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The Bats In The Walls
Date of Scene: 07 August 2020
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Batwoman and Zee stop a serial killer who was obsessed with the Crime Bible. Clearly no foreshadowing, really...
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Zatanna Zatara

Kate Kane has posed:
For the past few nights, there's been a killer loose in the Narrows. Who they are hasn't been narrowed down yet, and the police haven't had the time to deal with them considering everything else that gets handled in Gotham. However, one thing about the killer that's been strange... are the Crime Bible quotes being left at the scenes of the grisly murders.

Which is why Batwoman is on the case, as she currently lurks on a rooftop, doing some investigative work and stalking would-be victims. Based on her information, the victims all had the same birthday (March 21st), and they've been female. Which rings a little close to home for her, so she's been taking this a bit more seriously than she might otherwise.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A killer in the Narrows is nothing new. Places safer include 1970s Beirut, 1990s Mogadishu, 2000s Afghanistan. Places that a stage magician usually doesn't find herself, but she stalks through one of the side avenues. Her black coat flows around her, too hot for the summer, but necessary for a kind of protection. She hasn't bothered with her motorcycle; too likely to be jacked or stolen. A dark shine of death slinks through the air, thick as cat urine fresh on a carpet, sickening her. She loiters in a doorway for the moment, the three storey building all but abandoned, awash in graffiti and detritus of junkies and the homeless. Thank God for high boots.

She isn't lurking so much as reading into the graffiti, looking for signs. Logomancy is about the word, but any sorcery involving the spoken or the written has value. Lines of lurid paint lie over faded symbols and epithets scrawled in ugly forms. She whispers a sound and the lines blend, peeling back, showing her green scratches and verses sketched at the point of a switchblade or a razor. But the right ones? That'll take time to notice. The information in the building is part of a wider mystic system; the last seven checks have been duds. Eight has always been a lucky number, and the chatter for signs and curses might just give... well, hope. Hope out of death, if this is the right building number 321 on a forgettable street where another forgettable face died under cruel hands. Shadows leak out, forming ugly letters, ugly verse. "This really ought to be Con's job. Gross."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman does see Zatanna walking about the Narrows. Blinking in a bit of surprise, she changes course on the rooftops, following along after her as... well, with the occult nature of these killings, it makes sense to track down the magician, right?

Purely professional, as she quietly descends from the shadows, her voice eventually echoing out, "So, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" Her voice is a bit raspy, as most Bats tend to be, though she doesn't overdo it like her cousin might. Despite the situation, there's a faint smile on her lips as she does look to be glad that Zee is also looking into the situation.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Walking is part skulk, part stop in the darkness and using its cover to drown her up. Batwoman isn't the only one who likes black. True, she's got more resilience in that armoured suit and cape than a common mage does, but chances are fairly good that the magician isn't harmless or unprotected.

That might explain the fingertip pointed at the cracked, once decorated post framing the entrance to the dead building. An accusing finger, possibly. Not the kind of thing to bother gangsters or criminals around here, which shows how little they know. "dniF eht txen tops uoy erew deyarps." Paint splashes from the wall, running in a trail away to ribbon across the ground like a black mamba. In this case, a reddish-orange mamba, slithering maniacally across the ground. "Snake-charming, it's quite the underrepresented art. As you can see, he's in a bit of a rush." Her smile turns up a bit, but she tilts her head in the redhead's direction. Hard to be sure if she can actually see anything in the dark, telling the woman from the night. The direction is mostly right. "You better hurry. The destination will match whoever sprayed it, or until it gives up."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods, "That's the plan." She then looks at Zee, offering her a hand, "I can get us moving faster, unless you were planning to swoosh after him with magic." She sounds faintly amused, despite the gravity of the situation... or maybe just the fact that she's going to use a bright orange-red mamba to find the killer.

Not exactly something they teach at West Point, let alone the Batcave.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Because a bright vermillion streak of paint really isn't an ideal tracking mechanism by most standards. Of course there are others: GPS, tracking phones, the whole nine yards of technology. Instead... hiss, hiss, the paint running along the ground. At least it's not something that a local thug is gonna try to shoot.

OK, given two rounds go off, shoot /much/. The paint snake keeps wiggling to another building.

Zee flexes her hands and then offers them up. "I'm starting to get the impression zipline is the way to travel. You onto something I don't know about?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman grins and takes the offered hands, drawing Zee close with fairly impressive strength. Nothing superhuman, but she definitely does work out a bit as she says, "We might have to compare notes sometime." Her ruby lips curve into a wry grin, as she fires the grappling line, and then the pair of them are off after the snake.

As they whip through the air to get to the nearest roof, Batwoman actually laughs, talking with a bit more normal of voice, "Safest way to travel the Narrows, Zatanna." With that, the chase begins, as Batwoman guides the pair along the rooftops, taking hold of Zee for occasional zipline trips across buildings when necessary while following the snake below.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Nothing superhuman but then, Zee doesn't require an unnatural physique to throw around. She also happens to know how to hold onto things quite well, balancing with wicked care. No need to displace the weight on the line and send them both smashing into one of the area's many destroyed buildings. Wouldn't that just be the pits?

"We probably do. Though I'm pleased to take 'trouble' for $600, Alex." The wind steals the words from her lips until Batwoman lands them, much more capable at dropping neatly and redirecting than the magician is. She's bound to wrap an arm protectively around the cowled woman's neck, but not too tight. "I think you just like the wind in your face. We don't have our flying motorcycles or cars, so this is the next best thing. Ooh, deal on that roof, not smart at all." She could say something but doesn't, other than pointing out the trio handing over wrapped sachets in return for a cheap case of cash, a thug with a gun pointed at both.

The snake twists and turns, and finally splashes into a lurid mark around a window. Since the window's closed, all it can do is literally wiggle around on the pane of glass. "There's our destination."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods, "I see them..." She grins at Zee, "Yeah, well, beats dealing on the streets. Here, one second." She then sets Zee down, then tosses her a wink through her cowl. "Just need to tidy up the trash."

With that, she leaps silently across towards the roof in question, coming up silently behind the thug and slamming her forearm into the back of his head, sending him sprawling. Then she launches herself at the remaining two, making very short work of them both.

That done, she leaves them ziplined and tied up for the Gotham PD to find, since she called their dispatcher, reuniting with Zee as the snake wiggles on the window. "And... that's our destination, then? Do we break in or just use the door?" Her lips curl in a bit of a smile, as she looks perfectly at ease from what she likely considers a "light workout."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A darkened swish of brick and glass, if there's even glass to be had, resolves into a brilliant little spark of colour and light. Zatanna combs her hair back from her face, pushing it away. Everything windblown gets straightened up a little because she's that sort of girl, giving a sharp, quick look at the window while Batwoman destroys the remnants of naughty people doing naughty things as she looks the other way. Verifiably unaware, officer, not about to help with the vigilante justice system getting in trouble.

The building the snake found looks like others, probably half-buried in shadow, drowned by refuse, squalid and stinking of filth outside. It's not much to see inside, but cheap, ruled by slumlords, probably abandoned. "I'd say so. This is where the last of those marks are, and I don't need to know verses to know the smell of the infernal. I need to start carrying perfume. Or those scented hankies everyone had way back when."

The door is a heavy, busted metal fire door on the side, ill-fitted. The front is wood, scarred, bolted. The residents aren't really dealing with fancy things. "We can't just stay out here, but opening the window means you get a good view of what's inside. And I get a good view of covering your back. Or is it the other way around?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman smiles, "I like the idea of that." She chuckles and could crash through the window, but why raise a racket? Instead she jimmies the window open for that poor snake, letting him get inside to where he can slither best.

"Smell of the infernal? Considering this killer has a definite fixation with the Crime Bible... wish I could say I was surprised." She hrms, and gives Zee an appreciative glance, "Glad you're with me too."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Well, the snake is more a dripping puddle of paint unable to do more than decorate a windowsill. Chances are good no one would enjoy spilling over the vibrant orange-red spraypaint and Zee has a monochrome look to worry about. She pats the stone in thanks, and then keeps watch while Batwoman works on establishing a point of ingress. It's not an idle one, her eyes flitting from rooftop to alleyway to window, expecting some of the jealously cruel locals to take umbrage.

"Got movement on the fourth floor across the street, watching through the curtains," she asides, leaning back. "Make this quick and make it believable. When you go through, make a somewhat believable pass. It beats piquing their interest that we're burning, robbing or murdering."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman straightens as she opens the window, using her back to lift as she then turns to look at Zee, "Oh baby, you have the weirdest kinks." Just in case someone is listening, as she suddenly pulls Zee close, giving her a pretty firm kiss on the lips. Then she pulls away, placing a finger on her lips, "Now shush, private time love." A wink from beneath the cowl, then she turns and slips into the window, glancing around cautiously to find the mamba in question since it could get into the building...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Yes, intelligence, circumstantial situations, and brooding bats," Zee deadpans as she leans hard against the building. The windowsill supports her side, though the casual, languid pose is just enough to look sirenic, not wanton. Dark eyes peer through the fringe of her bangs, measuring the building across the street and one removed for the further signs of movement. Nothing like a handgun being pointed her way, and she can't see. On the other hand, seeing Batwoman wiggle her bum through an open window via scope could be worth the price of admission and she's nothing if not a consummate show-woman.

"And here we-- oh!"

Oh for the press of those red, red lips and their unsmearable lipstick to Batwoman's mouth and up she presses both hands to the sill, exerting enough force with a jump to pop herself up there and be pulled through as need be.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman grins and pulls Zee in after her, chuckling softly, "Sorry about that, Zatanna. But normally I don't have a partner asking me to make a pass at them." She doesn't sound /too/ sorry, though, as she looks around.

"Looks like your snake went this way..." She grins at Zee, making her way along as well... normally she doesn't get a chance to mix business and pleasure, but well, sometimes you gotta carpe that diem.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Fold in half, swivel, drop. The window bangs shut noisily and the sound radiate sup the building once Zee is in, but she crouches low to see that vermillion splotch that was once graffiti and then a snake still intact. "I hate this neighbourhood. Not its fault, but you can never walk here without feeling a few targets on your back." A wave of her hand instills that air of confidence even as her lips are licked spontaneously, tasted. "Good job. Sorry to put you on the spot but better a show than a Beretta going off."

She looks around the room, which is about as squalid as the rest of the Narrows, barely furnished, thick with trash. "You have any leads on who might be targeted?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman tilts her head, "Hold on, pulling some records... ah, yeah, here we go. Looks like we have a recent release from Arkham on the fourth floor. Gerald Samiel. Budget cuts caused him to get sprung, he didn't have a history of violence, but he did have an obsession with the occult, according to his therapist sessions." She apparently has some sort of data feed happening for her, as she then looks at Zee.

"Sounds like the kind of person that would be involved with the Crime Bible, honestly." She gestures for Zee to come along, making her way to the apartment in question, then crouches down to check the lock.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Pulling records? Scary thoughts there. Zee slides around the periphery of the room, and the lowlight conditions of the evening give their challenges. Not much light gets through the windows, causing her to choose her path carefully to avoid tripping over a cord. Or several cords. Or possibly /all/ the cords. They probably aren't many, but enough to make for a hazard.

Some Bats get all the luck. She slides along and watches Batwoman's back, not that they have any signs of movement here. "Samiel. That's a desert wind, a harsh one. Not likely his real name,and I doubt it's accidental either. Coming out of Arkham, and he's obsessive about forces he shouldn't meddle in." Her mouth twists in response, and she deadpans, "You don't say."

The apartment door is secured by a chain, the old style, and a cheap lock. No one invests in anything quality in the Narrows, mostly because there isn't any here.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman frowns, "Well, the old fashioned way then." She noticed the chain, and just shoulder-blocks the door open with a sudden burst of speed. The door swings open at that with a rather surprising bang...

... and that's when Gerald blinks, looking up as he has a bound victim on the couch. She looks absolutely terrified, dressed as a waitress for the Gunga Diner in the neighborhood as she must have had the bad fortune of having that birthday of significance. Gerald is also holding a knife, nothing arcane about it, as he points it towards Batwoman, "YOU! THE CHOSEN ONE! CAIN HAS FAVORED ME NOW!" He grins, "Your death will bring the beginning of the Chosen Reign! It is WRITTEN!" With that, he moves at Batwoman with surprising speed, looking to stab her before she can react.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
So much for breaking in. The snap of the chain, the crack of the door, resonate through the slummy apartment ruled by degrees of ruin. It honestly sucks to be here, the stench of human sweat and smoke mixing with oil and faulty pipes. The sort of place that *stinks*, that just resonates in castoff lives and utter despair.

John Constantine's stomping grounds more than hers, but Zatanna isn't some girl hiding in the dark, waiting for Batwoman to sweep through and fix problems. The Crime Bible is ugly enough without it being in some maniac's hands, and it is very much her problem.

Gerald's victim is some poor girl not consenting to this. The redhead bombing through just as much lies at risk. Quick assessment and the words come snappily, practiced day in and day out since a child in some variation: "edalB ot atsap!"

She *is* Italian, Catholic at that, and of course it can be trusted that a knife turned into spaghetti or rotini really isn't going to present very much of a threat.

Kate Kane has posed:
Gerald brings the knife down at Kate's heart, and it would almost have been something brutal... except Zatanna quickly turned it into a spaghetti noodle, that cracks against the armor of Batwoman's suit. Then Batwoman backhands him, snarling, "SIT DOWN." She /really/ doesn't like the fact that Gerald abducted a woman, presumably for another ritual sacrifice.

She then looks at Gerald, "WHO PUT YOU UP TO THIS?" She's definitely in full Bat mode right now, eyes narrowed as she looms over him, invoking the Fury of the Bat in a way that would make Bruce proud, no doubt.

Gerald coughs up blood, then laughs, "You can't stop fate... it's coming for you... and the new dawn will come haHAHAhaHAHAHAHAHA!" He breaks up laughing maniacally, as well... he probably needs to head straight back to Arkham. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

And Batwoman... looks actually a bit unnerved.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Spaghetti just like that. Not the most dramatic of effects, but certainly about as effective as one could ask for in combat. Zatanna rushes past the dueling pair, certainly aware of the dangers she might get locked up into. Batwoman's kevlar and armour plating are more than sufficient to stand up to him, and a few quick words might be enough to clear out any dangers. She drops to her knees beside the woman on the couch, rapidly checking what kinds of bonds are involved. Ropes, zip ties, handcuffs? All of the above? Familiar enough on how to remove with alacrity.

"Stay with me," she tells the poor bound waitress. "We'll get you out of this, and she has the criminal. Stay still, you'll just tighten everything up if you fight." The cackling man coughing up blood is the second concern, and she flicks a look to Gerald, then up to Batwoman. Concern wars on her features. ".peelS, nam!" The invocation of slumber isn't one levelled happily, but the marionette strings fall and the man possibly choking himself on gurgling and mania crashes unconscious. The Sandman doth arrive.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman takes a deep breath, "Thanks." She then looks around, searching for any other signs of... well, anything here.

The waitress was just duct taped with her wrists behind her back, as well as duct tape binding her ankles and gagging her. Once the gag is removed, she gasps, "Thank you... geez, that maniac was gonna..." She shudders, "He said I would be the fourth, and then the darkness would come or some crazy shit. Fucking lunatics. I gotta move to Metropolis." With that, she breaks down sobbing, obviously traumatized by the experience.

Which is when Batwoman comes back, "No sign of the Crime Bible here... but then again, it's unknown for people like this to act alone, like they're getting some sort of... instructions, or some weirdness." She frowns, looking down at Gerald, still looking discomforted, "I also radioed the police, they'll be here shortly. Once they pull up, we can slip out." Her lips curve in a faint smile, "Care to woosh us out?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You'll want to save that statement for the police. I promise, they will take serial killers like this seriously." Oh, yes they will. Even if she has to chant at them, Zatanna doesn't take that lightly. She tears the duct tape out of the way, bit by bit, carefully peeling it from the woman's skin so as to avoid any damage being done. "Shh, it's going to be all right. Let's get you out of here and to a hospital."

The place is a hole, stained, dark and awful with its dreams. She's finishing up at Batwoman's returns. "Knowing how fast the cops get /here/... faster if I send her to them. I can't leave her alone until we see the lights flashing, just to be sure." Her expression is set, hard lines on that, Gerlad unconscious and bound to remain so for a time. "You're right, he wouldn't be free and working alone. Too coincidental."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods, "Exactly my plan, Zatanna." She places a hand on Zee's shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. "We really should meet in nicer places, though." She smiles faintly, despite it all, then crouches down to look at the waitress, looking at her name tag, "Abby... it's going to be alright. He's going away, and this time he's not coming back. And... here." She slips the waitress a card, "Call this number. They'll see what they can do to help you out, okay? And they can handle relocations."

After a few minutes, the familiar flashing lights of police cars can be seen from the windows, as there's the thundering steps of police up the stairs. As they enter the apartment, guns drawn, they lower them in confusion at the sight of Zatanna and Batwoman, standing together as Zatanna smiles and says, "ekaT su yawa!" With that, the pair *pop* out of the room, leaving the police there with the unconscious serial killer and the waitress.