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Latest revision as of 15:07, 18 August 2020

Glitter and Glamour (oh come on, you knew it was gonna get used eventually)
Date of Scene: 15 August 2020
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Glamour intervenes in a food cart dispute. It goes ... about as well as you'd expect.
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Nessa Donovan, Thea Queen

Glamour has posed:
Glamour doesn't sleep. Good thing the city doesn't iether.

The bored, wee little fairy patrols frequently enough. With Clea having become indisposed, she'd left her domicile and had been on the move ever since. Despite how easy some superheroes makie it look, wandering the city and looking for trouble is an extremely ineffective way of fighting 'crime'. It's not like criminals usually stand on street corners with pink mohawks and switchblades to menace old ladies like some 80s era dystopain science fiction movies about robot cops or something.

This is why Glamour is bored.

/So bored/.

...which is a problem for when something --anything actually -- happens that might draw her attention. She immediately flings herself into the middle of the problem, which in this case is a squabble between a pair of food truck owners over who gets this corner for the morning rush. The pair of them are getting beliggerant and aggravated, their voices rising.

SOUNDS LIKE TROUBLE to a bored fairy, and obviously, after assessing them, jumped into the middle of it.

"Hi! What seems to be the trouble?"

It's the sudden *break* in the argument that might've caught Thea's attention. It's a common enough thing, but the sudden slack jawed reaction at a six foot tall fairy-girl appearing out of nowhere to talk to them is absolutely a thing.

And Nessa, well...

...Glamour is a whole lotta magic, and is channeling a whole bunch of it just to be human-sized right now. It's the kkind of thing that makes, say, a user of magics thumbs feeling like they're being pricked or something. Fortunately, she's not wicked.

... usually.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa doesn't patrol. She doesn't look for trouble or crimes to fight or opportunities to save the day. She's already found trouble, and a lot of her time lately has been sleeplessly trying to figure out how to keep the city from being eaten by something and to better control the abilities she does have. So a patrol is the last thing she needs. But there is something she's keeping an eye out for, and that's magic.

It's not hard for her to feel it when she's looking for it, and Nessa's been trying extra hard to look for anything that feels like it could be a place of power or an object that might be sought after. So while she's not looking for the squabble, what she's looking for is the strong pull of magic. She tugs on the cuffs of her gloves to make sure her skin is covered, deciding it's better to keep them on for now as she makes her way a little closer towards Glamour, her brow furrowed. She's not entirely sure what she's found.

Thea Queen has posed:
Off the train from Penn Station.. and all along the way, Thea's keeping to herself. She stares at the world with glassy blue eyes, muttering softly to herself .. things. Nonsensical things, no doubt. It's not hard to be alone on the trip; people will give her a little bit of space as the signs are all there.

Just another junkie coming into the City for a better high.

Once she's on the streets, Thea's not entirely certain which direction to go. North, south.. east or.. well, west'll bring her closer to the water.. but she strikes out for.. somewhere.

Normally, Thea would have her bearings, but her feet do take her to places where she really, really shouldn't be. At all. Catcalls, propositions bordering on indecent are made, but she can actually defend herself, even in her state. It's in her walk, staggered though it may be as she comes up and around a corner to see...



Thea stares for a long moment, trying to take in the fact there's a giant.. *fairy* getting in the middle of a loud food truck fight. All she wants is one of those pretzels..

Glamour has posed:
She certainkly looks like a fairy! Long blonde hair! A voice that's sonorous and like bells! Her clothes are actually kinda... spandexy. he is surrounded in sparkles and glitter and dust fluffs off her wings when they move! And htey do move, lazily fanning the air around her with all four of them.

"I mean, let's come to a peaceful solution! You can have the corner, like, today, and he can have it tomorrow?"

The two oft hem are still staring at her. They're dumbfounded. Sure, New York is weird, but a FAIRY? COME ON.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The conversation is an amusing one the closer Nessa gets to the 'fight'. "You could always combine forces, get a bigger cart, do some 'fusion' cuisine, that's pretty popular these days," she notes with amusement. Half of her is taking it seriously at least. The other half of her is /staring at a fairy/. "So, uh, did you get lost on the way to a birthday party or is this some new fashion trend that I am absolutely not jumping on board with?"

She does keep her space, though, not crowding anyone. She may be working on control for her magic, but sometimes reflexes and caution win out. She can't help it.

Thea Queen has posed:

Giant fairy.

Giant fairy with wings and glitter.

Her stuff must be laced, but Thea's not thinking very clearly either, so giant fairies breaking up fights between hot dogs, falafels and pretzel guys really isn't so strange. So, the youngest of Queens actually interjects, "Right now, all I want is a pretzel. No salt. Mustard."

Stares.. one of the vendors just manages to tear his attention from the FAIRY and the interloper long enough to look at the waif-like Thea. He doesn't grace her with an answer, however before,

"I was on this spot. My father an' my father's father was here. You're full of //crap// if you think for a minute that I'm gonna just pack it an' leave 'cause some winged-ass chick says so."

Glamour has posed:
Fairy with wihngs and glitter, yes, and wearing what appears to be a spandex superhero costume on top of that.

"Oooiiii, take it easy! I'm trying to help! I suggested sharing because that's something adults are supposed to do! Oi, you! What's your story?"

"It's the best spot," argues the other vendor, shooting a dirty look, "and this son of a bitch hogs it every day and claims his dad used it. I say bullshit! He just wants the spot because it's the best spot! Asshole! Your dad didn't ow na food truck! He worked in the supermarket!"

The fairy puts her hands up, disarmingly, "Okay, look. I'm really not in the mood for a 'one speaks oinly lies and the othber speaks oinly truth' riddles. Those suck. How about you settle your dispute like adults and I don't, I don't know, curse one of you with spiders or something because I got bored."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Don't care what he says, I'm never going to be Ice Bunny," Nessa mutters under her breath, eyeing the fairy, glitter and all. She rests a hand on her hip, not really interrupting because they both have legitimate points. The mention of spider curses does get her attention, and she looks intently towards the fairy.

"Be careful with that spider-cursing thing, that's not exactly something to do willy nilly."

Thea Queen has posed:
"Just give me my damned pretzel," Thea looks like she's ready to square up with one of the vendors. Little thing versus a seasoned New York vendor? Out of all of them, it looks like she's the one that is willing to do violence first.

The one that had given her that brief stare down pulls a pretzel down, puts it in a paper, squeezes brown mustard on it and shoves it at her. "Three bucks." He looks back at the threatening fairy (spiders?!) and the other guy before, "Where do ya think he got his stuff to sell? Upstate?"

Thea digs into her pocket and pulls out a few bills, and exhanges them for her pretzel. From there, she backs up to watch what could be glitter-fied fireworks. No one would believe her anyway.

It's in the backing, however, that she almost stumbles into Nessa. It must be dark or something, because she hadn't noticed the other woman before. There's a softly mumbled, 'Sorry' before she catches the fact that there's warning //against// spider cursing?

Thea isn't magical, never was, never will be. It's something read about in the papers, see on television, and on the streets, it starts as a 'no stuff, there I was' sort of story.

"Spiders? Really?"

Glamour has posed:
"Sure, why not spiders? I could curse them BOTH with flatulence if they don't work something out and stop arguing, though. Hey, I'm not actually a fairy," she totally is, "but that doesn't mean I can't, you know, do stuff! I have powers!" She fangs her wings.

"I mean, obviously. Goes with theme. Or, you know, I could just get glitter ALL OVER both your trucks and you'd never live it down. So come to terms, you two. I don't have all day!" She looks thoughtful. It's more like... fifteen minutes left. Nessa is turned towards, a hand raised in hre direction, "I mean, aside from the chance of 'killing it with fire' going wrong -- you've seen that video I'm sure -- I'm thinking that spider-curse isn't all THAT hamrful."

A pause.

"Unless they wind up like ... widows." She taps her chin once with a finger and glances back over that (nervous) vendors.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa reflexively puts her hands up to help Thea in case she loses her footing, and then also just as quickly pulls her hands away... just in case. Reflexes are a pain. Still, once she's sure that Thea's not going to lose her balance, she looks back over to the fairy in question. "Uh, well, I'm not telling you /not/ to do it, but I'm also telling you not to do it. Mostly cause it'd probably be a bit of a mess for other people. You're probably better off with flatulence. Less traumatic for those around them."

There's a long pause. "Unless they're illusions that only they can see... that'd work." She gives Thea a wink. Obviously they're not going to curse anyone. Obviously.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea is stabilized from her stumble, and turning around to thank the woman, it's pretty plain that the young woman is on //something//. Glassy eyes, and pupils that are probably larger than what would be normal for nighttime in the city. She's got her pretzel, though.. and she takes a bite of it as she steps to the side to watch as the scene gets.. stranger.

Nothing like playing with a mind!

"Spiders.. farts.." She knows what flatulence is, and breaks it down to baseline. The city's a strange place.

Illusionary spiders.. "Wish someone could make 'em real.." she murmurs, and with a unsteady turn, she begins to leave the gathering. She has her pretzel, and next on her list of 'to do'?

Find somewhere to sit down.. before she falls down.

Glamour has posed:
ANd then Thea is going and Glamour tilts her head. Did she miss something? Probably. Humans are so hard to read now.

There's a brief look of annoyed frustration that flickers across her face before she turns and points at one of the recalcitrant truckers. "Oi," she says, "You two! Knock it off!" There's a pulse of maqgic and then a scent. A rancid one.

"or I can *definitely* do the whole 'spiders AND flatuluence thing! No more arguing or making a scene. GOT IT?"

The food-cater men are left gagging.

Glamour snaps her fingers and a flicker of dust erupts from the gesture, a pulse of magic to Nessa's senses, and the odour is gone. "See? No problems here, gentlemen! Have a nice, peaceful day!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa watches Thea head off, a touch of concern in her eyes, but she doesn't pursue. Her head swivels to look at the fairy and the food carts, wrinkling her nose at the scent and covering her face before looking back towards the fairy herself. "So, uh, do you normally swoop in and just fairydust people to make them peaceful?"

There's a curious but also concerned look on her features. "Cause that's not what I expected to see when I noticed you over here. Not farts and fostering friendship."

Glamour has posed:
"...I mean, superhero! Goes with the territory. Works for that Spider-Guy! Wait, no, everyone hates him. Or ... you know, someone does." It's in one newspaper, after all.

Glamour shrugs her shoulders and qadds, "I'm not REALLY a fairy but I *AM* a hero."

She's totally a fairy, and as one can guess, she's not very good at the hero thing.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Being a superhero is a little overrated, unless you're into the whole marketing yourself and action figures. I'm pretty sure that what you did is kind of just an aggressive form of couples' therapy." Nessa tilts her head to the side as she observes the fairy. "You /are/ magic, though, and you do know how to use it. So why the big rush to be a hero? Most heroes don't have to tell people they're heros. They just are."

Glamour has posed:
"I mean, it's *also* a career choice," agrees Glamour, adding, "And pfft. It's not magic! It's all for show!" A stern look at Nessa. She may not pick up on human behavior too well any more but she can defintiely tell the girl knows what's what. "I keep the magic on the down low. Appreciate the cooperation," She taps the side of her head with two fingers at the temple.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Career choice... oof. I hate to tell you, but there's not much money in being a superhero unless you're someone like the Fantastic Four." Nessa glances towards Glamour. "Okay, please tell me that the name 'Ice Bunny' sounds like a ridiculous codename." She does nod, though, about the magic. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm not going to out you to anyone. You sort of already do just by being... well, you give off a bit of a vibe." She gestures in the fairy's general direction. "So be careful that someone who isn't like me doesn't come your way."