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(Ben swings by to drop of Mike's notebook)
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Latest revision as of 03:43, 21 August 2020

Entering the place where the music is made
Date of Scene: 21 August 2020
Location: Shaw Studios
Synopsis: Ben swings by to drop of Mike's notebook
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Ben Reilly

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The lobby of Shaw Studios is a peaceful place thanks to several factors. The building is set to keep sound where it needs to be, allowing for several session rooms to be run at the same time without interfering with each other. This has the added benefit of having a peaceful place to nap in the break area just behind a doorway off the lobby area which a certain musician is currently napping in.

Off in the main entryway a security guard stands. A pleasant looking sort, back to the wall, positioned to where he can see both the main entrance, the seats in the MAIN lobby area, the doorway to the break area, the main stairwell, and the hallway that leads to the session rooms. As for why he's smiling? Well. A coworker brought him coffee and he's guarding from inside the building instead of outside, where a bit of rain has started up.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Not long after, Ben Reilly enters with his hoodie filled with spots from the rain that has begun to fall. He walks through the entrance, whistling as he does so, and pulls out the notebook in question as he approaches the security guard. "Hello..."


Ben straightens, "Didn't expect there to be security...Place is swanky."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the door opening, Larry turns his head to survey the young man entering in, giving a nod of greeting to him. "Oh yes, Mr. Shaw does take the comfort and safety of his staff and clients very seriously." Larry agrees, seeming to like the compliment. But then again, not many people would want to hear derrogatory comments about where they choose to work if they're remotely happy about the place. "So how can we help you? Do you have an appointment or scheduling an audition? Or coming to fill out an application or get out of the rain?"

Hearing the conversation from the other room, Mike rolls to his side on his spot on the plush chair. Opening an eye, he tirely glances to the doorway but can't quite see what's going on.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Actually, none of the above really," Ben says as he tilts his head. "You see, a couple of nights ago I was at a coffee diner with Mike Hannigan and he left his notebook. I caught up with him two nights ago, but didn't have it with me at the time so I told him I'd meet him here."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Larry blinks, seemingly not expecting that one. He gives a nod before lifting up his voice, "Mike? You hear that?!"

Explanation helping to place the voice, he swings out a foot from the sofa, awkwardly placing it on the floor. "Yeah." He calls out, "I heard. You can let him in to the break area. I'm getting up."

The other foot swings to the floor before he pushes himself up.

Instruction given, Larry smiles to Ben before gesturing towards the open doorway.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Lawrence," Ben says as he skips forward. "It's been a pleasure, my man."

The young man sashes past the doorway and keeps walking, not really knowing for sure where he's going. Mike must be close because he heard his voice, but where he's headed he's not quite sure.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Larry." Larry corrects, giving a slight frown. Hmmph. He turns back, sipping his coffee before spitting it back in his cup, "N- The doorway!"

Hearing the instructions, Mike starts to walk over to the open doorway. "Over here Ben. Room with the vending machines."

As Mike comes to the door it appears he's got a bit of a case of sofa head. The damage from the nap seems to be only slightly lessended by his lengthening hair being pulled back into a bit of a ponytail. Other than a lack of hat, his attire is mostly the same from the last time Ben saw him. Not necessarily the same shirt and pants, but still devoid of patterns. Still straight solid colors.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Yeah, that's what I said," Ben says over his shoulder. He saunters along towards the room in question.

Despite his jovial exterior, Ben looks a bit worse for wear as well. His head is taped together. Literally, he has some of that tape that people use instead of stitches that pulls together a nasty cut on his head. "Got the notebook man. Sorry for the wait."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Oh thanks," Mike replies, holding out a hand for it. Tone a bit eager as the mention of the notebook comes out again. As he waits, pale eyes take in the tape on Ben's forehead. The hand lowers slightly, "Ben, what happened to you?" The eager tone from earlier fades as he continues looking to the injury.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben shakes his head, "Oh, nothing much. Just fell a couple of days ago. Tripped. Totally unlucky sort of thing. Knocked me in the head." He shakes his head again. "It's healing alright, though."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Tripped." Mike repeats, giving a slow nod, "On your own? Doctor say anything?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Yeah, tripped. End of the curb and I was going too fast. That sort of thing. Freak accident," Ben replies. "Oh, he said just to rest and that it'll heal." Ben never saw the doctor.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The cut is stared at for a few more moments before Mike blinks shaking his head, "That looks prtty bad. How much did the doctor set you back just for some tape?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Oh it wasn't bad. I don't remember honestly. Wasn't much," Ben says with a shrug of his shoulders.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Free clinic then." Mike assumes, holding his hand back out for the notebook, "Well, ok just uh, be careful." He pauses, looking to his newly returned notebook, "And thanks for bringing bac, the notebook."

A hint of movement from Larry draws his attention to the guard sipping his coffee. Pale eyes look back over to Ben, "Have you eaten yet?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"No, not yet," Ben replies with a shrug of his shoulders. "You wanna go get a bite?" he asks. Not much else to do with himself other than: figure out what these powers are, figure out how to track down Spider-Man, and figure out how to stop these blackouts.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Ben takes the prompt, the side of Mike's mouth twists up to a half smile. "Yeah. I haven't eaten either. Saw a place that just opened up down the block I haven't tried yet. Up for a bit of an adventure?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Sure, sounds like a plan," Ben replies as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and allows Mike to take the lead and show him the way.