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Latest revision as of 21:53, 17 August 2020

Not The Friendliest of Reunions
Date of Scene: 17 August 2020
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Oliver Queen and Slade Wilson enjoy a tense conversation.
Cast of Characters: Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade Wilson finds himself wiling away another afternoon at the Hellfire Club. Job offers haven't exactly slowed down, but few, if any, have been jobs he's willing to take. Some are trying to lowball him "If Bullseye will work cheaper, then get Bullseye." Some present no challenge or nothing of real interest, and mostly, Slade is in a spot where he can afford to be picky about what work he takes on. He's hardly living illicit paycheck to illicit paycheck.

Hence, the opulent surroundings of the Hellfire Club's VIP Lounge, where yet again Slade is sipping from an iced tumbler of dark liquor, while reading from an electronic tablet (this year's LexPro model, if one is picky about their electronics). If anyone were to look over his shoulder it's really just perusing various newsfeeds.

Oliver Queen has posed:
It's not often that Oliver Queen finds himself walking the hallways of the Hellfire Club. The occasional social visit to justify his VIP status, the legacy of his father along with a social gathering that peaks his fancy. His persona -does- have a need to be out there, to be known, all part of that mask he wears to hide who he really is. Green Arrow.

This place also brought up memories of a past that he'd more than willing to forget if he could, of that uncaring spoiled youth, a meaningless life if he had not been dropped in Lian Yu all those years ago. So it was no surprise that he hadn't come across Slade during his visits at the place. Perhaps for the better too.

He was dressed in a tux, being led to the room by one of the VIP hostesses. A smile given and then a look around the room. He -is- searching. For someone? Something? But that much can be perceived.. What he finds isn't exactly what he is looking for.. A blast from the past, more memories that should had stayed buried.

Yet there is no avoiding it, his steps already making way towards Slade. If there was one thing he had learned was to never turn his back from confronting his demons.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Contrary to some of his reputation, Slade does not actually have eyes in the back of his head. He does, however, hear the approaching footsteps as Ollie draws near, and when they get close enough that it's clear he's being approached, Slade glances over his shoulder. His expression is pure stone for a moment, before his head cants with just the barest hint of curiosity.

"Oliver. It's been a while." He gestures to one of the other seats at the table, "Feel free, if you like." He certainly doesn't seem particularly sore about a certain lost contract, but well...that was a long time ago, and all things considered...it may have been a fair trade.

"Dare I inquire as to what brings you by?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Stone meets stone. In where expressions are concerned at least. Blue eyes fix on the lines of the man's face. They are both older. Different. How different though? That's anyone's guess. "Slade." He says in a mix of greeting and acknowledgement. A moment is given to consider the invitation, perhaps different from the hotheaded boy Slade met all those years back who would had immediately refused with some sneering comment.

Instead he replies. "I won't like it, but I shall." His steps bringing him over to settle across from Slade, opening the lower button of his jacket.

Is he still sore about being dropped in another island along with the death of his father? Most likely. But time does change a man's perspective.

"You are perhaps the last person I would be expecting to find here, but I knew this would happen one day." Slade's reputation does precede him afterall. As for his reason to be here. "Remembering old times, seeking new ones. This place has changed a lot from when I used to come here when younger." doesn't really seem as if he's telling the whole truth though.

"And you? I don't imagine you to be retired by now." eyes stray to the man's drink.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade almost seems...surprised. It's a bare flicker of it, and a younger Ollie probably wouldn't even have caught it. But that Ollie was a boy compared to the man seated across from Slade now.

"Business has been good enough. Never a shortage of demand for someone of my talents." He replies casually enough. "But I'm a member of the Board here, now. Helping to oversee security arrangements and the like. So you might find me around more often, though I won't take offense if that's not a comfort to you. We hardly parted on pleasant terms, and what meetings we've had since have rarely been on the same side."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The mention of talents makes Oliver lift a brow, and perhaps an answer too. Perhaps it was but wishful thinking about the man being out of the business. "Yes, you are not the type to ever fail a contract, are you?" Ok, fine. Maybe there's still resentment. He did love his father afterall even if his death, ironically, was the turning wheel that made him become the man he is today.

The news of Slade being a member of the board brings a mmmm from Ollie. "How the world turns, my father used to be a member too." but then a pause, he gesturing to one of the VIP hostesses. "One like the gentleman here is drinking." he pointing to Slade's drink before his attention is fully back on him.

"It's been too many years for me to be uncomfortable about being on the same room as you." He says, "And hardly pleasant was not how I'd describe our parting of ways. Yet I believe people can change." even if his tone doesn't seem to show he believes it where it comes to Slade. "We are talking now though, so for tonight it does appear we are on the same side. Even if tomorrow may be completely different.."

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Maybe we are. You were far from the worst partner I ever worked with, even if you were a pain in the ass at the start." There's a trace of humor in Slade's expression at that. "And you had real talent for the work." Slade sips from his drink, and adds, "And now I've seen you're not the only one in the family with that aptitude."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Courtesy where courtesy is due. Oliver nods slowly, replying. "You knew your business." for the better and for the worse. Some measure of amusement seems to reach his expression too. "A bit late to start working on your recruitment pitch, don't you think?" this said after Slade mentions he had real talent for it. To be a killer? A mercenary? Can't say it wasn't on his mind when he returned after all those years. But life led him to a life of heroics eventually...

.. And he is almost comfortable, perhaps *close* to prepared to start considering getting through what happened. Let the past stay in the past until.. "What do you mean by that?" the slight narrowing of his eyes, the drink ignored when it's brought to his table. Only that intense stare on Slade.

Slade Wilson has posed:
"I've met your sister. Entirely by accident, I might add. Here at the Club." Slade sips from his drink, "Relax, Ollie. I give you my word I have no ill will towards her, and you should know me well enough to know that counts for something." He sets the glass down on the table. "We had a perfectly pleasant conversation or two. Then I ran across her on a job. Had to take her down, but I made sure there was no permanent damage."

Slade cants his head, not bothering to hide his curiosity now, "The strange thing was, Ollie...she had no idea who I was. I didn't hide my name, but she was as civil as could be. Not even a mote of simmering resentment. Which led me to conclude...you haven't told her what happened on Lian Yu."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Ollie reaches for his glass, taking a long drink from it while he listens.. And the more he listens the more he seems to radiate all those feelings of the past, tempered with the experience of years. A cold-burning anger. "And all by accident..." as if he didn't believe at all in coincidences.

He leans forward on his seat, resting an elbow on the table, "I did not." no point in denying it. "Why so? Is it something that makes you proud? Of what happened in that island?" he gestures with one hand. But then he stops pretending.

"Where is my sister?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade frowns, shaking his head slightly, "Keeping secrets from my family is what cost me my eye...and my family...Oliver. You don't want to tread down my path. And you know damn well I was never proud of what happened with your father. Not then, and not now, but if I hadn't done it there would have been at least two corpses to bury instead of just one, you damn well know it."

The next question garners a puzzled stare, "I haven't the faintest idea where your sister is, Oliver. The last time I saw her she was in that warehouse she's converting into a nightclub. Right after I told her the truth." There's a brief pause before he adds, "Physically, she was perfectly fine." Emotionally? Not so much.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"We are not the same." Oliver replies through gritted teeth. "And you do not get to mess with my family." even if deep down he is quite aware of the truth. But logic and family does not compute. And well.., the Queen family has always had a flair for the drama. He gets up to his feet, finishing his drink in one swift gulp. And with another proof that he no longer is that boy there is no throwing of that glass at Slade, or any other aggressive motion. His composure slowly starts to return.

"It was not your right to tell her anything, and damn right you shouldn't be proud about my father." his voice low, simmering still.

Of course that nothing further is said about his sister, even if it's understood she isn't exactly .., around. He begins to walk away.

"We are not done."

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade watches the display impassively, at least not looking smug about it, and even though he well feels that it was as much his right to tell the story as anyone, he doesn't speak it. Instead, there's a slow, rueful grin, and only a quiet admonition:

"Nothing's ever over until someone is dead. But you always were a slow learner when it came to some things."

He watches Oliver go, and then turns back to his drink, lifting the tablet as though they'd just had a pleasant conversation about the weather. But the wheels turn in Slade's mind...Oliver Queen is a stubborn man, occasionally admirably so...but now Deathstroke will have to be ready for a confrontation.