Andi Benton
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Andi Benton (Scenesys ID: 676) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Andrea Benton | ||
Superalias: | Mania | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Student, Holder of Part-Time Job | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Happy Harbor, formerly Philadelphia | ||
Education: | High School | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Spider-Verse, Young Avengers, Street Level | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | Late Teens | Actual Age: | 20 |
Date of Birth | 27 Oct 2002 | Played By | |
Height: | 5'2" | Weight: | 120 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black, usually dyed purple | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | Maniacal | ||
Theme Song: | "I Am Your Skin" -- The Bravery |
Character Info
Andi Benton is a loner with a mouth that often gets her into and out of trouble depending on how successful she is at defusing a situation she may cause. While she's an intelligent person, she has a history of not applying herself in school due to a lack of motivation and interest, just skating by with the bare minimum in effort. She carries a lot of buried pain over her mother leaving when she was just a baby, but she is trying to improve so her father won't worry so much. (OOC: And, one of these days, she may just have an encounter with a symbiote and see her whole world change!)
2002: Born in Philadelphia to working-class parents, Frank and the back of a Chevy because of an accident her father got into while trying to get to the hospital.
2003: Andi's mother left, leaving it up to Frank, a repairman and mechanic, to try to raise her.
2004-2007: Andi did baby things, such as learning how to walk, talk, get through an entire night of sleep without waking up her father, etc.
2008: By the time she started school, Andi had already come to believe her mother abandoned her because she didn't want her. It led to her being distant and quiet, even in kindergarten.
2009-2012: During the summers, Andi spent some time in Jenkintown with her aunt Sarah. These were not months she looked forward to. Sarah was often overbearing, and Andi just wanted to be left alone.
2013-2015: Andi finished elementary school with passable grades, but it was clear she only applied herself to meet the bare minimums. She was seen by others as a loner.
2016: Andi was enrolled at West Philadelphia High School, where she began to dress in darker, gothic styles, further earning her reputation as a sarcastic loner who was rarely interested in much else.
2017: While Frank struggled to make ends meet, Andi struggled to make her grades. A few discussions between her, Frank, and the school's principal led to her putting in a little more effort again, but it was obvious her focus was on things other than caring about classwork.
2018: Andi barely stayed on path to graduate in four years, thanks to acing a final exam that brought her grades up enough to move on. It proved to others she had the tools to be a good student, if only she'd try harder.
2019: Andi picked up her grades a bit after a couple heart-to-hearts with her father, who was growing more worried about her attitude and choice of clothing. She didn't really want him to be disappointed in her.
2020: During her senior year, changes came early in the new year as Andi's father had to move from Philadelphia due to rising expenses and the prospect of a better job elsewhere. Ending up in Happy Harbor, Andi was partly glad to get out of Philly but also apprehensive about a new place. Maybe she could just finish school and move on. She also got a part-time job at a local music store.
IC Journal
More Than Meets the Eye:
Andi is a study in contrasts. Outwardly, she is often sarcastic and blunt, showing general disinterest for most things around her. Grades in school have been average to poor at best, but it is not because she's dumb. There has been very little to motivate or interest her to truly apply herself.
In truth, she is a private, sensitive person who is hiding the pain from knowing during her entire childhood and teenage years that her mother left her and her father shortly after she was born, making an already difficult, trying situation even worse. Her father was good at what he did, but he often struggled to make ends meet and they frequently lived from one paycheck to the next. It wouldn't have been that way if her mother hadn't left.
Andi withdrew into herself, shutting herself away from most people by diving into things that didn't need anyone else around: listening to music, reading books, writing, drawing, painting. She was a troubled youth and her father usually tried and failed to find ways to connect with her, but in her heart she didn't truly want him to worry about her. Being a loner and an introvert meant she didn't have to open up to anyone about the anger and hurt she carried toward her mother.
It's left her expressing herself through an attitude that questions everything, that leads to her dressing in goth/emo/punk ways for the attention that brings, a mentality that keeps her from getting too close to anyone, lest she run the risk of getting invested in another kind of relationship only for it to go away sooner or later.
Still, she does care about her father. It's why she's tried to improve her grades so he doesn't have to worry about her graduating even if she has no interest in college. It's why she got a part-time job, so she could have some spending money and he could keep the allowance he would have given her and use it on things they need. She could prove she wasn't a deadbeat with no future.
Character Sheet
Symbiote: Agility:
While Andi herself was never an athlete and has little to no interest in sports, the Mania symbiote brings with it enhanced senses and physical attributes that place her beyond the level of typical Olympians when it comes to dexterity, balance, agility, and speed. This allows her to run up to speeds of 40 MPH, faster than a normal human can reach, for a maximum of an hour. She can twist and contort her body into positions acrobats are known for. Her ability to react to what's happening around her is ten times as fast as humans, making her capable of dodging semi-automatic gunfire.
Symbiote: Camouflage:
The Mania symbiote can take the look of any type of clothing imaginable, allowing Andi to blend in anywhere. It is even capable of mimicking other people. Andi, however, still has her preferred styles when the symbiote is not clearly visible, mainly her goth/punk attire.
Symbiote: Danger Sense:
Similar yet different to Spider-Man's Spider-Sense, the Mania symbiote has developed a sort of sixth sense to danger. Whether the symbiote's appearance is visible or not, there is an always-on sense Andi has that is fortunately not enough to distract or interrupt her. However, the moment danger to her is presented it will immediately turn into a warning indicating the type of danger and the direction it's coming from, something she cannot ignore. This may apply to danger mainly to herself, or more general danger to a group of people she's in the vicinity of. The greater the danger, the greater the warning. In actuality, this comes from the symbiote itself being able to "see" or sense everything around it, including behind it.
Symbiote: Endurance:
A direct benefit of the Mania symbiote, Andi is granted extra endurance relative to the average person. Through the manipulation of matter and shapeshifting, it comes with the ability to rid the body of any toxins or diseases that would enter it, and general fatigue is cleansed in an ongoing manner through the blood and muscles. The symbiote can allow her to function for up to a week without sleep, but it would be detrimental to her mental state. It also allows her to operate at peak efficiency for up to six hours non-stop. Impact from light gunfire can be absorbed and negated, though heavier weaponry can cause injury in need of healing from.
Symbiote: Enhanced Senses:
All of Andi's senses can be improved on a temporary basis through the connection to the Mania symbiote. Adjustments to the eyes will allow enhanced sight even in extremely dark conditions, or it can guard against bright flashes. Ears, with enough time to do it, can be altered to protect hearing or enhance it in order to pick up sounds she would not normally hear. The protective nature of these examples ties into the Danger Sense the symbiote possesses. The chemical structure of matter can be consumed and processed as nourishment, but this is something that works better when it is the actual symbiote "eating" it, not Andi.
Symbiote: Recovery:
While Andi is her own person, her bond with the Mania symbiote leaves both essentially one and the same. In order to operate most efficiently, the symbiote can recover rapidly through its shapeshifting and endurance capabilities. Should Andi ever lose a part of her body, such as a hand, the symbiote can grow one when in use. This shifting extends to morphing the body to account for small bullet wounds or cuts, and injuries like these can be absorbed, deflected, or otherwise recovered from in seconds. Toxins and other impurities are routinely flushed out, providing an extra level of defense against poisons and such, but highly concentrated things such as radiation or ongoing exposure to poisons run the risk of overloading the body. Following these things, cell regeneration is normally needed and that is often sped up through energy disposition to the area in question, along with the consumption of higher amounts of calories. Extra rest may also be needed.
Symbiote: Shapeshifting:
One of the Mania symbiote's most versatile abilities, it can shapeshift into nearly anything as long as there is enough energy to create it, while also maintaining a similar size and mass to Andi herself. This extends to most common materials or substances, allowing for clothing that looks and feels normal to the average person. It can also alter the shape and features, creating a completely different appearance. Beyond that, much of the shapeshifting comes in the form of alterations to the body to form weapons. Examples include longer fingers that end in sharp claws, turning a hand into a cutting blade or blunt weapon, stretching out tendrils of itself to ensnare or capture, or morphing enough to engulf a person's head and even flow into the mouth or nose. It can even create a second alien-like face with eyes and teeth. When utilizing cutting or slicing weapons, it is possible to tear through ballistic body armor or dig grooves into steel. Another perk is the ability to blend in with its surroundings, creating a form of camouflage. For the most part, the shapeshifting is kept to low-level, short-term uses.
Symbiote: Strength:
Andi does not possess a whole lot of strength, certainly nothing remotely close to what the Mania symbiote is capable of. Under normal circumstances, Andi is weaker than the average person or athlete, but the symbiote allows her to lift around five tons comfortably. A comparison to this would be most adult elephants. Anything heavier than that would require a short burst of added strength through shifting to a shape that allows a greater focus of energy, up to about ten tons. Even with the symbiote, she will get by more on quickness, agility, and an ability to adapt to the situation than she will through brute strength alone, but it can come in handy.
Symbiote: Wall-Crawling:
Like Spider-Man, the Mania symbiote is able to scale walls and other surfaces it comes into contact with. This is done through a molecular bond to such surfaces, essentially binding them to the point separation is practically impossible if such is unwanted. No damage is done to either part involved in the process, and it is more of a mild chemical alteration that returns to normal once released.
Symbiote: Webbing:
Similar to Spider-Man's webbing, yet demonstrably different in composition, the Mania symbiote can cast out itself in the form of strong, thin tendrils that stick to objects, letting Andi swing from place to place effortlessly. This is often in the form of webbing but can take other shapes, such as ropes or basic tendrils. Whatever they are, they're strong enough that they won't snap or tear, though they can be cut without causing pain. As they are a part of the symbiote, it is possible to affect them in the ways the symbiote itself might be. They also don't last independently of the symbiote itself for more than a few minutes before dissolving, and there is a finite amount that can be created before the symbiote will tire itself out and require more nourishment first.
As a child, Andi always loved to color. This progressed into rudimentary drawings that became better over time. Now she keeps a sketchbook she can draw in to her heart's content, with many pages fully inked and colored as well. She also enjoys writing short stories. A secret dream of hers is to become a successful female comic book artist or even a writer. That would be very cool.
Through the Mania symbiote, Andi has learned the basics of combat. Aided by the enhancements that come with the bond, she is faster, stronger, more durable, capable of sensing danger, and even able to alter parts of her body into various forms of weaponry. This makes her a formidable opponent in most circumstances. Low-level mobs of half a dozen people are little threat to her, even if some of them have guns. Larger groups could pose a greater problem and require strategy to deal with, if they are engaged. Further training will improve her own skills, but she is only limited by her imagination and the constraints the symbiote itself can operate within.
Good With a Wrench, Etc.:
Try as she might to maintain her standoffish ways as a kid, there were times where Andi showed interest in dad working on the car or fixing up some things around the apartment complex they lived in. As a handyman and mechanic, he was more than willing to let her help out, since it gave them a chance to actually have a father/daughter thing once in a while. She can do basic fixer-upper stuff and has a clue when it comes to car engines, and she can swing a wrench if she's ever in trouble and there happens to be one nearby.
Musical Knowledge:
Music has always been one of Andi's great joys. While most people could catch her listening to something hard, metal, and angry, what she won't admit to them is she actually likes a lot of different things ranging from oldies and classics to arena rock, ballads, alternative, rap, and even a little country. While taste is subjective, she understands what makes a good song work. With a job working in a music store, she could also tell someone all about CDs, vinyl, record players, and sound quality in general, not to mention different genres of music. The advent of digital music has led to a decline in physical copies of albums, but there is still enough of a demand for the old ways to keep her employed.
Street Smarts:
Though it will take some time to get used to things in a new place compared to Philadelphia, Andi lived in a decent part of town but was exposed to some of the seedier, bad areas enough to know to keep her eyes on a swivel or find a different path if it feels like there's danger ahead. Good blocks, bad blocks, drug blocks, and so on - it isn't that different from one city to the next. Plus, there's always pepper spray or a good knee to the right area.
Andi's got an Aunt Sarah in Jenkintown, a small borough just a little north of Philadelphia itself. At times when her father's been especially busy or had to go out of town without her, she's spent a weekend or longer there, even a couple months during the summer. It's not her favorite place to go, as there's very little to do in Jenkintown that suits her, but at least her Aunt makes her feel welcome even if she can be overbearing at times.
Andi has lived with her dad her whole life. In spite of some lean times, he's sacrificed for himself to provide for her, found ways to make ends meet, and kept her off the street except at her own choosing. She's responded to this by being responsible enough to check in with him when she was going to be home late, and for the most part she's followed his rules even if she's used to doing it with a sarcastic word or two. She does owe him something, after all.
For a while Andi got a small allowance from her father, but that was about it with her mother gone and no other means of support aside from the jobs he did. When the time came for her to be more responsible and independent, so she got a job working in a local music store. It was already an interest of hers, and while different forms of physical media went through peaks and valleys, it's seen a resurgence especially among the hipsters out there. She might not care for them, but their money is as green as what she got paid with. Plus, she learned a lot more about music in general.
For most of her life, Andi was just plain Andi. There was nothing special about her. It all changed when the symbiote reached out to her and made contact, then subsequently bonded to her as part of saving her life. It is a separate entity, yet at the same time it is now a part of her. Two beings, now one. Thoughts are sometimes the same, sometimes not. Emotions can be strong from the symbiote, centered on survival first, but also learning about the one it's chosen to be its host. For Andi, there is another voice she hears, one that does not always go along with what she has in mind, but so far it hasn't steered her wrong. In ways, it's embraced her, told her the things she's felt are okay to feel. It's almost like an imaginary friend made real, one that comes with amazing abilities. As long as the Mania symbiote is bonded to her, Andi benefits from everything it has to offer. Should it ever leave her or be taken away somehow she would not die, but she might wish she had.
Andi's got a phone, a tablet, a laptop, a music player, and she knows how to use all of them. Growing up as a child connected to the digital world, she is more than comfortable with social media, chat servers, and being able to have conversations with people near or far even if that's not always her thing. While she's not a big fan of most games beyond phone apps, she's even familiar with the concept of roleplay, pretending to be something other than what one is (ironic, that), but that usually applies to things in the bedroom for the most part.
Andi prefers peace and quiet to most crowds. Even when she was in school, she tended to eat by herself or with some of the other "freaks" and "burnouts," as the jocks liked to call them. She can handle herself fine in social situations. She just prefers to avoid them in the first place unless there's a good reason to talk to somebody beyond the basics. It's prevented her from making many close friends, and whoever she would have considered one is back in Philadelphia now anyway.
Mouth Writes Checks...:
You know how the saying goes when it comes to another part of the body cashing them? Andi's nearly got herself into a number of fights at school in the past when she went a little too far with some of the biting sarcasm she'd direct toward others. It's taken some quick talking to defuse the situation, but she's never been a fighter and there have been times she's been pushed around first. With strangers, she needs to be careful lest she find herself in a situation she can't escape from thanks to her outspoken nature. Then, it could be time to pay the piper.
Single Parent:
When Andi was just a small child, her mother left. Just up and disappeared, leaving her alone with her father. Once she was old enough to understand what happened, Andi shut a part of herself away, burying deeper, raw emotions behind a mask of indifference and sarcasm. Some people seek company and laughter to cope with pain. Others tuck it away and close up. She's become more attached to her father, even if she doesn't usually show it, and the thought of losing him as well terrifies her.
Symbiote: Bond:
The Mania symbiote, which is actually of the Klyntar race, is a mostly unknown extraterrestrial entity that wound up on Earth when a meteorite made impact. Captured, experimented on, and tested, its need to survive led it to Andi, who was the lucky (or unlucky, depending on one's perspective) one it chose to bond with. While the bond provides Andi with numerous abilities she could not have imagined previously, it also comes with a sort of addiction to it. The way she feels, the way she thinks, the way she acts, it can all be affected by the influence of the symbiote itself through a form of empathy. Usually they are in sync with each other, but the symbiote often feeds off of her emotional state and can seek to amplify those feelings or even nudge them in certain directions, whether they be anger, joy, sadness, curiosity, a desire for revenge, etc. This has the potential to lead Andi into dangerous situations or do things she might have only thought about before. She has also developed a subconscious dependency toward the symbiote, such that the thought of it leaving her is not one she wants to face.
Symbiote: Heat:
The Mania symbiote has a natural weakness to heat sources of most kinds, typically fire in this case. Low levels of heat cause no real issue aside from a preference to keep from getting too close, but once something reaches 400 degrees Fahrenheit, coming into contact with the area or an object will begin to immediately cause damage and, potentially, a loss of mass and energy. This can be a large-scale fire or even something small that burns much hotter, such as a match. As a result, the symbiote will attempt to avoid it by any means necessary. This can include an urgent need for the host to leave the area, but it may also lead to the symbiote temporarily ending the bond as a matter of self-preservation. This could have detrimental effects on the host, in this case Andi.
Symbiote: Sound:
Certain types of sound present problems for the Mania symbiote. Loud or powerful soundwaves disrupt its cohesion at a rapid rate. Sounds of an extreme or repetitive nature that can cause such an effect leads to a loss of strength and a need to flee as soon as possible. Short, pulsing bursts of sound are capable of stunning it, but to cause it to go into full remission it'd take more constant exposure. If Andi is in the midst of attacking or defending as Mania, this could put her in a precarious situation.
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Andi Benton has
130 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
It's Definitely Pizza. But is it Famous | October 19th, 2024 | A telepath, a symbiote host, and a pizza joint. It's only pretty awkward. |
X Spiders = N Symbiotes | May 22nd, 2024 | Dagger and Mania meet. How many Spider-adjacent people are in this city again? Chocolate is shared. |
Cougar Mania! | April 27th, 2024 | Alderic encounters Mania in the park, they quickly become acquainted and then decide to pursue a late dinner! |
How to catch a Symbicat | April 17th, 2024 | Andi comes to visit Tessa at the HFC. Mania gets more ear scritches. |
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway | April 15th, 2024 | Mania and Venom reconnect while encountering someone else good at attracting attention when she wants it: Selene. |
Symbiotes That Lurk in the Night | April 11th, 2024 | Tessa takes a walk and meets Mania. Dinner ends up on offer. |
Late Night Sight-Seeing | March 31st, 2024 | Osprey and Mania play cat and mouse, and then decide to go get chocolate instead of a fight. |
Meanwhile, back at the Cat lair... | March 9th, 2024 | Catwoman runs into Mania again, in New York this time. They go for take-out. |
Binding With Briars | February 18th, 2024 | This is why Donna and Rae can't have nice things. Even when Mania and Misfit try to help. |
The Best Cat(woman) Ever | February 14th, 2024 | Mania and Catwoman cross paths. Mania..fangirls a bit. Catwoman handles it like a pro. |
What's the deal with diners | January 21st, 2024 | Andi and Maddy figure out the deal with diners. |
Let's all go to the Mauler | January 8th, 2024 | The Maulers raid a Mall to get stuff for their headquarters to rebuild after Omni-Man left them out to dry. They're thwarted by a trio of heroes... and Flatline? |
She's a Mania(c), Mania(c) at the Store | January 6th, 2024 | Damian shows up to buy a gift for his sister and may have sussed out someone's secret. Or at least, her tastes in nicknames! |
Andi and Eddie grab a Bite | December 15th, 2023 | Andi and Eddie have a brief chat about their hobbies and preferences |
Finding the Destroyer... album | November 26th, 2023 | Crush stops in where Andi works to get a Kiss album... ends up having an interesting conversation and taking home a new drum kit. |
Young Avengers: Mechanized Force | November 7th, 2023 | The Young Avengers thought they were coming out to observe a new group - instead, they end up rescuing hostages! |
Early Halloween for Mania and Batwing | October 28th, 2023 | Batwing and Mania team up to deal with some arms dealers. Pleasantries (as want between two kids their ages) were exchanged. |
Pinned Down and Pissed Off | October 8th, 2023 | Joshua is ambushed by Reavers while making deliveries. He's rescued by Prisma, Spider-Man and Mania and he is faced with a cruel truth. There really is only one way to stop the Reavers. |
Ice Cream: It's What's For Dinner | September 6th, 2023 | Mania and Rave have a quick catching up. |
Symbiote Riot | August 19th, 2023 | Venom has a Supermarket Sweep. Spidey and Mania save the day. Ish. |
Regrouping The Carnage Team | August 7th, 2023 | Andi and MJ come to the Parker residence to get the bad/good news about Peter's absence/return. |
Maximum Carnage - Monday Evening Murder | July 30th, 2023 | A group of mixed heroes go to face down Carnage and Cletus Kassady for one final fight as day turns into night. And the saga of Maximum Carnage comes to a roughly fought end. But peace rules on the streets for just one night. |
After the Carnage | July 22nd, 2023 | After fighting Carnage, Venom tracks down Mania for a complicated talk. |
Inky Blackness is All the Rage | July 15th, 2023 | Andi finds more than she bargains for at Goth night at the HFC. Selene finds...exactly what she was looking for. |
Maximal Carnage - Spiders fighting Freaks | July 3rd, 2023 | Symbiotes and Spiders team up against the crazed killer Carnage! |
Maximum Carnage - Bloody Monday Morning | June 17th, 2023 | Carnage breaks out. Of jail, and of Hell thanks to Spawn. It's up to a rag tag group of heroes to band together to stop what will be a dead time on the ole town this morn! |
Young Avengers...Assemble | May 31st, 2023 | The Young Avengers have, indeed, assembled. Hopefully we shall see great things from these young heroes! |
Central Perks at Central Park | May 27th, 2023 | A couple of Young Avengers (and one guy who claims not to be a Young Avenger) hang out in Central Park. Magic coffee is consumed, bunny rabbit blankets are sat upon, and thankfully no one gets beaned in the face with a frisbee (but it was a close thing there for a moment). |
Midnight Pie | May 9th, 2023 | Crush runs into Andi while out for a piece if pie, when a couple if idiots try to rob the restaurant. Mania and Crush take care of things and save the pie. |
The Nightclub Under Your Bed | May 1st, 2023 | The Under Your Bed dive bar for monstrous folks is unfortunately lost as it suffers multiple holes in its walls and severe fire damage. Whether it is written off for the insurance money by whoever owns it is uncertain, but Iara, Sally and Andi meet for the first time, they all get a taste of Batman at work, and they all have a pretty stereotypical night in Gotham: Interrupted by villains and not finding any peace. |
A Bone to Pick | April 7th, 2023 | When the Grasping Paw, an international gang known for dealing with Antiquities and Prehistoric Fossils holds an auction, a number of heroes show up.
Andi/Mania showed their Xenomorphic Prowess Vivian and Harper had quite the charged date. Kate got to punch out bad guys without needing the kevlar body suit. Divine and Cindy spent Emma's money Everyone was awesome, and no one died! |
Thank You For The Venom | December 26th, 2022 | Kim tries to score some drugs to help keep her festive mood up for the holidays, but things go horribly wrong for her when double-crossing is suspected at the deal. Perhaps it's fate that Venom and Mania are also drawn to the scene, and soon a standoff between the three Symbiotes ensues... |
Sweet Screams Are Made Of These | December 21st, 2022 | Andi Benton faces her dark chocolate night of the soul. |
Reconnecting with 'Family' | November 27th, 2022 | Venom reaches out to Mania and they meet at the site of their first encounter. A rather contentious conversation follows, showing lingering differences. |
Feeding Frenzy | November 26th, 2022 | Venom flees, his hunger temporarily sated as his fellow symbiote is left to explain in his wake. |
The Creepy Mentor | October 24th, 2022 | Wiccan and Mania, two of the Young Avengers, are visited by an unlikely but fitting potential mentor: Raven. |
Another Day in the Life | October 12th, 2022 | Against a backdrop of busting a few no-good types, Mania and Rave team up. |
Manic Demonic | October 10th, 2022 | No description |
Space Seed | October 2nd, 2022 | The Legion is thwarted, NYC remains un-blown up, and Mania tastes something new. |
Fresh Faces, New Beginnings | September 11th, 2022 | Annie and Andi meet, a friendship begins, and powers are shared! |
You Meet the Most Interesting People When Shopping | August 21st, 2022 | Fade to black with visit to chocolatier! |
YA Beginnings: Getting the Band Back Together | August 6th, 2022 | The first meeting of the Young Avengers at their (eventual) base goes off with only a few hitches. It looks like a new team is truly forming in the heart of the Big Apple. |
The Way of the Spiders | July 25th, 2022 | Peter teaches Gwen and Andi the basics of the Way of the Spider to start them on the path to learning it. |
Space Cop Meets Space Goo | July 5th, 2022 | Kyle Rayner encounters one of the feared Klyntar on Earth...and finds things might not be entirely what he expected. Andi has questions for Mania. |
Aren't Symbiotes Weak Against Hellfire | June 20th, 2022 | Mania meets Tessa in the Hellfire Club's youth-oriented nightclub, and ends up being taken on a tour. |
Stars and Spiders | June 14th, 2022 | Mania and America bust up a long term hostage crisis in downtown Manhattan and learn that they work rather well as a team. Perhaps this requires further exploration. |
We are Mania | May 24th, 2022 | Phoebe has been looking for the Goops and Ooze that solved a bodega robery. She makes acquaintence with Mania. Mania now has the card of an exorcist and mage. Phoebe agrees to eat the vegetables and Mania gets Phoebe's share of chocolate covered bacon. An accord is reached. |
Holdup at Al's Corner Store | May 15th, 2022 | A pair of robbers pick a bad night to rob Al's Corner Store. It all goes wrong when someone gets shot, leading to an intervention by those nearby - and a disturbing encounter as two monsters in disguise reveal themselves. |
You Never Know What Lurks Around the Corner | May 3rd, 2022 | Mania meets Selene, and maybe finds a friend |
Picnic on the Rooftops | May 2nd, 2022 | No description |
You Scream, We Scream | April 12th, 2022 | A bond is struck between Crush and Mania (and Andi) over ice cream. |
Causing Trouble in the Club! | April 10th, 2022 | A chance encounter with strangers at a nightclub turns to chaos and potential danger. And faeries. |
Demons, Demons, Everywhere | April 5th, 2022 | Following the trail of a demon within the ABC Bail Bonds office, Daimon discovers the empty husk of the demon within a back alleyway. There, he is confronted by three other demons and is assisted by Mania in the conflict. The 'heroes' are able to drive away or dispatch the demons, but Daimon gets caught up in the 'dispatching' and ends up being sent to his own Hell realm. |
Patrolling Happy Harbor is not like Patrolling New York City | March 23rd, 2022 | Mania's patrolling Happy Harbor uneventfully, before Bart shows up for food with Andi joining him. They eat a lot. She is awkward about a few things. |
A Little Too Authentic | March 5th, 2022 | Venom accosts a Spider-Man cosplayer, while Mania saves people from falling debris. Also, they talk. |
It's Not a Bribe, It's Just Chocolate | February 20th, 2022 | No description |
Testing a Symbiote | February 12th, 2022 | Satana finds that Mania has a lot of potential for future missions, no one mortal perished. |
Fire and Damnation | February 7th, 2022 | Emma and Selene skirmish, and various heroes are caught in the line of psychic fire. |
Burger Time | February 1st, 2022 | Essix met Mania. Now she meets Andi. Learning continues on both sides. (Continues from scene 9796) |
What a wonderful, interesting, world | January 24th, 2022 | Essix meets an interesting people called Mania, then after a little conversation, swings off with her... as a belt. |
New Year Checkin | January 5th, 2022 | TJ Checks in on Mania and learns about her origin. Then they go out to dinner. |
Meeting Mania, Maddie, and Monet in Mutant Town | January 2nd, 2022 | Mania chases a purse-snatcher and is met by two mutants with mental abilities that prove concerning: Monet and Madelyne. |
Reconnecting Frayed Weblines | December 22nd, 2021 | Spidey and Mania re-connect after a long hiatus, and try to work out the nature of secrets and lies. |
Hunting Symbiotes | December 14th, 2021 | Karai goes hunting for some alien DNA for experiments, and Clint gets mixed up in the conflict. |
Satisfying Cravings | November 30th, 2021 | A symbiote meets a kitsune over chocolate. |
Stalking the Stalkers | November 14th, 2021 | Mania and Gothic Lolita foil a kidnapping ring before moving on to more important matters: where to celebrate. |
Black No. 1 | October 24th, 2021 | Gothic Lolita and Mania run into each other after thwarting a robbery. Antics ensue. |
Mojave Meteorite Mayhem | October 16th, 2021 | Peter Parker and Andi Benton track a meteorite to the Mojave, but find its cargo has already found a new home in Keith Brooks. |
This place has Soul(s) | August 24th, 2021 | Andi and Talia decide to catch up at a club, when Satana catches up with Andi and takes an interest in Talia as well. |
A Grave Situation | July 26th, 2021 | A group of dummies try to summon something demonic. Mania shows up. So does an actual demon. Oh, and Satana's behind it all. |
A Bad Day to Be a Drug Dealer | July 11th, 2021 | A drugs-for-guns deal gets interrupted by two Spiders, one Sentinel, and a very Quiet killer. |
Making a little History in the Museum | June 22nd, 2021 | Museum robbers are thwarted by a trio of spidery types, who then briefly and awkwardly catch up on various topics. |
Cleaning Up The Riff-Raff | June 14th, 2021 | A routine night for Mania changes when Satana interrupts the capture of some bad people. |
A Frosty Reception | May 26th, 2021 | Emma pays a visit to Andi's apartment, seeking knowledge about an incident in Mutant Town. It does not go exactly as expected for her, Andi, or Mania. |
Green Monster | May 17th, 2021 | Mania visits Mutant Town. Things get a little crazy with a plant-based mutant as Iceman lends a frosty hand. |
Checking In on Mania | April 25th, 2021 | Mania's are checked up on. Talia talks about her past. A friendship in the making. Maybe. |
Nightmare Nurse Meets Mania | April 20th, 2021 | Andi (and Mania) learn the demon they encountered last year is not the only one out there. Asa, or Nightmare Nurse, is quite different as well. |
Punk Rock in Brooklyn | April 7th, 2021 | Mania and Kainashi fight bad guys, establish peace through mutual head scritches. |
For Want Of A Spike | March 26th, 2021 | The meeting of three Spiders and a Warhead. Ground Zero: a goth shop. |
A Hellish Club | March 19th, 2021 | Andi and Rave meet at Purgatory and see about having a good time. |
Slithering In The Sewers | March 6th, 2021 | While the unlikely collection of heroes might have managed to deal with the threat presented by the Lamia, Kurt is left with no answers on the more personal matter of his heritage. |
Symbiotes Can Investigate Bombings Too | February 16th, 2021 | As Venom leaves the sight of the mutant high school bombing, he's spotted by Mania and a rooftop talk happens. |
Bagels. Just. Bagels. | February 10th, 2021 | Andi and Carrie meet and chat about relationships. |
Meeting of Many Minds | January 26th, 2021 | Mania, Terry, and Spidey meet for Chinese food and plotting how to deal with imposters. |
Return Of The Shredder: II | January 25th, 2021 | Spider-Man and Mania stop a Jewelry Store robery but the Foot Clan get away with the lid of a burial Urn. |
Return of the Shredder: Alleyway Aftermath | January 23rd, 2021 | The 'Good Guys' take a pause in the alleyways after fighting The Foot to take notes and trade numbers -- as... you know... girls do...? |
Return Of The Shredder: I | January 23rd, 2021 | The Footclan steal vital research data to a nefarious end after getting their backsides kicked royally in an open street rumble |
At a Crossroads | January 12th, 2021 | Crisis Averted. Well okay maybe. Jury is out on this dimension. SHIELD Strike Team Averted? |
Park Patrol | January 1st, 2021 | Mania patrols, then encounters what is apparently a knight in modern times. It is confusing. |
Snicker-Snacking | December 15th, 2020 | Cats, Spiders, and sticky fingers. |
Park Interlude With Spiders | December 1st, 2020 | Silk, Mania, and Spidey meet for catch-up on their burgers and hot dogs. |
Can you just get ahold of yourself Eddie | November 24th, 2020 | Two Symbiotes had a very deep philosophical discussion. Who can tell what this will bring later on? |
Aftermath and Afterthoughts | November 17th, 2020 | Peter and Andi sit and talk about what happened, and how Andi should work with Mania going forward. |
Ruins of a Crime | November 11th, 2020 | Ghosts, Manias, and Spideys stop a human-trafficking ring...but limits are tested. |
Demon on the Roof | November 1st, 2020 | Levian sleeps on Andi's roof, wakes up, is hungry for pigeons, and then he stays on her roof waiting for pigeons. |
Bad Luck/Good Luck | October 18th, 2020 | Spider-Man spots the Black Cat, talks about the Kingpin, and introduces her to Mania. |
A Cluster of Spiders | October 9th, 2020 | Mania meets Spider-Woman meets Araña meets Spider-Man...eats White Castle. |
Bloodhounds and Symbiotes | October 5th, 2020 | Levian and Mania become friends??? And explore the city after a long talk! |
A Demon and a Goth Walk Into Purgatory | September 30th, 2020 | Levian and Andi meet and have some very strange discussions about what they are. Levian wants to be friends with her symbiote! |
Step one:Never have your hand in the cookie jar. | September 20th, 2020 | A group of idio...criminals try to rob a record store. Emphasis on try. Emphasis on fail. Mania and Orphan are both waiting outside when they emerge. |
Well, There's Pie... | September 18th, 2020 | Andi and Mania meet Peter Parker. |
Darkness and Drugs | September 13th, 2020 | Two spiders and a vampiress drop in on a drug deal. |
Dining with Fred | September 7th, 2020 | TMW a meeting starts with awkward first impressions and ends in delicious hamburgers. Afterschool specials aren't this good. |
Symbiote Encounter | August 16th, 2020 | No description |
Bombs of Many Kinds | August 12th, 2020 | Mania and Spider-Man tag-team a bomb...and drop a few others. |
Never ask a symbiote where they keep their cellphone. | August 10th, 2020 | Mania encounters a suspicious perfectly normal Human teenager (Viv Vision) out at night around the Feather-Maiden's Grotto and stops to make sure nothing nefarious is afoot. Turns out it's just the usual Happy Harbour goings on. |
The Billionaire Boyz Club Goes Bankrupt | August 4th, 2020 | The Billionaire Boyz Club is at it again. Mania almost exacts revenge on them again, but she is interrupted by someone else again - Ghost Spider. |
Uncle Eddie and the Princess | July 21st, 2020 | Pretenses in the diner are dropped. Venom and Mania meet. |
Greasy Spoons | July 21st, 2020 | Two symbiotes in a diner leads to some tense conversation while Johnny Storm is a smooth operator. |
Music Time | July 11th, 2020 | Spider-Man pays Andi a visit to reconnect with both Andi and Mania |
Earlier Than Expected | June 19th, 2020 | Silk gets to meet Mania, it's weird. |
Things That go RAWR in the Night | June 7th, 2020 | Spider-Man deals with demonic forces and vengeful robots. So, par for the course. |
The Swing is the Thing, or Webworks | June 3rd, 2020 | Mania meets with Spider-Man to learn about webbing. He also fills Red Sonja in on a potentially big problem she recognizes. |
Eye of the Spider | June 1st, 2020 | Spidey meets with Mania and Ghost for a little training montage. |
Symbiotes Amid The Ruins | May 31st, 2020 | In the ruins of an old hospital, two symbiotes and their hosts have an encounter. |
Ghost/Mania | May 30th, 2020 | Ghost and OG Spider meet Mania, and connections are made. |
Stir Crazy | May 19th, 2020 | Mania comes looking for payback, and Spidey and MJ come looking for Mania. |
I'm Going Through Changes | May 17th, 2020 | Andi has a discussion with members of the Happy Harbor school staff about what's been going on. It's a little tell, but also a little show. Concerns are expressed. |
Meeting Mania | May 15th, 2020 | Spider-Man meets Andi, and her companion, on the roof of the hospital where her father recovers. |
Spider / Mania | May 11th, 2020 | A kidnapping, a hostage situation, and the birth of Mania! |
Close Encounters | May 10th, 2020 | The star traveler reaches out to find a compatible host...and locates one. |
Fashion Un-Conscious | May 6th, 2020 | Time for some Goth-inspired shopping, with Andi meeting none other than one Gothic Lolita. |
A Gothic Gathering | May 5th, 2020 | Andi sneaks out to a club and meets someone with the best name ever, who could also be a bad influence. |
Happy Harbor: The Uninvited | April 27th, 2020 | A visitor to the school brings along a visitor of his own when threatened by the school bully. |
Spidersilk and Vinyl | April 26th, 2020 | Spider-Man visits Andi Benton's music store with an old record and a little concern for her welfare. |
A Prelude to Mania | April 13th, 2020 | A rich-kid gang threatens Andi Benton, who gets a save from Spider-Man. And a hot dog. |
Caught in the Web | April 4th, 2020 | Two Spiders, a Pixie, and a Goth with a shiny spine give the Triad what-for. |
Happy Harbor Prom 2020 | March 21st, 2020 | Much fun was had by all and with minimal property damage! |
Happy Harbor: Meet and Greet | March 7th, 2020 | No one gets murdered at the first meet and greet. Someone does get punched though! |
It's the New Kids! Played By: the New Kids! | March 4th, 2020 | Three newcomers to Happy Harbor meet in a diner. It nearly goes bad. |
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Andi Benton has
130 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Maximum Carnage: The Talk | July 28th, 2023 | Set during the one-day "Maximum Carnage" event over multiple scenes, Andi Benton finally reveals a big secret to her father: Mania |
A Heart-to-Symbiote | July 5th, 2022 | In the aftermath of Mania encountering Kyle, host and symbiote discuss something that's been a long time coming. See scene 11888, "Space Cop Meets Space Goo" for reference. |
Getting to know Mania | May 25th, 2020 | Andi and Mania begin to figure out what their bond might mean for each other. |
Entertainment Credits
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Andi Benton has been credited in
0 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
No shows submitted yet. |
Andi Benton has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Andi Benton has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Andi Benton has been listed in 1 groups.