The idea someone might try kill her doesn't seem to have entered the equation.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Do you always take pictures of others without their permission?" comes the question, the eyes shifting toward being a little more narrowed than before. Suspicious, perhaps.

Mania holds up a hand as if to obscure part of her face - or rather, head - from view, and the fingers show nails that create the look of claws, only they appear to be all one solid mass of black. "But maybe it /is/ haunted," she adds. The question would be by what?

Steps closer follow on clunky-looking footwear with the look of boots, though just how far up the legs they go is difficult to determine given the spiky elements to the shins. "Why do you assume we would attack you? You have not even asked why we are here." And, for someone who might be concerned about such a thing, there does not appear to be a sense of fear present. Not much of a sense of anything that can be detected through normal observation, really.

//Who is that?//
<<I think I recognize her from the school.>>

Verbally, she adds, "You went to /that/ high school, didn't you?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"We /are/ in a public place and you did point out I was acting like a tourist," Vivian points out earnestly. "As for it being haunted... No I don't think so. Even assuming that there is some sort of afterlife why would anyone choose to lurk around in a cave to bother people? It's far more likely to be the wind and the rampant imaginations of locals with nothing better to do."

She brushes her hair back behind one ear and then tucks the camera away in one of the oversized pockets of her pants. "But I can put the camera away if you would prefer," she offers perhaps redundantly. "People who wear all black and move silently at night are statistically more likely to be involved in criminal activity. If you wish I can ask that? But if you are concerned about a photograph I would assume you're trying to remain discreet." She looks Mania up and down, blinking a few times at the boots. "Perhaps on your way home from some kind of... nightclub for people who like... uhm... costumes?"

Another shrug. "I still attend High School locally, yes."

Andi Benton has posed:
//She thinks we are a costume?//
<<Technically..she's not wrong. It's just not exactly the same thing.>>
//Are we a costume to you?//
<<I think you know the answer to that already.>>

Mania's hands settle at her hips now, near the spiked belt that appears to only exist as a display of fashion. During that internal talk again, she went silent as far as Vivian could tell. So, it's a few extra seconds before she remembers to say anything audible. "It was an assumption. Or, you could have been sneaking around looking for places to break into without being seen," she points out, one eye widening, the upper portion even sliding further up the forehead toward the spiky bits of hair, tantamount to raising a brow.

"And we do not like having our picture taken, but we are not here to do crime. We also did not go to any clubs, and..we are not a costume." Then, she shares something that might be a big clue. "We do remember you from the school, but you probably would not remember us."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision furrows her brow for a moment, then pulls the cheap looking camera out and cracks open the film compartment. She'd have rather used a digital camera but the internet claimed film was better. "Here then," she throws the roll of film over to Mania. "Take it. There's nothing on there I need anyway."

Of course she doesn't mention her eyes are far better cameras, nor that she is devoting a subsection of her mind to comparing images of Mania against recent news articles and publicly available crime data.

"We? .... Not a costume?" She hrms to herself. "I suppose that answers several of my questions." Such as isn't that attire very cold? Or how do you walk without the pvc squeeking? "Although really it raises just as many new ones."

Mention of remembering from school seems to elicit a reaction. An ahh of understanding. It also gives the subsection of her mind new data to compare. Voice and image comparisons with other students in her memory. Which is pretty much everyone she's walked past at HHHS since arriving. "The school did have many rumours about students with powers and abilities."

Andi Benton has posed:
An arm snaps up, the hand closing around the roll of film, squeezing the canister into pieces after considering it. "Huh. Hardly ever see real film these days," she remarks, pulling out the strip afterward, essentially ruining it even in the darkened conditions. "And..thanks. For not making that difficult."

Little does she know, for the time being, that there are other ways of 'recording' her.

//She is strange.//
<<Yeah, like we're not?>>

Head shaking, there is still little change to any visible expression, only the eyes and body language giving anything away. In this case, mild amusement. "And what questions are those?" she wonders, curiosity getting the better of her before she adds, "We..were not what we are now then. At least, not until the end of the school year."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"In no particular order they are what, how, why, when and also who but I would understand if you wish to remain annoymous," Vivian replies, counting each point off on her fingers even as Virtual Viv narrows down her searching. Talks about school in the past tense, there in the last school year, height and build comparison. It could be said there is a level of double standards in saying Mania might wish to remain annoymous while hunting for personal information, but then she didn't actually promise to respect those wishes either did she?

"As well as less important ones. Like if that isn't a costume does it mean you are... you know.. streaking?" She flashes a smile. "Because that's a crime and not at all appropriate behavior for a superhero. But... more seriously are you.. well? I am unsure exactly what is going on but it seems potentially painful."

She takes a few steps over towards the gate and leans against it. "And if that's the case, well, I have some relatives who are involved in the sciences. They could probably find the time to give you some help."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton gives a plain enough answer, which does not shed a whole lot of light on the matter yet. "We are Mania."

Perhaps sensing there is more sought out, particularly after some of the words followed up with, she tosses the film into a nearby trash bin and plants her hands at her hips again. "We are not..streaking. Fine. It is what others would call a costume. And we are not hurt. Why do you think we are? We also don't need any testing. We hate tests."

That last part is said a little more forcefully, perhaps, than needed, complete with narrowing eyes and what sure seems to be a little bristling of those spiked areas, particularly at the forearms. Porcupine!

"But we..are more than you think, put it that way," she adds.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Logically speaking you said 'not a costume' and talk using the first-person plural personal pronoun 'we' and how it's a recent development. That implies late stage mutation or metahuman. Or something statistically unusual. Many of those things can be traumatic or painful," Vivian points out earnestly. "Besides they're the sort of people who do ethical testing. At least my Aunt Nadia is." Or at least Viv thinks she is. She can't rule out that she takes after Hank in regards to health and safety. Or the lack thereof. "She's about our age if that eases your concerns."

She waves her hand dismissively. "But I don't intend to nag or force you into it," she points out. "They're very busy and if you are not interested I would not wish to waste their time. Either way it's nice to meet you Mania. I'm Vivian, but then you might have known that already."

Depending on just how suspicious Mania is there are all manner of oddities about Viv. She doesn't seem to inhale or exhale as often as a normal girl. Her heart beat sounds more like a pump and is so mechanically precise you could set a watch by it. And then there are the little things. Like her footprints being unnaturally deep and a slight image flicker that'd be impossible for a regular Human to notice. Perhaps Mania even knows about Happy Harbours holographic technology.

Andi Benton has posed:
Just what Mania knows of Happy Harbor's secrets is unclear. There were enough rumors amongst students at the school that some suspicions circulated about who was 'special' and who wasn't, lacking concrete evidence. There had been word that a student's father was kidnapped late in the school year and that student did not return to class, instead finishing things up remotely. But, little was heard past that.

//We could tell her. Show her. She seems different.//
<<Yeah, but only a little. We don't want everyone knowing.>>

So, Mania speaks again. "No testing. We know what we are. We are a symbiote and host." One hand is held up, and the demonstration offered is a peeling away of the substance that seemed to be that hand before, withdrawing and flexing as tendrils that curl back, showing pale skin beneath along with black nail polish at the fingertips. Or, maybe it's purple. Not as easy to tell right now.

"See? We were returning from the city..Vivian. And yes, we remember you. You always did seem odd. Now we think we have an idea why." But will she/they explain?

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision holds out her hand as if offering a handshake. "Odd? I don't know what you're talking about," she says solemnly. Then with a wink she adds "I'm a perfectly normal teenage girl." Who rumour had it didn't get spotted eating or sleeping in the whole six months or so since she transferred over.

"I suppose you have been doing a... what do heroes call it... a patrol?" If Mania shakes her hand it'll be clear something is very weird. The 'normal' girls hand looking like flesh but feeling like some sort of plastic. "It must be nice to be free from the rules about discretion. I... I still don't really understand how they think it'll work. The whole school concept feels flawed. Send people with powers to school with normal kids but don't tell anyone. Sure it shows metahumans can blend in, but no-one will see that. They'll be fixated on the lies and the danger for the regular people."

Andi Benton has posed:
The mass of whatever it is crawls back over the hand, leaving the Mania look complete once more. That comes before any handshake is accepted, at which point the exture of the hand is revealed to be different from the way it appears it ought to be. "If you are perfectly normal, so are we," Mania replies, arms crossing again afterward. "And yes, we were patrolling. Not going to any..clubs."

A little more is revealed. "We only..met..a few months ago. Before that.." Shoulders move in the sign of a shrug. "We are just happy there is no more school. We are not sure one more year would have worked for us after all of this, and we are not sure how good an idea the school was."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Or perhaps everyone is a little bit unusual and no-one is really normal," Vivian counters, offering a second more serious smile. "And there's nothing wrong with it. Providing you enjoy that sort of thing." She blinks. "The patrolling that is. Although it also applies to the clubs. Now you've graduated you can do whatever you want. Within reason of course. I do not think people should be judged on what they find enjoyable providing it harms no-one else."

It's hard to tell from her tone if this is intended as a philosophical statement or is based on some wild assumption about Mania based on her appearance.

"If you ever change your mind regarding the subject of scientists please feel free to get in touch." There's a pause for a second and she frowns. "I could write a number down for you but I am unsure if you have pockets. For that matter I do not know if you would digest the paper or if ink is safe. I will likely be at the same school for another year or so at least. I'm having to take things at a more traditional pace even if it is tediously slow sitting through all those classes."

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania muses, "Maybe a safe assumption, nobody being normal. We..were all right with not being heard from before." The eyes reflect a sense of thoughtfulness and curiosity about one thing or another. "We have a..mentor. And yes, whatever we want. So much to see and do."

It's a wide world out there for one such as this, and Mania approaches the opening to the cave, the one that's currently closed off, peering toward it. "You can give us something and it will be safe. We do not eat paper. We prefer things that are much more tasty." There is a dip of the head at the indication Vivian will be at the school another year.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I do not think you'll fit through the bars. At least assuming you retain the Human body inside?" Vivian points out as Mania approaches the sealed up cave entrance. "But you can arrange to be on a guided tour in the daytime I think. It's supposed to be very pretty inside. Lots of good spots to take a picture." She digs around in the same pocket the camera went into and pulls out a little notebook and pen. Neither of which ever seem to have been used. More like props than items intended for use. And with which she writes down a phone number and email address that get offered to Mania. Both of which are very generic and would, if anyone took the time to look, prove near untraceable to a normal person.

"It's good to have a mentor. I have a few relatives and family friends I can turn to for advice. Although I try refrain from trusting anything people tell me without doing some investigation of my own. Even the most well intentioned advice can prove dangerous if followed blindly."

Andi Benton has posed:
"We do, and we might try that soon. We are curious now," Mania admits, turning to glance back over a shoulder before withdrawing a cell phone. Just where it was kept, and how, that's a mystery. The phone is held out toward the scrap of paper. "We will take a picture. You can keep it." A symbiote-wielding person, with a phone. Of course.

Then she shares, "Our mentor..helped save us. We are trying to follow his ways, but it is difficult sometimes. Sometimes we want to go another way." Perhaps Vivian will understand what the symbiote and host are getting at, perhaps not. Advice can be quite a thing.

Vivian Vision has posed:
A normal person might struggle to grasp where the phone came from, even find it miraculous that Mania carries anything on her person at all. But a synthezoid? Well she has a pretty good grasp of Human anatomy and proportions coupled with eighty times magnification on her sense of sight. So she can narrow it down to a dozen or more spots. Of course for the sake of propriety she doesn't narrow it down too much. It's rude to stare in certain places after all. Especially when someone is wearing a clingy alien.

"I don't really need the paper but I shall find a recycling bin to put it in," she replies earnestly. "My father is very hands off when it comes to advice. I think his logic is that I should make my own mistakes to really experience high school life. And in some ways that's fine but others.. I think maybe it would have been better to just 'know' how to handle things." Like coping with the death of her twin or talking sense into a Pym.

Andi Benton has posed:
There are things that are best left unasked and unanswered. Where a symbiote's host keeps a phone might just be one of them, though there was nothing given away about whether or not the host had any of her own clothing on. "Advice from parents can be annoying, but..sometimes not bad." It's not much of an admission, but it's something.

From there, the 'creature' starts to take a few steps back. "And we should be going, so ours does not worry enough to call the cops. We do not want to have to explain that." So says one school-aged not-normal thing to another.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"My family always know where I am," Viv laments. "Tracking app on my phone. But that's the price we pay for freedom, right?" She sighs. "Anyway it was nice talking to you.. Mania. Or should that be both of you?" She frowns as if the correct form of address is a serious matter she's left unattended. "But do not worry on my part, I've never had any trouble getting in or out of the dorms without being noticed."

She manages to restrain the urge to hack Mania's cellphone. It'd be so easy, more so than some of the things Humans take for granted like blinking the correct number of times per hour, but also a gross violation of trust. And this time ethics wins out over concern & curiosity.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Mania will do for now. Maybe we will show you more next time." That wouldn't be necessary if Vivian were to hack the phone. There would be no secrets then. It's likely best she didn't do that, especially if an attempt to build trust is sought.

There is one more clue left, just after Mania adds, "Later," in the form of a webline of some kind shot out from the back of a hand, which allows her to grip it and swing up toward a building, landing atop the roof before moving out of view.

Very much like a certain Spider or two.