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Latest revision as of 15:05, 18 August 2020

Please sir, may I train with Loki
Date of Scene: 18 August 2020
Location: Near the Ice Palace in Manhattan.
Synopsis: NO!
Cast of Characters: Nessa Donovan, Thor

Nessa Donovan has posed:
With the aftermath of the ice incident at the elementary school being handled by the authorities, Nessa's left to her own devices. With no immediate danger of anything else happening, she takes the opportunity to carefully tug her gloves back on when she notes that not everyone had immediately left. Her gaze slides to Thor, her pace casual as she makes her way over while adjusting her gloves.

"Thor?" There's a pause as Nessa briefly isn't sure if she can be calling him /just/ Thor. "... do you mind if I ask you a few questions? It's not an interview or..." She takes a minute to gather her thoughts. "It's just some questions about something you're probably the most qualified to answer."

Thor has posed:
    The Asgardian had been standing there, speaking quietly with one of the medical technicians who had tended to the fallen apprentice. From a distance he was nodding at times, listening to the dark-skinned man speak. He frowned as he listened to whatever prognosis was given, arms folded over his broad chest as he took a deep breath then said something quietly to the man.
    It was when the medic was departing, slipping away to tend to his charge that she had her moment with Thor now otherwise unoccupied and his attention distant, gaze thoughtful. She lifts her voice and names him, which turns his attention to her.
    "Ah, the sorcerer. Well met. Indeed, ask what you would. My time is not pressing." And as he says that he extends a hand to the side and from where he had left Mjolnir resting upon a nearby bench seat, the hammer leaps across the distance and into his hand with a faint /whum/. Then he hangs it from his hip by the loop.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's a moment where Nessa's distracted by Mjolnir, mostly because she's never gotten to see it up close. She's not exactly one for being star struck, but she certainly is at least interested in seeing the truth to stories and things she's heard. "Yes, I'm Nessa, no need to call me sorcerer or anything, I'm not really so grand. I just cook at a diner." She looks at her gloved hands, then back up.

"Okay, so... I'll just get to it then. I was hoping we could talk about your brother?" She's not sure of the reaction she'll get, so she continues quickly. "You're close to him and so you actually /know/ him. Most people just know stories and they aren't always the whole truth to someone."

Thor has posed:
    Up close to Thor and the man is perhaps not entirely as one would imagine from all the tales spoken. He's tall, but not insurmountably so. And he is built powerfully, but in this age of wild mutation and alien physiology he does not exceed expectations. Yet he is handsome all the same, with that trimmed beard and those curious blue eyes that rest fully upon her now, giving her his full attention.
    Though the armor and the hammer, they definitely do seem somewhat otherworldly. With the way the small metal plates and scales hug the contours of the warrior's form, and the breeks and tunic hang just so in the most perfect manner. Not even to mention the way Mjolnir seems to radiate a subdued power that's like the threat of a torrent behind a storm cloud. Taken as a whole... perhaps one can see where the tales come from.
    "Nessa then." He settles on her name, nodding along with her words. "What would you know of Loki? Or rather what would you wish that has not already been considered at length by the people of Midgard?" Considering that the name of Loki is not one viewed... fondly in Manhattan.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa's expression turns to one of seriousness, mostly because she finds it important that he know this isn't some elaborate joke. "I've met him before this incident." She pauses. "He's given me useful information in all this ice stuff that, as it turns out, has proven to be true. He didn't have to do this and I'm certain he has his own reasons for doing it, but he did."

The next pause is a lot longer, perhaps because it requires more thought or perhaps some kind of internal courage. "He also helped me with my magic. I had mentioned what I would ask a teacher to teach me, and he did. Somehow, he finds enough value in whatever he would get out of it to bother with a lesson. You know him best, more than just the stories that make him out to be something of a monster." She does smile after a moment. "He's certainly dangerous. A little terrifying for someone like me, really, and powerful." This pause is a shorter one. "How exactly would I get him to teach me?"

Thor has posed:
    At first she can see the reluctance in Thor's eyes, it's there in the way he furrows his brow to make them narrow subtly even though he likely means to not convey that subtle condemnation that is there. Yet he listens, giving a nod with some of her words as if accepting parts of them. For yes, perhaps she met him. And yes perhaps has has helped her.
    Then there's that pause and still Thor adds naught to interfere with her train of thought. Instead he watches steadily, unblinking for she has his full attention.
    And then she offers that question at the last and silence is her answer. At least for the first five seconds. Which then leads to him to answer, "You do not. Do not ask him, nor pursue him. And if he truly has no interest in teaching you, then count yourself lucky. For if he will teach you he will only do so to further his own goals and extract a price for you to pay in the future. And if he will teach you, then he will pursue you and perhaps lead you to believe it is your wish and your decision. But know it is not."
    He holds up a hand as if to stay any objection then says levelly. "This is my answer to your question. Is there aught else?" And despite his reputation of someone kind and polite, it seems she may have stumbled upon the topic that ill suits him.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I don't expect him to not want something in return," Nessa explains. "Tales always have some element of truth to them, and I've seen his whims. I am aware of the danger." There's a bit of a furrowed brow there. "I need a teacher and he has taught. I suppose I just wanted some insight into /him/." She frowns, just slightly. "To explain, I'm not trying to befriend him. As you said, though if he wants to teach, he'll teach. I want to know what to expect. Some truth to the trickery, I suppose, because he does seem good at his tricks."

Thor has posed:
    The answer she gets is a simple, "Mmm." That is neither agreeing nor disagreeing as he looks at her. She did help in the battle, and she was of good use against the magicks that were cast here. So was his brother, to be fair. But this is another matter entire and he knows that Loki does not hold mortals in high esteem.
    Yet when she finishes speaking he continues to look at her steadily and he says simply, "Whom are you trying to convince? For 'tis not me."
    That said he starts to step away, walking along the melting ice on the path away from the palace and where the elementary school had been enveloped, his stride even but not too quick as to outpace her, perhaps the invitation for her to walk with him implicit.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I don't know you well enough to assume you'll take me at my word and not read into things." Nessa does take a moment where she's unsure if she should follow before she falls into step. "I'm trying to be clear what my attentions are even if I don't understand his or what he might gain out of this. I've spent a long time being confined by my powers, maybe even defined by them to a certain extent, and I want to be rid of that. I should at least be allowed the benefit of some kind of normal life."

There's some consideration as she walks. "He seems to be interested in at least passing on some knowledge my direction, so I have no reason to believe he won't in the future. So what drives him? Aside from amusement and vanity, pretty sure he's great at showing those sides of him."

Thor has posed:
    His footsteps are steady, boots crunching the ice and frost beneath each step. His brow is furrowed in thought and concentration as he listens to her speak, but on some level it might well not matter what she says. At least in regards to this topic.
    Stopping and turning to face her, "And were I to give you the name of another wizard? One which could assuredly help you with perhaps pointing you toward another tutor that would suffice? Would that be of worth to you?" Thor looks her up and down, apparently trying to reach some measure of judgement in regards to her. Yet whatever he has decided is not entirely clear. Not yet at the least.
    "Just if you pursue this matter it is not likely it will end well for you. Not immediately perhaps, not for perhaps many years. That may be a trade you may well be capable of living with. Yet what is it you seek here?"
    His head lifts, "Permission? I am not your lord, you owe me no fealty." Then his eyebrows rise as well, "Advice. I have given it."
    Then finally, "Absolution? Never."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Yes, I would certainly love the name of another who could teach me. That's what I've /been/ looking for this entire time," Nessa's voice is a little less pleasant than her cheerful tone from before. "But you already said it's not my choice. It's /his/ choice. I don't control him. He does what he wants. I want to learn more, that's my goal, but he's the one who decides that."

She folds her arms over her chest. "I just wanted to talk to someone who wouldn't give me some bullshit about who he is or what he does or what he's like. Someone who actually has some kind of legitimate understanding of the situation so I can make sure I get out of this as well as I can, okay? If you can't do it, fine, I'll just have to figure it out myself. I've been doing everything on my own this far anyways."

Thor has posed:
    A harumph is heard as Thor pauses and peers at her, "There is a man known as Stephen Strange, at 177 Bleecker Street. If he wishes to meet with you then he will and his home will be open to you. But if not then you may be on your own." He folds his arms again and looks down at her, gaze narrowing.
    "He is capable of withstanding Loki, even challenging him. So if you seek training by his hand or another of his appointment, then you likely will enjoy some measure of protection or grant my brother a moment's trepidation. That is likely your best option."
    Then, after a moment his expression softens. "I hope that naught ill comes of this. And if you fear for your life from my brother then find me and I will speak with him."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"The good Doctor and I have met. I assisted him and others with a rather dangerous incident. I'm certain that if I needed his help or those he knows, I could ask. I am also fairly certain the Sorcerer Supreme has better things to do than teach me. He's a bit busy. Loki's at least /bored/ enough to." Nessa looks down for a moment before she lets out a sigh.

"He's powerful enough to kill me, if he wanted," she points out. "I'm not worried about my life. That's not what I was asking." She sucks in a deep breath. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Thor. I hope that if any further incidents with this whole ice situation crop up, you'll consider helping."

Thor has posed:
    "Of course," Thor says as he stands there, hands upon his hips and his stride easing. She has given him her words of departure, so he halts his stride to make it easier for her to choose her course and so take her leave of him. But as for further advice or words of wisdom? None are offered.